Road Runner (Original) (FizX 3.3)

SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Road Runner (Original) (FizX 3.3) 1.05

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Solid State Machines
Please click on the "Update" tab to read the description for the latest version 1.05

Road Runner is a great table created by the incredible table developer Roney Pinball. I decided I wanted to work on a simple table with a simple update so I chose Road Runner. It didn't take long; however, to determine that it was a bit more sophisticated than I thought. It has a flyer that explains a few things but not everything. I decided to write a set of rules since no one had ever posted them before now. I wrote quite a few rules that filled up both instruction cards on the apron but I was able to add everything I wanted.

I have added overlays that describe each of the parameters on the FizX tweaker. I provide directions on how to navigate the tweaker on the first screen that you see when the tweaker opens. All you need to remember is to press the Special 1 key to open the tweaker. If you want a longer description of the Reset to Default, Reset to StartUp, and Save functions, arrow down to the end of the parameters and you will find a detailed description of each. Unfortunately, the tweaker does not have enough save locations to add settings for the upper flippers. If you want to change the settings for the upper flippers, they can be changed in the script. You can, however, change the settings for the main flippers on the tweaker.

If you are not familiar with FizX, you might find the parameters on the tweaker intimidating. You will however be able to understand the option for "Bounce Choices". The option refers to the bounce of the ball off the flippers. The "Bounce Choices" option allows you to make selections that anyone can understand. For example, you can select "Low Bounce" or "Medium Bounce". I recommend you try making changes to this option. I have already made adjustments on the tweaker but everyone knows I like the flippers to have a very low bounce. From what I have seen, most folks like higher bounce.

I didn't add my usual lighting mod this time but I think you will like the lighting nevertheless. There are lots of options at the beginning of the script where you can change the lighting and other options.

Zip File – Must Read

There is a zip file included in the download. It contains the model of a ball with 1K polygons. Do not unzip the zip file. Just save it with the same name as the table and place it in the same folder as the table. If you don't use it, the physics won't be correct.

Table Loading Screen

There are two table-loading textures as listed below. The first landscape texture is the default and is intended to be used on desktop PCs. The portrait texture is intended to be used on pinball cabinets.



The entrance to the right wire ramp was rather problematic. The ball kept bouncing around the ramp entrance and not going down it. However, persistence paid off and I managed to get it to work. This table was otherwise a pleasure to work on. I hope you enjoy it.


List of Changes

1) Added ball/flipper shadows, ball configuration, and ray casting to the script.
2) Added FizX Lite 3.0.
3) Added the latest version of the FizX tweaker which includes a Flipper Bounce Choice option that combines the settings of 3 FizX parameters for each of the 9 bounce choices.
4) Added overlays to the tweaker that explain each of the FizX parameters.
5) Added a HUD Toggle Key that saves settings.
6) Added new lighting and spotlight with lights turning off when the ball is not in play.
7) Added new landscape-shaped texture on the table loading screen for desktops and portrait-shaped texture for cabinets.
8) Added game room floor and backwall.
9) Added BAM code that allows the score to exceed 2 billion points.
10) Added plunger pull special script to slow down pull-back.
11) Added new music to attract mode and new background music to all modes.
12) Upscaled textures for playfield, backglass, and cabinet.
13) Reworked the entrance to the right wire ramp to improve performance. Adjusted all ramps.
14) Added rolling ball sounds to the playfield and all four ramps.
15) Adjusted the color of all light inserts on the playfield and changed the color on one ramp.
16) Added more time to display the text on the segmented display on the backwall so you have time to read it.
17) Developed a set of rules which include many of the point values. Added the rules to the instruction cards on the apron.
18) Added desktop camera setting to the script.

Table Developers

Roney Pinball

Contributions by:
Gimli – Codeveloper of the Tweaker
JLou5641 - Creator of FizX
Fleep - Created recordings for mechanical sounds
TerryRed – Developer of the "All in One" template of FizX
  • 1 Playfield.png
    1 Playfield.png
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  • 2 Backbox.png
    2 Backbox.png
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  • 3 Cabinet.png
    3 Cabinet.png
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  • 4 Rotated Display.png
    4 Rotated Display.png
    3.9 MB · Views: 292
First release
Last update
4.50 star(s) 2 ratings

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  1. Road Runner (Original) (FizX 3.3)

    I am posting version 1.05 of Road Runner to correct a bug that is in version 1.04. While I was...
  2. Road Runner (Original)

    Version 1.04 My intention on this version was to update some minor errors on the FizX tweaker...
  3. Road Runner (Original) (FizX Lite 3.0)

    Version 1.03 One of the guys informed me that when the ball rolls down either inlane and hits...
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