Star Wars: Death Star Assault (Ultimate Pro) - Epic Space Battles!

SS Original Table BAM FP Star Wars: Death Star Assault (Ultimate Pro) - Epic Space Battles! v1.06 - ESB

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Solid State Machines
Star Wars: Death Star Assault (Ultimate Pro 1.06) - Epic Space Battles!

Star Wars DSA (U-Pro) -  ESB - HD.jpg

Star Wars DSA (U-Pro) -  ESB 2.jpg

Star Wars DSA (U-Pro) -  ESB 3.jpg

The wait is over! The most EPIC Star Wars table you have ever seen is here! SLAMT1LT's classic table has not only been given an excellent Ultimate Pro update... but now it has been given an EPIC update with TerryRed's "Epic Space Battles" mod, which uses new BAM features to create a virtual pinball table experience you have never seen before.

You will literally see a fully animated galactic space battle take place on the playfield with new spaceships, turbo laser cannon, lasers and explosions. You also have the honour of the presence of the Dark Lord himself! A new fully animated Darth Vader is on the playfield who will react to table events... and even dance to the Disco music during the Game Over / Attract mode!


- you MUST have the latest BAM installed (1.5-301 or higher when this was posted). Don't forget to update BAM Open VR if you are playing in VR. You can get them both here:

- Future Pinball and BAM MUST be setup "correctly". You can use my MEGA guide here to help you do that the easy way:

It would be a good idea to also update your Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019, as BAM plug-ins do use this. You need both x86 and x64 versions.

Table features:

- animated R2-D2 that moves around on the table and shows holograms to give hints on gameplay
- animated Death Star
- animated Lightsabers that will clash and fight depending on who is winning with Bonus Totals (Jedi or Sith)
- choose your Lightsaber colour (during Attract mode)
- choose your Backglass art (during Attract mode)
- full Star Wars soundtrack that changes to gameplay events to give it that blockbuster feel
- huge amount of Star Wars sound effects and voice overs that will blow you away
- "The Force" magnet that will automatically save your ball on the right outerlane if you are a Jedi!
- normal / bump mapping on toys, bumpers, and sidewall art
- fantastic lightshow thanks to FP and BAM's real per-pixel lighting
- fast paced gameplay that nevers lets up
- SOLO mini game
- NEW Time Attack Mode!

New "Epic Space Battles" features:

- Darth Vader: fully animated and reacts to table events and even dances to Disco!
- New toys: X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Millenium Falcon, Turbo Laser Cannon, Vader Tie Fighter
- all ships will hover in place when not doing anything
- X-Wing and Tie Fighters will rotate and fire lasers at each other
- X-Wing will fire lasers at escaping Tie Fighter and destroy it. Another Tie Fighter will fly in to replace it
- Vader's Tie Fighter will fire lasers at escaping X-Wing and destroy it. Another X-Wing will fly in to replace it
- turbo laser will fire and animate with each bumper hit
- all animated sequences have lasers and explosions will real lighting that moves across the playfield. Looks amazing!
- more Lightsaber colours to choose from (blue, green, purple, yellow, orange)
- new static Camera view for Desktop mode that gives a much better stationary view

Virtual Reality: for those of you lucky enough to be able to play FP-BAM in VR properly (nice and smooth,etc)... you will be blown away at what you will see in VR!

USER's TABLE OPTIONS (near the top of the script)


...and many options for changing the table's lighting and post processing.

USER's TABLE OPTIONS (while playing)

In Attract mode:

- left flipper changes Lightsaber colour
- right flipper changes to new Static view (if enabled, Desktop only)
- Special 1 button changes Backglass art
- Special 2 button activates lightsabers

During Gameplay:

- Special 1 button changes Backglass art
- Special 2 button changes to new Static view (if enabled, Desktop only)

For more info about the Game's Ruleset and the latest SLAMT1LT tables, goto his site:

Table Credits:

SLAMT1LT: table, coding, sound, music, lighting, videos... lots and lots of stuff
Matt Ellis: original table layout (Sci-Fi classic)
TerryRed: Epic Space Battles (code, converted models, animation, lasers, explosions, lighting), lightsaber mod, additional updates
Fuzzel: Vader Tie Fighter, X-Wing, and Turbo Laser Cannon models
Steve Paradis: R2-D2 model
wild: Death Star model
Gimli and TerryRed: Darth Vader model conversion and animation

BIG Thanks and shout-outs:

- thanks to SLAMT1LT for his passion in this hobby and continuing to make the kind of tables I and many others enjoy. These tables are top tier quality and simply kick ass!
- Fuzzel for allowing the use of his excellent Vader Tie Fighter, X-Wing, and Turbo Laser models.
- ravarcade for continuing to amaze us with new features added to BAM and his excellent support. Tables and mods like this wouldn't be possible without you!
- Gimli for help getting Darth Vader converted and animated properly!
- Wild for his great Death Star (and previous X-Wing)
- Steve Paradis for the very cool R2-D2 that still looks great all these years later (only better now that he can move around thanks to BAM)
- Matt Ellis for the original Sci-Fi Classic table layout many years ago
- Chris Leathly for Future Pinball. I hope you get to see what your program has been able to do all these years later.
- SLAMT1LT, Gimli, GeorgeH, wild, Steve Paradis, ravarcade, and all the others that continue to support and enjoy FP-BAM and all it has to offer

Cabinet users, DMD, POV, DOF and PuP:

- the included CFG file goes into your "BAM \ CFG" folder and needs to be named the same as the table. This will give cabinet users a proper POV that is ready to go!
- Real DMD (FP Intercept) and LCD DMD (FutureDMD) users, will need to edit the table and change the Translite DMD from 128x16 to 128x32 in order for the FP DMD to display on your DMDs
- this table has NOT been updated for PinEvent (DOF and PUP) yet.
- PinEvent is coming next... so watch out for even more explosive lighting and feedback, and an awesome modern video backglass and DMD display.

Desktop Users:

- this table only needs FP and BAM installed and updated, and setup properly to run.

For an EPIC video demo that shows off all the updates to this table in action, go here:

...and another one from cabinet view:

' =========================================================================

'****** TerryRed "Epic Space Battles" mod V1 and updates ******

'- integrated smoke'a ball rolling sounds into table script (no need for external vbs)
'- integrated shadowmaps into the table as Shadowmaps-shadows.TGA (no need for BAM to generate or cache shadowmaps on startup)
'- added option to disable new animated sequences for space battles, hovering ships, darth vader, darth vader dancing
'- added default hovering animations for the ships
'- added turbo laser animated lighting and lasers
'- added detached flashers to explosion holograms
'- added detached flashers to all laser holograms so there will be real lighting following the laser animations across the table
'- adjusted backwall normal map to smooth out space window
'- added new Darth Vader character animations for many table events
'- added new animated sequence: millenium falcon loops around the table for "SOLO" sequences
'- added new animated sequence: new x-wing and tie fighter fly in and land
'- added new animated sequence: Darth Vader tie fighter fires lasers and destroys x-wing trying to fly away (explodes)
'- added new animated sequence: x-wing fires lasers and destroys tie fighter trying to fly away (explodes)
'- added new animated sequence: x-wing and tie fighter rotating and firing lasers at each other
'- added new turbo cannon animation and lighting when bumpers are hit
'- added bump mapping for x-wing, turbo laser, tie fighter
'- added new BAM custom models (now seen as TGA images in the editor): Darth Vader Tie Fighter, Millennium Falcon, Darth Vader
'- added new models as pegs: X-wing, Tie Fighter, Turbo Laser Cannon
'- changed position of X-Wing flasher, Death Star spot-light / flasher, and Level lights to make room for new models
'- updated and added more playfield images for each lightsaber colour (changes were made to only the colour...not the lightsaber image)
'- added additional lightsaber colours (blue, green, purple (corrected), yellow, orange)
'- added option to disable Camera Control prompt
'- updated Camera Control commands to work with new Static Camera view option
'- added new custom static camera option (activated with right flipper during attract, special 2 during gameplay)
'- added option to disable HUD DMD and HUD Videos (added extra code for all "fadein" commands)
'- added option to disable lightsaber flasher effect (for seizure sensitive / VR users)
'- added option to adjust brightness of bulbs
'- added option to adjust brightness of flashers
'- added option to adjust brightness of playfield inserts
'- adjusted angle / size / position of lightsaber holograms for a better view of the glow in all camera views (adjusted mini-playfield to match)
'- added option to disable table script settings for BAM post processing / lighting
'- adjusted BAM post processing / lighting

' =========================================================================
First release
Last update
4.00 star(s) 4 ratings

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What can I say that nobody else will after playing this table? Nothing. This table will exhaust whatever the number of good adjectives exist to describe awesomeness.
Even fans of Star Trek will have to agree this one is a must have :)
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