
  1. D

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Tag Team Pinball (Gottlieb, 1985) VP9 v3.1 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Destruk and Lander Version:3.1 Gottlieb 1985 IPD No. 2489 Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/tagteam.2457/
  2. D

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Surf 'n Safari (Gottlieb, 1991) VP9 v1.2 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    TAB/Destruk Version:1.2 Gottlieb 1991 IPD No. 2461 Note from Xenonph: This table needs a Pre-Initialized nvram file to accept coins. Download Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack and place contents of zip file in nvram folder, located in VPinMAME folder. Find Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram...
  3. D

    VP9 Atari SS Recreation Superman (Atari, 1979) VP9 v1.2 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Eala Dubh Sidhe, Neurokinetik, Destruk, Gaston Version:1.2 Atari 1979 IPD No. 2454 Rules: Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/superman.2425/
  4. D

    VP9 Sega SS Recreation Starship Troopers (Sega, 1997) VP9 v1.0 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Destruk/TAB/ManFromPost Version:1 Sega Pinball 1997 IPD No. 4341 Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/startrp.2392/
  5. D

    VP9 Williams SS Recreation Star Trek: The Next Generation (Williams, 1993) VP9 v1.0 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Destruk, Version:1, Williams 1993, IPD No. 2357 Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/sttng_l7.2414/
  6. D

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation Spy Hunter (Bally, 1984) VP9 v1.4 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Destruk/Inkochnito/Eala Dubh Sidhe Version:1.4 Bally 1984 IPD No. 2328 Rules: Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/spyhuntr.2361/
  7. D

    VP9 Zaccaria SS Recreation Space City (Zaccaria, 1979) VP9 v1.0 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Luvthatapex, Destruk Version:1 Zaccaria 1979 IPD No. 3267 Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/spacecty.2337/
  8. D

    VP9 Atari SS Recreation Space Riders (Atari, 1978) VP9 v1.2 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Eala Dubh Sidhe, Destruk Version:1.2 Atari 1978 IPD No. 2258 Rules: Roms: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/spcrider.2345/
  9. wtiger

    VP9 Stern SS Recreation The Sopranos (Stern, 2005) VP9 v1.3 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    wtiger Version:1.3 Stern 2005 IPD No. 5053
  10. D

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation Six Million Dollar Man (Bally, 1978) VP9 v1.2 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Robair/Satch/Destruk Version:1.2 Bally 1978 IPD No. 2165 Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/smman.2319/
  11. D

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation The Shadow (Bally, 1994) VP9 v1.6 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Biffman/mkruce/Pinball Ken/kristian/maf Version:1.6 Bally 1994 IPD No. 2528 Rules: Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/ts_lx5.2534/
  12. D

    VP9 Williams SS Recreation Rollergames (Williams, 1990) VP9 v0.83b [16-9] 2020-01-28

    vpmXtreme/cyBORG/Mrhide, Version:0.83b, Williams 1990, IPD No. 2006 Rules: Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/rollr_l2.2253/
  13. D

    VP9 SS Recreation Rock On (Allied Leisure, 1975) VP9 v1.0 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    TAB/Destruk/Gaston Version:1.0 Allied Leisure 1975 IPD No. 4862 Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/thndbolt.2484/
  14. jpsalas

    VP9 Data East SS Recreation Robocop (Data East, 1989) VP9 v1.0 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    JPSalas Version:1.0 Data East 1989 IPD No. 1976 Rules: Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/robo_a34.2240/
  15. D

    VP9 Atari SS Recreation Road Runner (Atari, 1979) VP9 v1.1 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Aussie34, TAB, Destruk Version:1.1 Atari 1979 IPD No. 3517 Rules: Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/roadrunr.2239/
  16. D

    VP9 Williams SS Recreation Road Kings (Williams, 1986) VP9 v2.2 [16-9]

    TAB/Destruk Version:2.2 Williams 1986 IPD No. 1970 Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/rdkng_l4.2228/
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