Winner / IPD No. 2792 / August 09, 1971 / 2 Players
Average Fun Rating:
6.4/10 (14 ratings/14 comments) [ Add Your Rating! ]
Williams Electronics, Incorporated (1967-1985) [Trade Name: Williams]
Date Of Manufacture:
August 09, 1971
Model Number:
Seven Seas / IPD No. 2102 / January, 1960 / 2 Players
Average Fun Rating:
Needs More Ratings! 6.7 / 10 (5 ratings) [ Add Your Rating! ]
D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977) [Trade Name: Gottlieb]
Date Of Manufacture:
January, 1960
Model Number:
Someone contacted me about wanting to play this table so I decided I would update it to FizX and release it. This table was originally built by Docam, and then updated by SLAMTILT to his ULTIMATE table series.
SLAMTILT changed how this table plays compared to the original.
When Eve's...
Zobou submitted a new resource:
StarWars_Version_Not Final_FizX_2.0 & Williams flipper - Not final version & Williams flipper
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LtJazz submitted a new resource:
CiRQuS VoLTaiRe (Bally, 1997) - CiRQuS VoLTaiRe v3 with 4K playfield powered by BAM, FizX & EasyMatrix
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IPD No. 4059
Powered by BAM (by Ravarcade), FizX (by JLou5641) & EasyMatrix
BAM and the 4GB patch for both FP and BAM are required (read further installation prerequisites)
CiRQuS VoLTaiRe v3 for FP is not a direct evolution of CV v2 I published in 2021. It comes from a parallel project carried...
Soccer / IPD No. 2232 / March 23, 1964 / 1 Player
Average Fun Rating:
7.2/10 (17 ratings/14 comments) [ Add Your Rating! ]
Williams Electronic Manufacturing Corporation (1958-1967) [Trade Name: Williams]
Date Of Manufacture:
March 23, 1964
Model Number...
Cavalier / IPD No. 474 / 1979 / 4 Players
Average Fun Rating:
Needs More Ratings! 8.8 / 10 (1 ratings) [ Add Your Rating! ]
Recel S. A., of Madrid, Spain (1974-1986)
Date Of Manufacture:
Recel System III
Solid State Electronic...
Internet Pinball Machine Database: Williams 'King Pin'
King Pin / IPD No. 1375 / September 07, 1962 / 1 Player
Average Fun Rating:
7.5/10 (18 ratings/13 comments) [ Add Your Rating! ]
Williams Electronic Manufacturing Corporation (1958-1967)...
The Internet Pinball Machine Database
Student Prince / IPD No. 2408 / June 17, 1968 / 4 Players
Average Fun Rating:
8.0/10 (8 ratings/5 comments) [ Add Your Rating! ]
Williams Electronics, Incorporated (1967-1985) [Trade Name: Williams]...
GeorgeH submitted a new resource:
Avatar (Stern, 2010) (FizX, DOFLinx) (for Cabinets and Desktop PCs) - A modification of Francisco's and SlamT1lt's version for cabinets and desktop PCs
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When you play this pinball game, your spirit will go with Eywa but your body will stay behind... Be like Jake Sully, become one with the Na’vi, and immerse yourself into the world of Pandora. Walk through the dream; I see you!
Alas! After a year of work by Gimli and myself, version 3.0 of...
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