Jeff Block, i.e. @Freezezzy. He released a bunch of fun, highly innovative tables in the VP8 lineage. Looks like we have most of them here in the Downloads (i.e. Resources) section. Today I updated their screenshots and icons, which got lost in an older forum transition.
Check 'em out...
Space Ship (Williams, 1961) VP9 v1.0
IPD No. 2259
New VP9 build of the 1961 Williams game Space Ship. Space Ship was released in December 1961. Space Ship was designed by Steve Kordek with art by George Molentin. Only 800 units were produced. By 1961 rockets were real in the public mind and...
Space Ship (Williams, 1961) VP8 v1.0
IPD No. 2259
New VP8 build of the 1961 Williams game Space Ship. Space Ship was released in December 1961. Space Ship was designed by Steve Kordek with art by George Molentin. Only 800 units were produced. By 1961 rockets were real in the public mind and it...
Rocket Ship (Gottlieb, 1958) VP9 v1.0
IPD No. 1990
New VP9 build of the 1958 Gottlieb game Rocket Ship. Rocket Ship was released in April 1958. Rocket Ship was designed by Wayne Neyens with art by Roy Parker. 2,000 units were produced. Rocket Ship doesn't have any particular firsts, but it was...
Rocket Ship (Gottlieb, 1958) VP8 v1.0
IPD No. 1990
New VP8 build of the 1958 Gottlieb game Rocket Ship. Rocket Ship was released in April 1958. Rocket Ship was designed by Wayne Neyens with art by Roy Parker. 2,000 units were produced. Rocket Ship doesn't have any particular firsts, but it was...
Shooting Star (Junior) (Daval Mfg Company 1934) VPX v1.1a
IPD No. 6021
Another never before released table for VPX. With four weeks of redrawing this one came out near perfect. Shoot a ball into the star, then shoot a ball in the top hole to fire the ball in the star across the playfield for...
Bally Beauty (Bally, 1952) VPX v1.1a
IPD No. 216
Completely updated to run in VPX. So much had to be done here; redrew the backglass, removed over 40 decals from the playfield, fixed the plunger and plunger lane, added lighting to the playfield and much, much more. Have fun!!!
Bright Lights (Bally, 1951) VPX v1.3a
IPD No. 374
Another Bally bingo, version 1.3 for VPX. A TON had to be updated here; plunger and lane are fixed, added lights to the play field plastics, all lights now go off once machine is tilted, had to redraw the entire backglass for lighting, over 30...
Frolics (Bally, 1952) VPX v1.0a
IPD No. 958
Now for VPX and looking mighty fine.
- TO understand Frolics a bit better, READ the INCLUDED left
side card from the playfield which is included as a separate
image in the Frolics VPX zip file.
Have tons of fun.
Silver Streak (Bally, 1935) VPX v1.4a
IPD No. 2153
A TON of updating and it looks fantastic. New labels, new wire guides, new ball, new wood edges, redrawn aircraft from the original images, updated tilt mechanism and much more. Now updated for VPX.
A very fun 1 ball desktop payout machine...
Another never before released table for VPX. With four weeks of redrawing this one came out near perfect. Shoot a ball into the star, then shoot a ball in the top hole to fire the ball in the star across the playfield for bigger points. FOUR table slopes and an option to turn off the tilt...
Completely updated to run in VPX. So much had to be done here; redrew the backglass, removed over 40 decals from the playfield, fixed the plunger and plunger lane, added lighting to the playfield and much, much more. Have fun!!!
Another Bally bingo, version 1.3 for VPX. A TON had to be updated here; plunger and lane are fixed, added lights to the play field plastics, all lights now go off once machine is tilted, had to redraw the entire backglass for lighting, over 30 decals have been removed from the play field and...
Now for VPX and looking mighty fine.
- Fixed plunger and shooter lane.
- Refixed the entire backglass and lighting.
- Removed over 30 decals on the playfield.
- Added lighting on the playfield.
- Redrew ALL the holes on the playfield.
- Fixed the tilt mechanism along with ALL LIGHTS...
Updated all VPX sound to the table; balls roll and smack against one another.
Replaces the last VPX version. Enjoy.
Version 1.4 for VPX. Updated the plunger, added a few tweaks and added the VPX sounds. Enjoy.
Another brand new never released table for VPX. Simple but fun. Enjoy!
Broadway 51 BINGO now updated for VPX. Plays EXACTLY like the VP9 version did. A TON had to be updated for this one to work right but it plays wonderfully. Enjoy!
A TON of updating and it looks fantastic. New labels, new wire guides, new ball, new wood edges, redrawn aircraft from the original images, updated tilt mechanism and much more. Now updated for VPX.
A very fun 1 ball desktop payout machine.
Enjoy and have fun.
Rockettes (Gottlieb, 1950) VP9.9 v1.0
IPD No. 1991
New VP9.9 Build of Rockettes. Gottlieb's Rockettes, designed by Harry Mabs with art by Roy Parker, was released in August 1950. 1,000 units were produced so this game is rare today. Harry Mabs designed the flipper in 1947, and remained an...
Rockettes (Gottlieb, 1950) VP8 v1.0
IPD No. 1991
New VP8 Build of Rockettes. Gottlieb's Rockettes, designed by Harry Mabs with art by Roy Parker, was released in August 1950. 1,000 units were produced so this game is rare today. Harry Mabs designed the flipper in 1947, and remained an...
Sweet Hearts (Gottlieb, 1963) VP9.9 v1.0
IPD No. 2474
New VP9.9 Build of Sweet Hearts. Gottlieb's Sweet Hearts, designed by Wayne Neyens with art by Roy Parker was released in September 1963. 4,450 units were produced. Sweet Hearts is the last Gottlieb flipper game to have a gobble hole, so in...
Sweet Hearts (Gottlieb, 1963) VP8 v1.0
IPD No. 2474
New VP8 Build of Sweet Hearts. Gottlieb's Sweet Hearts, designed by Wayne Neyens with art by Roy Parker was released in September 1963. 4,450 units were produced. Sweet Hearts is the last Gottlieb flipper game to have a gobble hole, so in my...
Teacher's Pet (Williams, 1965) VP9.9 v1.0
IPD No. 2506
New VP9.9 Build of Teacher's Pet. Teacher's Pet, released in December 1965, was designed by Steve Kordek. 1,600 Teacher's Pet games were produced. Teacher's Pet is a good example of how the EM games of the early 1960s had advanced in...
Teacher's Pet (Williams, 1965) VP8 v1.0
IPD No. 2506
New VP8 Build of Teacher's Pet. Teacher's Pet, released in December 1965, was designed by Steve Kordek. 1,600 Teacher's Pet games were produced. Teacher's Pet is a good example of how the EM games of the early 1960s had advanced in design...
Gladiator (Gottlieb, 1956) v1.0
IPD No. 1010
Manufacturer: D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977) [Trade Name: Gottlieb]
Date Of Manufacture: January, 1956 Model Number: 111 Type: Electro-mechanical (EM) Production: 1,200 units
Serial Number Database:View at The...
Pioneer (Gottlieb, 1976) VP8
IPD No. 1802
Pioneer is a two player version of the 1975 'Spirit of 76'. It was made to celebrate the 200th birthday of the United States. This Visual Pinball version is a conversion of the earlier, and original, Visual Pinball version of Spirit of 76 by Jay...
Brite Star / IPD No. 378 / April, 1958 / 2 Players
Manufacturer: D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977) [Trade Name: Gottlieb] Date Of Manufacture: April, 1958 Model Number: 143 Type: Electro-mechanical (EM) Production: 800 units
Serial Number Database:View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number...
Arrow Head (Williams, 1957) VP9 v1.0
IPD No. 97
New VP9 Build of the 1957 Williams Arrow Head game. Arrow Head, designed by Harry Williams with art by George Molentin, was released in February 1957. It's not known how many units were produced but this beautiful game is rare to see today. It is...
Arrow Head (Williams, 1957) VP8 v1.0
IPD No. 97
New VP8 Build of the 1957 Williams Arrow Head game. Arrow Head, designed by Harry Williams with art by George Molentin, was released in February 1957. It's not known how many units were produced but this beautiful game is rare to see today. It is...
4 Square (Gottlieb, 1971) VP9 v1.0
IPD No. 940
New VP9 Build of the 1971 Gottlieb Game 4 Square. 4 Square, designed by Ed Krynski with Art by Gordon Morrison, was released in June 1971. 2,200 units were produced so this game is only moderately rare, but as I learned finding one in good...
4 Square (Gottlieb, 1971) VP8 v1.0
IPD No. 940
New VP8 Build of the 1971 Gottlieb Game 4 Square. 4 Square, designed by Ed Krynski with Art by Gordon Morrison, was released in June 1971. 2,200 units were produced so this game is only moderately rare, but as I learned finding one in good...
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