
  1. starman7007

    VP8 EM Original Table New Bronco Buster available...

    Hi everyone, Bronco Buster got a new face! And beside the graphical improvement also some rules enhancement. The flipperless version follows in days...be patient. :wink: Big thanks to all involved, John, tiltjlp and Scott, SDB for their approval to release this Table, JonPurpleHaze...
  2. StevOz

    VP8 EM Original Table Blazing Trail aka wild west...

    Still getting there, slowly but surely..
  3. Anthias

    VP8 EM Original Table The Mysterious Cities of Gold

    FEW! after barely stepping away from my computer for a week, I have completed version 1.0 of this long term project. I think it is interesting to note how long ago the wip for this one was originally announced, and how many other tables I have released since, but finally, after all that time and...
  4. Anthias

    VP8 EM Flipperless Original Table Aftershock at TMOF

    Aftershock at TMOF Hi all, This table, to be included on tiltjlp's CD, has just been uploaded to the magic of flipperless. While not graphiccally perfect, I felt that the theme denied this table any right to prettyness I think the presentation works in relation to this. Gameplay is...
  5. G

    VP8 Gottlieb EM Recreation CONTEST (Gottlieb 1958) now available at IR Pinball

    Yes. After a brief rest my latest classic recreation. So, get on over to IRP for some classic gaming goodness. Ah... Pinball. Now this is what it's ALL about. Cheers Leon
  6. B

    VP8 Gottlieb EM Recreation Gottlieb's Bank-A-Ball (1950)

    Here is the first WIP pic of Gottlieb's Bank-A-Ball from 1950. The plastics are not yet finished and I still have a little work to do on the script, but it should be available in a week or so. The layout looks very much like a pool table, and there is not a bumper in sight, also the...
  7. JonPurpleHaze

    VP8 EM Original Table tiltjlp's Table Updates

    Releases by an Involuntarily Absent tiltjlp, posted by JPH. TMOF has been updated with enhanced versions of my latest three tables, Reactions Bagatelle and the dual releases of my Bronco Buster flippered and Flipperless editions. Reactions was a solo effort, with help from a number of...
  8. G

    VP8 Williams EM Recreation Space Ship (Williams 1961) My 50th now at IRP

    Go get it folks. BEWARE!!!! it's a drain MONSTER!!!! The rewards however are good if you can keep the ball alive long enough. BIG thanx once again to LUVTHATAPEX for the great table pics he has and continues to supply me with. Cheers Leon
  9. G

    VP8 Williams EM Recreation GUSHER (Williams 1958)

    Now available at IR Pinball. Go get it and enjoy this novel blast from the past. Cheers Leon
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