
  1. Not Registered

    SS Recreation FP FJ (Hankin, 1978) by pinballParade v1.0

    by pinballParade at 2012-09-09 Type Recreation (real pinball) Manufacturer A. Hankin & Company (1978-1981), Australia Tradename Hankin Date 1978 IPD No. 3627 Description
  2. F

    SS Recreation FP The Empire Strikes Back (Hankin, 1980) v1.0

    by francisco666 at 2012-09-01 Type Recreation (real pinball) Manufacturer A. Hankin & Company (1978-1981), Australia Tradename Hankin Date 1980-06 IPD No. 2868 Video Description
  3. xenonph

    VPX SS Original Table Star Wars Empire Strikes Back, The (Hankin, 1980) VPX

    xenonph submitted a new resource: Star Wars Empire Strikes Back, The (Hankin 1980) MOD v2.4 - A mod of 32assassins Empire Strikes Back (Hankin 1980) Read more about this resource...
  4. xenonph

    VPX SS Original Table Star Wars Empire Strikes Back, The (Hankin, 1980) VPX v3.1

    Star Wars Empire Strikes Back, The (Hankin 1980) VPX v3.1 MOD IPD No. 2868 v3.1 Converted all pics to WebP format to reduce overall size of table.(VPX7.2 Required) Converted Wav files in sound manager to ogg format which reduces file size. File size went from 116 MB's to 42.2 MB's!!!
  5. K

    VP8 SS Recreation Empire Strikes Back, The (Hankin, 1980) VP8 v1a MOD 2020-01-28

    The Empire Strikes Back (Hankins 1980) a modification of Eala Dubh's VP8 table. IPD No. 2868
  6. D

    VP8 SS Recreation FJ (Hankin, 1978) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Aussie34/Destruk/Inkochnito, Version:1, Hankin 1978, IPD No. 3627 Rules:
  7. D

    VP8 SS Recreation Empire Strikes Back, The (Hankin, 1980) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Eala Dubh Sidhe/Aussie34/Destruk, Version:1, Hankin 1980, IPD No. 2868 Rules:
  8. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Recreation Dennis Lillee's Howzat! (Hankin, 1980) VP8 by Aussie34 vb1

    Dennis Lillee's Howzat! (Hankin, 1980) VP8 by Aussie34 IPD No. 3909
  9. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Recreation Orbit 1 (Hankin, 1978) VP8 by Aussie34 v0.95 2020-01-28

    Orbit_1 by Aussie34 IPD No. 3287 Notes: First game manufactured by Hankin.
  10. T

    VP8 SS Recreation Shark (Hankin, 1980) VP8 v1.1 2020-01-28

    Shark___Hankin by Eala Dubh / TAB/Tinyrodent IPD No. 3339
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