Bally WIP Recreation BAM FP CiRQuS VoLTaiRe v4 (Bally 1997)

Future Pinball
I would like to try your table. I assume you are OK with combining the two versions. If you don't want to post it here, you could send it to Gin, Gimli, Paolo, RwL and myself on a private message.


Hello @GeorgeH ,

How can i send a private message ? Is it the "start conversation" button that appears when I click on a member's name ?

I confirm that I agree to combining the two versions. But you will see that the two projects are quite different. I will therefore release mine as is, but I agree to participate in the completion of the RWL project (within the limits of my skills).
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Hello @GeorgeH ,

How can i send a private message ? Is it the "start conversation" button that appears when I click on a member's name ?

I confirm that I agree to combining the two versions. But you will see that the two projects are quite different. I will therefore release mine as is, but I agree to participate in the completion of the RWL project (within the limits of my skills).
hey LtJazz we are all picking it up as we go here so don’t fear being more recently involved . I believe that a lot of us had little or no coding experience when we jumped in.
Hello @GeorgeH ,

How can i send a private message ? Is it the "start conversation" button that appears when I click on a member's name ?

Click on the envelope icon to the right of your user name and then click on "Start a New Conversation".

I confirm that I agree to combining the two versions. But you will see that the two projects are quite different. I will therefore release mine as is, but I agree to participate in the completion of the RWL project (within the limits of my skills).


It's done ! I released my version of the table.
=> thank you for your interest and your support !

This being done, I am fully available (and enthusiastic) to contribute in the finishing of the RwL table (within the limit of my lovely wife's patience :wink:)
Good evening everybody !

I just did some tests of the RwL table and I have listed some improvements we could do :
- the cabinet textures
- the slingshot plastic texture
- some plastics textures like this :
CV 02 - some plastics textures.png
- fix this bug :
CV 03 - the ball gets stuck behind the flipper.png
- fix this bug : balls can be created on the playfield by pressing the B key before the game starts
- the neon is not at the right height :
CV 05 - the neon is not at the right height .png
- targa textures with transparency : the edge is not displayed correctly (to fix this, the object transparency cursor should be moved to the left)
CV 06 - targa texture with transparency edge bug.png CV 07 - targa texture with transparency edge bug.png
- the ringmaster is not in front of other objects (easy to fix) or the dmd display (not easy to fix because it's a hologram) :
CV 09 - the ringmaster is not in front of other objects.pngCV 10 - when the ringmaster stands it's not in front.png
- The ball can escape the cage (I don't have any idea yet to fix that) :
CV 11 - the ball can escape its cage.png
- It's very difficult to aim and climb the middle ramp (maybe the physics settings should be adjusted)
- A script error (that I have not yet analyzed) :
CV 13 - script error.png
- The FormatNumber function doesn't work correctly in a "french" Windows OS (I wrote another function to fix this) :
CV 14 - a FormatNumber bug occurs with a french Windows.png
- After entering a highscore (using the start key), a new game start automatically (I fixed this in my script)

I will temporarily modify the physics settings and do other tests, in particular to see if I can find some script bugs that I have already fixed in the VictorKPM table.

To be continued...
Thanks, @LtJazz.
I'm still way behind on my pin sim stuff, but look forward to helping out with testing and feedback if welcome.

From what I see, "CV" is basically the trilogy table after Popadiuk's "ToM" and "TOTAN."

I did play all three live back in the day, but never quite fell in love with CV for some reason. I'd love to rectify that one of these days...
Good evening everybody !

I just did some tests of the RwL table and I have listed some improvements we could do :
- the cabinet textures
- the slingshot plastic texture
- some plastics textures like this :
View attachment 21894
- fix this bug :
View attachment 21895
- fix this bug : balls can be created on the playfield by pressing the B key before the game starts
- the neon is not at the right height :
View attachment 21896
- targa textures with transparency : the edge is not displayed correctly (to fix this, the object transparency cursor should be moved to the left)
View attachment 21897 View attachment 21898
- the ringmaster is not in front of other objects (easy to fix) or the dmd display (not easy to fix because it's a hologram) :
View attachment 21899View attachment 21900
- The ball can escape the cage (I don't have any idea yet to fix that) :
View attachment 21901
- It's very difficult to aim and climb the middle ramp (maybe the physics settings should be adjusted)
- A script error (that I have not yet analyzed) :
View attachment 21902
- The FormatNumber function doesn't work correctly in a "french" Windows OS (I wrote another function to fix this) :
View attachment 21903
- After entering a highscore (using the start key), a new game start automatically (I fixed this in my script)

I will temporarily modify the physics settings and do other tests, in particular to see if I can find some script bugs that I have already fixed in the VictorKPM table.

To be continued...
I think George also can help with physics and the ball that sinks into the flipper

The issue of items showing through the Ring Master MP I think can be fixed as well as I recall rav provided a “draw order” code for Models and MPs
- The FormatNumber function doesn't work correctly in a "french" Windows OS (I wrote another function to fix this) :
CV 14 - a FormatNumber bug occurs with a french Windows.png
This is not a problem of FP. This is the same for VPX with homemade DMD. It's only a parameter in window that need to be change for displaying DMD as it should be. I'm french with a french Windows
I think you have to have you locale set to english if i recall correctly and as far as I know it's the only workaround to that problem.

I *think* the easiest way to solve this is by adding an US English keyboard layout and then change to it with winkey + SPACE before using FP (and VPX as well apparently). When you come back to desktop use that key combo again and "voilà" :)

Been a while so, correct me if i'm wrong please.
Just need to set number like this. Its a dot, space and comma configuration
Just need to set number like this. Its a dot, space and comma configuration
View attachment 21904

Je vais essayer. J'ai essayé et ça fonctionne bien.
Le séparateur de milliers par défaut de Windows (pour la localisation France) est mal interprété par VBS. Pourtant, dans les paramètres de Windows, ça ressemble à un espace (Windows affiche bien 123 456 789) et VBS devrait donc afficher également 123 456 789. Mais en fait, non...
J'ai remplacé ce séparateur "blanc" par un 'vrai" espace et je n'ai plus ce problème d'affichage. VBS affiche bien 123 456 789.

Merci @JLou5641
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First, I will try to fix the "in cage ball" bug because it's difficult to test the table when a big green ball rolls on the playfield and finally blocks the other balls.

CV 11b - the ball can escape its cage (new physics settings).png
First, I will try to fix the "in cage ball" bug because it's difficult to test the table when a big green ball rolls on the playfield and finally blocks the other balls.

View attachment 21906
There is a note in script to deal with this during testing

it happens when using manual roller.

Look under “createcustomball”

The above link Aug 9 talks about
Drawing custom models last . The Ring leader is in a mini playfield so I don’t think the code will help us
- the ringmaster is not in front of other objects (easy to fix) or the dmd display (not easy to fix because it's a hologram) :
View attachment 21899View attachment 21900

The fix for the ringmaster is to use the "send to front" and "send to back" functions in the correct order.

1) Right click on the 2 in the left pane to only show layer 2.
2) Right click on Toy1 and "send to back".
3) Right click on Toy2 and "send to front".
4) Right click on Mag2 and "send to front".
5) Save.

Mag2 ends up having bleed through but it is not very noticeable. It is just a disk. Might try replacing it with a surface if it is possible to make the surface move up and down.
Just need to set number like this. Its a dot, space and comma configuration
View attachment 21904

Is this the fix for setting the language to something other than English? I have read guys have had problems not setting Windows to use English. It seems there were more problems than just the DMD. Maybe something about cabinet install? I don't remember.
Is this the fix for setting the language to something other than English? I have read guys have had problems not setting Windows to use English. It seems there were more problems than just the DMD. Maybe something about cabinet install? I don't remember.
it work for all language. My Windows is in French.
it work for all language. My Windows is in French.
Let's consider the version of RWL in your possession is the current Nuclear Football (active version)
Try the suggestions of the group on the bugs you are fixing and lets us know please.
When you wish to pass off the football let us know and someone else can grab it if they see something they want to tweak

The fix for the ringmaster is to use the "send to front" and "send to back" functions in the correct order.

1) Right click on the 2 in the left pane to only show layer 2.
2) Right click on Toy1 and "send to back".
3) Right click on Toy2 and "send to front".
4) Right click on Mag2 and "send to front".
5) Save.

Mag2 ends up having bleed through but it is not very noticeable. It is just a disk. Might try replacing it with a surface if it is possible to make the surface move up and down.

OK I messed up a little. I don't know what Mag2 is. I thought it was the top but but it appears to be transparent. The top is Toy3 on layer 8. This fixes it:

1) Right click on the 2 in the left pane to only show layer 2.
2) Right click on Toy1 and "send to back".
3) Right click on Toy2 and "send to front".
4) Right click on the 8 in the left pane to only show layer 8.
4) Right click on Toy3 and "send to front".
5) Save.
Let's consider the version of RWL in your possession is the current Nuclear Football (active version)
Try the suggestions of the group on the bugs you are fixing and lets us know please.
When you wish to pass off the football let us know and someone else can grab it if they see something they want to tweak


OK @Gimli

I made a first "to do list" today and I started to make some changes (respecting what RwL has achieved). When I run out of "inspiration" I'll post the edited table here, explaining what I did. I added #LtJazz tags in the script to spot my changes. I keep you informed
Great ! you have a much better handle on how things should look and the rules etc…

Thanks for your work !
How’s it goin in the sweat shop ?
Do you need more lighting or another crust of bread ?

Did you try this link I just noticed it has a “dump dmd” command and the file apparently can loaded into the pin2dmd program ?

I come to give you some news.

I renamed the @RwL project to v3.0. This will distinguish it from my "v2.0 Modded Edition" project.

To communicate on the different versions, I will now use the following abbreviations :
- original version v1.01 from VictorKPM : v1_VK
- my version v2.0 Modded Edition : v2_ME
- the WIP v2.0 version of RwL : v2_RWL
- the WIP v3.0 on which we are working together : v3_WIP

Progress report for WIP v3.0

Physics :
- to facilitate my tests, I temporarily "downgraded" the physics settings using my v2_ME settings (XML and table)
- with these settings, it seems to me that the "caged ball bug" occurs less often
- I discovered that the balls created in the plunger kicker were not standard FP balls :
* it seems that they have a reduced diameter because the standard FP balls do not pass in the plunger lane nor in the start ramp (I tried...)
* they are created by a BAM function which allows to specify the diameter of the ball and its mass
=> I have temporarily modified the mass of the balls thus created so that it is identical to the physics settings XML
- in v2_RWL the balls created in the hidden kicker (on the playfield) are standard FP balls : I modified the script so that they are identical to the balls created in the plunger kicker (same diameter and same mass)
=> in v3_WIP, all the balls in play will therefore be identical

Tests done :
- RingMaster (magnet capture + RM UP + RM above + RM down) : OK for one ball (bugs when several balls in play : see details below)
- Volts / Boom baloon bumper : OK
- High Wire / lock / multiball : OK after fixes of 2 bugs (see details below)
- Strike an arc / multiball : OK
- Jugglers / lock / multiball : OK with fixes of 3 bugs (see details below)
- Acrobats : it seems OK
- Sideshow / Cannon ball run : OK after fix of a bug (see details below)
- Sideshow / Hat Trick : OK after fixes of 3 bugs (see details below)
- Sideshow / Popcorn mania : OK
- Sideshow / Neon multiball : OK after fix of a bug (see details below)
- Sideshow / Extra ball : OK
- Sideshow / other gifts : it seems OK
- Skillshot : it seems OK
- Spin marvel : it seems OK
- Menagerie marvel : it seems OK

Visual modifications :
- As suggested by @GeorgeH , I increased the texture resolution for plastics surfaces to 4096 x 2048 then I modified :
* textures for 6 plastics surfaces from downloaded images
* the textures of the 2 cards present on the apron (including the rules) from downloaded images
- I denoised and refined the existing cabinet texture and I adjusted its brightness (not perfect but it's a little better)
- I modified the sideblades textures (alternate version) from uploaded images (not perfect but it's a bit better)
- I corrected (in the editor) the rendering of 3 TGA textures with transparency
- I fixed the main z-buffering problems
* for the Ringmaster (by applying the proposals of @GeorgeH )
* for other elements (but there may still be some adjustments to be made)
- I duplicated the "playfiled1" playfield and recut it (in front of the Ringmaster) because the lights were not opaque there (we could see the textures under the playfield)
- I enhanced the neon texture (hologram) so that it coincides well with the neon outline (in top view and in "table 1" view)
- I unchecked the option "reflect on playfield" for the Ringmaster toy because it caused display bugs during the animation
- I added a game room (imported the one from v2_ME)
- I created an image for the loading screen
- I added the possibility to hide the HUD DMD with the Toggle Hud key

Major bugs fixed :
- Bugs already fixed in v2_ME (imported in v3_WIP)
* modification of the script to avoid problems when simultaneously creating balls in the hidden kicker by several sub (balls counted but not created : the ball count could be wrong and the game could not end)
* fixed 3 bugs in the "Jugglers" sequence
=> corrects the bug reported in the comments of the script of v1_VK and v2_RWL ("Error with ball count in stackable multiball when it includes juggler mb")
- I fixed a "mediation error" in the script for the "Cannon ball run" sequence
- I modified the script not to count the spare ball when creating it because it replaces a stray ball (otherwise the ball count was wrong and the game could not be ended)
- I fixed the "Hat trick" sequence in the script because it created an extra ball wrongly (the ball count was wrong and the game could not be ended)
- I corrected a script error which minimized the time needed to evacuate a ball locked on the Hiwire ramp at the end of the game (the ball was therefore in play the next game)
- I modified the position of two objects on the playfield to allow the evacuation of the two balls locked on the Hiwire ramp at the end of the game (the balls remained blocked on the Hiwire ramp)
- I added a test to check that there are no more balls on the playfield before starting a new game (one or two balls could end up in play the next game)

Minor bugs fixed :
- Bugs already fixed in v2_ME (imported in v3_WIP)
* modification of the script to prevent a game from starting automatically after entering a highscore (disable the Start key)
* modification of the script to not display "press start" after adding a credit while a game is in progress
* modification of the script to allow the launch of a game (start) if the ball counter is <= 0 (and not only = 0)
=> corrects the bug reported in the comments of the script of v1_VK and v2_RWL ("Error in end of game, sometimes won't restart properly")
- I modified the script to prevent the creation of a spare ball (by key) if there is not a play in progress
- I modified the script to block the possibility of shaking the Ringmaster (by key) if there is not a play in progress or if the Ringmaster is not up (otherwise, the Ringmaster bugs)
- I replaced the "hard" keys ("B" key for example) by configurable keys (Test key for example)
- I corrected the number of points awarded in the "Hat trick" sequence
- I temporarily blocked the possibility of increasing the strength of the magnet because it causes bugs
- I fixed a script error that turned on a light instead of another

Currently I am working on the following bugs :
- If there are several balls on the playfield (multiball) during the "Ringmaster" sequence :
* the magnet can capture or block several balls (with unexpected effects)
* a second ball can hit the Ringmaster while the magnet has not yet released the first ball (with unexpected effects)
* a second ball can remain stuck to the Ringmaster because of the magnet, and cause successive hits (I tried...)
* two balls can hit the Ringmaster simultaneously (with unexpected effects if it is the 5th and last hit)
* a ball can fall into the hole while the Ringmaster has not finished rising (with unexpected effects)
* two balls can fall simultaneously into the hole (with unexpected effects)
- If an event modifies the Ringmaster state (starting "Neon multiball" or "Hat trick" sequence) while it's still changing state (capturing a ball in the magnet for example), the new change of state (starting "Neon multiball" or "Hat trick" sequence) may have unexpected effects (for example : what happens to the ball captured in the magnet ?)
- At the end of the "Neon multiball" and "Hat trick" sequences, the previous state of the Ringmaster is not restored correctly

Have a nice day and see you soon.

I come to give you some news.

I renamed the @RwL project to v3.0. This will distinguish it from my "v2.0 Modded Edition" project.

To communicate on the different versions, I will now use the following abbreviations :
- original version v1.01 from VictorKPM : v1_VK
- my version v2.0 Modded Edition : v2_ME
- the WIP v2.0 version of RwL : v2_RWL
- the WIP v3.0 on which we are working together : v3_WIP

Progress report for WIP v3.0

Physics :
- to facilitate my tests, I temporarily "downgraded" the physics settings using my v2_ME settings (XML and table)
- with these settings, it seems to me that the "caged ball bug" occurs less often
- I discovered that the balls created in the plunger kicker were not standard FP balls :
* it seems that they have a reduced diameter because the standard FP balls do not pass in the plunger lane nor in the start ramp (I tried...)
* they are created by a BAM function which allows to specify the diameter of the ball and its mass
=> I have temporarily modified the mass of the balls thus created so that it is identical to the physics settings XML
- in v2_RWL the balls created in the hidden kicker (on the playfield) are standard FP balls : I modified the script so that they are identical to the balls created in the plunger kicker (same diameter and same mass)
=> in v3_WIP, all the balls in play will therefore be identical

Tests done :
- RingMaster (magnet capture + RM UP + RM above + RM down) : OK for one ball (bugs when several balls in play : see details below)
- Volts / Boom baloon bumper : OK
- High Wire / lock / multiball : OK after fixes of 2 bugs (see details below)
- Strike an arc / multiball : OK
- Jugglers / lock / multiball : OK with fixes of 3 bugs (see details below)
- Acrobats : it seems OK
- Sideshow / Cannon ball run : OK after fix of a bug (see details below)
- Sideshow / Hat Trick : OK after fixes of 3 bugs (see details below)
- Sideshow / Popcorn mania : OK
- Sideshow / Neon multiball : OK after fix of a bug (see details below)
- Sideshow / Extra ball : OK
- Sideshow / other gifts : it seems OK
- Skillshot : it seems OK
- Spin marvel : it seems OK
- Menagerie marvel : it seems OK

Visual modifications :
- As suggested by @GeorgeH , I increased the texture resolution for plastics surfaces to 4096 x 2048 then I modified :
* textures for 6 plastics surfaces from downloaded images
* the textures of the 2 cards present on the apron (including the rules) from downloaded images
- I denoised and refined the existing cabinet texture and I adjusted its brightness (not perfect but it's a little better)
- I modified the sideblades textures (alternate version) from uploaded images (not perfect but it's a bit better)
- I corrected (in the editor) the rendering of 3 TGA textures with transparency
- I fixed the main z-buffering problems
* for the Ringmaster (by applying the proposals of @GeorgeH )
* for other elements (but there may still be some adjustments to be made)
- I duplicated the "playfiled1" playfield and recut it (in front of the Ringmaster) because the lights were not opaque there (we could see the textures under the playfield)
- I enhanced the neon texture (hologram) so that it coincides well with the neon outline (in top view and in "table 1" view)
- I unchecked the option "reflect on playfield" for the Ringmaster toy because it caused display bugs during the animation
- I added a game room (imported the one from v2_ME)
- I created an image for the loading screen
- I added the possibility to hide the HUD DMD with the Toggle Hud key

Major bugs fixed :
- Bugs already fixed in v2_ME (imported in v3_WIP)
* modification of the script to avoid problems when simultaneously creating balls in the hidden kicker by several sub (balls counted but not created : the ball count could be wrong and the game could not end)
* fixed 3 bugs in the "Jugglers" sequence
=> corrects the bug reported in the comments of the script of v1_VK and v2_RWL ("Error with ball count in stackable multiball when it includes juggler mb")
- I fixed a "mediation error" in the script for the "Cannon ball run" sequence
- I modified the script not to count the spare ball when creating it because it replaces a stray ball (otherwise the ball count was wrong and the game could not be ended)
- I fixed the "Hat trick" sequence in the script because it created an extra ball wrongly (the ball count was wrong and the game could not be ended)
- I corrected a script error which minimized the time needed to evacuate a ball locked on the Hiwire ramp at the end of the game (the ball was therefore in play the next game)
- I modified the position of two objects on the playfield to allow the evacuation of the two balls locked on the Hiwire ramp at the end of the game (the balls remained blocked on the Hiwire ramp)
- I added a test to check that there are no more balls on the playfield before starting a new game (one or two balls could end up in play the next game)

Minor bugs fixed :
- Bugs already fixed in v2_ME (imported in v3_WIP)
* modification of the script to prevent a game from starting automatically after entering a highscore (disable the Start key)
* modification of the script to not display "press start" after adding a credit while a game is in progress
* modification of the script to allow the launch of a game (start) if the ball counter is <= 0 (and not only = 0)
=> corrects the bug reported in the comments of the script of v1_VK and v2_RWL ("Error in end of game, sometimes won't restart properly")
- I modified the script to prevent the creation of a spare ball (by key) if there is not a play in progress
- I modified the script to block the possibility of shaking the Ringmaster (by key) if there is not a play in progress or if the Ringmaster is not up (otherwise, the Ringmaster bugs)
- I replaced the "hard" keys ("B" key for example) by configurable keys (Test key for example)
- I corrected the number of points awarded in the "Hat trick" sequence
- I temporarily blocked the possibility of increasing the strength of the magnet because it causes bugs
- I fixed a script error that turned on a light instead of another

Currently I am working on the following bugs :
- If there are several balls on the playfield (multiball) during the "Ringmaster" sequence :
* the magnet can capture or block several balls (with unexpected effects)
* a second ball can hit the Ringmaster while the magnet has not yet released the first ball (with unexpected effects)
* a second ball can remain stuck to the Ringmaster because of the magnet, and cause successive hits (I tried...)
* two balls can hit the Ringmaster simultaneously (with unexpected effects if it is the 5th and last hit)
* a ball can fall into the hole while the Ringmaster has not finished rising (with unexpected effects)
* two balls can fall simultaneously into the hole (with unexpected effects)
- If an event modifies the Ringmaster state (starting "Neon multiball" or "Hat trick" sequence) while it's still changing state (capturing a ball in the magnet for example), the new change of state (starting "Neon multiball" or "Hat trick" sequence) may have unexpected effects (for example : what happens to the ball captured in the magnet ?)
- At the end of the "Neon multiball" and "Hat trick" sequences, the previous state of the Ringmaster is not restored correctly

Have a nice day and see you soon.
Amazing you are promoted to Colonel Jazz
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