Support File BAM FizX FizX Resources Files v200 - !! Huge Update !! ( Update from 20-12-2022 )

I remember the carrot. Actually, I think if you just updated the T4 flat top flipper, (Bally, old stern, segasa and taito) and the T2 (keep the em boys happy) then that is certainly good enough in a pinch and would allow pretty much all the older fp tables to be updated. The T5 and T3 is Gottlieb, but similar enough so T4 and T2 can be a suitable replacement, so you can cover pretty much up to 1985 with the T4 and T2.
The work on this is definately appreciated!!
Carry on. :salut:
I remember the carrot. Actually, I think if you just updated the T4 flat top flipper, (Bally, old stern, segasa and taito) and the T2 (keep the em boys happy) then that is certainly good enough in a pinch and would allow pretty much all the older fp tables to be updated. The T5 and T3 is Gottlieb, but similar enough so T4 and T2 can be a suitable replacement, so you can cover pretty much up to 1985 with the T4 and T2.
Can you show me them please
Actually, why don't I just do this, make it real easy.... The zed T4 flipper seems to work "okay" I haven't tried out the others.


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************* FizX v110 - NEW Template Example Tables! ****************

OK... so here is the updated FizX Template table examples with the latest v110 code.

This includes:

- example table with FizX v110 and all code in the table script (no vbs or library used)
- example table with FizX v110 using external vbs file for the Main FizX code
- vbs file with the FizX v110 Main code

Each example includes:

- FizX Profiles
- FizX Profile Changer
- FizX Tweaker Tool (same version I used with Jaws BBE)

This is updated with the latest v110 features, and the older features removed that are no longer used with v110. A Timer is no longer used. The code is more refined and has new options to allow for more natural shots that can be adjusted for wider shots coming off the flipper tip if needed (RollingEffect)

Everything is in one section to make it easier to copy and paste from, but it also has smaller modular sections to make it easier to understand or update.


****** FizX code Sections ******


- includes xml settings, FizX Profiles / settings, Tweaker Tool, Profile changer


- the core code which can be used in the table script or vbs

"DrawFrameTick - Internal Timer"

- used to AdjustBallVelocity

"FizX Settings Applied at StartUP"

- FizX Profile Settings are applied at the END of "all" FizX code


To copy FizX code from this table to another table, you should only need to do the following:

- add a "HUD DMD" (128x32) named FizXDMD (required or you get an error)
- add DMD Font "dmd05x05p" if the table doesn't already have it (FP New Table has this)
- copy and paste the entire FizX code beginning from "FizX PHYSICS SYSTEM - START" to "FizX PHYSICS SYSTEM - END"
- add any models for rubbers, sling diverters, bumper model, bumper skirt, surface, etc that you need
- read more below at "Adding FizX to a table (the basics)"

I have both the Tweaker Tool (F key) and Profile Changer (G key) enabled for testing. Normally you would have these disabled for a finished table.

The code sections for both the Tweaker Tool and the Profile Changer can be completely replaced or removed if desired.



This example table is only for reference to copy and paste from! It is NOT a good example of FizX gameplay! You may need to adjust settings as you need on your table!

Try Jaws Bigger Boat Edition for an example of a table playing with the latest FizX v110 code.

Remember... you can still adjust everything in the FizX Profiles for whatever you want. Use the Tweaker Tool to play around! Press F while playing to toggle it on and off, and make your adjustments while playing!

Don't go changing the xml settings! Start with them as they are and only adjust things such as the kickers, vuk, spinner, etc as need for the "table objects". Leave the other xml physics settings alone or you WILL mess up things up and FizX won't work correctly or as intended.


I also included the following in the Main FizX code. This is by no means a complete guide... but it will give you the basics of adding FizX to a table.

' ********** Adding FizX to a table (the basics) **********

' - add "HUD DMD" (128x32) to Translite Editor named "FizXDMD". This is for FizX Tweaker Tool
' - add DMD Font "dmd05x05p" if the table doesn't already have it (FP New Table has this)
' - add a surface named DRubberOffset using height of 14/12 (used for the some rubber model heights)
' - add new FizX code (remove any older custom physics code)
' - check the main table code to ensure there is no duplicate Dim, Functions, Subs, etc used in the FizX code
' - in the editor, adjust table slope (usually between 5 to 6)
' - name flippers as "LeftFlipper, RightFlipper, LeftFlipper1, RightFlipper1, etc" in the editor and in the table script to match FizX code
' - adjust flipper start angle / swing angle / strength / elasticity as needed (typically strength is centered, and elasticity is hard)
' - change settings in "Flipper Physics Setup" to match flipper swing angle, and other flipper settings as needed
' - replace bumpers with new bumper model and skirt "peg" model (remove any em kickers in the editor and table code - if they were used for the bumpers)
' - update slings with new FizX diverters, add new FizX commands to activate diverters (in the slingshot Subs)
' - add new FizX diverter "rubber" models for posts and add new FizX wall guides (set as rubber) in place of rubber bands (named Drubber1, Drubber2, Drubber3, etc)
' - use invisible textures for FizX rubber posts, and FizX rubber wall guides (or set to "not rendered" - we don't want to see them)
' - add new settings for each FizX rubber post and rubber wall item in "Rubber settings for items on this table"
' - add new walls (set to plastic) to each drop target (named DT1, DT2, DT3, etc) and use invisible textures with them (we don't want to see them)
' - add or change table code for drop targets so that FizX drop target walls are what gets "hit", and then control drop target items based on that
' - in the editor, make sure all items are named correctly to work with FizX code (flippers, sling diverters, drop target walls, rubber posts and walls, etc)
' - in the editor, ensure settings for all items are correct for FizX (flippers, sling diverters, drop target walls, rubber posts and walls, etc)
' - in the editor, adjust kickers, bumpers, autoplunger as needed for strength, etc
' - adjust "Physics xml" only as needed (most settings are pre-set for FizX)
' - adjust any BAM magnets as needed. Example before adding FizX: Upper_Magnet.Strength = 300. After adding FizX: Upper_Magnet.Strength = 25000
' - if you get Overflow Errors while playing, try adding PFTrajectoryCorrection = 0 right before a ball is created and right before its kicked out
' - test / adjust / test / adjust.... until you get it working the way you want it to play!


Oh, and the Jaws BBE 1.1 update had some typos in the FizX code (my fault) regarding the extra flippers. This had no effect on Jaws since it only has the main 2 flippers, but I already fixed the typo and re-uploaded it tonight. It's still the same 1.1 table otherwise. That typo has been fixed for these Template examples as well.

Enjoy! the new FizX v110 update!

Thanks to @JLou5641 for all the great updates to v110!


  • FizX-Template-v110-TerryRed
    26.8 MB · Views: 17
It might be me (just looking through it) but you're missing individual flippers Friction settings like:

This should be in v110 right?
No, v109 didn't any of that for additional flippers. It only had RollingEffect, AimRange, AimRangeOffset, AimOrientation. With the newer updates for v110, AimRange, AimRangeOffset, AimOrientation were removed.
New v110 has that and is easy to update. I think it is worth it ;)
It might be me (just looking through it) but you're missing individual flippers Friction settings like:

This should be in v110 right?
i will update the template as soon as i can and put it on Mega Ressources
When did those sneak in. :)
Recently? :D

In any case it's just 2 options per flipper and substitute part of the FizX code on the template
Decided to give this a day and gave this a good go. Took a while to get the settings, and had problems with crashing with the XML, but got it roughly playing like the EBD I managed to play yesterday. (found a classic arcade, and everything turned like they were in the '80's. There was also a flash gordon, mati hari, and future spa there on the bally side, a great collection of the Bally flippers and the coils they used)
Overall, I'm happy with the way it plays now. Some problems still, but time would cure that I guess. The fact that you can very easily crash the table with the XML is the big concern for me. Terry mentioned multiple era support, I think it actually might be possible to have a selectable multiple XML system as well, but modifing the XML needs to be harder to screw up, if you understand what I mean.
I also finally got my software to record again, so did a brief video of fizX in fpxEngine if you want to see my settings so far. Only the flipper model was used, and about 6 Drubbers for the tops of slings and T1 drain rubbers. Everything else was stock fpx from before. Despite my playing badly, you can see some tricks. I should note though what happened at 2:18, with the ball sliding off the flipper, but I managed to make that happen very rarely.

At 2:20 what I see is a flipper skill that is totally possible called alley pass, not a problem:

I also see you can do tap passes (those are awesome) amongst other stuff like backhand shots.

To be honest, I think that video shows fizx works ;)
Yah, I was doing those (alley pass) unintentionally... but I'll take it. :)
Alley passes are not new in FP though.
I'm nearly sure that even without BAM you could do those.
v110 will not be released... As i make a big update of Trajectory Correction to Avoid Capacity Overflow
You guys will either love or hate my settings then. Took a long time to get them, started with 9 and had to redo them with this new version.
It's not a alley pass, it's a fp thing with the flippers. early on I could pass back and forward like that. With fp, you can do that far higher up the flipper than real life. Tap passes are tougher to do with this, but then I am getting old as well.

Biggest problem I see so far? The XML limitations, and the fact it crashes if it doesn't like the settings in the xml. I managed to crash it about 30 times, and it's such a pain. It got to the point I made one change, saved, exited FP, then reloaded the table and pressed play to see if it crashed. Rinse and repeat. I really don't see too many people having that kind of patience, so a bunch of presets should be done.

Complete instructions would be nice as well, especially what all the code does when you change it. A lot of my settings were best guess and by eye.

Pretty good though, especially once you spend the time to fine tune the settings. Minor stuff that can be easily fixed over time, lots of little things showed (especially after getting to play a real EBD set up with old school coils) but very VPX like. I'm off to get my stuff done now, but if people want my file, happy to share it.
I have never had a crash due to XML settings. I don't even remember a report, post, complaint, comment because of that and i'm sure we tested some extreme values.

I can test if you give me an example though.

When you say XML limitation you mean, values in "default" FizX XML? we recommend that because it is tested. Fine tuning was ALWAYS a pain. and is nothing new, which is why people C&P all these years once someone found decent settings or so it is my opinion.

You video looks pretty cool so why would one hate your settings, especially if they fit rather nicely with old school REAL tables?

What is EBD?

About the alley pass... for me it can only be done right at the tip of the flipper. Only reason I can think to happen sooner is very low omega at flipper movement start. Like too high rampup or very low (tip)omega... something along these lines so it can be corrected easily. And I say this because... well.. tested :D
Must be my computer then. It's always been a bit of a problem child, and recently upgraded to win 11. It may also be sensitive to Trajectory Correction as well. I will try a complete wipe and reinstall of FP/Bam then, because one of the problem xml was the plungermat code from JG when I tried coping and pasting different code. Can work around it though if need to.

As to why people might not like it, at the arcade were 4 different bally games, and all 4 had different coil and setups, so all 4 played a bit differently. This was over a span of 6 years, so it shows how different the games evolved. They had a good selection of late 70's- 80's Williams as well. Alien Poker (small coil) BK (fast coil) Pharoh and a later one (I forgot which one) all seemed very accurate to what I remember the games played like then. Very cool, got to go back down sometime with a couple rolls of quarters. Saw a Gottlieb (timeline, which is rare) and a couple Data Easts, and a Creature as well.

EBD is Eight Ball Deluxe. This was the limited edition version, with the different backglass, like Mr and Mrs Pac-man.

As to alley, yes, that makes sense. The code here works pretty much like the old version of shivaFlippers, but I fixed that with a new version to look at where the ball was on the control point as you can do a alley pass half way on the flipper. Alley passes are very easy to do with fizX the way my settings are, in the arcade, I actually couldn't do it with EBD, but then very rusty as well.
I love EBD. Even being biased to the theme i have to say the pool themed pinball tables are nice.

I see videos online where the guys just pass the ball from flipper to flipper... they make it seem easy. Same for live catches!

Tables do evolve (usually for the worse) in real life so that's natural. We can't have that in digital pinball though which is why scatter in VPX and now in FizX is important... to give a bit of "life" to the machine.

I knew there was an explanation to the unforced alley pass. I'm getting the hang of it but still fail more often than not on both that and live catches. i do setup livecatch to 5 in fizX though (that's my excuse anyway :D )
I'm just old. oddly enough, the keyboard on my laptop is better for me rather than my fancy 250 dollar plus gaming keyboard for tricks.

BTW, I just removed fp/bam completely (I love revo uninstaller) and finally added the 4k patch to a fresh install, so maybe things might work a bit better now. I'm sure I am cursed though.

EBD was a great machine, but I cut my teeth on Flash Gordon, and playboy. Both real tough games, but that was bally. Fat, slow and massive drain monsters.

The one problem I had was the base shots. Bally's always had strong base shots, and is very hard to do right. The Video you saw was a compromise as the base shots couldn't do certain things, which is a shame, but wasn't possible previously either. I still have hopes though.
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I'm just old. oddly enough, the keyboard on my laptop is better for me rather than my fancy 250 dollar plus gaming keyboard for tricks.

Yah, that was what AnonTet and myself figured out for my gaming keyboard as well. It's why I always give a disclaimer in my demo videos when I'm not at my cabinet as I'm using my gaming keyboard which is bad for trick shots, or a gamepad which I'm just bad with period.
I'm just old. oddly enough, the keyboard on my laptop is better for me rather than my fancy 250 dollar plus gaming keyboard for tricks.
Gaming keyboard is just blaba and marketing!!! basic keyboard and non-mechanical have most of time better response! Incredible isn't it?

I have an old ps/2 keyboard at my work, and it's the fastest keyboard i have lol
See .sig below for testing people.

PS/2 is cheating as it is interrupt based :p
USB protocol is crap or so I keep reading and has inherent latency just there so it's no wonder :D

BUT manufacturers talk about Hz and all that adn forget to talk about debounce which is probably the issue on said keyboards.
See .sig below.PS/2 is cheating as it is interrupt based :p
USB protocol is crap or so I keep reading and has inherent latency just there so it's no wonder :D

BUT manufacturers talk about Hz and all that adn forget to talk about debounce which is probably the issue on said keyboards.
I rememeber how the hell you tore out your hair because we can't understand why trick don't work for you and perfect for me before you find the debounce tuning on your keyboard lol, at the beginning of DFv2
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