Halloween - Big Bloody Mike (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3)

SS Original Table BAM FP Halloween - Big Bloody Mike (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3) 2.0

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Solid State Machines
Future Pinball
Got it working and boy is Halloween cool! Just had to set PuPDMDDriverType = 2 as I share backglass with dmd on 2nd monitor. Very Nice Terry!

for now I wrote a batch file to set backglass off in registry and one to turn it back on. I need to still add the launch portion for FPloader for tables I want to launch that have pinevents in it so its manual for now.

Is the launch fploader script in your how to im trying to find it?
A little lag with all this running pinevent with pup on a i5 machine may have to turn down my AA a bit.
You shouldn't be adding anything to the FP settings in your GPU driver for AA, etc unless your system can handle in all situations. Also, be sure you use the settings I show in the FP and BAM Mega Guide.... and start with minimal or no AA.

I was able to play with my older i5 2500K and GTX 970 no problem in HD with pup-packs and FP. though SW DSA and Halloween may be more demanding since then. PuP-Packs need more CPU than GPU.

For launching...

In the PinEvent Guide there are examples for Popper... not for PBX / Y, or a standalone BAT file (thoght the FP and BAM guide has a PBX example there).

The problem is... if using a BAT file without a front-end, the command won't load a specific table, whereas a front-end fills that in with the table you selected.

This should launch just FP-BAM (change as needed) from a BAT.
(if using a front-end refer to my Popper examples...and change as needed for the front-end you are using).

cd "c:\games\Future Pinball"

START "" "FPLoader.exe"
I have this to launch the table and yes older i5 with a 1050 video card so maybe too intensive with 4xAA on.
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Future Pinball\GamePlayer" /v "ArcadeMode" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Future Pinball\GamePlayer" /v "SecondMonitorEnable" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
call "C:\Pinball\Future Pinball\BAM\fploader.exe" /open "C:\Pinball\Future Pinball\Tables\Halloween (Ultimate Pro 1.02) - Big Bloody Mike - PinEvent 1.31.fpt" /play /exit

it launches fine but then i would have to put the script to turn back on backglass with the other registry entries on my other tables like above to run.

im using option 3 in the puppack looks good dmd/video takes up most of backglass but looks great! The speaker options AIO work fine too if I want smaller dmd/video.
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Can I turn off the little display on the playfield? it may be whats lagging it.
ok turned off power saving mode on nvida card and set it to performance no noticeable lag.

That scene from Halloween 3 really creeps me out about the tv that movie was creepy as heck :o
Can I turn off the little display on the playfield? it may be whats lagging it.

If you followed my FP and BAM Mega guide and used my BAM setup files... then all that should be turned off.

To turn those off:

Open BAM menu, Addons, Hide Overlays = Always


As for pup-pack options... I'll say again... you need to be specific about what resolution your Backglass is... as there are specific pup-pack options that are intended for specific setups / monitors. The AIO are meant for square'ish backglass setups... not a standard 16x9 monitor / TV.

By using the wrong pup-pack option for your setup... the text, etc won't fit / display correctly.

What resolution is your Backglass monitor? The native resolution?


You are honestly better off setting this up properly with your front-end. For PBX, it's not hard to setup / add a "PinEvent" system so you can add the commands / bat for disabling the FP BG and AM on the "Launch Before", and then you can do the same for the normal FP system with a BAT to enable those options.
If you followed my FP and BAM Mega guide and used my BAM setup files... then all that should be turned off.

To turn those off:

Open BAM menu, Addons, Hide Overlays = Always


As for pup-pack options... I'll say again... you need to be specific about what resolution your Backglass is... as there are specific pup-pack options that are intended for specific setups / monitors. The AIO are meant for square'ish backglass setups... not a standard 16x9 monitor / TV.

By using the wrong pup-pack option for your setup... the text, etc won't fit / display correctly.

What resolution is your Backglass monitor? The native resolution?


You are honestly better off setting this up properly with your front-end. For PBX, it's not hard to setup / add a "PinEvent" system so you can add the commands / bat for disabling the FP BG and AM on the "Launch Before", and then you can do the same for the normal FP system with a BAT to enable those options.
I do have that off what I was referring to was the mini dmd on the table itself that shows what the dmd on the backglass shows.

I did above state my backglass currently is set to 1080p (native). When I get my new table it will be 1280x1024 19 inch. I am just preparing BAM tables for my new machine. The guy that is building it isn't fond of FP (I do not think he even knows about BAM). So I am getting my BAM stuff ready for it. It will have analog plunger, force feedback (I assume he is using DOF), and analog nudge, but no dedicated DMD. I am just messing around with Pinevent I have it running fine everything is good including fonts now that I set that option to 2 for cabinet mode, and yes I do believe he said he is using Popper for frontend so I can easily use scripts to enable and disable backglass, DOF, and arcade mode like you show in your instructions for Pinevent tables.

I love the table and am going to get your StarWars one next. He is using a new Radeon card and a high end i5 so stutter should not be a issue.
You are honestly better off setting this up properly with your front-end. For PBX, it's not hard to setup / add a "PinEvent" system so you can add the commands / bat for disabling the FP BG and AM on the "Launch Before", and then you can do the same for the normal FP system with a BAT to enable those options.

Yes I already wrote the dos BAT files to do this just have to copy the relevant code (minus the specific table launch part) into PBX but I do not really need to bother to do this as I am pretty sure Popper will be the front end on my new table.
Ok some test with my i3 3.4 ghz. 6 gig. ram both monitors at 1080p and added a GTX970 card.
Running original slamt1lt table average 59 fps.
Running this table getting average of 32 fps defiantly playable using DirectX for pup drivers. Turning off mini playfield only netted me 1 fps average at best. It does slow down a tad on upper playfield like 30 fps.

On my new table with a i5 and a Radeon card equivalent to the 970 and 8 gig. and a smaller resolution backglass I think it will run in the 50s.
Try Disabling PUP Stream and see if that helps.
Try Disabling PUP Stream and see if that helps.
Hell yes 59 fps.. Thanks Terry!
All I lose is the mini playfield dmd screen but that's ok
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Try Disabling PUP Stream and see if that helps.
One other thing Terry how do you get the ball to manually move in your videos I assume its in dev options in bam menu but haven't figured it out would like to be able to take some screen shots and hopefully compile a nice pdf instruction for some of these tables (some things I am good at pdf editing and vbs reading/writing :) )
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I was able to play this the other day....love it. All of a sudden it now freezes when it says found: myersmodel
I was able to play this the other day....love it. All of a sudden it now freezes when it says found: myersmodel
Did you change any FP settings between the first time and the most recent time you played it?

Also, just a shot in the dark-- maybe the file got corrupted? (i.e., reinstall)

Might also help to update to the latest BAM:
TerryRed updated Halloween - Big Bloody Mike (PinEvent V2, FizX, U-Pro) with a new update entry:

1.4 - Big Bloody Mike - PinEvent V2, FizX update

"Big Bloody Mike" mod v1.4

- updates to the table, layout, code, sound, music, items, lighting, models, etc
- removed older items / surfaces / lights no longer used
- adjusted table geometry to allow for better ball flow
- updated BAM lighting and post processing
- updated entire table's G.I. and lighting
- new insert models, lighting, textures, normal maps, decals
- new animated BAM spotlights and models
- new shadowmaps for G.I and flashers (made to work properly with ray cast ball...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Terry thank you very much for this very nice mod....but I won't hide from you that reading 32 pages of installation instructions...it's way too much for me...I have some qualities but not in the technical field... it was still simpler in the days of francisco666... having said that, that does not take anything away from the quality of your excellent mod, thank you again for this one
I'm not seeingn the pumpkin ball. I can toggle using plunger key but I see a gray ball for pumpkin and a shiny, chrome ball for chrome. Am I missing something?

Thanks for another great table.

I'm not seeingn the pumpkin ball. I can toggle using plunger key but I see a gray ball for pumpkin and a shiny, chrome ball for chrome. Am I missing something?

Thanks for another great table.


Make sure you are using the exact Video Settings and Editor Settings I show you included in the zip file of the table.
Have both Big Bloody Mike's. On both after loading models it say "Found: Mike Myers" on the older version and on this version screen says "found: jackolatern" on the loading screen, in both cases it just sits there and waits and never goes onto the table.
Have both Big Bloody Mike's. On both after loading models it say "Found: Mike Myers" on the older version and on this version screen says "found: jackolatern" on the loading screen, in both cases it just sits there and waits and never goes onto the table.

There's nothing on the table's end that can be done about this. I've run this on multiple PC's for testing (older and newer).

Either you don't have FP settings done correctly (like I show in the install instructions), you don't have BAM updated to the latest, or have the 4GB patch applied to both FP and BAM... or your PC drivers, etc are not up to date, or something on your system is restricting BAM.
I have all your other great tables installed and working, but no worries I'll keep fiddling. Appreciate your input.
Terry thank you very much for this very nice mod....but I won't hide from you that reading 32 pages of installation instructions...it's way too much for me...I have some qualities but not in the technical field... it was still simpler in the days of francisco666... having said that, that does not take anything away from the quality of your excellent mod, thank you again for this one

You don't need to read through the whole thing if you aren't a cabinet user or using PinEvent features. You just need to be sure you are updated to the latest BAM and patched for 4 GB and using the correct FP settings. (all in the requirements section)
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