Halloween - Big Bloody Mike (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3)

SS Original Table BAM FP Halloween - Big Bloody Mike (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3) 2.0

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Solid State Machines
Future Pinball
Better too much info than too little. I find the directions very clear, and the bullet points highlight what I need and what I can skip. Too many table authors seem to take for granted that we all know how this stuff works.
@TerryRed Any tips to help me have mini playfield show up?
I'm in desktop setup how did you get extra screen on table on right and on top left ... love this table but I don't see those extra screens. I copied cfg file in place for desktop but no go. Any tip anyone can provide let me know. I did follow your guides as usual but for some reason I can't get mini playfield to showup on the left or on the table.
@TerryRed Any tips to help me have mini playfield show up?
I'm in desktop setup how did you get extra screen on table on right and on top left ... love this table but I don't see those extra screens. I copied cfg file in place for desktop but no go. Any tip anyone can provide let me know. I did follow your guides as usual but for some reason I can't get mini playfield to showup on the left or on the table.

Those are PUP Stream displays. You need to Install Pinup Player, use a dummy display to display the pup-pack on, then enable PUP and PUP Stream in PinEvent settings to allow that to work.

Those are PUP Stream displays. You need to Install Pinup Player, use a dummy display to display the pup-pack on, then enable PUP and PUP Stream in PinEvent settings to allow that to work.

Mystery finally resolved I can now take advantage of all your pup event tables omg! The key in my case I was just missing https://www.amyuni.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3030 then making sure tables use it :) OMG!
Big Thank you @TerryRed all your pinevent tables trully amazing on my bigscreen 180" projector wall! Curious are you planing to upgrade your Retroflair to pinevent v2 and fizX ... and I do look forward to test your amazing work on silent hill.
Big Thank you @TerryRed all your pinevent tables trully amazing on my bigscreen 180" projector wall! Curious are you planing to upgrade your Retroflair to pinevent v2 and fizX ... and I do look forward to test your amazing work on silent hill.

I almost have "F-14 Tomcat - Afterburner" updated for PinEvent V2 and FizX. After that, I may move on to Silent Hill.

Not sure if I will bother updating RetroFlair, since RF2 will have so much more when its done.
have been playing this throughout the day today. probably about 12 decent plays, the blood and the silver shamrock routines are cool and the pumpkin ball is cool as hell. very nice!!!!
TerryRed updated Halloween - Big Bloody Mike (PinEvent V2, FizX, U-Pro) with a new update entry:

1.5 - FizX physics v2.0, New Fleep Sounds

"Big Bloody Mike" v1.5

- added fixes for kickback (sometimes ball fell back in and got trapped)
- updated table and physics to FizX v2.0 (should now use 1K ball model zip file)
- updated PinEvent V2 Ball Rolling functions: new singular code for both FP and PUP SSF (no more smoke ball rolling code)
- updated PinEvent V2 PinMechSound code to support new FizX auto hit events based on PF materials
- removed all triggers and sounds used for ball hit sounds (no longer needed with FizX v2.0)

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TerryRed updated Halloween - Big Bloody Mike (PinEvent V2, FizX, U-Pro) with a new update entry:

1.6 - FizX physics and Ball Rolling Sound updates and fixes

- updated FizX physics code to change how ball ID's are handled to prevent conflicts
- updated FizX physics code for more efficient Rubber bounce handling
- updated Ball Rolling Sound code to change how ball ID's are tracked to prevent conflicts
- removed old PUPRollingUpdateTimer commands that are no longer used (would give an error if PinEvent Settings were forced to be disabled)

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TerryRed updated Halloween - Big Bloody Mike (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.0) with a new update entry:

v1.7 - FizX v3.0 physics update!

- updated table for FizX v3.0
- new built in Static Camera Views for Desktop mode (toggle with plunger during attract mode)
- plunger and special buttons all activate autoplunger
- small fixes
- new install instructions
- ball rolling sounds changed in table and in pup-pack
- updated spinners to use Wecoc's spinner code

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Hey Terry,
I prefer the original FP camera settings and set "Static_Desktop_Camera = 0"
But on on ball loss, the camera is resetted to a view from your view set. How can I prevent this unwanted behaviour?
Hey Terry,
I prefer the original FP camera settings and set "Static_Desktop_Camera = 0"
But on on ball loss, the camera is resetted to a view from your view set. How can I prevent this unwanted behaviour?

Just tested it here and it works fine.

The Static Camera Views I added are set in table script and are a separate thing from what is set in BAM CFG.

Remember that the "0 = off (use FP Camera)" also means it will use any BAM camera settings that can be toggled with C (global, table, Future Pinball)

Try toggling C until it changes to Future Pinball camera. Then that should be what is used from that point on for that table (it gets saved to CFG).
Nope. Some events resetting the camera too. My prefered view for FP Tables is "Full Table View 2", set be hitting "F2". But some script things change this while playing.
Nope. Some events resetting the camera too. My prefered view for FP Tables is "Full Table View 2", set be hitting "F2". But some script things change this while playing.

Did you also change Zoom_to_UpperPlayfield = 0?

Don't know what to tell you, as its working perfect here.

Both Zoom_to_UpperPlayfield = 0 and Static_Desktop_Camera = 0 are set in TABLE OPTIONS. When table is loaded, I toggle C until I get BAM Camera: Future Pinball. Then I press F2. It then works like normal FP, and does not use any static camera, and does not switch to any other view throughout the entire game.
Did you backup your .cfg and .fpram files to start fresh?
Sometimes help to redo everything from the start.

There's a "camera follows ball" (or something like this) in video settings; Is it on? Not sure if this has anything to do with it as I have never turned it on but I leave this here, just in case.
@AnonTet Yepp, fresh start, no fix.
@TerryRed Tried the same way. But when the Ball is leaving the upper Play Field, the camera is switched to a static view. I have to press F2 to come back to my prefered cam...
@AnonTet Yepp, fresh start, no fix.
@TerryRed Tried the same way. But when the Ball is leaving the upper Play Field, the camera is switched to a static view. I have to press F2 to come back to my prefered cam...

Be absolutely sure you toggle C until it says BAM Camera: Future Pinball "before" you press F2. Otherwise when it leaves the upper playfield, it will "release" to the last BAM Camera setting.... not F2.
Demonstration of it working.

When table loads.... I toggle C until I see BAM Camera: Future Pinball. Then I press F2 (or any Fxx key for FP cameras).

I can play through the entire game and it never switches to a static view.

Be sure you are NOT pressing plunger or special keys while in attract as that may switch to a static view which from that point on will re-enable the static view. If you aren't sure... toggle plunger key while in attract mode until it says on the DMD "Static Camera off"


  • It works.mp4
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TerryRed updated Halloween - Big Bloody Mike (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.2) with a new update entry:


- table completely updated for FizX v3.2 physics
- new Lighting settings in TABLE OPTIONS in the table script
- small fixes
- updated PuP-Pack

Note: if using any PUP features, then you must use the new updated PuP-Pack with this new table update! (it won't load any other version)

Remove the old pup-pack and replace it with the new version, then run the OPTION BAT file in the PuP-Pack folder that matches your setup.

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i want to thank you for such a wonderful game you are a legend
TerryRed updated Halloween - Big Bloody Mike (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3) with a new update entry:

1.9 - FizX 3.3

- updated table for FizX physics v3.3 (much more efficient with CPU usage)
- new Debug options that can be enabled / disabled
- new Toggle_Static_Camera option (disables toggling the static view during attract mode with plunger button)
- use_RayCast_Shadows can now completely disable ray cast shadows (no need to disable in the BAM menu after)

Note: this table update requires the new BAM 1.5-373 update (included in my newest FP and BAM Essentials AIO)

Read the rest of this update entry...
Good night.
I downloaded all the Slamt1lt updates, and the events or animations on the left appear in all of them, but not in this table, that is, Halloween.
In Sonic, Bladerunner, Aliens, in short, all the boards that have animations I have no problems, except for the Halloween board, and I've already tried everything. I actually touched a few things in the script, and re-edited them to get them back to the default state. Nothing changes.
Only the matrix (simple DMD) point counter appears, but not the animations.


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