WIP Original Table BAM FizX FP Masters of the Universe - Collector's Edition

Future Pinball

KHAN ARTIST (Kobra Khan)


I just completed creating the newest Man-E Mode bringing MOTU CE up to 14 modes now. This new mode is called KHAN ARTIST.

Kobra Khan appears through a portal as a BumperHead toy. He is trying to set you up for a crime you didn't commit.

Kobra Khan, has 3 attacks you must pass through to progress.

Snake Tongue - Kobra Khan will rotate back and forth while lashing out his long tongue, making it hard to pass him and make shots. If your ball hits his tongue at all, he will suck the ball into his mouth and spit it out elsewhere! Once you make two lit shots, then he begins his next attack.

Venom Mist - Kobra Khan rotates back and forth spraying his deadly venom mist. If you get caught in the mist, your ball will be frozen / paralyzed in place... and then dropped! After you make two lit shots then he will being his final attack.

Kobra Trance - Kobra Khan rotates back and forth with his snake eyes trying to catch you in his glance! If you fall within his line of sight, then your ball will freeze in place. Kobra Khan will spray sleep gas at you to tire you out! This makes all the table lights dim out over and over... and the worst part? Your flippers controls are reversed! This will continue for a short time until you recover. Each time you get caught in his gaze this repeats! Make two last lit shots to complete the mode and collect the Kobra Khan action figure!

This mode is very neat, but can be very challenging! You really need to keep the ball under control! Your Orko Shots can be VERY helpful here... but they can also fire your ball into a deadly attack as well! Be careful!

This game is getting HUGE... and I love it!

More to come!

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You guys should all be proud on how far future pinball has come. Even since I started 2 years ago it has improved immensely.!
Damn, Terry, how do you do it!
That mist effect is verrrry nice!



I just completed creating the newest Man-E Mode bringing MOTU CE up to 15 modes now. This new mode is called DIAMOND RAY DILEMMA.

Skeletor has found the lost Diamond Ray of Disappearance! Anyone who gazes at it's rays for too long is transported to another dimension! While progressing through the mode battling Skeletor, he makes the diamond appear through a portal as a bumperhead toy, and uses it on Man at Arms and Zoar (the Sorceress) to make them disappear from the playfield!

He then tries to use it on you! You must progress to deflect it away from you towards Skeletor, causing him to drop the diamond! Now you must go after the diamond by hitting the bumperhead toy, as the Sorceress has told you the only way to save everyone is to crush the Diamond of Disappearance!

Every shot you make into the Diamond / Bumperhead toy progresses you farther, but there is one problem. Each time you do so you drift farther away into another dimension, and it makes your ball more and more transparent, making it harder to see it!

After you hit enough shots to the diamond... He-Man disappears!

To finish the mode, you must press the Action button to crush the Diamond! After you do so, the diamond shatters, and everyone returns safely back to Eternia! For completing the mode, you are rewarded with the Moss Man action figure!

Not sure how many more modes I'll be adding... I have a few more ideas... but I'm getting closer.

... and yes, the ball is a new He-Man ball! You now will get to choose between a He-Man / Skeletor / Hordak ball, or a chrome version of each.... or just a normal chrome ball.

More to come!

View attachment motu ce - drd demo_1.mp4

Never was a he-man watcher wa way back. But I remember some of the dialog. Very cool, Terry you amaze me.
Never was a he-man watcher wa way back. But I remember some of the dialog. Very cool, Terry you amaze me.
No I never watched He-Man but the pinball game looks cool. I did watch some Thundercats, my friend even had the plastic thundercat sword I would use to smash all his toys with we would line them up and knock them over with the sword.
That mist effect is verrrry nice!
the whole table and effects are nice, they fit, they are done with passion and talent , mass perks. Terry's graphics and lighting are always on point, its hard to find any flaws if there are any.

New - Mekaneck toy, and other cool new features!


New Mekaneck toy!

I added Mekaneck to the playfield. He will raise his robotic / periscope long neck whenever the ball goes down the castle ramp, and follows the ball a bit.

I may add a new feature called "Mekaneck Mystery" which will either give you a random Mystery reward, or may enable / start something new on the playfield.

View attachment Mekaneck.mp4


Launch Perks

Another new feature I've added (but can't really show yet) are Launch Perks. When you start a new ball, similar to Sonic Pinball Mania, you see perks randomly cycle. When you press the action / launch button, whichever perk is highlighted is what you get as the ball launches. This really allows for more dynamic gameplay, as this means that some modes can be instantly "ready" and active, waiting for one more shot to start them. Or you could get possible rewards such as more Orko shots, an Extra Ball, etc.

It was tricky to do, but I made sure that the order of the random perks doesn't repeat, but it's still random each time it cycles through all options.

The other thing I did was make sure that if a mode has been completed, then that perk will no longer be one of the options, so as to not waste a perk for each ball, and to narrow down the options, etc. This makes for great gameplay progression.


Choose your Faction

At the start of the game... you get to choose what faction you get to play. The options are:

EVIL WARRIORS (Skeletor, etc)
THE EVIL HORDE (Hordak, etc)

What faction you choose will determine the following (so far):

- what characters you get to choose for your player
- the appearance of your ball (this can be overridden in TABLE OPTIONS, and you can have whatever you want, no matter the faction)
- some changes to the playfield appearance


Choose your character

- whatever faction you choose will determine what character you can choose for your player
- game is single player only (very complex table to add more players to), but if that ever changes this would be add some fun to that
- this is more for fun currently, but I hope to add some perks or one time bonus for each character


This all really adds so much more to the game for fun and visually (when I'm done)... so expect to see even more cool stuff coming!
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Oh boy....

I've been busy the last month. So there has been MANY updates and new features added in that time. So this next post will have lots of pictures, info, maybe a few videos. Needless to say... progress has come along VERY nicely!

Here we go. This will be a BIG post.


New: plastics models, art, weapons and character models

So, I've been hard at work finalizing the last bits of the playfield. I needed to wait until this was done before I could finish certain things, but man did this all turn out great!

Plastics (art and new clear models)

Since I had to rebuild most of the table's layout (after adding new physics and new items, etc), this meant I had to make new artwork for the plastics. Half of the original plastics art is still there, but the rest is new.

After this was done, I decided to finally try to make new "clear plastics models". On previous tables, I would just add a new FP surface layer on top and add some reflective looking sphere maps. This worked ok but didn't give the look I wanted (looking like real pin plastics)

So, to create better looking clear plastics, this needed to be done in Blender. First I export the FP table's surface plastics into Blender as a model. Then I made the plastics model slightly larger than the FP surface art. Then I would add a bevel to the top edges. I could leave this as a sharp bevel, or add smooth shading. Both give a nice result in FP. I decided to go with smooth shading, as it looks better from a real gameplay view. Then I separate the flat top portion and the edges into separate models. This way I can use separate settings and textures for them in FP.

Now I import these new clear plastics models back into FP as "fp ramp models", since this will allow both sides of the edge models to be rendered through the top layer (normally models only render one side). I then apply some nice semi transparent sphere maps (based on the playfield art) to the side models, and then use a separate sphere map for the top flat model. Both of these models are placed on top of the thin FP plastics art surface.

When combined correctly, this makes the plastics look SO much nicer, and almost gives a similar look to a refracted clear plastic. During gameplay, if you play in a moving FP camera view, or especially in VR this really looks stunning, as the still pics don't do it justice.

motu ce - new playfield, plastics, items - mekaneck.jpg

New Weapons models

- I always wanted to add more motu weapons to the playfield
- I made an Evil-Lyn magic staff that is positioned near the kickback. The sphere / orb is a FP flasher and will light up when you ball gets kicked back into play
- I added a new Sorceress staff in a similar location on the right side outer lane
- I added new motu mace weapon models on both flipper guide plastics to replace the older swords (we have a newer sword model with He-Man)
- I previously added a new Havoc Staff (Skeletor) and He-Man axe, sword and shield

motu ce - new playfield, plastics, items - evil lyn.jpg

motu ce - new playfield, plastics, items - sorceress staff.jpg

New character models

- new Hordak and Roboto models (to replace the much older Webstor and Man-E Faces models)
- new Mekaneck model (for the new Mystery feature)
- He-Man, Skeletor, Man-At Arms, Orko models and many others are all new models (that I added long ago)
- the vr / game room will have lots of new models

The only models left from the original table are the Zoar falcon, the Castle pop up toy, the clear ramps (which have been remodeled partially for the new table), spotlights, and the two signs (castle prison and banner).

motu ce - new playfield, plastics, items - figures.jpg


- new art created for both ramps
- new art for both ramp covers

motu ce - new playfield, plastics, items - ramps.jpg


New: AutoPlunger and Balls (based on your faction choice)

The new "Choose Your Faction" feature I've added will change some things in the game based on the faction you have chosen. Two of them are the autoplunger models, and the ball.


Heroes = Fisto fist
Evil = Clawful claw
Horde = Leech suction hand


Heroes = He-Man chest plate
Evil = Skeletor chest plate
Horde = Hordak chest plate

You can force what ball you want to use (no matter the faction) in the TABLE OPTIONS in the table script. you can also choose to use a standard chrome ball instead.

This can also be toggled during attract mode.

motu ce - new plungers, balls - heroes.jpg

motu ce - new plungers, balls - evil.jpg

motu ce - new plungers, balls - horde.jpg



The new "Choose Your Faction" feature I've added will change some things in the game based on the faction you have chosen.

Two of them are the playfield art and bonus multiplier characters.

The many changes and new items I added to the table required that I make new art for the playfield. The parts of the playfield art that remain the same are still new as I sourced new higher resolution art to composite it all together.

There is lots of new art for the heroes playfield, but the evil and horde playfields are pretty much all new.

motu ce - choose faction - hero.jpg

motu ce - choose faction - evil.jpg

motu ce - choose faction - horde.jpg

motu ce - choose faction - hero - upper.jpg

motu ce - choose faction - evil - upper.jpg

motu ce - choose faction - horde - upper.jpg



The new "Choose Your Faction" feature I've added will change some things in the game based on the faction you have chosen such as the playfield art, the autoplunger model, and the ball (all to match the faction you choose).

However, the faction you choose will also give you one more option. The ability to Choose your Character. The characters you can choose from are specific to your faction. Your character will simply appear on the mirror display on the playfield during the game. The idea was more for fun, but also may be handy if I'm able to add multiplayer support in the future (so each player can see their character during their turn, etc).

I won't have "every" character, but I included the more common ones from the 80's toys and cartoons, etc. This is the list of characters:

Heroic Warriors

Ram Man
Moss Man
Man-e Faces
Clamp Champ
Snout Spout

Evil Warriors

Beast Man
Trap Jaw
Kobra Khan
Scare Glow
Two Bad

The Evil Horde

Shadow Weaver

View attachment motu ce - choose character.mp4



A new feature I've just added is Mekanack Mystery.

To enable it you must make a number shots to either the left orbit or the upper right inner loop and have the ball travel down past He-Man where the new Mystery insert and Mekaneck toy are located. This must be done when not in a mode. The number of shots required can be set in TABLE OPTIONS.

Once enabled Mekaneck will say something and raise his neck all the way up. Then you can trigger Mystery by hitting the He-Man kicker (when not in a mode).

Mystery will cycle through numerous rewards and eventually stop and reward you with whatever it ends up with (it's always random). Currently this can be the following (but may change):

- increase Orko Shots (+5 for now)
- extra ball
- bonus multipliers x2,x3,x4,x5,x6
- award big points
- enable Battlecat Bumpers
- award action figure
- award vehicle
- award playset

I've coded this so that the Mystery will only offer and cycle through options that are of a greater value than what you have, or something you can still acquire. So if you already have Bonus Multipliers x4, then it won't allow x2 or x3 to be an option. This makes it so it won't waste your mystery reward on something you already have. (if you have all action figures, then it won't offer that, etc) Other variables can change what's offered as well such as game progress, how many balls left, or how many Orko shots you have, etc. These are the kind of things I need to eventually iron out after the game is close to done and tested a lot.

View attachment motu ce - mystery.mp4


New: LAUNCH PERKS and Mirror Display


Another new feature I've just added are Launch Perks. This is similar to what I added to Sonic Pinball Mania, but with some changes.

At the start of each ball, the mirror display that is positioned over the plunger lane area will quickly cycle through many "perks" (random order). When you launch the ball whatever perk is shown will be applied. The duration of the cycle time can be set in TABLE OPTIONS (to make it really easy for kids or bad players, etc).

These are some of the perks (but may change):

- increase Orko Shots (+5 for now)
- extra ball
- Mystery is Ready
- Man-E Modes is Ready
- Hordak is Horrible is Ready
- Sorceress Struggles is Ready
- She-Ra Slingshots is Ready
- Teela's Training is Ready
- He-Man MB is Ready
- Skeletor MB is Ready
- Castle MB is Ready
- Ripper MB is Ready
- Shot Unlocked (to instantly allow progression on all shots)

This allows you to get into modes quickly without having to progress through their shots to make them "ready". Since this is random, it makes for unpredictable gameplay with each ball launch and makes for fast action and fun. With each new ball it can narrow down what perks you have so you can have a better chance at start new modes more quickly the better you play.

I've coded this so that the Launch Perks will only offer and cycle through options for modes that are not "completed" or not already "ready", etc . So if you already completed a few modes (you can't replay any mode after completing them) then the Launch Perks will no longer include those modes. This makes it so it won't waste your Launch Perk on something you already have completed.


I've now fully utilized the mirror display I created. Now it will show the following:

- what player is playing and what faction they are from
- what mode you are playing in
- splash images of characters (with a callout) when their mode is ready, or another mode is progressing
- ball saves
- battlecat bumpers
- bonus multipliers
- rewards for things like action figure, vehicles, playsets
- mystery rewards
- launch perks

There could be more things added later on. I'm really happy how this turned out as its surprisingly effective at giving you helpful visual feedback without needing to look at the DMD display.

View attachment motu ce - launch perk and mirror.mp4



This new table is becoming a massive game. The table file is by far the largest FP table (and larger than most new VP tables) at around 435 MB... so far. I could reduce that a bit with some texture optimizations.

The table... visually... is pretty locked down now and won't be changing much. The VR room still needs to be completed (and could be big)... and other bits here and there.

The content in this table for an original is just getting crazy. 15+ modes and many new features.

The hard part for me now.... is stopping myself from adding more new features and modes.
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New: TEELA's TRAINING - Naughty He-Man update


I've updated my new Teela's Training mode a little bit. :)

In this mode Teela is training you to improve your swordsmanship. Your objective is to evade her. While she is facing away from you and distracted, you need to attack from behind.

However, when Teela is facing away from you... oh my, that naughty He-Man now will turn towards Teela and focus his gaze at her. When you attack and Teela discovers what's going on, she isn't standing for your shit, and scolds you. He-Man immediately turns around and faces away in shame... shame... shame... shame...

When you hit enough lit shots, the target bank lowers. Shoot the ball in there to complete your "training".

If you are struggling with your aim, never hesitate to use an Orko Shot to assist you. :)

View attachment motu ce - teela update.mp4

duplicate post

It's not something most people even think about, but something as simple a TILT can be a huge endeavor to implement correctly on a table like this.

With now 16 modes (yes I'm making a new one as we speak), you have to think of everything that could go wrong, and I have MANY staged events that play out through gameplay that need to be sorted and correctly stopped / hidden / animated if you tilt. You also have to properly deal with balls draining, as some may be hidden or destroyed during staged events.

I have it so that you can't tilt during many events since you aren't actually playing during those moments.... or times like when you get to choose a Man-E mode, etc. Lots to think about... as you never know when someone does a drunken shake of the machine during silly times, etc.

You also have to think about ball recovery options as well.


This table is only single player right now... but god help me if I try to implement multiplayer.

It would be very cool as each player can be a different faction and character, etc....

...but... not only would I have to keep track of every players mode completion progress, but I would also have to keep track of every players progress to make the mode "ready", as well. That's 16 modes, and then the "ready" progress for each. Then there's the rest of the playfield shots that have their own settings and progress as well. (which includes setting the correct colour and blink state, etc)

This table doesn't reset "any" progress as you play. So your next ball continues where you left off. (it does reset the mode progress if you fail though). So that would be a monster task to figure out.

It would require recoding much of the game in respect to no longer using light states for logic (right now, if you clear a mode, the light state is on, etc).

I would also have to track what each player "collects" as well for modes completed, figures, vehicles, playsets. I also would have to change the playfield / visuals for each player's new ball, etc. Yah... this is a BIG game.

I REALLY want to do that, but that may be a bonus to try to tackle when I'm basically "done" (enough).

Biggest table?

Dang... this table is 450 MB so far, lol (and I'll still need to finish the VR room). This may well be the biggest standalone table file size ever when its done.... for both VP and FP.

That's not including a pup-pack.
Honestly, I thought you might be adding too many modes but it looks cool. I hope I can figure out how to play it.
but something as simple a TILT can be a huge endeavor to implement correctly
I've already racked my brains with Tilt Warning. Finally I did it just to deactivate it.

an example for multiball ...

Sub FuturePinball_TiltWarnings(ByVal Warnings)
    If (bMultiBallMode = True) Then
    FpTilted = False
    exit sub
    End If
    PlaySound "Warning"
End Sub

(new Man-E Mode)


I've just completed creating the 8th Man-E Mode, making a total of 16 modes now for MOTU CE!

In this mode, Skeletor has transported Castle Grayskull to another dimension! You need to defeat him and return it to Eternia. Only one problem, He-Man's strength isn't the same as it is in Eternia!

Skeletor will randomly fire his stun ray from his havoc staff at He-Man. This will freeze your ball instantly in it's spot for 2 seconds, then it will be released. This can be tricky as you never know where your ball will get stunned and dropped! It could be stunned over a desired flipper, or stunned over the drain and when released could be straight down the middle. This is where an Orko Shot can be very helpful!

After a couple of shots the Sorceress offers her help. She will use her powers to stop Skeletor from firing. Now He-Man must ask for the Castle's secret powers to help him lift Castle Grayskull, then throw it back through the White Hole, and back to Eternia!

Skeletor will break free. You must try to stop him, but he'll get away, again!


This may "possibly" be the last Man-E Mode (never say never, as I still have ideas). This was actually the first idea I had for a new mode when I started making this game. Diamond Ray Dilemma was the second. Yet they were both the last ones to be made :)

If I can stop myself from adding more modes, I can focus on the remaining features and the boring stuff to round out the entire game.

Getting closer.

View attachment motu ce - sis_2k.mp4

Never was a he man fan but this is spectacular, I cant wait to try it, but waiting for the Silent Hill Table even more.

New: Evil Voice-over Dude, Lighting and effects, DMD / Display images


New Custom Voice Overs

I decided to add a bunch of new custom voice overs for things like choosing faction / characters, new ball / stats, ball lost, high scores, etc. I created these using an online Voice Generator using a Villainous voice. I'm surprised how well it turned out... even when he calls you a Royal Boob for getting the highest score!

We've come a long way with voice generators. In the days of my youth in the 80's, we would type a bunch of endless naughty words into the Radio Shack store's Tandy computer running a text to speech demo.... and it would play endlessly and the store worker couldn't stop it unless they turned of the computer :)

I also added some new evil music cues that work really well with the new callouts.


Lighting and Effects

I added some new dynamic lightings effects the follow your ball at different moments. These really look great, as they show off FP-BAM's lighting nicely as the lighting passes by all items and shows of their details and normal maps, etc. You can choose to turn these off in TABLE OPTIONS.

I added some spotlights that hover over He-Man / Skeletor / Hordak depending on the faction you choose, etc.... as well as some other lighting effects.


DMD and Display Images

I've completely updated the FP DMD to display lots of info and to change what it shows depending on what mode you are playing in. It now includes showing what faction the player belongs to.

I've made it so that the game keeps track of how many times each faction has been chosen, so it can show this during attract mode and which faction was played the most. I also show the maximum number of toys that have been collected during a game.

I created many new cool video images for the DMD / score display that splash during many more events now. These are all internally part of the table itself (not using an external app like flexdmd or pup), and are all preloaded into ram when the table loads. This is why some FP tables take longer to load compared to VP tables which must rely on external apps to be able to do this. The PinEvent pup features / pup-pack / videos are separate and I create those last.


I'm extremely happy to say the table is at a really solid point now with all current content running perfect with everything I've wanted to add (I've had to stop myself from adding many more modes). It really is a massive game, and may be one of the largest tables (on VP or FP) when it's done. So far it's table file size alone is 463 MB, without a completed VR room.

These are some of the last things I may or may not be adding:

- end of game mini-game / mode, or something else
- "game completed" mode or animated sequence
- VR / Game room completed
- multiplayer support (this requires MASSIVE work and may not happen)
- PinEvent features

It feels good to be at this point, as the game is close to a "complete" game... but there is still MUCH more work to do. It's getting there!

View attachment motu ce - vo dude - lighting - dmd - 2k.mp4


I added a VERY cool new feature! At the end of your game, if you have done well enough, you are given a choice to trade any collections you have been awarded for PERKS or POINTS.


These are special high value reward perks that can only be traded for at the END of a game. The Power Perks you have are shown on the inserts at the bottom of the playfield.

- collect as many Power Perks as you want (there are 6)
- you can only trade for ONE Power Perk at the end of your game!
- use Power Perks however you want during any follow up games
- they don't have to be used in the next game because your Power Perks are saved to the fpRAM file! (same as your High Scores)
- this means they are always available to use as you please, even if you exit FP!
- each Power Perk can be used only once during a game (but you can use as many as you have)
- once a Power Perk is used, to get it again, you can trade for more Power Perks at the end of a game


Press START during gameplay.

- the apron light must be lit (only if you have any available)
- Orko will trap the ball in place with a magic circle
- the Power Perks menu will appear
- choose your available Power Perk with flippers
- activate your selected Power Perk with action / plunger
- all the listed perks will instantly take affect
- the spell will flash red and release your ball in a few seconds (usually after a callout)

Activating a Power Perk will NOT save your ball from a drain, etc. It will be released in the same spot it started!

Power Perks can NOT be used:

- during multiball (when more than one ball is in play)
- during timed events
- when a ball is in a kicker or in the Bumperhead, etc
- when an Orko Shot is active

Note: if you don't have enough Collections for the Power Perks that are "available", you will not be given the choice for a Power Perk! Instead the game will automatically trade what Collections you have for Power Points!



These are extra points awarded at the end of a game, based on what Collections you have.

- if you have chosen to trade for Power Perks, you get no Power Points!
- if you have no Collections you get no Power Points
- your Power Points are awarded based on how many of each Collection type you have (Figures, Vehicles, Playsets)
- Action Figures give less points (but you can collect more of them), Vehicles give more, and Playsets give the most

Power Points are added to your FINAL SCORE.


We've seen other FP tables use an end of game reward before (Star Wars DSA, Blade Runner), but those rewards were always applied only to the next game, they removed points from your score to use them, and would be lost if you exited FP.

With Power Perks, you keep them however long you want and you get to use them on any game you want, and can activate them when you want. This allows for real rewards for playing a great game, and adds some strategy on when to use a Power Perk.

Oh, and I also updated the Apron to better reflect the new features, and how to use them!

So... lets just say... this is the last big feature I wanted to add. Now, it's on to creating the final VR / game room.



Banner_Power Perks.jpg

Banner_Battle Axe.jpg

Banner_Wand Staff.jpg

Banner_Staff of Zoar.jpg

Banner_Staff of Ka.jpg

Banner_Havoc Staff.jpg

Banner_Power Sword.jpg
Video demo: POWER PERKS


Just a quick video demo of how the new Power Perks feature works.

(note: I changed the game for testing and demo purposes to have only one ball and 30 collections)

When your game is over you can trade what collections you have for one Power Perk. The more collections you have, the better a Power Perk you can get.

Then I show on another game (or can be any game afterward, even if you exited FP) how you can activate a Power Perk at anytime during the game. The multiple perks from one Power Perk are instantly applied.

If you play well enough (over multiple games), you can collect all the Power Perks and use them as you please in any game.

What the actual perk rewards are may be a continual evolution as the game gets more testing and playtime, as to see what a good balance is.

Let's just hope little Joey doesn't sneak in a game (when Dad's asleep) and he uses up Dad's Havoc Staff Power Perk! :)

"where da f**k are my Power Perks!!!???"

View attachment motu ce - power perks.mp4
New! VR Game rooms and Toppers!

Here are some pics of the new VR Rooms and topper options I created for MOTU CE. All of it was created in Blender. Most models were very high poly (between 1 to 20 million each), and were converted / remeshed down dramatically. Most of the models were scans of the original 80's toys, but many (in the vr room and the game) didn't have any textures, so I had to create new uvwraps and painted them by hand to match as best I could (Blender's paint tools are minimal but they did the job).

The castle walls and towers were all separate pieces. They needed to be assembled and have new textures created (they originally use a tiled approach for textures, which meant they couldn't be baked without remapping and creating new textures). Combined with normal maps, the castle alone ended up being 130 MB added to the table! I created some poster frames and added posters on all the walls for the older cartoons and movies as well as the newer shows on Netflix. The torches are a bunch of Overlays playing an animation.

Both the Granamyr (big red dragon) and the Skeletor bone throne models can be displayed in either the VR room at full size, or they can be used as a topper on top of the backbox!

The whole room had lighting added for the torches and main lighting. Everything was ray traced / baked, and used with the in-game models, and turned out great! Combined with FP-BAM's dynamic lighting... all I can say is this looks VERY cool in VR!

I also added 2 other VR room options. A minimal room (with just a wall and a floor), and a MR room to be used with mixed reality VR headsets (you can choose a colour of white, green, magenta, blue, and black in the table script TABLE OPTIONS).

All 3 VR room options can be toggled on the fly (and so can the topper options), or you can have the game switch them automatically to whichever rooms you want during attract mode and during gameplay. The idea behind this is because the Mega VR room is so detailed, it may be too demanding for some PC's and drop their fps during gameplay in VR. So you can choose to have the Mega VR room in attract mode to look at... but when the game starts it can switch to the minimal room and keep your fps high during gameplay.

The table without the VR room was already massive at around 430 MB... but with the VR room, the table file is currently now at around 780 MB! The table uses around 5.2 GB vram on your GPU... so everyone will need a 6 GB GPU... or you can enable Texture compression in FP video settings and reduce that to around 3.2 GB vram used (looks the same, just takes a little longer to load).

Yes... all these pics are from in-game... not from a Blender render. If you have a fast PC... this looks very cool in VR. The combination of ray traced / baked textures and FP's dynamic lighting makes for an amazing combo in any mode... but in VR there is nothing else that looks quite like it! In MR, its crazy seeing something I've been working on for over 1 year appear in the middle of my basement! I'm amazed at how well that works!

1 - motu ce - vr room - desktop - minimal.jpg

motu ce - vr room - minimal.jpg

motu ce - vr room - MR.jpg

motu ce - vr room - pincab - mega.jpg

motu ce - vr room - backbox.jpg

motu ce - vr room - topper - granamyr.jpg

motu ce - vr room - cgs.jpg

motu ce - vr room - sm.jpg

motu ce - vr room - skeletor throne in room.jpg

motu ce - vr room - granamyr in room.jpg

motu ce - vr room - dragon walker.jpg

motu ce - vr room - attack trak.jpg
Is there a way you can reduce the shininess of the models?
(shininess has already been adjusted... no I won't be adding options to adjust the 50+ models that all use different settings)

VR Room, MR (Mixed Reality) Room and Topper walkthrough demos


This video is recorded in VR on my Meta Quest 3. I do a showcase walkthrough of the new VR Room options as well as how the Mixed Reality room looks. Everything just looks so big and cool in VR. Videos can't do it justice.

(note: the colours are a little saturated compared to how they actually look due to how the headset records the video)

Intro - 00:00
VR Room demo - 00:42
Mixed Reality Room demo - 05:10
Minimal Room demo - 07:04
Topper options - 07:52

View attachment motu ce - vr and mr demo_1.mp4
(shininess has already been adjusted... no I won't be adding options to adjust the 50+ models that all use different settings)

VR Room, MR (Mixed Reality) Room and Topper walkthrough demos


This video is recorded in VR on my Meta Quest 3. I do a showcase walkthrough of the new VR Room options as well as how the Mixed Reality room looks. Everything just looks so big and cool in VR. Videos can't do it justice.

(note: the colours are a little saturated compared to how they actually look due to how the headset records the video)

Intro - 00:00
VR Room demo - 00:42
Mixed Reality Room demo - 05:10
Minimal Room demo - 07:04
Topper options - 07:52

View attachment 43813
Great work Terry!

New! MULTIPLAYER! (finally!)


This video is just a quick demo of the newly implemented MULTIPLAYER! (note, I only gave each player one ball for a quick demo)

I wasn't sure if it was going to happen... but after many days, I've finally got complete multiplayer support added to MOTU CE! This required me to redo all my code for the entire table, as your typical cookie-cutter pinball logic / code won't work with this table for multiplayer. This table is VERY big, and with all the modes and features it has, this was a daunting task... but luckily the many updates and changes I've done over the last few months made that process much easier than it would have been.

Now you can choose to have up to 3 players. One for each faction! Player 1 gets to choose from all 3 factions, then player 2 gets to choose from the 2 remaining factions, and player 3 gets the last faction. The character you get to choose depends on your faction. Each player makes these choices at the start of their first ball.

When each player starts a new ball, the game will change the appearance of everything on the playfield to match the faction and character they have chosen!

There are no "Shoot Again" events (typically from getting an extra ball) which normally has a player continue after they drain. In MOTU CE there are many ways each player can acquire extra balls. So it's one ball per player per turn. The game will continue on until each player has no balls left.

At the end of the game... you will find out who "The Winner is..." with a lightshow and music sequence. Then if anyone beat the Highest Score, you get another lightshow sequence for that. I added lots of new custom "villain" callouts for all the new functions.

The DMD has been updated to show the results of the game for each player (Last Hero/Evil/Horde Score and Collections, etc).

Power Perks are normally disabled during multiplayer to make it fair for everyone (as Power Perks only apply to the current player)... but I did add options to allow you to enable / disable Power Perks for both single player and multiplayer (in TABLE OPTIONS in script, or with one of your Special buttons, etc). This can be good if you don't want someone using your Power Perks, or if you want to allow your kids to use them for one game, etc.


This is the big milestone I was hoping for. It really allows the extra features I added to be fun when playing with friends.

Now I have the following left to finish:

- a "Game Completed" sequence (not sure what to do here yet)
- PUP DMD, PuP Videos
- PinEvent features
- docs, manual etc

I am extremely happy with this game at this point. I could add so many more modes and features, but this table is already one of the biggest tables made... and I have to stop somewhere :)

I won't say when it will be done (cabinet is not running yet, family / health issues). I will say this. If it's not done before Oct 6th... even if it was at 98 % done on Oct 5th... come Oct 6th I'll be taking time off to absorb myself into the new Silent Hill 2 Remake. After that, I'll for sure finish this up.

View attachment motu ce - mp demo.mp4

New! MULTIPLAYER! (finally!)


This video is just a quick demo of the newly implemented MULTIPLAYER! (note, I only gave each player one ball for a quick demo)

I wasn't sure if it was going to happen... but after many days, I've finally got complete multiplayer support added to MOTU CE! This required me to redo all my code for the entire table, as your typical cookie-cutter pinball logic / code won't work with this table for multiplayer. This table is VERY big, and with all the modes and features it has, this was a daunting task... but luckily the many updates and changes I've done over the last few months made that process much easier than it would have been.

Now you can choose to have up to 3 players. One for each faction! Player 1 gets to choose from all 3 factions, then player 2 gets to choose from the 2 remaining factions, and player 3 gets the last faction. The character you get to choose depends on your faction. Each player makes these choices at the start of their first ball.

When each player starts a new ball, the game will change the appearance of everything on the playfield to match the faction and character they have chosen!

There are no "Shoot Again" events (typically from getting an extra ball) which normally has a player continue after they drain. In MOTU CE there are many ways each player can acquire extra balls. So it's one ball per player per turn. The game will continue on until each player has no balls left.

At the end of the game... you will find out who "The Winner is..." with a lightshow and music sequence. Then if anyone beat the Highest Score, you get another lightshow sequence for that. I added lots of new custom "villain" callouts for all the new functions.

The DMD has been updated to show the results of the game for each player (Last Hero/Evil/Horde Score and Collections, etc).

Power Perks are normally disabled during multiplayer to make it fair for everyone (as Power Perks only apply to the current player)... but I did add options to allow you to enable / disable Power Perks for both single player and multiplayer (in TABLE OPTIONS in script, or with one of your Special buttons, etc). This can be good if you don't want someone using your Power Perks, or if you want to allow your kids to use them for one game, etc.


This is the big milestone I was hoping for. It really allows the extra features I added to be fun when playing with friends.

Now I have the following left to finish:

- a "Game Completed" sequence (not sure what to do here yet)
- PUP DMD, PuP Videos
- PinEvent features
- docs, manual etc

I am extremely happy with this game at this point. I could add so many more modes and features, but this table is already one of the biggest tables made... and I have to stop somewhere :)

I won't say when it will be done (cabinet is not running yet, family / health issues). I will say this. If it's not done before Oct 6th... even if it was at 98 % done on Oct 5th... come Oct 6th I'll be taking time off to absorb myself into the new Silent Hill 2 Remake. After that, I'll for sure finish this up.

View attachment 43859

Gimli added multiplayer to "Creatures From the Black Lagoon". It took him a long time. I never asked him to do it again. He had to go through every game mode and make changes. It must have taken you even longer with as many game modes as you have added.
So, after taking a lot of time getting to know the new pupdmd framework and pup 1.5 features... I spent a lot of time updating parts of it and adapting it for my PinEvent tables (on Future Pinball-BAM) . MOTU CE finally has the bare essentials for pupdmd running and looking great. I don't have any new videos, etc done yet... but I do have some PNG images that move / animate on the screen for some things... such as Ball Saver and Ram Man bouncing up and flying across the screen.... or Mekaneck raising his neck across the screen. I also have some png image labels for text to fade in and out or flash on screen. All of this is super easy to do with pup 1.5. Also... we can now use gradients for all text combined with outlines, etc. This looks so much nicer! I have everything working and running much more efficiently than in the past with the new updated framework.

So... with the new Silent Hill 2 Remake about to come out on Oct 6th (for early adopters), I won't be touching MOTU CE for probably at least 2 weeks. After that, I'll get back to it and I'm hoping to see it get to the finish line in early to mid November. The table is mostly done. It's mostly the PinEvent / PUPDMD / Videos, etc that needs to be finished and the time needed for that is unpredictable. In the mean time... here is an image of how the PUP DMD display is looking so far for MOTU CE.

motu ce - pupdmd wip.jpg
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