(mis)Adventures in Cooking

My mum used to make eggy bread , beat up eggs and bread dipped in it and then fried
Add butter and pancake syrup on top, and you have French Toast. My fave!
At the moment I'm cooking up a little salmon fillet in the good ol' AF. When it's done, I'mma try making a little spinach tortilla wrap, with the salmon resting on a bed of Buffalo Ranch salad mix, which I got as a kit.

SIDE NOTE: I've become fairly fond of these kits, especially as my fridge is currently broke. Now yeah, some of them are too salty (via the dressing), and some of them are borderline junk food (the lemon one is delicious but includes fried cheese pieces), but others hit the spot quite nicely, and are overall healthy & nutritious. Yay! :D

Examples of the brand I like:

(do they have stuff like that at your local place?)

Anyway, the recipe called for sauteing in butter, but since I only have ghee, I'm using ghee, which you can store indefinitely at room temp. I've also tried this (very simple) salmon recipe once before, and loved that it recommended coating the fish with sage. It's a brilliant combo going by the last tasting!

Otay, I'm not gonna bother taking pics this time, as I think everyone knows what baked salmon, salad and a wrap looks like.

- after melting the ghee in to a round, disposable baking pan that fits the AF, I baked the salmon 3min per side at default heat.
- sampled the fish just now, and it's perfect
- Btw, when I say "disposable" baking pan, I mean the thin aluminum ones that you can easily bend. They're easy to clean and reuse, and great for being an eating vessel with high sides, which prevents spillage when eating my typical soups & stews on my couch, interacting with computer or celly.
- Lastly, YES-- of course it's usually better to enjoy a nice fillet on its own, not thrown in to a sammy or wrap as it were

- phew, it all worked out this time!
- salmon was a little gamey, but the other ingredients worked to balance things out nicely , such as some ghost pepper blue cheese dressing I lightly added

- carpe diem ("eat fish every day")

My neighbor cooks them on wooden cedar planks.
Not sure if it adds to flavor of fish.
I think they coat it in lemon juice also before cooking it.

I have seen some huge salmon and sturgeon come out of the river I live next too.
My neighbor cooks them on wooden cedar planks.
Not sure if it adds to flavor of fish.
I think they coat it in lemon juice also before cooking it.

I have seen some huge salmon and sturgeon come out of the river I live next too.
Ooh, look what Google's AI had to say:

> does cedar wood add flavor to cooking?
Yes, cedar wood does add a distinct flavor to cooking, particularly when used in the form of planks to grill food, imparting a smoky, fragrant, and slightly spicy taste, often associated with seafood like salmon; making it a popular choice for grilling on cedar planks.

When I used to grill outdoors (I just do it on my spiral oven burners now), I would sometimes add soaked wood chips like hickory near the propane flame to add flavor. Generally it had little impact, but I guess grilling / cooking on a plank would make a more direct impact.

> I have seen some huge salmon and sturgeon come out of the river I live next too.

Are they safe to eat?
They are safe to eat, but the sturgeon look like dinosaurs!
Example pics....

Oh my gracious goodness. oO

How would you even catch a fish that big on a river?

Like, it seems like you'd need super-durable line half an inch or something, with of course the possibility that the fish's mass and strength is so great that the lure gets ripped out at some point. Also, I could easily see problems on the fisher's end with boat being too small, people getting pulled overboard, the rod / frame on the fisher's end breaking due to the strain. Not to mention how much work it presumably is to finally subdue the beast.

I guess a clue right there is that the people there aren't on a boat, and presumably captured it from the shore, plus wading in. Still...!

Note: I've caught a grand total of one fish in my life, on vacation out west, a rainbow trout, so I dunno much about fishing.

Note2: oops, fixed formatting in post above.
Kinda backed my way in to making 'Mexican' lasagna tonight.

In my stores I had a can of pinto beans and a bunch of tomatoes that needed to be used soon.

Combined them with a packet of chili seasoning, onions, steel-cut oats, an expiring tabbouleh salad (which is mostly parsley), rice noodles, cumin seeds, red pepper, black pepper, white pepper (MSG), and a bunch of dry grated parm / romano cheese I had at hand.

Cooked on stovetop in a big saucepan and it's actually fairly lasagna-like, with a zesty taste the tabbouleh's lemon content added, altho I did add in some potato flour to smooth it out. Yes, baking it would probably have been superior, but I like how cheap, quick and tasty this was, plus it's a lot of food, good for the next couple days since my kitchen is like an icebox right now.

Food prices are not exactly easing back down as the pandemic abates, so this may be something to return to...
Slow cooker marinated brisket ribs with rosemary on a bed of sliced potato and onion with gravy...the aroma is killing me! 🤤


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So close l can taste it...


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Yes, yes, yes...


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So, my neighbor offered me a slow-cooker the other day, and I politely answered 'thanks but no thanks.'

I'm starting to think maybe I should have run with it..?
I'm starting to think maybe I should have run with it..?

Yes, you sure did stare down that gift horse!

For my next trick I intend to try me this here recipe next...

An Australian icon that is arguably better than Vegemite...

I present the Lamington!

A slow cooker is a definate +.
Yes, you sure did stare down that gift horse!
No doubt you blokies are completely right, but therein lies the problem, so to speak:

That is-- I'm utterly sure I would have abused the fluff out of that thing to produce all manner of delicious, slow-cooked fare. Problem? I have cardiovascular disease and gut health problems, and getting as much least-processed food as possible is a high priority for me.

Altho yes, yes... it does make me kinda longingly sad.

But yeah, slow-cooked meals are some of the most delicious things I've ever had, alongside Southern USA's mind-alteringly good slow-smoked BBQ dishes. oO

Do you blokes have a counterpart to slow-cooked deliciousness in your region?

My (likely flawed) perception is that Britain proper is the king of sauces, enhancing everything down to bangers & mash like nobody's biz, whilst 'Straya is... well it's a seafood-eating nation, non?

Seriously, y'all should be some kings of ceviche, but I never hear about that. Why...?
No doubt you blokies are completely right, but therein lies the problem, so to speak:

That is-- I'm utterly sure I would have abused the fluff out of that thing to produce all manner of delicious, slow-cooked fare. Problem? I have cardiovascular disease and gut health problems, and getting as much least-processed food as possible is a high priority for me.

Altho yes, yes... it does make me kinda longingly sad.

But yeah, slow-cooked meals are some of the most delicious things I've ever had, alongside Southern USA's mind-alteringly good slow-smoked BBQ dishes. oO

Do you blokes have a counterpart to slow-cooked deliciousness in your region?

My (likely flawed) perception is that Britain proper is the king of sauces, enhancing everything down to bangers & mash like nobody's biz, whilst 'Straya is... well it's a seafood-eating nation, non?

Seriously, y'all should be some kings of ceviche, but I never hear about that. Why...?
Tempted to get myself an air fryer.
Breakfast of Champions...


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Very nice.
Generally speaking vegetables and salads are for the most part considered as a side dish, unless you're talking about a smashed avo on toast.

Ceviche, is "raw fish," Peruvian-style.
If you think you liked Japanese sashimi, I can most-assuredly blow your mind.

Now smash it up there, matey! :D
Ham and Cheese toasties with honey...


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Curried sausages with bacon tonight...


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Left over curry sausage with cheese jaffles.


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When the fish and chip shop is just down the road... 🤤


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