Upgrade/Project New Site Logo Workshop

Just thinking maybe adding the lettering from the shiva logo, maybe worth a look?
You dont like my lettering?
I see how it is now.
Momma said you always liked Shiva's lettering better!
Great idea!

I will be uploading the St Patricks logo in 1 hour and 6 minutes.
I wanted to redo it in 4800x800 res, but not enough time.

I was thinking about redoing the Easter logo so it is 4800x800, since we have the new ball!
But then I am thinking lets have the 21st Anniversary be the second High Def logo at 4800x800.
(Shivas logo was the first logo at 4800x800)
I want to redo all of the old holiday logos to be in 4800x800 resolution.
But I won't start on those until we finish the rest of the holidays for this year. (Halloween will be the first redo.)
Damn it always looks better when it is posted!
Looks great!
Ok so I have tried messing around with Shivas wording for past few days, and have ran into brick wall.
Here is what I am getting from the PSD file...

000 shivas words.png
It has no border, or shadows.
The wording is pushed to center.
And the pinball is part of his text layer.
So I am thinking Shiva will need to do this, if you want to use his lettering.
Here is his PSD file if you want to try giving it a shot...


  • Pinball_Nirvana_Full_Banner.zip
    10.8 MB · Views: 0
If you are talking about his wording that looks exactly like mine?
His PSD File has that file, but if you look at right and bottom edge, you will see it is not lined up.
So when I crop the pic, to get rid of transparency at bottom and right of logo, it takes pic res to less than 4800x800, making it useless as a template.
I tried moving it over to right and down by hand, but it always crops some off, and makes it less than 4800x800.
Ok nevermind I just thought the embossed lettering looked cool, though without the embossed lettering, it's not worth messing around with it.
Ok nevermind I just thought the embossed lettering looked cool, though without the embossed lettering, it's not worth messing around with it.
I agree, his lettering looked great!
Maybe I am not doing something right?
It gets really frustrating, when you are trying to do something, when you have no idea of how to do it.
I have hollered at my screen for past few days! It didn't help! lol
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Well I finally got it lined up correctly where there is no transparent edges, and I exported it.
Put it next to mine, and they look exactly the same. (Maybe the blue is different shade?)
Here is the one included in Shivas PSD file.
000 shivas pinball nirvana.png

And here is mine...
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides templateb_Nero AI_Professional_x4.png

So I will use Shivas for base template.
Not sure where you are having problems with this. It may be gimp does things differently, or just doesn't support a ps feature.

The text is a font, and you can adjust everything, even change the words, and the effects are what is called blends, so you can add, modify or delete blends. Are you using a complete single image or are you using the folder, where everything is seperated into different layers? Is your setting (like the select tool) set for layers or group?
Not sure where you are having problems with this. It may be gimp does things differently, or just doesn't support a ps feature.

The text is a font, and you can adjust everything, even change the words, and the effects are what is called blends, so you can add, modify or delete blends. Are you using a complete single image or are you using the folder, where everything is seperated into different layers? Is your setting (like the select tool) set for layers or group?
I am just importing the PSD file into GIMP.
It does show up as layers.
I have to uncheck the eyeball on some of the layers, or everything is seen at once.
I also just found a + sign that when ticked shows other hidden layers.
This is all new to me, so that is probably the problem. My lack of knowledge with these layers and such.
Figured as much, so I did a brief video for you, using photoshop, where I explain moving text, styles etc.. You should be able to use Gimp versions with a quick google.

It is uploading now, (be a while, about a hour or so) so give it a while for HD version, as SD version is not readable because I use a 4k monitor now. Hope it helps
Figured as much, so I did a brief video for you, using photoshop, where I explain moving text, styles etc.. You should be able to use Gimp versions with a quick google.

It is uploading now, (be a while, about a hour or so) so give it a while for HD version, as SD version is not readable because I use a 4k monitor now. Hope it helps
I really appreciate this @shiva !
It just shows me that I really need to learn quite a bit more than I thought!
I guess I really am just a beginner still, because what you did in your video looked like rocket science to me!
The reason I use GIMP and not Photoshop, is because GIMP is a free program.

I have been adding transparent layer over pic, and then copying that to its own png file.
So I add pinballs to transparent layer, copy and create from clipboard, and this gives me a png file with just the pinballs on it, and transparency around it.
I then export that pic and use as pinball template.
Since I am unable to add gradient and semi transparency, is why I have never messed with the "Pinball Nirvana" words.
Sure I can clear the insides of it out, and add texture, but this is different than adding gradient and semi transparency.
This is why I asked my friend HiRez00 if he could do that specific part of the logo for me. (So it would look like the original.)
As you saw when I started uploading entries for the logo contest, my borders were blocky.
So I have not touched the outsides of the Pinball Nirvana words. (But it did force me to learn another way of adding borders so they don't look blocky and jagged.)

It looks like I have alot more learning to do.
Thanks again!
Looking sharp, smooth and easy on the eye. ;)


  • cb2560.png
    1.5 MB · Views: 4
Saw this, thought of the recent conversation...


  • 431865253_1131906508072516_4035627277873724133_n.jpg
    42.3 KB · Views: 4
Just noticed on nudging necessary, the lettering flow/join is broken?

At the i-ng and r-y...
Just noticed on nudging necessary, the lettering flow/join is broken?

At the i-ng and r-y...

Looks like the same is true on the Original 1200x200 version too.


It is just more noticable at 4800x800.

This goes all the way back to the version HiRez00 helped me on at the beginning of all this...
Posted here...
I am going to try and fix this gap between those letters tonight.
I really never noticed it, until you mentioned it.
Can't believe it goes all the way back to the start of the logo work! :roll:
Well there is also those 'e' s that don't look right filled in as they are now and could be hollowed out a little.
And now I-NG is fixed, and the Y is fixed.
I moved the Y over to left until it lined up with the R.

000 blank with all fixed.png
Uploading fixed Original logo now.


  • PN-Logo-Original2-4800x800.png
    3.9 MB · Views: 2
Looks good to go...:gone:
I think I am going to update the Easter logo to 4800x800 since we have the new ball now.
(Even though just the top of the ball is seen because egg is covering the majority of it.)
Now the Cow will also stand out!!
Well then someone should maybe notice the cow, udderwise there would be no milking it at all! :jester:
On a more sombre note, at nearly 4MB, I am noticing a delay in the loading of the logo?
On a more sombre note, at nearly 4MB, I am noticing a delay in the loading of the logo?
As am I.
Should we cut it back to 2400x400?
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