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I edited the above to add the image link and it can be resized.
Ball looks kind of dark, but looks good.
The lady looks like she has a white edge around her now using the cb3 pic.


Here is Shivas bumpers.
Thought that would happen with cb3, did you try running that image through the gimp first?
Thought that would happen with cb3, did you try running that image through the gimp first?
Ok I used the magic wand (Fuzzy Select tool), and selected 100% Threshold on the transparent area, and hit delete.
It seems to have clipped off most of the white, but can still be seen barely.
Hell of alot better than what it looked like before.

I think I am just going to have to do it by hand.
I zoom in like 400% and just add points around the whole edge of the picture.


  • xnview.png
    219.3 KB · Views: 1
I think I am just going to have to do it by hand.
I zoom in like 400% and just add points around the whole edge of the picture.

Did you try the cb2 image, it may render better?
Did you try the cb2 image, it may render better?
I did, but it had no transparency.
So when I clicked on it with magic wand at 100% threshold to delete the white and turn it transparent, it did the same thing as before and added parts of her body to the selection.
Just found out xnview has an available background removal plugin you can download, downloading now...


  • remover.png
    121.8 KB · Views: 1
Brighter ball, messed with all the settings,gball180.png though the gamma at 1.8 seems to produce a brighter ball best.
Here is new ball...

I think we have a winner!

I will do the cutout of chickaball girl tomorrow, as my eyes are starting to cross! :doh1
Last edited:
I will do the cutout of chickaball girl tomorrow, as my eyes are starting to cross! :doh1

Yes rest those eyes, maybe start drinking carrot juice. 🐰

The ball also looks good up to about gamma 2.0, if you think it should be a bit brighter.
Yes rest those eyes, maybe start drinking carrot juice. 🐰

The ball also looks good up to about gamma 2.0, if you think it should be a bit brighter.

I swear my eye sight gets worse each day it seems!
Can't read date on penny.
Can't read prescription.
Can't read grocery receipts.
Can't read expiration dates.

I can still see everything well except anything up close.
I can spot a cop car 2 miles away, but can't tell you what time my watch says! lol :bonk::roll:
Used the xnview background remover and well it looks ok to me?



  • cb4.png
    273.6 KB · Views: 2
Used the xnview background remover and well it looks ok to me?

View attachment 41700
It looks great!
But when I open it in GIMP, there is no transparency.
So trying to add transparency, and the same problem presents itself.
It includes parts of her body in the selection.
I can set Threshold to 30%, and it doesn't include her body parts in selection, but then we get the jagged edges same as before.
Do gentleman really prefer blondes?
Ready to kick blondie to the curb? lol
I heard it is the red heads you need to worry about!

I need to run to town real quick.
When I get back I will start the clipping of blondie by hand.
Hopefully it won't take too long, but will be worth it!

I will more than likely need to do the same for red headed lady. (For future High Def logos.)
Ok so I got side tracked with dad business.
I am over half way done clipping blondie.

And here she is in all her glory!
Hand clipped!
It took 2 hours and 44 minutes of clipping at 800%.
000 new blondie hand cut.png
Looking fingertip, toe tip and butt perfect! :hulagirls:
I do believe it is our new Original logo! What you think?
That ball is way better than all of the rest, including the one we currently use!
I might experiment and try to add a few colored lights sparkling, to the pinball.

It looks magnificent right now though!!
I knew it would be worth hand clipping it. (What I should have done a long time ago!)
Can't see any lines now! lol

Also looks like shadow of leg on ball!
Looks ready to roll... :pinball:
Looks ready to roll... :pinball:
Yeah I don't want to screw it up by adding lights, as it looks perfect as is.

Feast your eyes on this, and tell me what you think?
New lady added to the mix.
Her outfit kind of matches the color on Pinball Nirvana!

Yeah I don't want to screw it up by adding lights, as it looks perfect as is.

Just thinking maybe adding the lettering from the shiva logo, maybe worth a look?
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