Upgrade/Project New Site Logo Workshop

With 2024 downsized. Was 110 in width, now 90.
(I can go smaller if you want, but the further away from edges of the ball it gets, the more the illusion of it wrapping around it fades.)
00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank 2024c.png
Well maybe 100 just to compare and maybe a shiny pinball?
Well maybe 100 just to compare and maybe a shiny pinball?
Do you have any shiny pinball pics?
Here is new pinball with 2024 at 100 width.
00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank 2024d.png
I think the shiny ball is looking a better match with the 2024. Used have lots of balls though lost them when the HD failed.
I think the shiny ball is looking a better match with the 2024. Used have lots of balls though lost them when the HD failed.
Sucks when hard drive dies.
Why I try to make backups of everything.

Hey I can change the pinball on all of the logos to this new shinier one if you want. (Starting with the logo showing now.)
(I think JPSalas released a pinballs package, and this was the brightest of the 7 he had in the package.)
The one I used on the other ones was one I found on Google I think.
To me it seemed not as dark as the others, but I wasn't looking for shine, just a ball that didn't have anything noticable in the reflection.

Here is gold disco ball version for the hell of it...
00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank 2024e.png
Well it's your call, to me the shiny ball looks better and there is a bit of upper thigh reflection going on there...

Though yeah just experiment and see what is looking best in your opinion. That said I will always give my opinion and suggestions when asked balls and all! :bball:
I like the shiny one too.
I say we go with that one.
I noticed the reflection of thigh also, but that is just how it was! I never added that! Lucked out!
I have never added a reflection like that, but it would look great to get chickaball girl to reflect on the ball.
I will have to look this subject up on Google and find out how to do this with GIMP!

The current one looks like it has eyeballs on it, because of the 2 shining lights, one on each side.
I will only have to go back and modify the original logo, and Veterans Day logo, as I added other objects to all of the other ones I think.
Not a problem.
I saved all of my templates for each and every logo I have worked on so far.
So it is easy to change something if needed.

Please do speak your mind.
I cherish your honesty.
Specially when it is something important like our site logo, the more honesty, the better.
Here is the new ball I used...
You can see the area that looks like the thigh reflection.
Ok here is Original logo with new pinballs. (Subject to change, when I learn how to add chicka-ball girls reflection to ball.)


Compared to first pinballs..

Looking good, go ahead and subject changes as you see fit.
So I think I have slight mirror effect.
Only added on right pinball on logos for test.
Here is original ball logo...


and new ball...

That little light that you mistaked for thigh reflection earlier, makes reflection on that new ball version look bad.
I could probably remove that part, or cover it up.

All I did to make this reflection, was copy the part of chicka-ball girl that was over the pinball, and I flipped it upside down.
Then I scaled down only the height, and not the length.
I had to make the thigh reflection seperate, as it did not need to be squished horizontally, but squished vertically, and rotated a bit.
Not bad for first time trying this eh?
I just noticed something on the original black border version HiRez00 made. (The one we have up right now!)
The chicka-ball girl on right side does not have a finger on knee like the left side.
This was HiRez00's version, so I never thought to look at things like that. lol
I am not sure if he did it on purpose.

Hey I think I will just stick with the ball I found on Google for now, until I figure out how to do the reflection of chicka-ball girl on ball.
Adding reflection to that other ball will take alot of editing to make it look right.
That way I can get the main themes done for all of the Holidays.
Then I will learn how to add that reflection, which in my opinion will not be an easy task for me.
I am not a professional image editor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn! lol
The reflection is no dealbreaker and may not look that great anyway depending on the ball, so don't break your balls over it.
Well I can make 2 versions, one with each different ball.
I was lucky to get that reflection to look like it did.
I feel like I will screw it up, because I am not capable with my current knowledge to make it look great.
Ok I will upload the new ball logo tonight, if that is ok with you, so we can see how it looks in action.
The chicka-ball girl on right will have finger, lol.

Are you any good at making reflections?
If you want to give it a try.
I am guessing it will look better than what I did!
Here are the templates I made of Chicka-Ball girl and the 2 different Pinballs

Chicka-Ball Girl Template
00 girls template.png

Ball 1 Template
00 pinballs template.png
Ball 2 Template
00 pinballs new template.png
Like a vampire, I can't do reflections... 🦇

Though I was eyeing the new shiny ball and was thinking, that maybe if it was slightly bigger and positioned slightly over a bit, then chick a ball's little fingers would no longer dangle over the side of the ball and maybe that might look better?
Like a vampire, I can't do reflections... 🦇

Though I was eyeing the new shiny ball and was thinking, that maybe if it was slightly bigger and positioned slightly over a bit, then chick a ball's little fingers would no longer dangle over the side of the ball and maybe that might look better?

Great idea!
If I do it right, I might be able to line up that reflection that is on it already, to her thigh.
2 birds, 1 stone.
Here you go...

What do you think?
Looks much better, I notice the left side looks better, she is more on top of the ball, on the right side not so much?
Though, maybe make the ball as small as possible whilst still having her fingers on the ball.
Moving a slightly smaller ball up a few pixels should cover her fingernails perhaps?
How about now?

I enlarged the ball by 10 pixels I think (Maybe 5), from original, and raised it so the bottom of the ball matched where the old ball was.
Looks sweet to me...:tenisclap:
All themes have the new logo now.
I had to take break lastnight as my eyes were crossing!
Everything looked blurry. lol
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