Alien Poker (Williams, 1980) VP8

VP8 Williams SS Recreation Alien Poker (Williams, 1980) VP8 v2.2 Multiball 2020-01-28

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Kristian/Gaston/Tom Scutt,
Version:2.2 Multiball,
Williams 1980,
IPD No. 48

Drop ROYAL FLUSH 5-bank target in sequence to collect 100.000 points. Shoot through a King top lane or left inside roll-over lane to make all 4 Kings and multiply the Royal Flush value 2X, 3X, 4X to an astounding 400.000 points.

Each game starts with a Royal Flush value of 100.000 points. Dropping a target out of sequence decreases value and targets pop back up, urging the player onto greater accuracy. To increase value, drop the targets in sequence or sink a ball in the Ace of Spades eject hole. "Smart" drop targets are carried over in memory from ball to ball for super high scoring potential.

Making 3 Ace eject holes lights a letter in P-O-K-E-R. When K is lit, 2 eject holes light for Extra Ball. Sink a ball in either hole to collect. When P-O-K-E-R is spelled out in lights, the 2 out-lanes alternate for Special.

Press F6 to get the dip switch menu and to alter between two rom versions:
alpok_l6 for Standard ROM set
alpok_f6 for French ROM set

Thanks to Gaston for the script update!
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