Cracker Jack Bowling (Toy) VP9

VP9 Flipperless Recreation Cracker Jack Bowling (Toy) VP9 v1.0 and cup fix

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by tiltjlp

One of millions of toys given away by Cracker Jack over the past century.

A bowling themed pin toy that was small enough to fit in the palm of a kid's hand. Cracker Jack, which has been sold for over a century, gained popularity by adding cheap little wooden & plastic toys in each box they sold. While they offered little booklets too, the pinball toys were the big favorite of boys, including me. Cracker Jack now has many varieties to choose from, back in the 1950s it only came in their original version, in small cardboard boxes. Bo Peep was just one of dozens of palm sized pin toys you might find when you tore open the paper pounch. tiltjlp

Note from Xenonph:
The cup walls on this table were set to a height of -30. Therefore you could never catch a ball in cup.
I uploaded a cup fix version, and the original is still available for download..
I changed the cup walls to a height of 30, and moved plunger a little to the right as the right cup was now interfering with ball launch.
  • Cracker Jack Bowling (Toy) VP9.PNG
    Cracker Jack Bowling (Toy) VP9.PNG
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