Pinball Dreams : Ignition (Digital Illusions CE, 1992)

SS Recreation Video Games FP Pinball Dreams : Ignition (Digital Illusions CE, 1992) v1.11

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Solid State Machines
by light86, Sebek74, Skyrunner, Slash2084
at 2009-10-14
Type Recreation (videogame)
Editor Digital Illusions CE (1988-2004)
Date 1992

Remake of classic Amiga pinball game Pinball Dreams: Ignition
Multiball extension with great music by Skyrunner
- Spell WARP to raise multi bonus value
- Spell LIGHT to enable extra ball - 5 million and 10 million
points in turn
- BALL TRAP raises value - collects bonus and gives jackpot
and extra ball when lit
- Drop all ROCKET targets to spell Ignition
- RIGHT PASSAGE lights hold bonus - score bonus and
double bonus
- RAMP raises score value for 20 seconds and collects lit values
- Spell FUEL to raise jackpot value and light collect planet
- Spell IGNITION to light jackpot
- Hit 500P TARGETS 8 times to start multiball mode
- Hit OUTLANE SLINGSHOT TRIGGER to save the ball

music priority schema, music stops other with lower importance
ramp sounds stop music
booster bonuses behaviour more like original
light triggers plays sounds
correct sounds for 1 million, bonus x8 and destination pluto
bonus countdown doesn't wait till end of score bonus music
more small modifications

1.04, 1.05

music fading while playing effects instead of pausing
skillshot blinking field
bulbs flashing (at least, I forgot them!)
blinking drop targets when all lights hit
minor seg improvements


flashing lights according to demo instructions in attract mode
new translite image by Slash
weaker bumpers

table is more alive now, more bulbs flashing (some bulb issues also fixed)
proper coin light behavior, insert coin information
scrolling seg improvements (multiplier, destination, booster, get the jackpot, bonus held)
endless in-game music
new cabinet images
on table instructions
synchronized bonus counting with score displays
highscore name saver
fixed error: erasing hold bonus when tilted
fixed error: correct WARP circulation
fixed error: even flashing solenoids
fixed error: proper light behavior in attract mode after gameplay
fixed error: fixed script error while seg in standbay mode during play

some errors fixed in multiball extension (change flag in script to enable)
ball saver extension (set to 5 sec)
fixed error: extra ball available more than once

table layout changes, screw texture fixes
left ramp bulbs, extra "light" bulb
on table planets indicators
tilt warning indicators
fixed error: destination canceled when ball is lost
fixed error: music fading issue

planets moved to translite, separate galactic bonus
credit/passage time counter
on table space theme graphic
new 7 blue bulbs flashing various schemas during game
longer kicker delay if simple bonus
solenoid delay for light, red, drop 500 and fuel targets
solenoid sound for kicker, light, red, drop 500 and fuel targets
fixed error: proper double bonus music

multiball option & music composed by Skyrunner
improved ball lauch music by Skyrunner
intro music looped
highscore music plays right after enter highscore jingiel
better stereo sound effects
new lighting effects: kicker, left passage, multiplier, ball launching, till warning, highscore
left passage bulbs synchronized with ball
blinkning lights inlining
some segment effects improved (enable hold bonus, score bonus, double bonus, highscore, final bonus held)
game is easier - harder to ball lost in outlane passages
outlane slingshot activated by triggers and 2 new bulbs
ball saver indicator & started when warp trigger passed (set to 7 seconds)
new translite & flipper surfaces graphic
credit info when coin inserted
fixed error: planets texture issue fix
fixed error: multithread issue solutions
fixed error: proper solenoid release for warp triggers (multiplayer)
fixed error: ball trap lock when 1M & XB
Tables of collection Pinball Dreams :
Beat-Box 1.04c
Ignition 1.11
Nightmare 0.99
Nightmare 1.00
Steel Wheel 1.10

External reviews :
  • Backglass.png
    1.3 MB · Views: 94
  • Cabinet Right.png
    Cabinet Right.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 86
  • Playfield.png
    1.7 MB · Views: 89
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