Smart Ball (Antique Japanese Bagatelle) VP9

VP9 Flipperless Recreation Smart Ball (Antique Japanese Bagatelle) VP9 v2.0 2020-01-28

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by Patrick &tiltjlp
Updated for VP9 By tiltjlp

East meets West in Antique Smartball, where hitting right pockets will send colorful blue balls raining down from the top of the Smartball game. The maximum number of balls you get from the pockets not only vary, but can be adjusted to assure the game plays smoothly for you.

An antique Japanese game that is a cross between pachinko and pinball, will give you a multiball experience unlike any youfve seen before. When you hit several scoring pockets at once, multiple bird calls will play, reminding you of an aviary. This is in keeping with the mystique the Orient holds with much of the world.

You start the game with five balls, and you can launch more than one at a time. As your balls enter scoring pockets, more balls are released, up to 20 at any one time. So your goal is not only the most points, but the most balls played.

Since slower computers and some graphics cards might freeze up with 20 balls in action at the same time, you can adjust the number of balls releases at a time. The Right Flipper increases the number, and the Left Flipper decreased the number. The game is perset to release 10 balls maximum at any one time, and can be adjusted from 5 balls to 20 per each multiball.

Nudging is an important part of Smartball, but you can easily nudge the balls away for scoring pockets, losing out on both more points and more balls. Enjoy this wild and fun game. Scripting done by Patrick. Pin placement and testing done by tiltjlp. Changes for update include tweaking pin placement, adding a hidden wall to prevent balls from getting stuck at top, standardizing fonts, increasing size of EM Reels, replacing/adding several sounds, and extensive testing.
  • Antique Smart Ball (Japanese Bagatelle) VP9.PNG
    Antique Smart Ball (Japanese Bagatelle) VP9.PNG
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