The Emerald (Bagatelle) VP8

VP8 Flipperless Recreation The Emerald (Bagatelle) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

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By tiltjlp.

A nicely done game made in England. My guess would be between the 1930s-70s. The image I found is of a much played, well worn table.

The Emerald Bagatelle, which was made in England, must have been a magnificant looking game when it was made. I have no clue when that would have been, but would guess between the 1930s and the 1970s. The image I have shows a well-worn and much played game, with broken pins and dirt smudges.

With 18 scoring cups, 10 of those guarded by pins, you'll be frustrated unless you nudge. It'll take you a game or two to figure out when and how to nudge. The adjustable speed plunger seems to have less effect than usual, but raising and lowering the speed does eventually work to your good advantage. I placed pins wherever they are shown on the playfield, with the rebounders set lower on the left upper side than I would have positioned them, which adds to the challenge.

Since some folks find bagatelle boring, I have added some mom-traditional sounds, along with more normal ones, to add to the fun. While I think the gold ball image looks great against the green playfield, I have included several other ball images in case you want to customize the game.
  • The Emerald (Bagatelle) VP8.PNG
    The Emerald (Bagatelle) VP8.PNG
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