Vortex (Taito, 1983)

Taito SS Recreation FP Vortex (Taito, 1983) v1.0

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by tio_italo
at 2018-01-23
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Taito Do Brazil, a division of Taito, Japan
Tradename Flipermatic/Liberty/Mecatronics
Date 1983
IPD No. 4576

FP Physics 1.0

Taito Vortex, another layout copied from Williams Blackout.

Two different gameplays can be selected using Special1 key (check your FP configuration for the correct key in your system).

Alternative textures for bumpers, drop-targets and targets included, according to factory-line variations.
1st: Complete the drop targets times in a row to light PASSAGEM DO ALEM. Then complete the drop targets to light ESPECIAL on the "Outside World" exit.

2nd: Complete the GUARDIÕES drop targets to advance the FONTE DA JUVENTUDE lamps. The first lit prize will be EXTRA BALL. After that the new race will be for SPECIAL.

GUARDIÕES arrows will be lit by looping thru PASSAGEM DO ALÉM and the upper TÚNEL DO TEMPO.
Lit and unprotected targets scores bonus and 1,000 points.
Bonus is multiplied by turning off "1", "2" and "3"
FONTE DA JUVENTUDE raises GUARDIÕES drop targets and scores the lit prize.
TÚNEL DO TEMPO is lit by completing the drop targets nearby.

Português =============================

1º modo: Derruba-se uma barreira após a outra até as luzes da Passagem do Além ficarem totalmemte acesas. Em seguida, derruba-se mais uma vez acendendo o "ESPECIAL" na saída para o mundo externo.
2° modo: Derruba-se os Guardiões avançando as luzes da Fonte da Juventude. O 1º prêmio a acender será a

BOLA EXTRA, após ser ganho a Bola Extra, a nova corrida será para o ESPECIAL.

Os Guardiões são valorizados atravessando a Passagem do Além e o Túnel do Tempo superior.
Os alvos não protegidos e acesos valem bônus e 1.000 pontos.
Os bônus são multiplicados apagando-se "1", "2" e "3".
A Fonte da Juventude levanta os Guardiões e vale o prêmio aceso.
O Túnel do Tempo é aceso derrubando-se a barreira ao lado.
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  • uptown47 @ uptown47:
    (AI prompt) What is a EM Pinball Machine?
  • ChatGPT @ ChatGPT:
    @uptown47, An EM pinball machine refers to an "Electro-Mechanical" pinball machine. These are the classic pinball machines that were manufactured before the advent of solid-state technology, which uses microprocessors and digital displays. EM pinball machines were popular from the 1930s through the late 1970s.

    EM pinball machines operate using a complex system of mechanical components such as relays, stepping units, score reels, and switches, along with electromagnetic devices like solenoids and coils. These components work together to control the gameplay, scoring, and sound effects.

    The gameplay of EM pinball machines is typically more straightforward than that of modern solid-state machines, with a focus on hitting targets, bumpers, and completing specific sequences to score points. The scoring is displayed on mechanical reels or wheels that physically turn to show the player's score.

    Collectors and enthusiasts often appreciate EM pinball machines for their historical significance, mechanical ingenuity, and the tactile experience they provide. The
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