1. druadic

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation !Wow! (Mills Novelty, 1932) VP8 2020-01-28

    wow by Druadic IPD No. 2819
  2. druadic

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Who's Goofy (Ace Novelty, 1932) VP8 2020-01-28

    whosgoofy 1932 Ace Novelty Co. By druadic IPD No. 2775
  3. druadic

    VP8 Bally Flipperless Recreation Goofy (Bally, 1932) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    goofy 1932 Bally By druadic IPD No. 1061
  4. druadic

    VP9 Flipperless Recreation Sure Shot (Carlson Mfg Co., 1932) VP9 v3.0 2020-01-28

    SShotVP9 IPD No. 4708 Sure Shot, 1932 by Carlson Manufacturing for VP9! Added new playing cards across the playfield, added save normal/regular high score, added save novelty high score, added purge/delete of normal/regular/novelty high scores, cleaned up labels and replaced older ones. Fixed...
  5. tiltjlp

    VP9 Flipperless Recreation Olympic (Empire Wood, 1932) VP9 v1.0 2020-01-28

    By tiltjlp for VP9. IPD No. 1712 While I don't make many commercail coin-op games, when I do I like to find oddities or rare machines. This is the only game ever manufactured by Empire Wood Working Company, of Baltimore, Maryland. Olympic was Pure Mechanical (PM), with a theme of Olympic...
  6. druadic

    VP9 Flipperless Recreation Midget Hi-Ball (Peo Mfg, 1932) VP9 v4.0 2020-01-28

    MidgetVP9 IPD No. 4657 Midget Hi-Ball, 1932 by Peo Manufacturing. Updated wall "catcher" for holes, blue ball now scores properly, added high score save and purge of high score.
  7. druadic

    VP9 Flipperless Recreation Hi-Lo (Junior) (N.W. Coin Machine, 1932) VP9 v1.1 2020-01-28

    HiLoVP9 IPD No. 1188 Hi Lo, 1932 by Northwest Coin Machine Co. for VP9. Fixed playfield problems (cards) and fixed ball shooter lane to work in Visual Pinball 9. Notes: The pin table version is Northwest Coin Machine Company's 1932 'Hi-Lo (Senior)' which has seven long ball guides in its upper...
  8. druadic

    VP9 Genco Flipperless Recreation Good Luck (Genco, 1932) VP9 v1.1 2020-01-28

    GoodLuck1.1 IPD No. 1059 By druadic, Update to version1.1 for VP9. Rules for Good Luck, 1932 Genco - by druadic; version 1.0 for VP9. There isn't much to the game, but it makes for a very fun challenge. I hope you'll enjoy yourself with this one as much as I've had making it! I have done my...
  9. druadic

    VP8 Rock-ola Flipperless Recreation Juggle Ball (Rock-ola, 1932) VP8 v1.12 2020-01-28

    juggle 1932 Rock-ola Mfg. Corp. By druadic IPD No. 1323
  10. druadic

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Midget Hi-Ball (Peo Mfg., 1932) VP8 v3.0 VP63LP 2020-01-28

    MidgetVP63LP 1932 Peo Mfg. Corp. By druadic IPD No. 4657
  11. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Favorite (Buckley, 1932) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Buckley 1932 by Patrick & tiltjlp IPD No. 3089 Favorite was one of ten games made by Buckley over a four year period. There were at least two production runs of this game, with two sets of playfield graphics. The graphics used in our version I think are the best ones, but we have included the...
  12. Not Registered

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Tabletop Hockey (Munro, 1932-'33) VP8 by Freewheel (VP author) v1.0 2020-01-28

    The earliest type of these mechanical hockey games was built by Donald H. Munro, Sr. in his Toronto home in 1932-33. Made of wood and scrap metal found in his neighborhood, Munro built his first game as a Christmas present for his children at a time when he could not afford to buy gifts. Soon...
  13. druadic

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Sure Shot (Carlson Manufacturing Co., 1932) VP8 v2.3L VP6 2020-01-28

    SShotVP62.3L 1932 Carlson Manufacturing Co. By druadic IPD No. 4708 BIG UPDATE - NEW playfield image, NEW options, NEW scoring! TONS of new stuff! Enjoy yourselves!!! See the playfield screen for the rules. Have fun! In the upper right hand screen corner, the words will change. Take note of...
  14. tiltjlp

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Poker Ball Square - Free Play (Lindstrom, 1932) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    by tiltjlp IPD No. 5522 This version of Lindstroms Poker plays like the original bagatelle. I plan for a Deluxe version that will tarck winning hands and award bonuses, Lindstroms Poker is an ambitious bagatelle made between the 1930s and 1950s. This probably was a very successful home sale...
  15. druadic

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Official (1932, Mills Novelty, 1932) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    office 1932 Mills Novelty Company By druadic IPD No. 1694
  16. patrick

    Flipperless Recreation FP Favorite (Buckley, 1932) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Favorite / IPD No. 3089 / April, 1932 / 1 Player Average Fun Rating: Needs More Ratings! 8.0 / 10 (1 ratings) [ Add Your Rating! ] Manufacturer: Buckley Manufacturing Company, of Chicago, Illinois, USA (1932-1936) Date Of Manufacture: April, 1932 Type: Pure Mechanical (PM) Serial...
  17. patrick

    Bally Flipperless Recreation FP Ballyhoo (Bally, 1932) v1.2 2020-01-28

    Bally 1932 - the table that started Bally, and which was named for a popular magazine of the 1930s. by Patrick & tiltjlp. Ballyhoo / IPD No. 4817 / January, 1932 / 1 Player Average Fun Rating: Needs More Ratings! 7.7 / 10 (2 ratings) [ Add Your Rating! ] Manufacturer: Bally...
  18. druadic

    VP9 Flipperless Recreation Black-Jack, 1932 by Acorn for VP9

    Black-Jack, 1932 by Acorn for Visual Pinball 9. A "conversion/insertable" playfield for other machines. Background has intentionally been left blank so you can add your own! Here is the ORIGINAL screenshot of the game below. I will add the original pic I had to work from later. You'll see the...
  19. druadic

    VP9 Flipperless Recreation Sure Shot, 1932 Carlson for VP9!

    Added new playing cards across the playfield, added save normal/regular high score, added save novelty high score, added purge/delete of normal/regular/novelty high scores, cleaned up labels and replaced older ones. Fixed plunger to play more realistically. Added a "drop wall" to make balls...
  20. druadic

    VP9 Flipperless Recreation Midget Hi-Ball, 1932 Peo for VP9!

    Midget Hi-Ball, 1932 by Peo Manufacturing for Visual Pinball 9! I actually owned this machine so it plays absolutely PERFECT. Added ball catching wall to holes, blue ball now scores double in any hole, added high score save and "purge"/delete high score save. You can still shoot ball after...
  21. druadic

    VP9 Flipperless Recreation Hi Lo for VP9!

    Hi Lo, 1932 by Northwest Coin for VP9. Fixed the cards on the playfield and the ball shooter lane for VP9. Enjoy!
  22. druadic

    VP9 Gottlieb Flipperless Recreation Cloverleaf, 1932 Gottlieb for VP9!

    Cloverleaf, 1932 by Gottlieb for VP9 - MASSIVE UPDATE. ALL AREAS of the playfield are accessable via the plunger/ball! Saves your high scores! Change your plunger increment speed before shooting the ball!! Have fun!
  23. tiltjlp

    VP9 Flipperless Recreation 1932s Olympic

    I don’t make many coin-op games, when I do I try to find odd or rare machines. This is the only game manufactured by Empire Wood Working Company, of Baltimore, Maryland. The Disc Doubler cup up top can be made if you adjust the plunger speed. Olympic was Pure Mechanical (PM), with a theme...
  24. tiltjlp

    VP9 Genco Flipperless Recreation Genco's Good Luck

    Rules for Good Luck, 1932 Genco - by druadic; version 1.0 for VP9. There isn't much to the game, but it makes for a very fun challenge. I hope you'll enjoy yourself with this one as much as I've had making it! I have done my best; but please DO NOT MOD MY WORK. Truly, it's not fair that I...
  25. tiltjlp

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Buckley's Favorite released

    Patrick & tiltjlp have released Favorite, which has a horse Racing theme, and was one of ten games made by Buckley over a four year period. There were at least two production runs of this game, with two sets of playfield graphics. The graphics used in our version IMNSHO, are the best ones, but...
  26. tiltjlp

    VP8 Genco Flipperless Recreation Genco's Monte Carlo released

    I have released Genco's 2nd game, Monte Carlo. Genco's success with their first game, Buster Ball, led them to make Monte Carlo, which was made of painted cast aluminum. Rather than nubs to deflect the ball, Monte Carlo used raised ridges or bars. Monte Carlo measured 19" X 11 1/2" and would...
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