
  1. Not Registered

    Bally SS Recreation FP Black Pyramid (Bally, 1984) by Germax v0.5

    by Germax at 2006-05-01 Type Recreation (real pinball) Manufacturer Bally Midway Manufacturing Company (1983-1988) Tradename Bally Date 1984 IPD No. 312
  2. L

    Bally EM Recreation FP Band Wagon (Bally, 1965) v1.0

    by Leon Spalding at 2006-04-24 Type Recreation (real pinball) Manufacturer Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983) Tradename Bally Date 1965 IPD No. 163 Description An IR Pinball Preserved Classic Rules Press '5' to insert coin Press '1' to start game. TILT...
  3. Not Registered

    Bally SS Recreation FP Rolling Stones (Bally, 1980) by Gerhard S, Germax v1.0

    by Gerhard S, Germax at 2006-04-14 Type Recreation (real pinball) Manufacturer Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983) Tradename Bally Date 1979 IPD No. 2010 Rules freeplay1:260k freeplay2:500k initialhsc:580k fadeout/in hud: key 'f'
  4. L

    Bally EM Recreation FP 50-50 (Bally, 1965) v1.a

    by Leon Spalding at 2006-03-09 Type Recreation (real pinball) Manufacturer Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983) Tradename Bally Date 1965 IPD No. 842 Rules 50/50 Rules: Press '5' to insert coin Press '1' to start game. TILT VOIDS GAME OF PLAYER WHO TILTS ONLY!
  5. Not Registered

    Bally SS Recreation FP Space Invaders (Bally, 1980) by Gerhard S, Germax v1.0

    by Gerhard S, Germax at 2006-02-12 Type Recreation (real pinball) Manufacturer Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983) Tradename Bally Date 1980 IPD No. 2252 Rules freeplay 1: 350000 freeplay 2: 700000 initialhighscore: 780000
  6. Not Registered

    Bally EM Recreation FP Little Joe (Bally, 1972) by jc144 v1.0

    by jc144 at 2006-02-04 Type Recreation (real pinball) Manufacturer Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983) Tradename Bally Date 1971 IPD No. 1460 Rules Add total of Yellow & White Dice Total of 4: Ball hitting Lit Target or passing through Scoring Gate yields Free...
  7. Not Registered

    Bally EM Recreation FP Kick Off (Bally, 1977) by jc144 v1.1

    by jc144 at 2006-01-15 Type Recreation (real pinball) Manufacturer Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983) Tradename Bally Date 1976 IPD No. 1365
  8. Not Registered

    Bally EM Recreation FP Monte Carlo (Bally, 1973) by jc144 v0.1 Beta

    by jc144 at 2006-01-15 Type Recreation (real pinball) Manufacturer Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983) Tradename Bally Date 1972 IPD No. 1621 Rules From the flyer: SCORING ACTION STARTS at the top of the playfield as balls cross Buttons numbered 1 through 10...
  9. shiva

    Bally SS Recreation FP Star Trek (Bally, 1979) v1.10

    by Gerhard S, Germax, shiva at 2006-01-02 Type Recreation (real pinball) Manufacturer Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983) Tradename Bally Date 1978-01-24 IPD No. 2355 Rules SCRIPT BY GERMAX. hit key 'f' to fade out the scoredisplay. freeplaylevel 1: 180000...
  10. GeorgeH

    Bally SS Recreation BAM FP Doctor Who (Bally, 1992)

    GeorgeH submitted a new resource: Doctor Who (Bally,1992) - Updates Ian's and NitroNimbus's versions of the table. Read more about this resource...
  11. GeorgeH

    Bally SS Recreation BAM FP Doctor Who (Bally, 1992) 2.6.6

    Click on the "Update" tab to read the description for Version 2.6.6. Doctor Who (Bally, 1992) v2.6.5 IPD No. 738 I am releasing this table now even though I had planned to do more work on it. My coding partner, JP (aka Popotte) is not available until September, 2022. The table is in a...
  12. Popotte

    Bally EM Recreation BAM FP Old Chicago (Bally, 1976)

    Popotte submitted a new resource: Old Chicago (Bally - 1976) - Pinball's city Read more about this resource...
  13. Popotte

    Bally EM Recreation BAM FP Old Chicago (Bally, 1976) V2.00

    Old Chicago (Bally, 1976) v2.00 IPDB No. 1704
  14. FranciscoPozo

    Bally EM Flipperless Recreation FP Nudgy (Bally, 1947)

    FranciscoPozo submitted a new resource: Nudgy - Real Flipperless pinball recreation. Read more about this resource...
  15. FranciscoPozo

    Bally EM Flipperless Recreation FP Nudgy (Bally, 1947) v1.0

    Nudgy / IPD No. 1686 / September 17, 1947 / 1 Player Manufacturer: Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983) [Trade Name: Bally] Project Date: September 17, 1947 Model Number: 503 Type: Electro-mechanical (EM) Serial Number Database: View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number...
  16. xenonph

    VPX Bally SS Recreation Flash Gordon (Bally, 1981) Sound MOD

    xenonph submitted a new resource: Flash Gordon (Bally, 1981) Sound Mod - Sound MOD of Rothbauerw's great table!! Read more about this resource...
  17. xenonph

    VPX Bally SS Recreation Flash Gordon (Bally, 1981) Sound MOD v2.1 VPX7.2

    Flash Gordon (Bally, 1981) Sound Mod v2.1 VPX7.2 required IPD No. 874 I first would like to thank Rothbauerw for giving me permission to make this sound mod. I would also like to thank him for making a great table!! I also would like to thank everyone who contributed to this table including...
  18. Vimyphoto

    Bally SS Recreation FP Supersonic (Bally, 1979) 2022-04-17

    Supersonic (Bally, 1979) by Vimyphoto / IPDB# 2455 MPU: Bally MPU AS-2518-35 Production: 10,340 units (confirmed) Theme: Aircraft - Historical - Travel Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Slingshots (2), 5-bank drop targets (1), Standup targets (4), Kick-out hole (1)...
  19. Vimyphoto

    Bally SS Recreation FP Supersonic (Bally, 1979)

    Bonjour ! Voici ma réalisation du flipper Supersonic sur futur pinball. Ce flipper à été réalisé en 1979 par Bally.
  20. FranciscoPozo

    Bally EM Flipperless Recreation FP Champion (Bally, 1939)

    FranciscoPozo submitted a new resource: Champion - Pre-WWII pinball. Read more about this resource...
  21. FranciscoPozo

    Bally EM Flipperless Recreation FP Champion (Bally, 1939) v1.1

    Champion / IPD No. 488/ August, 1939 / 1 Player Manufacturer:Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983) [Trade Name: Bally] Model Number:341 Type:Electro-mechanical (EM) Serial Number Database:View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database ( (External site) Theme:Recreation -...
  22. Furio

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Firecracker (Bally, 1971) VP921 MOD

    Furio submitted a new resource: Firecracker (Mod) (Bally, 1971) VP9.21 - A modified pinball must be marked Mod. Read more about this resource...
  23. Not Registered

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Firecracker (Bally, 1971) VP921 MOD 2022-04-16

    Firecracker (Mod) (Bally, 1971) Pinballfan9 Wrenchien IPD No. 855
  24. Furio

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation Eight Ball (Bally, 1977) Remix (musical) VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: Eight Ball (Bally, 1977) Remix (musical) VP9.21 - One of the first SS games Read more about this resource...
  25. H

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation Eight Ball (Bally, 1977) Remix (musical) VP921 2022-04-13

    Eight Ball (Bally, 1977) Remix (musical) Hakyoku Seiken IPD No. 760
  26. Furio

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Hi-Deal (Bally, 1975) VP921 by Ash

    Furio submitted a new resource: Hi-Deal (Bally 1975) VP9.21 by Ash - Enjoyable game that maintains interest. Read more about this resource...
  27. Furio

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Hang Glider (Bally, 1976) VP921 by Ash

    Furio submitted a new resource: Hang Glider (Bally 1976) VP9.21 - Very fun EM machine Read more about this resource...
  28. Not Registered

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Hang Glider (Bally, 1976) VP921 by Ash 2022-03-31

    Hang Glider (Bally 1976) Ash IPD No. 1112 Notes: Playfield layout is the same as Bally's 1975 'Hi-Deal' except it has five drop targets instead of five standup targets.
  29. Furio

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Flip Flop (Bally, 1976) VP921 by Ash

    Furio submitted a new resource: Flip Flop (Bally 1974) VP9.21 - Not a lot of variety but a fun game. Read more about this resource...
  30. Not Registered

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Flip Flop (Bally, 1976) VP921 by Ash 2022-03-19

    Flip Flop (Bally 1976) Ash IPD No. 889
  31. Furio

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Flicker (Bally, 1975) VP921 by Ash

    Furio submitted a new resource: Flicker (Bally 1974) VP9.21 - This game is fun to play Read more about this resource...
  32. Not Registered

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Flicker (Bally, 1975) VP921 by Ash 2022-03-16

    Flicker (Bally 1975) Ash IPD No. 883 Notes: A 4-player version of this game is Bally's 1974 'Boomerang' but with different artwork.
  33. Furio

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation El Toro (Bally, 1972) VP921 by Ash

    Furio submitted a new resource: El Toro (Bally 1972) VP9.21 - A very basic game with good artwork. Read more about this resource...
  34. Not Registered

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation El Toro (Bally, 1972) VP921 by Ash 2022-03-15

    El Toro (Bally 1972) Ash IPD No. 772
  35. Furio

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Delta Queen (Bally, 1974) VP921 by Ash

    Furio submitted a new resource: Delta Queen (Bally 1973) VP9,21 - The play lies between good and fair. Read more about this resource...
  36. Not Registered

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Delta Queen (Bally, 1974) VP921 by Ash 2022-03-14

    Delta Queen (Bally 1974) Ash IPD No. 654
  37. angmarg52

    Recreation 4 Queens (Bally, 1970)

    angmarg52 submitted a new resource: 4 QUEENS - 4 Queens (Bally 1970) Read more about this resource...
  38. angmarg52

    Bally EM Recreation BAM FP 4 Queens (Bally, 1970) v1.0

    The Internet Pinball Machine Database 4 Queens / IPD No. 936 / December, 1970 / 1 Player Average Fun Rating: 7.3/10 (14 ratings/11 comments) [ Add Your Rating! ] Manufacturer: Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983) [Trade Name: Bally] Project Date...
  39. Furio

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Champ (Bally, 1974) VP921 by Ash

    Furio submitted a new resource: Champ (Bally 1973) VP9.21 - Fast and fun game. Read more about this resource...
  40. Not Registered

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Champ (Bally, 1974) VP921 by Ash 2022-03-09

    Champ (Bally 1974) Ash IPD No. 486
  41. Furio

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Bon Voyage (Bally, 1974) by Ash VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: Bon Voyage (Bally 1974) VP9.21 - Very beautiful work of art Read more about this resource...
  42. Not Registered

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Bon Voyage (Bally, 1974) by Ash VP921 2022-02-20

    Bon Voyage (Bally 1974) by Ash IPDB No. 343 Production: 1,585 units (confirmed) Theme: Aviation - Travel - Transportation Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (2), Slingshots (2), Standup targets (6), Star rollovers (3), Kick-out hole (1), Spinning target (1), Messenger ball...
  43. romolo2002

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Trail Drive (Bally, 1970) VP995

    romolo2002 submitted a new resource: Trail Drive (Bally 1970) - The Cat jumps and the Coyboy shoots it! Read more about this resource...
  44. romolo2002

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Trail Drive (Bally, 1970) VP995 2022-02-18

    Recreation in Vp 9.9.5 of "Trail Drive (Bally 1970)". Trail Drive / IPD No. 2625 / September, 1970 / 1 Player This table is free to be edited/modded/published.
  45. romolo2002

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Bali-Hi (Bally, 1970) VP995

    romolo2002 submitted a new resource: Bali-Hi (Bally 1970) - A "Bali-Hi" pin can be seen in an episode of "The Rockford Files." Read more about this resource...
  46. romolo2002

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Bali-Hi (Bally, 1970) VP995 2022-02-18

    Recreation in Vp 9.9.5 of "Bali-Hi (Bally 1970)". Bali-Hi / IPD No. 135 / September 14, 1970 / 4 Players This table is free to be edited/modded/published.
  47. romolo2002

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation 2 in 1 (Bally, 1964) VP995

    romolo2002 submitted a new resource: 2 in 1 (Bally 1964) - Play High Score and "21" at same time!. Read more about this resource...
  48. romolo2002

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation 2 in 1 (Bally, 1964) VP995 2022-02-18

    Recreation in Vp 9.9.5 of "2in1 (Bally 1964)". 2 in 1 / IPD No. 2698 / July, 1964 / 2 Players This table is free to be edited/modded/published.
  49. Furio

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Bow and Arrow (Bally, 1975) VP921 by Ash

    Furio submitted a new resource: Bow and Arrow (Bally 1974) VP9.21 - Not too easy to win but also not too difficult either. Read more about this resource...
  50. Not Registered

    VP9 Bally EM Recreation Bow and Arrow (Bally, 1975) VP921 by Ash 2022-02-17

    Bow and Arrow (Bally 1975) by Ash IPDB No. 362 Average Fun Rating: 7.6/10 (24 ratings/18 comments) Production: 7,630 units (confirmed) Theme: American West Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (4), Slingshots (2), Standup targets (6), Kick-out holes (2), Spinning targets...
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