by Greywolf, Popotte
at 2009-02-20
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1974-06
IPD No. 234
by Greywolf, Popotte
at 2009-02-20
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1976-10-18
IPD No. 2465
by Greywolf
at 2009-02-20
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983)
Tradename Bally
Date 1976-03
IPD No. 1206
Theme: Prestidigitation (Hokus-Pokus, Sleight of Hand)
Cabinet: Blue and Brown, Bunnies and Hats...
by Greywolf, Popotte
at 2009-02-20
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1975
IPD No. 766
Other keys:
R- Show Rules, Scores
K- Kick game
P- Power Off/On
C - Configure Game
by Greywolf, Popotte
at 2009-02-20
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1975
IPD No. 2293
You can choose (by the Special2key) to play a 3 or 5 balls game.
You can choose (by the Special1Key) to...
by Popotte
at 2009-02-08
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1975
IPD No. 828
You have access to the menu by the Special2Key.
You can toggle (by the toggle HUD key) the HUD reel.
by Popotte
at 2009-01-06
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1967
IPD No. 1372
V2.00 (07/01/2009): correct ramp texture (for instruction and score card)
You can choose (by the...
by Popotte
at 2008-09-21
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1964
IPD No. 2120
by Destruk, TAB
at 2008-09-14
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1976
IPD No. 1802
fix version by Themer :
The *.tga files wihtout a pow...
by Rabbitronics
at 2008-07-12
Type Original
Just a simple machine with a bagatelle function
Drop the centre targets to lite extra ball - sink ball in lit lane to recieve extra ball
will be updated - feedback appreciated
Crappy screen cos taken on my...
by Popotte
at 2008-05-29
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983)
Tradename Bally
Date 1963
IPD No. 598
You can choose (by the Special1Key) to scroll or not the ball.
You can toggle (by the toggle HUD key) the HUD...
by Leon Spalding
at 2008-04-12
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Williams Electronic Manufacturing Company (1958-1967)
Tradename Williams
Date 1959
IPD No. 1988
by doudou10, Popotte
at 2008-03-30
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1968
IPD No. 1768
by centinex, Misaligned Cow Ventu
at 2008-03-29
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Williams Electronics, Incorporated (1967-1985)
Tradename Williams
Date 1973-10-30
IPD No. 1733
by Anthias
at 2007-11-27
Type Original
Tables of collection Classic SciFi :
Children of Tomorrow 1.0.0
Exiles To Glory 1.0
Foundation Saga 1.0.0
Skylark 1.0
The Puppet Masters 1.0
by Leon Spalding
at 2007-10-06
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983)
Tradename Bally
Date 1963
IPD No. 1623
by Popotte
at 2007-09-01
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1972
IPD No. 1332
by Misaligned Cow Ventu
at 2007-07-08
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Williams Manufacturing Company (1944-1958)
Tradename Williams
Date 1951
IPD No. 1142
by Leon Spalding
at 2007-05-23
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1957-11-15
IPD No. 2392
by Popotte
at 2007-05-20
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983)
Tradename Bally
Date 1970-09-08
IPD No. 800
by Leon Spalding
at 2007-05-15
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Williams Electronic Manufacturing Company (1958-1967)
Tradename Williams
Date 1963
IPD No. 211
by Leon Spalding
at 2007-03-12
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Williams Electronic Manufacturing Company (1958-1967)
Tradename Williams
Date 1964
IPD No. 1148
by Popotte
at 2007-03-02
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1976
IPD No. 2743
You can choose (by the Special2key) to play a 3 or 5 balls game.
You can choose (by the Special1Key) to scroll or...
by Leon Spalding
at 2007-02-06
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983)
Tradename Bally
Date 1970-08
IPD No. 2840
by Popotte
at 2006-12-02
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Williams Electronic Manufacturing Company (1958-1967)
Tradename Williams
Date 1967
IPD No. 1518
Making the word MAGIC CITY lites the outside bottom rollovers to Add 1 Ball.
Making the start Add 1...
by Popotte
at 2006-11-16
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1975
IPD No. 2293
You can choose (by the Special2key) to play a 3 or 5 balls game.
You can choose (by the Special1Key) to scroll or...
by Leon Spalding
at 2006-11-15
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983)
Tradename Bally
Date 1968
IPD No. 2044
by Leon Spalding
at 2006-11-04
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983)
Tradename Bally
Date 1971-03
IPD No. 1935
by Popotte
at 2006-09-07
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1963
IPD No. 2474
by eXentric, rob046
at 2006-05-29
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983)
Tradename Bally
Date 1976
IPD No. 4498
1 Extra ball at 220,000 points.
1 Extra ball at 500,000 points.
1 replay when beating High Score.
by Shmithz
at 2006-05-11
Type Original
1. Enter North & South Lanes to increase speed.
2. Light up Green lights to increase nitro.
3. Get Fuel in Gas station or Garage.
You can interact with the ChatGPT Bot in any Chat Room and there is a dedicated room. The command is /ai followed by a space and then your ? or inquiry.
ie: /ai What is a EM Pinball Machine?