solid state

  1. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Ready Jet Go (Original) v1.0

    Ready Jet Go, An original future pinball table, based on the PBS television series "Ready Jet Go". It's a fun table with some new hologram's.
  2. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Polar Explorer (Taito, 1985) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Polar Explorer - 1985 Read more about this resource...
  3. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Polar Explorer (Taito, 1985) VP9 v1.1

    Polar Explorer (Taito, 1985) VP9 v1.2 IPD No. 4588
  4. AnonTet

    SS Recreation BAM FizX FP Cosmic Princess (LAI, 1979)

    AnonTet submitted a new resource: Cosmic Princess - Astrology themed table from LAI (Australia) Read more about this resource...
  5. AnonTet

    SS Recreation BAM FizX FP Cosmic Princess (LAI, 1979) 1.7.0

    Average Fun Rating: Needs More Ratings! 7.3 / 10 (4 ratings) [ Add Your Rating! ] Manufacturer: Leisure & Allied Industries, of Perth, Australia [Trade Name: LAI] Date Of Manufacture: August, 1979 Model Number: 111 MPU: Stern M-100 MPU Type: Solid State Electronic (SS)...
  6. TerryRed

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Star Wars: Death Star Assault - GALACTIC EDITION (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3)

    TerryRed submitted a new resource: Star Wars: Death Star Assault - GALACTIC EDITION (PinEvent V2) - Look at the size of that thing! Read more about this resource...
  7. TerryRed

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Star Wars: Death Star Assault - GALACTIC EDITION (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3) 1.7

    Star Wars: Death Star Assault - GALACTIC EDITION Original Ultimate Pro table by SLAMT1LT GALACTIC EDITION by TerryRed Table version: 1.7 (Feb 2024) A long time ago (2005) on a pinball editor far, far away... this table started its long journey. First it started as the Sci-Fi Classic...
  8. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Zarza (Taito, 1982) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Zarza - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  9. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Zarza (Taito, 1982) VP9 v1.3

    Pinball Taito 1982 IPD No. 4584
  10. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Vortex (Taito, 1981) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Vortex - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  11. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Vortex (Taito, 1981) VP9 v1.6

    Pinball Taito 1983 IPD No. 4576
  12. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Vegas (Taito, 1979) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Vegas - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  13. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Vegas (Taito, 1979) VP9 v1.2

    Pinball Taito 1979 IPD No. 4575
  14. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Titan (Taito, 1982) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Titan - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  15. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Titan (Taito, 1982) VP9 v1.3

    Pinball Taito 1982 IPD No. 4587
  16. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Sure Shot (Taito, 1981) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Sure Shot - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  17. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Sure Shot (Taito, 1981) VP9 v1.7

    Pinball Taito 1981 IPD No. 4574
  18. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Speed Test (Taito, 1983) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Speed Test - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  19. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Speed Test (Taito, 1983) VP9 v1.2

    Pinball Taito 1983 IPD No. 4589
  20. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Space Shuttle (Taito, 1985) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Space Shuttle - Taito do Brasil (Mecatronics) Read more about this resource...
  21. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Space Shuttle (Taito, 1985) VP9 v1.2

    Pinball Mecatronics a.k.a Taito do Brasil 1985 IPD No. 4583
  22. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Shock (Taito, 1979) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Shock - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  23. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Shock (Taito, 1979) VP9 v1.3

    Pinball Taito 1979 IPD No. 4573
  24. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Shark (Taito, 1982) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Shark - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  25. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Shark (Taito, 1982) VP9 v1.1

    Pinball Taito IPD No. 4582
  26. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Rally (Taito, 1980) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Rally - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  27. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Rally (Taito, 1980) VP9 v1.2

    Pinball Taito 1980 IPD No. 4581
  28. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Oba Oba (Taito, 1979) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Oba Oba - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  29. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Oba Oba (Taito, 1979) VP9 v1.2

    Pinball Taito 1979 IPD No. 4572
  30. Ice4711

    VPX SS Original Table The Rocky Horror Picture Show Edition 1.00 Reskin (Iceman 2022) Remember Table 70 er Ja

    Ice4711 submitted a new resource: The Rocky Horror Picture Show Edition 1.00 Reskin (Iceman 2022) Remember Table 70 er Ja - Remember Table 70 er Jahre Read more about this resource...
  31. Ice4711

    VPX SS Original Table The Rocky Horror Picture Show Edition 1.00 Reskin (Iceman 2022) Remember Table 70 er Ja v1.0

    The Rocky Horror Picture Show Edition 1.00 Reskin (Iceman 2022) Remember Table 70 er Jahre Rom: stest
  32. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Meteor (Taito, 1980) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Meteor - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  33. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Meteor (Taito, 1980) VP9 v1.5

    Pinball Taito 1980 IPD No. 4571
  34. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Lady Luck (Taito, 1982) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Lady Luck - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  35. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Lady Luck (Taito, 1982) VP9 v1.2

    Pinball Taito 1982 IPD No. 5010
  36. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Hawkman (Taito, 1983) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Hawkman - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  37. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Gemini 2000 (Taito, 1982) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Gemini 2000 - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  38. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Gemini 2000 (Taito, 1982) VP9 v1.3

    Pinball Taito 1982 IPD No. 4579
  39. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Fire Action (Taito, 1980) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Fire Action - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  40. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Drakor (Taito, 1979) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Drakor - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  41. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Drakor (Taito, 1979) VP9 v1.8

    Pinball Taito 1979 IPD No. 4569
  42. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Cosmic (Taito, 1980) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Cosmic - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  43. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Cosmic (Taito, 1980) VP9 v1.3

    Pinball Taito 1980 IPD No. 4567
  44. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Cavaleiro Negro (Taito, 1981) VP9

    aquinaton submitted a new resource: Cavaleiro Negro - Taito do Brasil Read more about this resource...
  45. aquinaton

    VP9 Taito SS Recreation Cavaleiro Negro (Taito, 1981) VP9 v1.2

    Pinball Taito 1980 IPD No. 4568
  46. Zobou

    SS Original Table BAM FP Jupiter Ascending Version_2.0 & FizX_2.0

    Zobou submitted a new resource: Jupiter Ascending Final - Jupiter Ascending Read more about this resource...
  47. Zobou

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Jupiter Ascending Version_2.0 & FizX_2.0 Version_2.0 & FizX_2.0

    freebird1963 Monday at 1:22 PM Wheres this table at to d/l ? Looks cool. _______________________________________________ Zobou, On request, I post.
  48. W

    Stern SS Recreation BAM FP Star Wars (Pro) (Stern, 2017)

    wbshrk submitted a new resource: Star Wars pro - Star Wars from Stens Read more about this resource...
  49. W

    Stern SS Recreation BAM FP Star Wars (Pro) (Stern, 2017) v0.9

    Star Wars (Pro) (Stern, 2017) v0.9 IPD No. 6428 I have most of the basic functions in the table including character selection, mission selection, and a few multi-balls. I lost all the original files, but it is totally playable. You need the latest version of BAM so that the LED colors work right.
  50. W

    Stern SS Recreation FP Deadpool SE (Stern, 2018)

    wbshrk submitted a new resource: Deadpool SE - Stern Deadppol SE with my own sounds Read more about this resource...
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