solid state

  1. G

    Gottlieb SS Recreation FP Circus (Gottlieb, 1980) 2020-01-28

    Circus (Gottlieb, 1980) v1.0 IPD No. 515 Granit built table, also did backglass. ghost did plastics, sound effects, cab art. Circus the 1980 Gottlieb version. Table made by Granit, Textures, sound and script from ghost. Tested and ball stick free.
  2. G

    Bally SS Recreation FP Dungeons and Dragons (Bally, 1987) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Dungeons and Dragons (Bally, 1987) v1.0 by ghostmachine IPD No. 743 Dungeons & Dragons 1.0 Free To Mod.
  3. G

    Gottlieb SS Recreation FP Deadly Weapon (Gottlieb, 1990) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Deadly Weapon (Gottlieb, 1990) v1.0 by ghostmachine IPD No. 645 Deadly Weapon re created. Everything in this game is free to use or mod. There wont be any updates to this.
  4. G

    SS Recreation FP Dakar (Mr. Game, 1988) v1.0 2020-01-28

  5. G

    Gottlieb SS Recreation FP Bounty Hunter (Gottlieb, 1985) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Bounty Hunter (Gottlieb, 1985) v1.0 by Granit, and ghost IPD No. 361 Bounty Hunter re created with best graphics.
  6. G

    SS Recreation FP Big Lebowski, The (Dutch Pinball of Reuver, 2016) v1.0 WIP

    Big Lebowski, The (Dutch Pinball of Reuver, 2016) v1.0 WIP IPDB No. 6320 Backglasses & Flyers below:
  7. theGhost787

    VPX SS Original Table ANTWORLD (Original) VPX

    Ant World VP10 Uploads soon.
  8. theGhost787

    SS Recreation FP Big Lebowski, The (Dutch Pinball of Reuver, 2016)

    I started this 2 days ago. Should be done by January. I mess with it when i have time. I use instrumental or cover songs to make it legal. Soundtrack is done from soundcloud and cab is done. Edit: Done...
  9. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Halloween Pack

    download from here >
  10. StevOz

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway, 1989) VP9

    This is the WS desktop mod of Elvira and the Party Monsters night mod by LoadedWeapon. Many thanks to jpsalas for his original recreation and LoadedWeapon for his Night Mod. Addition Credits go to. jpsalas: Original tables and script Dark: Primitive Nuts, bolts, and screws Zany: Primitive...
  11. StevOz

    VP9 Williams SS Recreation Bad Cats (Williams, 1989) VP9

    This is the WS desktop mod of Bad Cats night mod by LoadedWeapon. Many thanks to jpsalas for his original recreation and LoadedWeapon for his Night Mod. Addition Credits go to. jpsalas: Original tables and script ClarkKent: Cleaning up artwork on the original Dark: Primitive Nuts, bolts, and...
  12. StevOz

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation Hot Doggin' (Bally, 1980) VP9

    Thanks bodybump for your permission to release this Desktop conversion. Big and wide, almost ran out of width up scaling this! :) Press F6 for dip switch game options. What's New in Version 1.0.1 (See full changelog) - created new Backdrop - changed the values to create a desktop...
  13. StevOz

    VP9 Williams SS Recreation Road Kings (Williams 1986) DTWS VP99x 1.0.1

    This is the desktop wide-screen version of Road Kings (Williams 1986)VP99x <acronym title="Full Screen - Tables configured for cabinet use." class="bbc ipSeoAcronym">FS</acronym> by sliderpoint. Thank you sliderpoint for the funtastic table and the permission to mod your table. Thank you...
  14. StevOz

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Roller Disco (Gottlieb, 1980) VP9

    Many thanks to Gottlieb for creating this table and LW, Zany, Serpiko for their recreations of this table. This is the <acronym title="Full Screen - Tables configured for cabinet use." class="bbc ipSeoAcronym">FS</acronym> to DT conversion of the LW Roller Disco colour mod... Adjusted cabinet...
  15. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Do you like Ants?

    look here >
  16. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Space Girl Pinball & Galaxy Pool & Soccer Night

    download them >>
  17. Tii

    SS Original Table FP StarDrive

    zip attached :p more tables here >
  18. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Cosmos Man

    download it >
  19. Tii

    SS Original Table FP B-Movie

    download >>
  20. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Radar Men updated

    allsorts I don't remember :trippy: download it here >
  21. Tii

    SS Original Table FP The Latest Original Tables for Future Pinball

    Here > :welcome1:
  22. Tii

    SS Original Table FP New Machines Available

    here >>
  23. B


    Here you go guys, bringing over 15 yrs photoshop experience to the table, i present you with the real deal Enjoy the game! you can play it over here:
  24. B

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation PHOTO-REALISTIC Bounty Hunter VP

    PHOTO-REAL REPRODUCTION Bounty Hunter by by Kristian, Destruk, DesAngel, Luvthatapex, and Baloo42 Complete photo-real recreation using reference photos, hi-def video footage and texture library. This is my 1st submission, Enjoy! What's New in Version v.10 (See full changelog)...
  25. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Astro Zombies ver 2

    Download >>>
  26. Tii

    SS Original Table FP ScoobyDoo and the Alien Invaders

    download >>
  27. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Skull Rocker

  28. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Rocket Blaster

  29. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Mars Mccoy & Adam Strange

    new fast downloads and no unzipping >>>
  30. Tii

    SS Original Table FP DeadShot,Rocket Raccoon,Kang & Kodos,Outlaw Pool,Cpt Planet,Space Monsters

    DeadShot,Rocket Raccoon,Kang & Kodos,Outlaw Pool,Captain Planet more on the way...:pirat: Download >
  31. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Merry Xmas :cheers:
  32. StevOz

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation World Cup Soccer (Bally, 1994) VP9

    This is the WS desktop mod of World Cup Soccer (Bally)(1994) by Bmiki75, Koadic, Bodydump and Bent98. Thanks Bodybump for your permission to release this Desktop conversion. Also try the colour DMD settings here...
  33. Z

    VP9 SS Recreation Big Bang Bar (Capcom, 1996) VP9 v1.0 Nude MOD 2020-01-28

    Big bang bar (Capcom, 1996) VP9 v1.0 Nude MOD IPD No. 4001 I took a sims 2 skin and wrapped it around the dancer model creating a realistic nude dancing model.
  34. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Triple Strike (Williams, 1983) VP8 v1.0

    Triple Strike (Williams, 1983) VP8 v1.0 By TAB, Destruk ROM: tstrk_l1 This machine was the last United branded shuffle alley. Flyer:
  35. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Topaz (Williams, 1978) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Topaz (Williams, 1978) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk ROM: topaz_l1 This machine was the first solid state United bowler. Flyer:
  36. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Top Dawg (Williams, 1988) VP8 v1.1

    Top Dawg (Williams, 1988) VP8 v1.1 by TAB, Destruk ROM: tdawg_l1 Notes: Hit F3 once or twice after first starting the game. This shuffle-bowler has some of the better graphics and sounds out of the small collection here. --@Ike Savage Flyer:
  37. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Taurus Shuffle Alley (Williams, 1979) VP8 v1.0

    Taurus Shuffle Alley (Williams, 1979) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk ROM: taurs_l1 Flyer:
  38. D

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Strikes N' Spares (Gottlieb, 1995) VP8 v1.1

    Strikes N' Spares (Gottlieb, 1995) VP8 v1.1 by TAB, Destruk ROM: snspares Bowling pinball game. Use the flippers to flip an oversized pinball at the pins. Play regulation, Flash, or Strike 90. Can be set up as a redemption game, or as tournament play...
  39. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Strike Zone (Williams, 1984) VP8 v1.1

    Strike Zone (Williams, 1984) VP8 v1.1 by TAB, Destruk ROM: szone_l5 Flyer:
  40. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Strike Master (Williams, 1992) VP8 v1.0

    Strike Master (Williams, 1992) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk ROM: strik_l4 Flyer:
  41. D

    VP8 Stern SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Stars and Strikes (Stern, 1984) VP8 vbeta1

    Stars and Strikes (Stern, 1984) VP8 vbeta1 by Destruk, TAB ROM: monrobwl
  42. D

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Pitch and Bat Recreation SlugFest (Williams, 1991) VP8 v1.1

    SlugFest (Williams, 1991) VP8 v1.1 by TAB, Destruk IPD No. 3281 ROM: sf_l1 A modern version of the classic "Pitch and Bat" baseball game. Player one chooses the type of pitch and player two bats; players then switch roles. Includes a pop-up ramp and a "Hit the Heckler" bonus. The cabinet is...
  43. Not Registered

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Pitch and Bat Recreation SlugFest: Giants (Williams, 1991) VP8 by Kid Charlemagne v1.0

    SlugFest: Giants (Williams, 1991) VP8 v1.0 by Kid Charlemagne IPD No. 3281 A modern version of the classic "Pitch and Bat" baseball game. Player one chooses the type of pitch and player two bats; players then switch roles. Includes a pop-up ramp and a "Hit the Heckler" bonus. The cabinet is...
  44. D

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Pitch and Bat Recreation Pennant Fever (Williams, 1984) VP8 v1.1

    Pennant Fever (Williams, 1984) VP8 v1.1 by TAB, Destruk IPD No. 3335 ROM: get "pfevr_p3" here or at the IPDB. Notes: I'm not quite sure what's up with the ROM error messages, but the game plays fine after a reset (F3 key) or two. I also switched over to the IPDB ROM and got full sound (crowd...
  45. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Omni (Williams, 1980) VP8 v1.0

    Omni (Williams, 1980) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk Flyer:
  46. D

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Flipperless Recreation Nudge It (Gottlieb, 1990) VP8 v1.1

    Nudge It (Gottlieb, 1990) VP8 v1.1 by Destruk IPD No. 3454 ROM: nudgeit Note from Xenonph: This table needs a Pre-Initialized nvram file to accept coins. Download Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack and place contents of zip file in nvram folder, located in VPinMAME folder. Find Bally 6803 &...
  47. D

    VP8 Bally SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation League Champ (Bally, 1996) VP8 v1.1

    League Champ (Bally, 1996) VP8 v1.1 by TAB, Destruk ROM: lc_11 Flyer:
  48. D

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Recreation Hot Shot (Williams, 1994) VP8 v1.0

    Hot Shot (Williams, 1994) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk IPD No. 3160 ROM: hshot_p8 Flyer:
  49. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Gold Mine (Williams, 1988) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Gold Mine (Williams, 1988) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk ROM: gmine_l2 Note: Unlike older shuffle bowlers, this one has some fun sounds built in. Flyer:
  50. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Big Strike (Williams, 1983) VP8 v1.0

    Big Strike (Williams, 1983) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk Flyer:
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