solid state

  1. Itchigo

    VP9 SS Original Table Distant World (Original) VP9 [DT]

    A 4 player SS Stern SHOULD have made. (This is an original). Knock down inline targets to lock a ball. When 2 balls are locked, hit the left 3 bank to initiate multiball. 3 balls in play- scores 3X 2 balls in play- scores 2X This will saved locked balls between players. You can also have 2 ball...
  2. Tii

    SS Original Table FP He's Dead Jim, but that's impossible!

    is it? >>>>>>>>>>
  3. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Sooo getting back to pinball, how bout some UNDEAD LEGIONS? :wave:
  4. Tii


    Use the Force >>>>>>>>> :autogun:
  5. Tii

    SS Original Table FP AQUAMAN
  6. Tii

    SS Original Table FP CYBORG update - now easier!

    :welcome1: Go >>>
  7. Tii

    SS Original Table FP SPACE WARPED Update

    get it now >>
  8. Tii

    SS Original Table FP time once again for your favorite show - Devil Dinosaur

    download >>> :devilfire:
  9. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Blasto update :blowup:
  10. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Future Force

    go future >>>
  11. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Alien Racing

    download it >>>
  12. PinFrancy

    VP9 SS Original Table AC-DC (Original) VP9

    This is my AC-DC original table. It's a fullscreen cabinet. First i built the stage with Rosie.
  13. PinFrancy

    VP8 SS Original Table The Terminator

    Hello, This is my first table upload on Pinball Nirvana. This is a fullscreen table not a desktop. I spend one mont to built it. On the center if you hit the target stay a kick ole that put the ball in store balls for multiball. The pinball is fast action and have toys of Arnold Shwarzenegger...
  14. unclewilly

    VP9 Williams SS Recreation PIN·BOT (Williams, 1986) VP9 v1.02.43

    LuvThatApex & UncleWilly. IPD No. 1796 Pinbot table for VP9. 4:3.
  15. Tii

    SS Original Table FP HOLO1 (Gallery of Creatures)

    * WARNING * very weird and scary! close all windows before playing or the neighbors may call 911 to report strange creature sounds... simple get creatures spell HOLO1 get jackpot be very afraid :p download here >>>
  16. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Flash Gordon

  17. Tii

    SS Original Table FP It Came From Outerspace

    :alien: sleepy will add to downloads real soon... :wave:
  18. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Earth vs the Flying Saucers

    a requested table :appl: sleepy will add it to downloads in :headscratch:
  19. Tii

    SS Original Table FP MOON PATROL

    based on the Moon Patrol arcade game, an original creation by Tii special thanx to STevOz for the sound samples special thanx to faralos for videos of the game special thanx to sleepy for uploads and allsorts :wave: Download >>>
  20. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Alien Dude

    he's loads of fun! :autogun:
  21. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Inhumanoids update

    now easier and more fun :appl: Download >
  22. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Moon Patrol (Original)

    sitting right next to you as you play FP tables, i knew sooner or later i would have todo this table...:appl: here's an early ss - i'm working it with a studio version of the original music and original sounds hi-res graphics are hard to find but i think it will be passable with some...
  23. Tii

    SS Original Table FP LASER SHARK 3000

    download here > or here......
  24. Tii

    SS Original Table FP it's here! > XMAS BUMPER TREES

    a simple game for Christmas! object is to light all trees then hit the reindeer for a letter in MERRY XMAS spell MERRY XMAS for 50,000 jackpot Download > sleepy will upload it here soon.............i bet:cheers:
  25. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Star Hunters
  26. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Space Hawk

    an old 70's style table....:cheers:
  27. Tii

    SS Original Table FP STARLORD

  28. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Captain Victory and The Galactic Rangers

    In defense of our galaxy.... I know a scifi guy from Australia that might like this - :p please add to downloads section, thanx
  29. Tii

    SS Original Table FP *WARNING* This very scary & not for young folks like you - PumpkinHead!

    *do not allow anyone under the age of 35 to play, as I can't be responsible! :p\'n\'l: "P U M P K I N" = 10 million jackpot "H E A D" = 5 million + tripumpkin multiball
  30. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Green Slime - Table #1 for Halloween

    kindof a funny Halloween table, but the next one will be very scary...:buzzsaw:
  31. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Nova Man update... :pirat:
  32. Tii

    SS Original Table FP ok I got it out before the movie > DREDD Pinball

    complete upper lanes for tri-multiball :trippy:
  33. Tii

    SS Original Table FP ALIEN SCIENCE

    with lots of nice scifi sounds...:wave:
  34. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Captain Aero (color enhanced redo)

    nab it > oh wait this is a can of spam...:pirat:
  35. Tii

    SS Original Table FP ok you asked for it - Cpt Future 2

    a nice cocktail or "stubby" sized table with a mix of regular and spacey pin sounds :cheers:
  36. Tii

    SS Original Table FP PLANET BUSTERS - Action Pinball! :joy:
  37. Tii

    SS Original Table FP ATTACK OF THE 50FT WOMAN!

    incredibly huge! :yikes:
  38. Tii

    VP8 EM SS Original Table What's This?? :wave:
  39. Tii

    EM SS Original Table FP (for a limited time) All Tii Tables Till Now - Aug 10,2012 and don't forget to tell all your friends...:dance::cheers:
  40. Tii

    SS Original Table FP R U a Space Cowboy? :guitar:
  41. J

    SS Original Table FP Gravure Idol Pinball

    GRAVURE IDOL PINBALL My Forth table - I modified the Junior Idol Pinball table by Jr Idol Fan so that it is now based on the older gravure models rather than the U15 models. "Gravure" means Japanese Idol who model primarily (additional talents such as singing and acting are secondary)...
  42. StevOz

    VP9 SS Original Table TheGyrussWS wide screen for VP9 released.

    TheGyrussWS wide screen for VP9, best played @1920x1080. Physics and flippers adjusted for VP9. Many tweaks and some additions to the graphics, cutouts for drop targets and other adjustments. 1 to 4 players can play, press 5 to add credits and 1 to add players. Game set to 3 balls, change...
  43. Tii

    SS Original Table FP GORT

    "klaatu barada nikto" > :pinball:
  44. bob

    VP9 SS Original Table Beatles (Original) VP9

    This is an update to my Beatles table, added a few things along with multiball, rules are in the table info section. WS stands for widescreen, which means I tricked VP into thinking it is on a ws monitor, for a 4x3 display, you would want to change the xScale number on the backglass from 1.5 to...
  45. Neo

    VP9 SS Original Table Zone Fury (Original) VP91x

    Zone Fury has been released; download below. Zone Fury is based on the Zone mode in the Playstation 3 game Wipeout HD. It is the first table I've built with my currently-unreleased Bravo table template. In Zone Fury, the goal is to get to as high a Zone as you possibly can. The table starts...
  46. Tii

    SS Original Table FP BLASTO!

    is a blast....:joy:
  47. unclewilly

    VP9 SS Recreation Big Bang Bar (Capcom, 1996) VP9

    big bang bar for vp9.1x is available in the pn download section author:unclewilly and grizz enjoy DOWNLOAD :
  48. druadic

    VP9 SS Flipperless Recreation Face To Face VP9

    Updated from VP6 to VP9. Best viewed in 1024x768 dpi.
  49. Tii

    SS Original Table FP John Carter
  50. StevOz

    VP9 SS Original Table TMNTws

    TMNT wide-screen original table for VP9.12 release..VP9.12 must be used to run this table. Early SS style original based upon the TMNT arcade and SNES games. Zip file includes TMNTCowabunga.mp3, move this to your music folder. Press R or I for detailed rules... Press 5 to add credits Press...
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