solid state

  1. Tii

    SS Original Table FP ELECTRO

    electronic pinball :rastafarian: download >>>
  2. Tii

    SS Original Table FP TEXAS PINBALL

    spell T E X A S for 25,000 aces multiply bonus 3 beers lights multiball kicker yeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaa!!! :guitar:
  3. Tii

    SS Original Table FP ULTRAMAN

    it's ULTRA!!
  4. Tii

    SS Original Table FP CYBORG 1.1

    get it here >
  5. Tii

    SS Original Table FP STAR BLAZER

    :welcome1: :welcome1:
  6. T

    Atari SS Solved Middle Earth (Atari, 1978) Outhole kicks it into Test Mode!

    I've got an Atari Middle Earth table, all works well, but as soon as the ball drains, it kicks the machine into Test Mode. Any suggestions?
  7. faralos

    VP9 SS Original Table Pharaoh (Original) VP9.1.2

    This is the third pin in the series of pc to vp conversions the first two being Space Adventure and Wall-E it was made using Itchigo's two player template one shot shows the table pic as I got it the other one shows my finished pin the ramps took the longest esp with clearance problems for...
  8. J

    SS Flipperless Original Table FP Street Racing

    My Third table - I designed this table for my young nephew who is mad on cars and car racing. This flipperless table is based on a Street Racing theme with hot cars and hot girls (Hey Uncles & dads should enjoy the table too!). Race the Red & Yellow super cars - Who will be the winner. A game...
  9. J

    SS Original Table FP StepMania (Original)

    My 2nd Pinball table based on the popular Stepmania, DDR, Dance pad games. Select your music and use your flippers to match the falling steps for point... Miss a step and your game could be over!! How to play ----------- * Play using F1/ F2 view (Whole table)! * 5 Balls per game. * Game over...
  10. Mitchell

    VP9 SS Original Table Atari Centipede Pinball v1.0 (Widescreen 16.9) release
  11. J

    SS Original Table FP Mr Bean (Animated Series) (Original)

    This is my first real Future Pinball project. I hope you'll like it: How to play ----------- * 3 Balls per game. * When "Shoot Again: is flashing you will automatically get a free ball. * Game over when all balls have been used. * Tilt will loose the current ball in play. Points & Bonuses...
  12. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Captain Comet / Strange Alien Tales

    i've gone underground >
  13. faralos

    VP8 VP9 SS Original Table Wall-E

    I can't get to the download area again so here is the pin! Wall-E is a PC to VP9.1.2 build I started with a screen shot and built in vp9 Hit the " R " button for the rules Hit " 5 " to add a coin Hit " 1 " to start a game Have fun with it.... Here is revision 1.1 the first table had a bonus...
  14. faralos

    VP9 SS Original Table Sanatorium

    Sanatorium is a vp9.07 table It started out as madhouse but ended up as Sanatorium as the graphics got better (many thanks to Hassenchop all the artwork was done by him) It has table shake but no tilt every new table I make I learn something new: this table has a case select in it as well as a...
  15. Neo

    VP9 SS Original Table Initial D Pinball Stage VP9

    Hey all, Here is Initial D Pinball Stage for VP9. It can be found in the downloads section. Please be advised this table uses alpha transparency on the ramps so you'll need VP 9.11 or higher to run this table. The music titles are by default turned off. Press the 'M' key once to turn them...
  16. Neo

    VP9 SS Original Table Bubblegum Crisis MegaTokyo 2035 VP9

    Hey all, Here's my BGC 2035 table updated to work with VP9. This is still a favorite table of mine and I felt it was deserving of the update. It should be available in the Downloads section. This table uses alpha transparency on the ramps, thus you'll need at least VP 9.11 to run this...
  17. franzleo

    SS Recreation Video Games FP Super Android (Epic MegaGames, 1993)

    Best regards to all the people. I'm arrived to Future Pinball only now..... It is very powerfull ... I want make a table on the Super Android of Epic Pinball... Difficulty .. the ramps is very short and I don't like Wire Ramps too I have found a system for have simple rail , without...
  18. Neo

    VP9 SS Original Table HArry Potter and the Silverball Dream 1.0 (VP9)

    Hey all, Here is my first table for VP9, Harry Potter and the Silverball Dream. This is meant as a partial re-imagining of my first VP table. It has some elements I took from that first table. The 80s Gottlieb-style displays I got from Bendigo's LED demo table, and I decided to make use of...
  19. faralos

    VP8 SS Recreation Video Games Space Adventure new release

    This is a PC to VP conversion I tried to put it into the download area but kept getting kicked out of it again so here it is... Hit 5 to drop a coin, hit 1 to start a game this table sits in a basic template so plays just as easily. The ball at times takes a little hop over those three holes at...
  20. faralos

    VP9 SS Original Table Brooklyn Moonlight version

    Since the back glass is of a night time scene, I thought I would make the pin to reflect that literally! The play field now shows moonlight hitting it with the proper reflection, and a lens flare for the light hitting the play field glass coming in from the upper left for the eagle eyes out...
  21. faralos

    VP8 SS Original Table Fish Frenzy also modded for play with the 'A' key

    Fish Frenzy, a vp8 table made by Rod Utting & Chris Leathley in 2001 has been modded to play using just the 'A' key. as these tables get finished they are going into the download area under originals. Some of them are recreations but i am grouping them all together here and over at vpf in the...
  22. faralos

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation Dungeons and Dragons (Bally, 1987) conversion to VP9

    The original table was released in 2002 by Destruk and Lander. it was for vp8. I got permission and converted it into VP9. I redid the plastics, putting their proper screw caps on them also. all visible posts and rubbers have been redone. I put walls around it and redid the apron. I also put...
  23. faralos

    VP9 SS Original Table Brooklyn final revision

    Since i now understand light collections they are in here. also for any one who is looking for a quick and easy attract mode check out the circled areas for the lights. those of you who are looking for this will understand. the light timing is done in Binary so with proper placement of the '1'...
  24. Neo

    VP8 SS Original Table Initial D Pinball Stage 1.3 uploaded to PN (for VP8)

    Hey all, I figured it was about time I added Initial D to the tables I've released on PN. This is the same version as what is on Pinball Originals, and the game music is now included with the zip file. I hope the file size doesn't cause anyone to cringe. One of the great things about the...
  25. Neo

    VP8 SS Original Table Yu-Gi-Oh! 1.6 Uploaded to PN

    Hey all, I realized recently I never uploaded Yu-Gi-Oh to PN, and I figure it's time to rectify that. This is the same version that was uploaded to Pinball Originals a couple years ago, but with that site going down (temporarily I hope), I figured I should go ahead and put it on Pinball...
  26. faralos

    VP9 SS Original Table Child's Play VP9 Table

    This is the result of the contest between Itchigo and myself. This is Child's Play it is a VP9 table. all the sounds are generic as I could not get the dvd in time. The two songs are from a real band. Hit the top lanes to increase the multiplier. Drop the drop targets to find the bonus area...
  27. druadic

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Face 2 Face VP8

    Is anyone interested in an update to this? Reason I ask is that I would like to have a mouse driven interface that allows you to point and click the boxes left or right. Perhaps even "drag and drop" via the mouse??? I'd also like to redo ALL the graphics. Animate the boxes. Who knows; this...
  28. faralos

    VP9 SS Original Table Dragin table finished renamed as Medieval

    This pin started out as a pin based on the movie 'How to train Your Dragon' then it changed to become 'Medieval'! 1. Hit the four top lanes to add to the multipler. two are in the left area two are in the upper right table 2. Hit the horse twice to get access to the tower door. 3. get the ball...
  29. faralos

    VP9 SS Original Table Brooklyn table finished-- VP9

    made on consignment for a friend for his brother who lived and worked in the Brooklyn Beer Brewery. he had posted on it asking fora pin to be made for his brother who is laid up (permanently I think) with a back injury! he likes to play pinball on his computer so his brother has posted asking...
  30. bob

    VP9 SS Original Table Mars Attacks Widescreen Version VP9

    I just uploaded my Mars Attacks 2010 table for VP9 in a Widescreen format. If you have a WS monitor, it will look proportionally correct now if you play it with WS table settings in the VP editor's Video Options (choose Full Screen there) without using windowed mode like I have been using, since...
  31. S

    SS Original Table FP Aliens Legacy - ULTRA Edition

    Almost finished the ULTRA Edition of Aliens Legacy. Here's a sneak preview: YouTube- Aliens Legacy - ULTRA Edition Latest version currently available here: (as of Nov 29th, 2020) Older versions here...
  32. jpsalas

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Cue Ball Wizard (Gottlieb-Premier, 1992) VP9

    Hey: Usually I don't make release threads, since I feel the download section is good enough to see when a new table is released. But this table is special to me, mostly because I didn't liked much, before I started to make it for VP. I had played Microsoft version a few times, but not very...
  33. faralos

    VP9 SS Original Table Lost In Space

    This table is based on the old tv seires that aired in the USA in the 1960's! it is NOT based on the movie of the same name. since I can't upload it to the download section (have the occasional problem uploading there) I'll post it here. this is a VP9 table
  34. Anthias

    VP8 SS Original Table Parasite Dolls

    you ever go through the junk on your hard drive and find an abandoned project and think to yourself "what the hell was I smoking?" I did. I found this. Fully coded. just need to do some cosmetics and music and sounds. kinda sad to leave a table in that state, so I figure I might have to...
  35. faralos

    VP9 SS Recreation Marvel Zizzle now redone in VP9!

    I redid the Zizzle Marvel table that I did last year in vp8 for VP9! I redid some of the sounds, built a table around the playfield, changed the rubbers to blue, put in a newer scoring routine, and made the translucent ramps a see-thru BLUE!! As far as I know no-one else has ever done colored...
  36. faralos

    VP9 SS Recreation POTC zizzle now upgraded for VP9!

    I upgraded my zizzle table to work with VP9, adding new slingshots, built a tablearound the playfield, added a newer scoring routine too. I will also convert the Marvel one for use in vp9. but for now here is the Pirates of the Carribean one. oh and now the treasure box opens and closes when the...
  37. jpsalas

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation Scared Stiff (Midway, 1996) VP9

    Just a note about these two tables: The normal table has the graphics for the spider wheel and lights made by highrise which fills the whole screen. You access this screen by pressing the up cursor key. When releasing the key the backdrop disappears and you'll see the table again. The...
  38. M

    SS Original Table FP Firefly (Original)

    Hi All, I just wanted to say hi and let you know i'm only a few days from completion on my first major table. I've done a few piddly ones, but this is the first major table i'm doing. It's based on the greatest show ever, Firefly. I'm a die hard trekker, but if i was forced to choose at...
  39. faralos

    VP9 SS Original Table CaveGal andCstle Falmeir now in downloads

    for some reason i can't upload the pics for these two tables! I will post them here in the hopes that the sysop(s) can do that for me, I tried to re-up both tables with the pics but again the pic images refuse to come in at all. so here ae the two table also in the vp downlaod area
  40. faralos

    VP9 SS Original Table Gas Attack, Peanuts, Zen now added

    These three are now added to the download area for VP. All three are VP9 originals! Each one is vastly different from the next have fun with them!!
  41. faralos

    VP9 SS Original Table CaveGal is done!!

    ****THIS IS A VP9 PIN*****You are Cavegal! yes i wanted a female heroine as too many stories. films, even pins star guys! so without further ado here she is in all her glory. I am posting the docs as even my playtester/troubleshooter does not read the table info i painstaking type in to the...
  42. faralos

    VP9 SS Original Table Gas Attack (Original) VP9

    I just finished Gas Attack but can't upload it at all to the download section (never could) it keeps on dumping me back to the front page. it is based on the 'breakshot' table, originally done by Pacdude and with his permission, has been modded by me. This table is based on 'Bodily Functions'...
  43. faralos

    VP9 SS Original Table Castle Falmeir is finished!

    I thought I had lost this when my computer died last year! This was my very first pin that I just found and converted to VP9 with updated graphics and more stuff put into it. nothing fancy but it all works, since it seems I can't upload at all in the download area here is the zipped file of it...
  44. MikePin74

    VP9 Williams SS Recreation Comet VP9

    I think I'm getting the hang of VP9. Anyways here's Comet for ya. Enjoy!
  45. MikePin74

    VP9 SS Original Table Goonies, The (Original) VP921

    I updated My Goonies Table. Mostly graphic tweeks and a few score changes. Enjoy! Goonies, The RV1 (VP8) Goonies, The 9.21 (VP9) [D/L links updated --@Ike Savage]
  46. A

    VP9 SS Original Table Spider-man by JPSalas

    A very good job, but..... would it be possible to change the option "free play" for the classical "insert coins"?. And ever more, what about the special awards? With these two little changes I would describe this work as excellent. Thank you, and sorry if I've said something stupid .... :homer:
  47. MikePin74

    VP8 SS Original Table Beavis and Butt-Head B1 Released

    Beavis and Butt-Head beta 1 has finally been released. Atten Admins: I forgot to place it under the VP original Section, it is in now Future Pinball. This is a Visual Pinball Table.
  48. subzero

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Gottlieb Victory V1.0 VP9

    Author(s): Subzero1970, Destruk, With Special Thanks To TAB Description: Gottlieb Victory Version 1.0 Its Here!!! Gottliebs Victory 1.0 VP9 This was one of the hardest tables Ive ever had to make, hardly any decent images on the internet made this table really tricky, but I think I pulled it...
  49. MikePin74

    VP8 SS Original Table Monty Python and the holy Grail now released

    You can now grab the Monty Python table here on Pinball Nirvana. Enjoy. And Remember report any bugs please.
  50. S

    Williams SS Recreation FP Black Knight

    Black Knight the Future Pinball version. With working MAGNETS!!
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