
  1. scapino

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Flash Gordon (Bally, 1981) VP8 v2.0

    scapino, Version:2.0, Bally 1981, IPD No. 874 A completly new version, rendered and coded. My first multilevel game, and the first time I used a renderd flipper animation, for the top flipper. thanks to Gaston, Kristian for their previous VPM verion of Flash Gordon. It proved to be quite fun...
  2. D

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Flash (Williams, 1978) VP8 v2.1 2020-01-28

    Stein, Version:2.1, Williams 1978, IPD No. 871
  3. D

    VP8 SS Recreation Flame of Athens (Allied Leisure, 1978) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    TAB/Destruk/Gaston, Version:1, Allied Leisure 1978, IPD No. 3100 Game has 2 CHIME solenoids and 1 Knocker solenoid :) Thanks to Pascal Janin for reading the chips out for us, Gaston for emulation.
  4. kristian

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Firepower II (Williams, 1983) VP8 v1.5

    Cutter/Kristian, Version:1.5, Williams 1983, IPD No. 857 Revision History:
  5. D

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Fireball II (Bally, 1981) VP8 v1.3 2020-01-28

    Destruk and Satch, Version:1.3, Bally 1981, IPD No. 854 Thanks to Plumb for providing the playfield whiteboard, Satch for his excellent graphics additions (all graphics by Satch), Destruk for scripting and getting the table out there, with playfield adjustments. Thanks again to the vpmExtreme...
  6. D

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Fireball Classic (Bally, 1985) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Destruk/Apocalypse, Version:1, Bally 1985, IPD No. 853
  7. L

    VP8 Zaccaria SS Recreation Fire Mountain (Zaccaria, 1980) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Luvthatapex/Destruk, Version:RC1, Zaccaria 1980, IPD No. 3097 Rules:
  8. D

    VP8 Taito SS Recreation Fire Action De Luxe (Taito, 1983) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Cutter/Destruk, Version:1, Taito 1983, IPD No. 4552
  9. D

    VP8 Taito SS Recreation Fire Action (Taito do Brasil, 1980) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Dox/Maloti/Destruk, Version:1, Taito 1980, IPD No. 4570
  10. L

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Fire! (Williams, 1987) VP8 vBeta 2020-01-28

    Destruk/Luvthatapex, Version:beta, Williams 1987, IPD No. 859
  11. scapino

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Fathom (Bally, 1981) VP8 v2.1 VPM

    Scapino, Version:2.1, Bally 1981, IPD No. 829 One of the most beatiful tables ever made. Ballys Fathom Visual PinMame Version 2.1 February 22, 2004 by Kurt Herman scapino@nwlink.com Quite challenging and fun to play, with up to 3 balls in play at one time. Rules:
  12. D

    VP8 Zaccaria SS Recreation Farfalla (Zaccaria, 1983) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Erwin/Spalmer, Version:1, Zaccaria 1983, IPD No. 824 Farfalla is Italian for "butterfly". Rules:
  13. D

    VP8 Game Plan SS Recreation Family Fun! (Game Plan, 1979) VP8 v2.1

    Destruk, Skalar, JBL_FUN, Inkochnito, Version:2.1, Game Plan 1979, IPD No. 817 Rules:
  14. jpsalas

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation F-14 Tomcat (Williams, 1987) VP8 v5.01 JP 2020-01-28

    JPSalas, Version:5.01, Williams 1987, IPD No. 804
  15. D

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Lady Luck (Bally, 1986) VP8 v1.3

    by Destruk IPDB No. 1402
  16. L

    VP8 SS Recreation Lady Death (Geiger, 1983) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Lady_Death by Luvthatapex IPD No. 3972 Notes: A conversion kit for Bally's 1978 'Mata Hari'. Rules:
  17. jpsalas

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Lord of the Rings (Stern, 2003) VP8 v2.1 (JPG-PINS) 2020-01-28

    JPSalas/Groni (JPG-PINS), Version:2.1, Stern 2003, IPD No. 4858 Rules:
  18. jpsalas

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Lord of the Rings (Stern, 2003) VP8 v1.02 [Spanish] JP 2020-01-28

    jpsalas, Version:1.02, Stern 2003, IPD No. 4858 Rules:
  19. E

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Kings Of Steel (Bally, 1984) VP8 v1.0 VPM 2020-01-28

    KingsOfSteel_vpm_1 by Eala Dubh, Joe Entropy IPD No. 1382
  20. D

    VP8 SS Recreation Kingpin (Capcom, 1996) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Kingpin by Destruk, UncleReamus IPD No. 4000 Rules:
  21. D

    VP8 Sega SS Recreation Jurassic Park, The Lost World (Sega, 1997) VP8 v2.0b 2020-01-28

    Jurassic_Park_2___The_Lost_World by Kid Charlemagne & Pingod, AJ IPD No. 4136
  22. D

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Junk Yard (Williams, 1996) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Junk_Yard by Aurian, Pingod IPD No. 4014
  23. D

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Joust (Williams, 1983) VP8 v2.0 2020-01-28

    by Destruk, Apocalypse IPD No. 1316 A rare two-player, head-to-head game. After loading the game the first time, reset it once (F3 key) to go in to play mode. Get the ROM here. Notes: This particular table seems to have been remade only one other time, in standard (non head-to-head)...
  24. D

    VP8 SS Recreation Jolly Park (Spinball, 1996) VP8 v1.0

    Jolly_Park by Destruk, TAB IPD No. 4618
  25. D

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Joker Poker (Gottlieb, 1978) VP8 v1.2 2020-01-28

    TAB/Destruk/Inkochnito, Version:1.2, Gottlieb 1978, IPD No. 1306 Thanks to Eala Dubh Sidhe for better sound samples.
  26. D

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Jokerz! (Williams, 1988) VP8 v1.02 2020-01-28

    JokerZ by AJ, Destruk, Skalar, Neurokinetik, Apocalypse, Mr. Fixx IPD No. 1308 Rules:
  27. L

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation James Bond 007 (Gottlieb, 1980) VP8 v1.2

    by LuvThatApex, Destruk IPD No. 1286 Notes: Originally released as a time-based game, it proved to be so unpopular with players that new software was released allowing it to be set for 3/5 ball play.
  28. D

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Jacks to Open (Mylstar, 1984) VP8 v2.0 2020-01-28

    Jacks_to open by mnpg IPD No. 1282
  29. D

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Jack*Bot (Williams, 1995) VP8 v2.4 2020-01-28

    BubbleHEAD, Version:2.4, Williams 1995, IPD No. 3619
  30. D

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Iron Maiden (Stern, 1982) VP8 v1.2 2020-01-28

    Destruk/Skalar/Inkochnito/Kristian, Version:1.2, Stern 1982, IPD No. 1270 Rules:
  31. D

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure (Williams, 1993) VP8 v1.2 Redux

    Authors: BlueTex, Destruk, PinballKen IPD No. 1267
  32. Not Registered

    VP8 Sega SS Recreation Independence Day (Sega, 1996) VP8 by Germax, Joep, Pingod v1.0 2020-01-28

    ID4_v1.0 by Germax, Joep, Pingod IPD No. 3878 Ported to Visual Pinball by Germax 'graphic mod by : Pingod 'few fixes , alienhead and lock by : Joep 'release 6-2 2003
  33. D

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Recreation Hyperball (Williams, 1981) VP8 v1.1 2020-01-28

    Gaston, Destruk, TAB, Kristian Version:1, Williams 1981, IPD No. 3169 Rules:
  34. T

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Hurricane (Williams, 1991) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Hurricane by TAB IPD No. 1257 Thanks to Shiva for hosting the stripped playfields :) and Kid
  35. D

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Hulk, The Incredible (Gottlieb, 1979) VP8 v1.00.129

    by DesAngel, Plumb, MrFixx, Eala IPD No. 1266 Digital Pinball Restorations DesAngel - Layout / Graphics / Scripting Plumb - Source Images / QA MrFixx - Playtesting Eala Dubh - Source Images / QA
  36. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Recreation Dennis Lillee's Howzat! (Hankin, 1980) VP8 by Aussie34 vb1

    Dennis Lillee's Howzat! (Hankin, 1980) VP8 by Aussie34 IPD No. 3909
  37. L

    VP8 Zaccaria SS Recreation House of Diamonds (Zaccaria, 1978) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    House_of_Diamonds by LuvThatApex, Destruk IPD No. 3165
  38. D

    VP8 Zaccaria SS Recreation Hot Wheels (Zaccaria, 1979) VP8 v1.3

    Hot_Wheels by Destruk, Subzero IPD No. 3164
  39. D

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Recreation Hot Shot (Williams, 1994) VP8 v1.0 [basketball]

    Hot Shot (Williams, 1994) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk IPD No. 3160
  40. D

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Hot Hand (Stern, 1979) VP8 v1.1 2020-01-28

    Hot_Hand by Destruk, Skalar IPD No. 1244 Ensure Dip Switch 23 is ON to hear emulated sounds. Press F6, check the box for switch 23, click OK, press F3 and you are good to go. :)
  41. D

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Hotdoggin' (Bally, 1980) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Joe Entropy, Coroner, Destruk IPD No. 1243 Rules: FLYER & BACKGLASS: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/media/hotdoggin-bally-1980-back.8495/ https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/media/hotdoggin-bally-1980-wildman.8497/
  42. Not Registered

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Hot Tip (Williams, 1977) VP8 by Gaston, Gerhard S, Germax v1.0 2020-01-28

    HotTip by Gaston, Gerhard S, Germax IPD No. 3163
  43. D

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Hoops (Gottlieb, 1991) VP8 v1.0

    Destruk/TAB IPDB No. 1235 Note from Xenonph: This table needs a Pre-Initialized nvram file to accept coins. Download Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack and place contents of zip file in nvram folder, located in VPinMAME folder. Find Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack here...
  44. J

    VP8 Data East SS Recreation Hook (Data East, 1992) VP8 v1.0 Jamin

    Hook_Jamin_1_0 by Jamin IPD No. 1233 Rules:
  45. D

    VP8 Data East SS Recreation Hook (Data East, 1992) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Joep, El Condor, Destruk, Apocalypse, DataDragon, Pingod, SubZero1970 Version 1 Data East 1992 IPD No. 1233 Rules:
  46. Not Registered

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Hollywood Heat (Gottlieb, 1986) VP8 by Gerhard v0.99 2020-01-28

    Gerhard & Crew, Version:0.99, Gottlieb 1986, IPD No. 1219
  47. D

    VP8 SS Recreation Hoe Down (Allied Leisure, 1978) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    TAB/Destruk, Version:1, Allied Leisure 1978, IPD No. 1252 Notes: This is a version of Allied Leisure's 'Roy Clark Super Picker' with the same backglass except Roy Clark's likeness was removed from the man's face.
  48. D

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation High Roller Casino (Stern, 2001) VP8 v1.1

    Destruk/TAB, Version:1.1, Stern 2001, IPD No. 4502 Picking multiball as a Roll 'N Win Award may throw the ramp out of sync. Quit and replay the table to correct, or change the ramp mechanics handlers in the script.
  49. D

    VP8 Atari SS Recreation Hercules (Atari, 1979) VP8 v1.1 2020-01-28

    Eala Dubh Sidhe/Gaston/Destruk, Version:1.1, Atari 1979, IPD No. 1155
  50. G

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Heavy Metal Meltdown (Bally, 1987) VP8 v1.0

    GalacticGames, Version:1.0, Bally 1987, IPD No. 1150 Note from Xenonph: This table needs a Pre-Initialized nvram file to accept coins. Download Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack and place contents of zip file in nvram folder, located in VPinMAME folder. Find Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram...
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