Bumper Pool and Billiards (Original)

Flipperless Original Table BAM FP Bumper Pool and Billiards (Original) v2.0 BAM

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Future Pinball
Spin Out: James Graham (Greywolf)
ElDorado and Spirit of '76: James Graham (Greywolf) and me
Big Spender: Steve (Polygame)
Road Girls and Three Angels: Richard (BlindMankind) and Damien (centinex)
The Ghost Train, Killer Clowns, The Hungry Dead, Vampire: Ruckage
2001, Abra Ca Dabra, Surf Champ: me

I assume there would be some Royalties for content providers based on sales of Multi Pin units . And that as home made Cabs were in vogue and VP was producing limitless reproductions that the market evaporated ?

Rumer also had it that Black would have signed a non competition clause for Future Pinball development outside of Multipin.

And I presume Multipin retained and buried the rights and that in turn left FP in a wasteland as inaccessible abandonware ?

But of course BAM has enabled the FP phoenix to rise from the ashes and soar into the blue :)
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I assume there would be some Royalties for content providers based on sales of Multi Pin units . And that as home made Cabs were in vogue and VP was producing limitless reproductions that the market evaporated ?
Well, I think the production of MultiPin is about 0. If not, I want my money!!! -> appendix concerning my royalties:


TABLES – Rights / Royalties:

Abra Ca DaBra
Drop A Card
Far Out
Fast Draw
Gold Strike
High Hand
Kings & Queens
Magic City
Magic Town
Royal Flush
Spirit Of 76
Strikes and Spares
Surf Champ
Sweet Hearts
Target Alpha
Harlem Globetrotters
El Dorado (DEVELOPER 50%, Greywolf 50%)
  1. MACHINE - US$2.50 per table per unit sold
  2. TABLE PACKS - US$2.50 per table per pack included in upgrade table packs sold, that are not included in the base MACHINE configuration.
  3. PC Consumer - $0.25 per copy per table bundled with Pinball Wizard
EXCLUSIVITY MINIMUMS. – NANOTECH agrees that DEVELOPER shall receive a minimum of $1,250 in royalties per year to maintain its exclusive rights.

Rumer also had it that Black would have signed a non competition clause for Future Pinball development outside of Multipin.
And I presume Multipin retained and buried the rights and that in turn left FP in a wasteland as inaccessible abandonware ?
I don't think so. In this case, it was be the same for VP. Development was made by Buen Diseno, but Buen Diseno was be bought by NanoTech
And Chris had a second licencing offer with an italian arcade manufacturer (Viva) with, obviously, adaptations to be made (Richard (BlindManKind) and me was involved. Chris wanted Shmitz also. With the same great success...

But of course BAM has enabled the FP phoenix to rise from the ashes and soar into the blue :)
As you say.
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I remember pretty clearly that one of the primary Nanotech VP authors said that when the dust had cleared, he'd received a single royalties check for $7. I think that might have been @kristian or @Eala Dubh Sidhe, not sure. Point is, it didn't sound like even the top-level authors wound up making much more than that, i.e. people like @PacDude and @scapino.

So Nanotech / Ultracade had a pretty good business going with multicade cabinets sold across both the commercial and private sector, and IIRC assumed a pinball cabinet would at least make financial sense, if not be a total slam dunk. Whoops.

(Btw, Gimli... sorry, Bob-- we could split these posts to a separate thread if you like. This is a pretty major side discussion!)
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I remember pretty clearly that one of the primary Nanotech VP authors said that when the dust had cleared, he'd received a single royalties check for $7. I think that might have been @kristian or @Eala Dubh Sidhe, not sure. Point is, it didn't sound like even the top-level authors wound up making much more than that, i.e. people like @PacDude and @scapino.

So Nanotech / Ultracade had a pretty good business going with multicade cabinets sold across both the commercial and private sector, and IIRC assumed a pinball cabinet would at least make financial sense, if not be a total slam dunk. Whoops.

(Btw, Gimli... sorry, Bob-- we could split these posts to a separate thread if you like. This is a pretty major side discussion!)
I am happy either way ike....as long as people dont mind my eccentic wip billiard meanderings intersperced in the dialogue... :)
(Btw, Gimli... sorry, Bob-- we could split these posts to a separate thread if you like. This is a pretty major side discussion!)
I think it's a good idea. I'll not post here for the moment.
Thanks in advance.
Here is a version of Billiards that doesn't crash so much...definitely a step forward, but lots of refining to do....


  • BilliardsOct20.zip
    130.7 MB · Views: 68
I am playing around with adding top spin and back spin to the cue ball and it is a work in progress...
Initially I added the spin factor impulse immediately after making contact with a target ball.

I seem to get better results if I add slight delay
so currently I am using a "spin delay timer" where spin is added 200 ms after impact with target ball. See Video below and updated table

SpinDelay.Set True, 200
View attachment Future Pinball 2020-10-21 22-16-20-84.mp4


  • BilliardsOct21.zip
    130.7 MB · Views: 78
and Gang

Here is another minor update:
1. Added further DMD notifications ( ie "Loss of Turn")
2. Moved Cue out of the way when setting Spin (using the "<" key and then up down arrows)
3. Bug Squashing continues

To Do:
Add video animations from the Hustler
Refine DMD graphics
Improving aiming on certain shots (there are some glitches especially on light shots)
ongoing physics refinement

All keycodes remain the same as posted above


  • BilliardsOct23.zip
    130.7 MB · Views: 70
Could be my bain frog, but I didn't seem to see a key for turning the character models off in your last keystroke update. Last time I tested the game, I seem to remember hitting some key that would turn them off for the current shot, but next shot they'd return.

Nothing against the characters, but they can get kinda distracting at this stage.

Which leads to a suggestion-- put the current keystrokes in the first post, and from then on you have any easy place to refer people to. Quote boxes can be a useful way to make that work with the already-existing contents of post #1, since quote boxes can collapse and expand for long text sections.
Could be my bain frog, but I didn't seem to see a key for turning the character models off in your last keystroke update. Last time I tested the game, I seem to remember hitting some key that would turn them off for the current shot, but next shot they'd return.

Nothing against the characters, but they can get kinda distracting at this stage.

Which leads to a suggestion-- put the current keystrokes in the first post, and from then on you have any easy place to refer people to. Quote boxes can be a useful way to make that work with the already-existing contents of post #1, since quote boxes can collapse and expand for long text sections.

Thanks Ike,

Here on the Game keys

There is no key to remove characters...but that is easy enough.
The Characters disappear automatically when you zoom in to view your shot directly over the cue and they disappear when the but of the cue is going to hit them when in zoomed out view
@Ike Savage
View attachment Future Pinball 2020-10-24 11-39-19-95.mp4

Ok here is another update:

1. As per Ike's input, I made the characters and DMD disappear during aiming .
They reappear after you shoot and when you press Special 1 or Special 2 key

2. While Cue ball is being spotted after a foul...I hide the cue ball from view until spotting is successful...On DMD it will show Attempt count.
The spotting process doesn't always work on the first attempt...so it should keep trying until successful.

3. Add a few more DMD notifications

4. In addition to the normal keycodes listed here:

I refined the process a little. Once you have spotted the Foul Marker you can now either press "v" as before or the Plungerkey

5. For zoomed- in shots there is now a refined process.
The first press of plungerkey will activate the add Spin feature and move the cue out of the way, use up and down arrows to set spin.
Press plungerkey again to confirm spin the cue will move back to resting position.
Now you can use the plunger key to take your shot as per usual.

6. for shots in zoomed- out mode the plunger key is just for shooting ( not for adding spin)


  • Future Pinball 2020-10-24 11-39-19-95.mp4
    59.1 MB
  • BilliardsOct24Final.zip
    130.7 MB · Views: 69
1. As per Ike's input, I made the characters and DMD disappear during aiming .
They reappear after you shoot and when you press Special 1 or Special 2 key
Thanks, Gimli. I was actually looking for a discrete option to turn them off entirely when I wasn't in the mood for them. A settings panel for stuff like the models, the DMD, music, background video, etc. seems like it could be useful.

And thanks, I knew where the keystrokes post was. My point was that adding it in the first post would be a help for newcomers to the project. That, and linking to the latest download version (from post #1), are common methods in projects like this.

Just some loose tobacco for your pipe.
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Thanks, Gimli. I was actually looking for a discrete option to turn them off entirely when I wasn't in the mood for them. A settings panel for stuff like the models, the DMD, music, background video, etc. seems like it could be useful.

And thanks, I knew where the keystrokes post was. My point was that adding it in the first post would be a help for newcomers to the project. That, and linking to the latest download version (from post #1), are common methods in projects like this.

Just some loose tobacco for your pipe.
Ah yes !
Ya I plan on an option menu eventually, I am still trying to develop the options.

And some of the current things may be simply place holders for the end result , whenever that may be...

For example music , room graphics , animated characters and movie giffs can all be swapped out.

In some mods like Creatures FTBL , George and I had a menu system with 8 room options including "no room" . We called that "the abyss" lol
congratulations on your progress Bob, really great job on this,? I wish I could tell you more, but unfortunately I can't, for the usual problem I get, I wish I could solve it, but so far I don't know how to do it.

best regards
congratulations on your progress Bob, really great job on this,? I wish I could tell you more, but unfortunately I can't, for the usual problem I get, I wish I could solve it, but so far I don't know how to do it.

best regards
Hi Paolo
Have you updated your graphics card drivers ?
@Ike Savage

Ok here is an update with the following added.. Again this is still just developing ideas (and we can always swap graphics/music/characers/clips later)

1. I implemented a set of gifs (the sound isn't synced perfectly yet, but you will get the idea).
Minnesota Fats is being played by "The Boss" and Fast Eddie is being played by Stan Lee LOL

2. I make the cue disappear during video clips and I adjusted the Movie screen to to fit on table in proper orientation based on the current table rotation. After the break I prefer the horizontal table view (press special keys to rotate table view)

3. I posted the Game keys and this version at the top of the thread as suggested by Ike


  • BilliardsOct26b.fpt
    181.1 MB · Views: 66

Btw, when you attach the latest version in a new post, you can simply link to it in the first post without needing to attach it again. Not a huge deal or anything, but it will be easier to track downloads that way.

Btw, when you attach the latest version in a new post, you can simply link to it in the first post without needing to attach it again. Not a huge deal or anything, but it will be easier to track downloads that way.

FYI for the Gifs I used the online Gif creator:
I set the Gif at 400 pcx to conserve memory a little.
This converts you tube clips to Gifs < 10 seconds and then I used Audacity to record and amplify the sound and converted that to "ogg" format and imported into FP as music files.
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Too bad you can't upload a file to it. I can probably figure out a way to post the video clip somewhere and still use it though.
Just tried it. The new video clips are pretty cool!

Unfortunately I quickly got stuck in some kind of infinite loop when it came to the cue ball. I think I pressed right or left before the break, and the game seemed to think I wanted to reposition the ball. Couldn't get out of that mode despite various keystroke attempts, and finally I got the 'ball error' that had been happening earlier.

Note: I'd recently turned my FP rendering options down to the minimum set as a test, and notice that this table crashes with those settings. It wasn't a model quality issue, as I've learned to keep that on "high," regardless of other settings. Fortunately, bringing the rendering settings to "medium" allowed the table to run. Dunno if this is common with other users, but I thought it worth mentioning.
Just tried it. The new video clips are pretty cool!

Unfortunately I quickly got stuck in some kind of infinite loop when it came to the cue ball. I think I pressed right or left before the break, and the game seemed to think I wanted to reposition the ball. Couldn't get out of that mode despite various keystroke attempts, and finally I got the 'ball error' that had been happening earlier.

Note: I'd recently turned my FP rendering options down to the minimum set as a test, and notice that this table crashes with those settings. It wasn't a model quality issue, as I've learned to keep that on "high," regardless of other settings. Fortunately, bringing the rendering settings to "medium" allowed the table to run. Dunno if this is common with other users, but I thought it worth mentioning.
Hey thanks for trying it Ike !
I should inactivate the "x" and "V" and "z" keys as they are no longer required and will likely lead to issues like you are describing....
I have been able to play 4 complete games without a crash ....but there are still some bugs.
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Too bad you can't upload a file to it. I can probably figure out a way to post the video clip somewhere and still use it though.
Ya you likely can post to youtube and set as private so only you can see it/use it

The Gif process is SOOO much easier than converting to individual frames and importing and sorting them.
Just import the Gif , assign it to a texture location and play it.
Note: I'd recently turned my FP rendering options down to the minimum set as a test, and notice that this table crashes with those settings. It wasn't a model quality issue, as I've learned to keep that on "high," regardless of other settings. Fortunately, bringing the rendering settings to "medium" allowed the table to run. Dunno if this is common with other users, but I thought it worth mentioning.

Curious. I have never seen that happen. You can press the "Presets" button to make global changes but you always have to go back and change model quality back to high after you do it.
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