Bumper Pool and Billiards (Original)

Flipperless Original Table BAM FP Bumper Pool and Billiards (Original) v2.0 BAM

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Future Pinball
Ok I added the Juke box that wild and I used for Nip it. See video below.....
View attachment Future Pinball 2020-11-07 18-05-47-35.mp4
And six jazzy songs:
1.Take 5
2.Blue Moon
3.She's a tramp
4.The Hustler
5. Hit the Road Jack
6.In the Mood

To access jukebox and other menu items use:
Special 1 key and follow instructions.
Use flippers to go between options and plunger to make a selection and then press Special1 key again to return to game

2. I added a glass on top of the playfield to prevent shot from jumping


  • BilliardsNovember7.zip
    207.5 MB · Views: 120
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2. I added a glass on top of the playfield to prevent shot from jumping
Considering that it's natural for balls to jump a bit in pool, was this actually necessary? Just a thought.

The playlist looks real good!
Considering that it's natural for balls to jump a bit in pool, was this actually necessary? Just a thought.

The playlist looks real good!
Hi Ike
It still jumps a little but I found it a little crazy before
I'm still interested in having the extra camera view as described a couple posts earlier.

Last time I checked, the built-in view options are nice for capturing screenies and such, but the game still suffers from a difficulty in not being able to get the kinds of views one would get IRL.

I could still be missing something, though... some important keys or options, maybe?
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I'm still interested in having the extra camera view as described a couple posts earlier.

Last time I checked, the built-in view options are nice for capturing screenies and such, but the game still suffers from a difficulty in not being able to get the kinds of views one would get IRL. I could still be missing something, though...
Thanks again Ike
I should be to come up wth something
@Ike Savage

Here is an update with the following:
1. I added a camera view from above directly over cue ball as requested by Ike ( I think this is what you want?). Use up arrow to toggle between over cue ball and behind cue stick view. The special2 key still allows rotation and shots from other views.
2. I added the aiming arrow to show up automatically during aiming view. This can be disabled in menu.
3. Added credits to both of you as testers in the script

thanks again

Tried it; neat stuff!

- The new viewing option is getting there. Instead of changing the viewing orientation and pulling way up to the ceiling, I'd like it if the observer point didn't change, and the POV only rose a couple feet. Just like if you were crouching at eye-level with the cue ball, measuring your shot, and then straightened up in to a standing position in order to double-check things. You'd still be standing in the same place, in the same orientation, just viewing things from a little higher up. This kind of thing is pretty much an essential technique in any game of pool I've ever played. Perhaps the player could set their preferred high view in options or in the script?

- I guess I see what you mean about balls jumping. When I hit a break shot, I added as much masse on the cue ball as I could, and when it met the lead ball, the cue jumped up. Something is clearly wonky with the physics, and it doesn't seem like adding an invisible ceiling is the best way to solve it. Because based on the spin and the force, the cue ball should have been trying to 'tunnel under' the lead ball, and wouldn't naturally pop up with all that masse. (with loads of backdraw it would be a different scenario) Maybe the individual balls just don't weigh enough right now? Or the cue ball itself?

- Turning off the movies should also turn off their soundtracks. Right now the voices are still playing.

- Not sure what the "PinSim" option is. I don't see it mentioned on this page or first page of thread.
Tried it; neat stuff!

- The new viewing option is getting there. Instead of changing the viewing orientation and pulling way up to the ceiling, I'd like it if the observer point didn't change, and the POV only rose a couple feet. Just like if you were crouching at eye-level with the cue ball, measuring your shot, and then straightened up in to a standing position in order to double-check things. You'd still be standing in the same place, in the same orientation, just viewing things from a little higher up. This kind of thing is pretty much an essential technique in any game of pool I've ever played. Perhaps the player could set their preferred high view in options or in the script?

- I guess I see what you mean about balls jumping. When I hit a break shot, I added as much masse on the cue ball as I could, and when it met the lead ball, the cue jumped up. Something is clearly wonky with the physics, and it doesn't seem like adding an invisible ceiling is the best way to solve it. Because based on the spin and the force, the cue ball should have been trying to 'tunnel under' the lead ball, and wouldn't naturally pop up with all that masse. (with loads of backdraw it would be a different scenario) Maybe the individual balls just don't weigh enough right now? Or the cue ball itself?

- Turning off the movies should also turn off their soundtracks. Right now the voices are still playing.

- Not sure what the "PinSim" option is. I don't see it mentioned on this page or first page of thread.
Thanks Ike !
It should be "spin sim" it is to turn on/off masse mode it case people dont like it
@Ike Savage

After several months of collecting dust I decided to work on Billiards again.
Ike, I added the second aiming view now . Both views are looking down barrel of cue but from different distances as I think you suggested ?
Just keep pressing the Up Arrow to toggle between them.
(I added you in the credits at the top of the script)

I squished most of the crashing bugs . The music track playlist wasn't playing properly. I have movie and the "Add Spin" modes turned off by default. They can be turned on from the Menu using Special1 key. Selecting "Jukebox" from the menu transports you to the jukebox to change the current song.

I have played this game in VR which is very cool but I will need to come up with a VR version as several things need scaling and relocating.

'Gimli most of the coding and implementation

'Ravarcade provided invaluable Code for Creating the trackable Miniplayfield Balls and using Specific Magnet pulse to hit cue ball without impacting surrounding balls
'Ravarcade of course over the years has enabled many of the BAM features that this table employs (miniplayfields, texture swaping , Gifs, Animated Models , Normal Maps, Ball monitoring, Code Based XML etc...)

'Wild helped with Pool Cue Animation

' Testers:   Ike Savage , Anontet, Nitronimbus
'Ike Savage helped along the way with input regarding concept and implementation

'Game keys
'1. left and right arrow to aim

'2. Up arrow changes between two Camera over cue views

'3. Down arrow flips cue 180 during aiming

'4. "M" on keyboard to turn aiming arrow on /off

'5. Plunger key hold and release for variable strength and hitting cue ball, see 9. below

'6. "B" on keyboard will swap players

'7. Special2 key  will rotate zoomed out camera view by 90 degrees

'8 Special 1 key brings up options menu. Follow instructions. Flippers to switch between options , plunger to select. Special1 key to return to game

'8. If a foul is assigned ( for Wiffed ball, no rail hit, hit wrong suit, no ball hit) then next player gets "ball in hand"
'Use arrows to move Green Marker ball and press "Plungerkey" when happy and it should place cue ball at that location

'9 Adding Top and Back Spin when enabled in Menu are accomplished in Camera over cue zoomed in mode (see above)
'The first press of plungerkey will activate the add Spin feature and move the cue out of the way, use up and down arrows to set spin.
'Press plungerkey again to confirm spin the cue will move back to resting position.
'Now you can use the plunger key to take your shot as per usual.

'for shots in zoomed- out mode the plunger key is just for shooting ( not for adding spin)

'November 9 Added additional over the cue view for aiming(use "up" arrow key) thanks to Ike Savage for then suggestion.
'Added Aim arrow to menu as option

'February 24 Various Bug Fixes. Squished most of the Fatal Errors at the end of the game. Tweaked aiming views.

oops I forgot to inactivate nudge in the xml.... updated now
I likely will convert the gif movies to frames and use the conventional FP method

It's kinda cool walking around this mini pool table in VR
Like... BAM! Gimli! :o

Whoa, this is excellent news! And as with me and major news, there must be an adjustment period, of course. Like... I need time to rub up against it a little, sniff it here and there, and perhaps pee on it, friendlily marking my territory and such. You know.
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Like... BAM! Gimli! :o

Whoa, this is excellent news! And as with me and major news, there must be an adjustment period, of course. Like... I need time to rub up against it a little, sniff it here and there, and perhaps pee on it, friendlily marking my territory and such. You know.

He he
you can even sniff its butt lol

I've been playing a version with only 3 balls in play (one spot, one stripe and the eight ball) to try and get rid of the crash bugs.
It seems much better overall, I rewrote all of my friggin code for processing sunk balls (what Rav named "Sub BallInPot")
It still needs work on physics of rails and spin and other things

The spotting of the cue ball after the various ball in hand errors can take up to 12 attempts sometimes so that is annoying. I will try to work on this more.

To explain this, you have to realize that we are using BAM to move invisible kickers around playfield to remove and add balls.
The remove ball function seems to generally work well. But adding the cue ball anywhere on the table during "ball-in-hand" is glitchy.

I use a verification code to make sure the Cue ball gets placed and if it doesn't it tries to repeat the process until successful.
Sometimes for a reason that so far eludes me instead of placing the cue ball it inserts a different ball and the game crashes lol

Anyways, generally it works much better and it is still a work in progress but I think its quite fun regardless.
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@Ike Savage

NEWS FLASH!!! Rav has enabled coding for :

ball.SetPosition X, Y, Z
Move the ball any where you want

ball.SetVelocity X, Y, Z
Make ball roll as fast in any direction you want

ball.SetOmega X, Y, Z
Control the Spin of the ball

This has immense potential !!

For Billiards this should eliminate ALL the crashes I am experiencing as now I can simply move the Cue ball during Ball In Hand Fouls.
So far it works flawlessly.

Also I have played with Set Velocity and this could be used instead of the magnet pulse to strike the cue ball

Playing with Spins is very exciting also....

Thank you RAVARCADE !!
So if I understand this correctly... I can now position a ball at any place without needing a kicker? (use a trigger to relocate the ball,etc)

So if I understand this correctly... I can now position a ball at any place without needing a kicker? (use a trigger to relocate the ball,etc)

Exactly !
And you can set it moving with speed and direction and spin
ball.SetOmega X, Y, Z
Control the Spin of the ball
Wow...... that's huge.

I'm also kinda amazed the ball velocity and position stuff wasn't in FP from the beginning. Another one of Black's odd decisions I guess, because the version of VP he based FP on (VP6, I think), did have those controls. Ah well.

So anyway, wow... this is really going to unlock the english system, eh?

I should probably see if they've added this for VPX, too! oO
Wow...... that's huge.

I'm also kinda amazed the ball velocity and position stuff wasn't in FP from the beginning. Another one of Black's odd decisions I guess, because the version of VP he based FP on (VP6, I think), did have those controls. Ah well.
So far I find Rav's code for positioning the ball work perfectly
So anyway, wow... this is really going to unlock the english system, eh?
It has potential for sure
ball.SetOmega X, Y, Z
using these values does indeed make the ball spin along those axes in an absolute compass sort of way based on the underlying static table coordinates.

But what I am checking with Rav is if there is a way to make those x, y, z values relative to your point of view as you look down the barrell of the cue while aiming you shot. Or to say it another way relative to the direction your shot will be going.
So rotation in the x-axis will cause top spin and back spin to same degree regardless of which way you are aiming the cue

I should probably see if they've added this for VPX, too! oO
Ya you could port your table to VPX !
Ok Rav has given me some new math to try and I am making good progress !
Yeah, keep it up, Bob!

I was going to say something facetious about your efforts leading BAM down a path of ultimately being a better billiards simulator than pin simulator, but seriously... yours and Ravarcade's efforts here sound like they'll help unlock or improve a range of possible non-pin games for FP - BAM.

Cool beans. :)

For example, I love the backdrop image used for this air hockey game, but the paddles really need to be converted from dropwalls to actual balls.

The new commands Rafal added sound like that might now be workable in FP - BAM. Bonus points if mouse-input could be sampled to control the paddle! :o

Anyway, sorry for lagging in my feedback on this project. You happened to catch me in the middle of a bunch of site projects, but I'll get after it soon enough. (note to self: so do it, you glorified doofus)
Gimli updated Bumper Pool and Billiards WIP with a new update entry:

BAM 8-Ball using Bam Beta Version 328

Note : To try this update you need to copy the enclosed Bam.dll in your BAM directory after you have renamed the existing BAM.dll (to BamOld.dll or whatever)

MANY THANKS to Ravarcade for proving this Beta version using advanced Ball Coding Features for BAM.

ball.SetPosition X, Y, Z
ball.SetVelocity X, Y, Z
ball.SetOmega X, Y, Z

Rav also provided some trigonometry to apply these features based on the position of the pool cue during aiming

I used the "ball.SetPosition" feature for...

Read the rest of this update entry...


  • BilliardsMarch1.zip
    210.2 MB · Views: 306
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NEWS FLASH!!! Rav has enabled coding for :


ball.SetVelocity X, Y, Z
Make ball roll as fast in any direction you want


Thank you RAVARCADE !!
It will be cool! But where is the version 328?
It will be cool! But where is the version 328?
Inside the zip file.

you can verify the version number by right-clicking bam.dll and then click in "properties" and "details"

Quick test.
I've loaded the table, changes the tunes to check the jukebox (really nice), enabled videos, pressed the plunger key and get an error.

If just load the table and press the plunger key I get the same error. I've attached .log (changed for .txt because of site requirements) and an image of the error.


  • tempsnip.png
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  • BAM_CRASH.txt
    5.1 KB · Views: 55
  • ReBAM.txt
    2.6 KB · Views: 62

Quick test.
I've loaded the table, changes the tunes to check the jukebox (really nice), enabled videos, pressed the plunger key and get an error.

If just load the table and press the plunger key I get the same error. I've attached .log (changed for .txt because of site requirements) and an image of the error.
Your crash text shows that you are using version 327 ;)
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