Sexiest female celebrities

Of course there's Mariah Carey like I mentioned earlier....


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Hey you can also hyperlink these images here with img tags... so it won't eat the forum bandwith. Just a suggestion. :)
I couldn't care less if girls have bleached or dyed hair. I like red, personally. I've bleached my own hair before for that matter.

Kristian, for one thing I don't have a site set up to store them on. Besides, from what Jon recently told us, bandwidth isn't an issue at the moment.
What is "WAT" and who are you talking about, Friebus?

Sorry, WAT stands for 'Without A Trace', and I was talking about Poppy, or as a DP used to call her at the time, Dazzle.

Yeah yeah Mr. Holly-wierd - drop some more names & do your walking resume machine thing - soooo shallow.

Oh, my bad Mr. Racist Sporkboy. See, I thought this thread was called 'Sexiest female celebrities', and since I actually have interacted with a few of them, I might have a unique perspective. Silly me. Next time I'll just post ignorant-half-witted-too-stupid-to-even-be-shocking racial slurs along with some photoshopped sludge you seem to think is art.

Wait a sec, why am I even acknowledging a single celled organism like yourself? Just go back to masturbating over pictures of your mom like you want to, and save your comments for a Friday night in the bar of your choice where you can get your ass handed to you five ways to Sunday.
There U go again 'firebus' using wierd 'insider lingo' (trying 2 manufacture need 4 your 'serivces' as t ranslator) - so transparent. What do U mean by 'DP' - Double Penetration? LOL I bet that's how U make a few bucks :D I have a question 4 U Mr. I Kiss Jew Asses 4 A living: What is your race, & Y do U hate white people? They invented all the technology U use 4 making TV. U speak English. U live in a country founded by a bunch of whiteys. Y do U worship spics then? U know they R sh*t. Either U R a mongrel ya'self, or U R suicidal. I bet U even hate kids - oh unless they R black or something.

The key thing 2 notice is that these anti-whites never R willing 2 discuss the obvious, observable facts of racial differences. Like 4 instance, what is the Australian Abo's excuse 4 only having invented the boomerang & digeredoo (or however U spell it) in the 75,000 years they had free from the 'opression' of whitey (or N E 1 else 4 that matter). Oz is so big they even didn't have 2 spend their time fighting each-other much - so can't use 'too busy' as an excuse. Hmmm - could it B 'cuz they R stupid monkeys? Nah - 'Everybody is the same - everybody is the same' - chant it with me U TV brainwashed POS (Piece Of Sh*t) :twisted:

Notice also how he claims his 'interraction' with 'celebrities' makes him special. It makes U corrupt is what. Celebrities R the most backward self-hating sacks of trash on this planet. This is by design. The Jews purposely select white people with all manner of destructive habbits & histories so as 2 promote that as desirable behavior - like Nicole Kidman adopting nigs. It's a statement. It's like Whoopie 'Goldberg' converting 2 'I lick Jew Ass' - eh, I mean 'Judaism' LOL That's all 'Judaism' means 2 a non-jew - a statement that U lick their poo 4 a living. U know, like Michael Douglas. He is so corrupt, he even got a divorce from his Christian wife! LOL Then he married Cathy Jones (also a Christian, but knows Michael is only PRETENDING 2 like jews). Get it? :shock:


By the way, my art is fab (U know it). But U may not know I hate photoshop - 2 overcomplicated. I do a lot of layering & use a program more geared 2 that. I won't tell U what programs as probably U actually like my art & would like 2 know how I'm making it :D Here's another pic U surely detest - ha ha...


It's called 'media' (but not in a bad way). Some German punker dood w/a crowd. It has a showtime vibe U think? Not the channel, but the word - wordy word yo :D Hey Mr. TV, U listen 2 rap as well? Hey if you're so corrupt, may as well go all the way! Oh also check out my site. It's media related gear -->

Oh by the way - 2 'PacDude' - bleach makes a statement & U know it. It says 2 things:

1) I am a whore trying 2 increase my rate (pretending 2 B of better genetic stock). Odd as most inventors R brunettes - but whatever. Like my fave Tesla 4 instance...


2) Bleach also says U hate yourself - that U believe U R innadequate as U R. It's rather similar 2 getting a nose job or plastic tits.

Oh there is a 3rd one, but so obvious I didnt' think 2 mention it...

3) It says U R DISSHONEST! It is FAKE! It says U R fake, disshonest - a SCAMMER. Disshonest = scammer. WHen U C bleach, just walk away (if U know what's good 4 ya LOL). Now, I'm not saying N E thing mean 'bout real blondes. Here's what a typical genetically blonde gal looks like (since y'all seem 2 have no clue). It's not just in the hair, but the bone structure, etc. U know, plus first names like 'Anka' or 'Sejna', & last names like 'Anderson' (Swedish) or 'Linjanen' (Norwegian) - stuff like that. They R also typically tall...

Okay Sporkboy, you wanna play? Let's. First you claim I use weird (that's how you spell it properly by the way) insider lingo. What I use is common cinema language, and usually people are smart enough to put two and two together to know that which I speak. Or should I write it as "What :shock: use is common movie slang, & U sually people R smart E nuf 2 put 2 and 2 2gether 2 know what I'm saying"? Since you're obviously not intelligent, DP stands for Director of Photography.

Here's an idea, maybe you should put the blackberry down and learn how to type. Try a spell checker once in a while too, cause you're butchering the written word.

Next, your whole obsession with bleach. I looked at your myspace sight. You, Mr Sporkboy, are no blonde blue eyed piece of perfection. Neither are any of the goth chicks that are part of your friend network. You wanna talk fake, there's not a chick on your page that hasn't died her hair, put on a ton of makeup, and generally done everthing possible to hide what she really looks like. Nice show of hypocracy.

You keep on making a show of how this and that are 'anti Christian', yet you claim to be agnostic, so what do you care? Oh, by the way, the guy all Christianity is based upon, Christ, he was also known as King of the Jews. The Bible, pretty much written by a bunch of Jewish guys. So speaking as a Christian myself, I have no problem with them or any other non Christian society. I have a problem with ingnorant fuck tards that never learned how to play nice in the sandbox of life.

You specifically asked what Black people have done other than create rap music. Ummm, how 'bout create the origins of rock and roll? Without their influence, no Chuck Berry, no Elvis, no modern music as you like it.

While you claim to be athletic on your site, money says you can't dunk, run fast, or take a punch, but boy oh boy do basketball, track, and boxing seem to be flush with superior athletes that can, and the majority of them aren't white.

You say you are Romanian. Fantastic. I'm American. I'll even be a little more specific, I'm a native Southern Californian. See, there isn't a soul on this planet that's 100% anything. We're all descendants of the same seed, but then I'm sure you'd deny that cause that'd mean you were part Jewish, Egyptian, or some other 'race' that isn't to your liking.

I'm sure the only reason you you have no problem with Japanese people is because otherwise you'd have to hate yourself for using a Japanese built monitor running on Japanese computer components.

You hate Photoshop cause it's too complicated?! That it's not set up well for layering?! My God, you are a dolt! That program is the beast of layering, but you have to use a dumbed down program cause you can't wrap your tiny little mind around a professional tool like that.

So here's my challenge to you Sporkboy. When you write the inevitable response, see if you can do so without using abreviations, poor spelling, or any racial slurs. For once let's see a post without you including some lame artwork you created using nothing more than a kaleidoscope filter. Show that you are actually capable of civilized behavior.

As far as my interaction with actors, I never claimed it made me special. What I wrote was that it gave me a unique perspective, specifically regarding their appearances. How that makes me corrupt is beyond me. At least I'm not promoting a myspace sight that contradicts everything I say based on the people that claim to be friends.

One last thing. Since I've seen you, I'll let you see me. I see no ass licking, no worshipping, only me doing a job that pays me really well and provides for my wife and kid. That's called the American dream. Since you obviously fail to get that, I'm glad to read that you plan on going back to Romania.


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What he said.

E before I? That's weird.

Nice job friebus.

And nice job you have there.
Nice pic Friebus, and with Anthony LaPaglia who I reckon is a pretty good actor - not being a biased Aussie or anyting!

I rarely read through whatever UranusHolographics writes but I do love that bit about hating Photoshop. What an idiot. Never worked as a designer have you? Photoshop is the king of photo manipulation, it is one of those rare programmes which is so far ahead of everthing else there just is no competition. Everyone uses photoshop. The fact that you say it's too complicated reveals a lot: you're too simple (which would explain your inability to write proper English), you're not much of a designer and certainly not ready for the real world. As Friebus said PS has fantastic layering, you can do so much with the controls in PS layers, I don't know the half of it and I used the programme professionally for 8 years - it is unbelievable what you can do with PS layers.

You should stop exposing your inadequacies Neptune.

Woo hoo 4 firebus! :D C, I gotcha' talkin 'bout something interesting 4 a change. Here I shal dissect as I read (excuse N E spellign errors - I type fast n' not always the best speller N E ways)...

Sporky wrote (that's my new nickname 4 ya :): "Okay Sporkboy, you wanna play? Let's. First you claim I use weird (that's how you spell it properly by the way) insider lingo. What I use is common cinema language,"

We R not cinematographers. We R just dudes. Speak English - dood :D

Joe TimeCode belched: "and usually people are smart enough to put two and two together to know that which I speak. Or should I write it as "What use is common movie slang, & U sually people R smart E nuf 2 put 2 and 2 2gether 2 know what I'm saying"?"

I would never say E nuff, as it requires as many characters as 'enough' -well, close. My goal is efficiency - speed. THat is Y I dig contractions. IT's not some nig/spic LiNgO MoThErFu*kEr ChuCkerZZZZ yO Yo daYum!

The Goatee wrote: "Since you're obviously not intelligent, DP stands for Director of Photography."

DP might also mean 'Donut Provider' or "Dick Polisher" or "Dope Peddler" (hey all those 'stars' snort like crazy yes? I remember rides with these kikes always snorting coke, crank, god knows what. It's cool as I would use it 2 extort $$$ from them when they would steal my scripts LOL Find out where they keep their drugs in their house - set their asses up.)

Mr Flick says: "Here's an idea, maybe you should put the blackberry down and learn how to type. Try a spell checker once in a while too, cause you're butchering the written word."

Even if my (quite trivial) errors were more severe, that has nothing whatsoever 2 do with teh truth of my statements - like the fact that U make your living sucking the sh*t from jew asses :D Hey, tell me, how does it feel???

The Kikes Pet Gopher said: "Next, your whole obsession with bleach. I looked at your myspace sight. You, Mr Sporkboy, are no blonde blue eyed piece of perfection."

Wow - we both know I am ANTI-bleach. Stop doing your straw man routine. It's a very boring fallacy. Stop using it. Like the kikes who order U around, U ASSUME I worship blondes like jews do (yes, jews worship blondes. Look how many of them chase blonde ass). I have said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that would indicate I chase blondes. IN fact, quite the opposite. I chase evil brunettes :twisted:

The Glorified Lens Changer barfed: "Neither are any of the goth chicks that are part of your friend network. You wanna talk fake, there's not a chick on your page that hasn't died her hair, put on a ton of makeup, and generally done everthing possible to hide what she really looks like. Nice show of hypocracy."

I already explained the difference between art & whoring. U know the difference as well. Let me give U an example - Elvira is a popular 'goth character'. She is actually a blonde German girl. SHe is married 2 a Romanian (I am essentially ROmanian myself). SHe wears black wigs n' things 2 B silly N' cool & have some fun. Bleach blondes do it simply trying 2 trick people into thinking their genes R worth having, and trying 2 extract more $$$ from guys. THere I have repeated it 4 U . Maybe second time around U get it :)

The Fat Coffee Addict said: "You keep on making a show of how this and that are 'anti Christian', yet you claim to be agnostic, so what do you care?"

Christ-Insanity is a product of jews (the first part) and Romans (the second - new testament part), and Roman/nordic mix (King James crap). It is fodder 4 the slaves, & an outline of white law (among other things). WHen kikes insult Christ-insanity, it is meant as a an attack against the white race. When whites like ME attack it, it is meant simply 2 get back in touch with our natural more pegan roots - nature type stuff. Y do U think we put trees up around 'CHrist'mass - because nativity scenes of camel jockeys just don't do it 4 our white souls. Now trees - & snow - that we like :D I'm dreaming of a WHITE X-Mass LOL

The 'I Drive An Overpriced Car 2 Hook Whore Ass' says: "Oh, by the way, the guy all Christianity is based upon, Christ, he was also known as King of the Jews."

Actually Jew-zus never even existed. It is an invention of the ROmans - based on a tale of twin emperor sons who do penance for their corruption - one is killed & the other takes over. It was adapted into the story of 'jewsus' (who jews R portrayed as HATING with a vengance by the way - 'king of the jews' being an insult to the jews themselves). I'm not a Christian, but I know a bit about Christianity. When jews spit on it, they R spitting on white order. It is not a call for 'freedom' or whatever else - it is a call 2 destroy white civilization. There is a difference, and U know it. Actually that would B an interesting thread - the methodology of religious propaganda throughout history :D

Mr. Fat Face wrote: "The Bible, pretty much written by a bunch of Jewish guys."

Only the first part - they were trying 2 fu*k up the Roman's slave order, so the Romans co-opted it, twisted it around 2 suit their purpose, then mandated everyone 'convert or die'. Jeez - U sure like 2 pick things out of context :p

The I Hate My Own People Guy said: "So speaking as a Christian myself,"

& U work in Hollywierd? Oh please - no such thing. U must B a zionist Israel-worshipping type Christbait then if N E thing. They dig those lackies :shock:

Christabit Rising blurted: "I have no problem with them or any other non Christian society. I have a problem with ingnorant fuck tards that never learned how to play nice in the sandbox of life."

Slave! ha ha ha - this bud's 4 U. Now go donate some $$$ 2 'Nigerian relief' or something, while the so-called 'Ministers' pocket the funds in 'administrative fees'. Reality is much harder than U wanna' admit. Christianity is merely a framework. Whites - those who lead us, R not actually 'believers'. 4 Example, Clinton calls himself a baptist. Bush calls himself a - well I don't even know - but it's some CHristian variant. Meanwhile he (Bush Sr.) was busy flooding AMerica with cocaine via the CIA 2 help increase crime as bagnet 4 expanded government, even tries 2 off his partner (Regan) - etc. U remember - 'the war on drugs' bla bla bla. WHen U hear the word "War" it is code 4 'scam'. Always has been. America is a lot more like Russia than N E 1 seems 2 want 2 admit. It's corrupt from top to bottom. THe sugar-coated 'we are all brothers in humanity' stuff is just dreck 4 slave masses 2 chant as they R systematically driven deeper into control by the state. That is CHristianity's true purpose, just as with most religions. It's propaganda.

The Self-Hating Dough Boy wrote: "You specifically asked what Black people have done other than create rap music."

No, U R using straw man fallacy again. U R implying that I do not think they have contributed anything. It's about ratio of contribution 2 chaos. U take the sentence out of context.

Dorkbait says: "Ummm, how 'bout create the origins of rock and roll?"

Blues is sh*t. SOME rock is good - that which is very un-bluesy. 4 instance, that song 'Who Do U Love' is a good 'rock' tune - but it is upbead & 'white' sounding. THat is it's redeeming character. The same song by a mongrel would B more boring. WHites often draw inspiration from other lesser forms. Rock as a whole (including that song) is absolute crap compared 2 stuff such as this 4 instance...

That is a 'rock' tune, but nothing whatsoever like a black could do it. Their main interest is 'ass' and who knows - ribs & cash? What do nigs sing about N E way - I am always so bored within a few seconds I turn it off or find something else.

WHat U R is yet another brain-dead zombie who has been convinced that nigs R required 4 good music 2 exist. That is a jewish strategy 2 brainwash U into fu*king mexicans & other monkeys 'Hey I like their (garbage) music - they must B ok'. First, the music from those races is crap. Second, what is music compared 2 the infrastructure that makes modern music even possible? Who invented the guitar? How about recording technology? How about radio? U get the idea. Oh, and what language do they (attempt) to speak in those 'rap videos'?

Here is an example of rock music that has no basis in black trash whatsoever...

Find me an example of 'black music' that sounds anything like that 4 instance. U can't, because black muzik sux azzz yo yo

The WOrshipper Of Smelly APes wrote: "Without their influence, no Chuck Berry, no Elvis, no modern music as you like it."

Please give me a world without their crap. I would much rather listen 2 REAL music - such as the tracks listed above :) Jews have been at this 4 thousands of years. They R weak & stupid creatures, so their only means of survival is trickery & wining & bribes. They weasel their way into the communication infrastructure of host nations like a virus, promoting whatever serves 2 help undermine the culture & host race. In Romania, for instance, they promote only Gypsy music - because Gypsies R the bane of that nation (the slave class). Do jews actually LIKE any of the music they promote? No. Jews do not like music or art. The only thing they worship is power/money/sex & toilet/body fluid jokes. If gypsy music & actors were so great (which they promote in Romania, because there R no blacks around 2 shove on the screen) Y not import them here 2 the US movies? The answer is because there is no inherent qauality in what they do. THey just pick whatever genetic weapons are available.

When jews look at a mexican or black or any other non-white race, they see a missle - something 2 try & shove up the as* of white society. They R all perverts.

The Monkey Worshipper wrote: "While you claim to be athletic on your site, money says you can't dunk, run fast, or take a punch, but boy oh boy do basketball, track, and boxing seem to be flush with superior athletes that can, and the majority of them aren't white."

Who was the last UFC (Ultimate Fighting Competition / mixed martial arts) guy who was black? I C a bunch of whites & sometimes hispanics - but not blacks. Oh well Varderlay Silva is a monkey - he's about half white tho. Blacks have faster reflexes, but they are weaker than whites. WHites also win the strongman events. Even if whites were weak-ass little creatures, we are smarter and that is why even at about 1/12 of the world's population, whites still run things. Add it up bub! :)

Oh check out Bob Sapp - he's like this 7' 300# all muscle black guy - got his ass kicked by a 180 pound spic from Brazil LOL THey R just 2 stupid 2 predict the other guy's moves well I guess - doesn't matter how much weight U throw at the problem. Now Verderlay SIlva, he is smarter :) That stuff is all moot N E way - it's not muscles that rule the earth. It's technology - white technology. It's fun 2 watch those fights tho!

Goatee Beatnick Wanna-Be said: "You say you are Romanian."

No, I said I am the same stock as them. They R Daco-Roman. I am Roman myself - kinda' the Caucassian end of it (which is toward the Middle East a bit). 4 example, emperor Cicero looks just like me (well, he's older in the statues). HE was killed trying 2 take over TUrkey. Eventually they took over tho - moved the capital 2 COnstantanople & put out the 'convert 2 Christianity or die' thing. Part of that 'expand the empire with the help of BS religion' thing I mentioned.

Currently the new 'crusade' is 4 the cause of 'freedom' - it's all BS - just an excuse 2 steal more sh*t. I'm not mocking it - imperialism = good :D Just call it what it is. DOn't B A slave 2 the lies.

The Lost Dog wrote: "Fantastic. I'm American. I'll even be a little more specific, I'm a native Southern Californian."

Hey time 2 start stuffing your c*ck into mexican women aye? They are 'native americans' as well yes? Woo hoo! Ride that idiot slave mass into hell - arriba arriba! :D U R insane. U R white, or U R not. Japs R cool tho.

The Suicide Machine typed: "See, there isn't a soul on this planet that's 100% anything. We're all descendants of the same seed,"

That is not the case. U R using fallacy of false premise. First, being white doesn't requrie U R 100% something. If U look white & act white, U R white. Also, we R all descended from fish. That's right, before land creatures, all land animals came from fish, then amphibians, then reptilians & other forms which evolved very slowly over time. Remember, the Earth is about 4 billion years old. U R using what is called fallacy of 'equivocation' there. Look it up - idiot.

The Irrational Guy said: "but then I'm sure you'd deny that cause that'd mean you were part Jewish, Egyptian, or some other 'race' that isn't to your liking."

I may well B part Jewish. I don't know - but that's not the point. It's about progress & order. Hitler was half jew. Now that's my kinda' jew - stealing other nations trying 2 create a well ordered, productive, coherent mass of humanity :D ANd not just that , a jew who loed 2 kill jews! Woo hoo!

I care about performance. Race is merely an indicator of performance potential - demonstrated throughout history. Also non-whites tend 2 B quite foul-looking, & blacks that + particularly foul smelling as well. U can always tell from the stink where blacks hang out - that 'ape musk' or whatever it is...

The Propaganda Recorder said: "I'm sure the only reason you you have no problem with Japanese people is because otherwise you'd have to hate yourself for using a Japanese built monitor running on Japanese computer components."

Um, no - I wear tons of clothes manufactured by brown slave monkeys in bangladesh or god knows where - practically all fashion is built on the backs of slaves. I like Japs 'cuz they R smart. Dumbest thing I ever did was buy an American car 4 instance. They R a scam - built 2 break, so as 2 generate $$$ in service. As technology goes, in the area of automobiles Japs R a lot less corrupt. Their goal is not 2 build the best - but at least better than American. Hondas 4 instance R very reliable. I don't drive 1, as I like the way Land Rovers look :) Hey if N E 1 really cared about performance though, we would B driving electrics. They perform so well when designed up 2 B electrics, that the car companies quickly bought them all back & destroyed them. Nobody in the car biz wants 2 make cars that R totally reliable & stuff. IT will make them lose a lot of money in new sales! U gotta' keep them breaking LOL

Japs got a lot of good creative ideas. They R very good at refining & helping advance white technology. THey don't invent as much on their own though. It's more a yin-yang thing - whites R better inventors. Japs R better producers - 4 typical consumer stuff that is. 4 the high end though Germans R well known as great precission mechanical stuff -bla bla (everybody knows that)

Mr. Self-Hater says: "You hate Photoshop cause it's too complicated?! That it's not set up well for layering?! My God, you are a dolt! That program is the beast of layering,"

Wouldn't U like 2 know what I'm using? C, this is how brainwashing worx. U R not interested in facts. U just parrot the propaganda Adobe has pounded into your head with big advertising dollars. I got another example 4 ya - the fastest multi-track audio program is a little POS (Piece O Sh*t) Linux gem called 'Darkwave'. Give it a try. Tell all your idiot 'Protools' clown 'friends' about it. They will laugh in your face 'cuz they R all brainwashed, just like U - 'buy the 1 with the big ad budget, buy the 1 with the commercials, mooooo'

Hey I also like Vegas :cool: It's a bit more flexible than Darkwave, & none of the 'rotary screen knob' nonsense.

The Consumer Drone wrote: "but you have to use a dumbed down program cause you can't wrap your tiny little mind around a professional tool like that."

Who wants 2 use $20,000 Autocad which requires 7 steps 2 draw an arc, when Keycad (an old POS pgm) does it in ONE step? I'll tell U who - people who R brainwashed 2 think it's 'cool' 2 spend half a day drawing something that SHOULD only take 5 MINUTES ha ha ha

Oh yeah - I bet U like that - helps U bill more hours LOL

What's with the command line BS on Autocad? Put menus - like I have time 2 memorize hundreds of proprietary codes just 2 draw something? It's absolutely pathetic. You're like a guy who looks at a jet airplane and says 'no that's OK, I'll crawl 3,000 miles instead - it's more 'hands on'" LOL

The Ineficient Defficient says: "So here's my challenge to you Sporkboy. When you write the inevitable response, see if you can do so without using abreviations, poor spelling, or any racial slurs. For once let's see a post without you including some lame artwork you created using nothing more than a kaleidoscope filter. Show that you are actually capable of civilized behavior."

I deal in facts. Just cuz U don't like facts, & prefer BS propaganda, doesnt' mean I should stop posting facts. Also, do U judge a CD by the types of equipment used in it's production? How 'bout the music itself? Here I have a quiz 4 U Mr. Video - tell me what 'filters' I am using 2 create this image (if any) - not that it's relevant, just a bit of trivia :D...


Or how 'bout this 1?...


Excuse me people if I've posted N E of these B 4. I have hundreds uploaded & don't particulaly know which U haven't seen yet.

The Name-Dropper said: "As far as my interaction with actors, I never claimed it made me special."

Most whored deny they R whores, just like thieves & liars deny their vices. U know that name-dropping is done precisely 4 the purpose of elevating yourself 2 some elevated standard - 'superior by association' - 'special'. Quit lying. It's boring. B honest. If U R corrupt, say it. This is a chat thread - nobody really cares what U say here, so cut it with the PC BS.

Kikeworship 101 said: "What I wrote was that it gave me a unique perspective, specifically regarding their appearances. How that makes me corrupt is beyond me. At least I'm not promoting a myspace sight that contradicts everything I say based on the people that claim to be friends."

Nothing about my 'myspace' page contradicts me. I am completely up front & honest from line 1, stating "I am a hot Roman fascist bastard". Then below, some links 2 music I like, art I like, and girls (who R art in themselves) I like. U R so used 2 lies, that when the truth smacks U in the face U assume there must B some alterior motive. I say what I mean - so don't bother trying 2 decode me. I don't use code here. Code is 4 business sometimes tho :D I've posted the myspace link maybe 3 times, so people could C my pix & some cool gals I like.

The Last Word wrote: "One last thing. Since I've seen you, I'll let you see me. I see no ass licking, no worshipping, only me doing a job that pays me really well and provides for my wife and kid."

What race is your wife? I'm not surprised U have only one child. It's called 'divorce leverage'. SHe does not love U. If she did, she wouldn't B on extinction pills - or making U sterilize yourself (what's your poison?). Check out this 'myspace' profile I made - it's hillarious. Guys (confused ones) actually don't care that this 'girl' is suicidal! lol Just lookin' 4 some ass or click-through I guess...

Hey, get some 4 your wife - on sale while stocks last - offer expires while U wait :twisted:

The Deathnail worte: "That's called the American dream. Since you obviously fail to get that, I'm glad to read that you plan on going back to Romania."

Dream? 2 have one child with a whore who WILL divorce U, or refuse 2 have more? N E wife of mine ain't takin' no suicide pills bub. I do date gals. I have 2 always deprogram them. ALso my taste is very narrow - tall young pretty white girls. People in AMerica R so backward they think 18 or 20 is young 2 start a family. It is not. Gals typicaly start bleeding around 13, so get real. In many East European countries they R more geared toward family life - especially in places where there isn't much 2 do but fu*k & make babies :)) Here, let me give U an example - U can marry Liz Hurley (or similar) in America. She WILL divorce U (if she works in 'entertainment N E way), steal your money, etc. Cost a fortune. U can get the IDENTICAL gal in Romania (genetically speaking) for $100 or less a week as your wife, or under $200 as a girlfriend (not cash, but gifts n' other support - all girls R like that).

Here is example #1 - Liz Hurley (I think she's hot :) )


Here is a typical clone in Romania...


I also dig the Cathy Jones look - here's an example of that...


Here's the identical woman in Poland (same genes, like above)...


I find it interesting how U insult Europeans. How typical of the brainwashed masses here. Now go back to kissing more jew / fag / dyke / druggie asses asses ('entertainment' people) LOL

'tune is the biggest hypocrite I've ever seen. Not only does he butcher the written word, but I bet I can write stuff in such a way that all he'll be able to do is go, "What the FUCK is this guy saying?"

Of course, I might leave some of the rest of you doing that, but I think the percentage of words that will register with everyone else would score quite a bit higher on the scale. Infinitely higher, as any number over zero will produce an infinite result (NaN overflow).

Southern Cal? Shoot, Friebus, you're in the same area as he is. I should just hop in my car, declare some vacation, and drive down there and we could just take him out for his favourite drink ... at least I think he said his favourite drink was Clorox.

Nice pic, by the way...

Oh, and we should probably tell Asshat that he can find my pic on my website. Does he have the brains required to find it? Probably not. If brains were gasoline, he would lack sufficient said substance to power a miniature moped around the inner circumference of a cheerio. Or if brains were dynamite, he couldn't blow his nose. He is not possessive of the neurons required to activate a synapse. The cursor is blinking, but the response is line noise from a 300-baud telebit modem. He's 22 cards short of a useful deck. Comparing him to fecal matter is insulting fecal matter. And he's trying to out-weird people? I've seen weirder things than him in my breakfast cereal.

He criticises people for not using good language when he couldn't spell the word as applies to the most common domesticated feline (how much of that do you think he will understand?).

Is his name, perchance, Morris Ronald? Richard Cranium? Richie Proboscis? John Thompson? Tom Johnson?


Nah. I think Asshat sums him up very well.

He should be ashamed to call himself a Romanian. And he should get the hell out of California -- that'd cut our noise and atmospheric pollution by roughly half.
Oh, and someone should tell him that having one kid is called "responsible population control." I pray he does not reproduce and spread his hateful values. We have enough closed-minded extremist types -- Christian, Muslim and others -- who are already doing that, and I frankly wish they'd cut it out, too.

[Before anyone else gets their knickers in a twist, fear not: I don't think that ALL Christians/Muslims/Whatevers are that way. I'm more interested in who people are than what their faith is. If it matters, I'm spiritual, not religious, and I gravitate toward Paganism because I do believe that if we do not take care of this planet NOW, we are doomed within the next 3 to 5 generations.]

Oh, and I know SO many people from Bangladesh whose intellect would put this guy to shame. They're some of the brightest people I've ever met. They'd cut him off at the ankles and leave only his socks smoldering.

I think if he does reproduce I'll just spray them with Raid.

Response 2 Mr. Goodbar's post...

Candy Wrapper wrote: "Nice pic Friebus, and with Anthony LaPaglia who I reckon is a pretty good actor - not being a biased Aussie or anyting!"

OMG - he is even trying 2 name drop in his photo! LOL I did not notice that - I guess it is 1 of the subliminal tricks he learned at work. I guess it only worx on folks who give a sh*t about actors :)

The Chocolate Factory said: "I rarely read through whatever UranusHolographics writes but I do love that bit about hating Photoshop. What an idiot."

Photoshop is a POS. What kind of 'perfect program' requires an 'update' every year? I've been using the same CAD program 4 about 15 years, & the same imaging program 4 about 10 years. More recently I added 'Thumbs Plus' 2 the list - excellent program (the best thumbnail/image manager). WHen something is well made, not only is is quick & easy 2 use, but it does whatever U want :) Whatever U can do in photoshop I can do pretty much with what I use, & have more fun & get it done quicker in the process.

Here I have a great product 4 U 'advertising brainwashed masses'. It's a $150 AC outlet - hurry!


It's NEW & IMPROVED 'version 11.0' !!! LOL Comes with lots of wonderful new unnecessary features such as gold plating, inset center thread, bla bla bla That's what 'photoshop' is like 2 sane people like me . We C it 4 the scam that it is.

"Never worked as a designer have you? Photoshop is the king of photo manipulation,"

So their ad campaigns say :) U seen Lord Of The Rings? No photoshop there - it's Maya, Shake & Massiv mostly, running on Red Hat (probably BSD now 4 King Kong & the rest comming up). I don't care about names. I care about performance...


Oh yeah, and it's all FREE! ha ha ha - eat this Micro$oft. Actuallywhen the Sony PS3 come out I will B making a custom version selling it as a done deal - kind of a 'BSD package' that runs N E winblows thing. I'm also experimenting with NT under BSD, but it's not finished yet :p The Matrix movie series had some cool effects. THose were done with BSD & a linux emulator & some other stuff I forget. Since I don't personally do 3D art I don't bother researching that a lot. My plan is more 2 modify existing games as they get better 4 higher res, & implant footage into that stuff, customized, rather like the movie 'Immortal (Ad Vitam)' - 'virtual backlot' type stuff :) Hey Mr. Movie Head, R U listening? Maybe U could get some of my stuff & make your own production company. That is certainly what I'll B doing in Romania! :D

The Peanut Brittle said: "it is one of those rare programmes which is so far ahead of everthing else there just is no competition. Everyone uses photoshop."

Bandwagon fallacy! LOL Hey if everybody chopped off their left arm, does that make it smart? If everybody listened to rap, does that make it music? It's sh*t. Learn 2 think. U don't.

The Sweet Tooth typed: "The fact that you say it's too complicated reveals a lot: you're too simple (which would explain your inability to write proper English), you're not much of a designer and certainly not ready for the real world."

I never implied it was 2 compliated 4 me 2 operate. It is also a non-sequitir fallacy 2 equate complexity with quality. Let me give U an example. The Wilson Audio Wamm is a very expensive, complex speaker design. It is outperformed in many respects by a Neptune system, which achieves similar results with fewer parts, & dramatically lower cost. Have a read...

Now, B my guest & overpay if U like. But if U prefer something besides throwing $$$ at a 'name' & getting good price-performance ratio instead, Neptune fits the bill :) My fave is how Wilson gets Crown EQs off Ebay, removes a lot of their cool features, then marks them up about 50 X

The Snack Break Bar said: "As Friebus said PS has fantastic layering, you can do so much with the controls in PS layers, I don't know the half of it and I used the programme professionally for 8 years - it is unbelievable what you can do with PS layers."

But not as much as I can do with what I use :) I have PS (PhotoSh*t) & many other 'fancy' programs. That doesn't mean I use them just 'cuz they R expensive. THey suck. WHat I use I use 'cuz it's superior. U R addicted 2 the 'name brainwashing' of the Photoshop thing just like pro audio guys R addicted to the 'Protools' nonsense. Darkwave is a free program that is way faster. Vegas is much easier 2 use, sounds better, & is just as flexible (via plugins). Protools is BS, & so is Photoshop - simultaneously overpriced & inferior.

I got more news 4 U - don't U realize that WInblows is very slow & unstable? Y do U think that nobody in their right mind even attempts 2 make web servers with it? Microsoft's own web sites R not run with microsoft products -they run on BSD! THat's right - & Microsoft is found on nearly every computer out there. It also costs a lot of money. BSD is FREE. BSD is simpler, superior, faster - better. U can add things 2 it as needed, & it won't crash. It's gr8!

U know (gasp) U may wanna' even consider using some non-windows programs 2 do some of your 'work' :) Hint hint...

The Consumer Drone #2 chanted: "You should stop exposing your inadequacies Neptune."

Aaah, the ol' ad-homenym attack. How sweet - I'm touched.
"Ad hominem". Doubt the Asshat even knows what that means.
Oh FIGHT FIGHT! Wicked :twisted:

Hey that's all these forums R yes? Well, U must B Aussie? Asshat ain't an American term. U know we both know what it means. It means 'attack against the person'. Like 'ring around the collar' has something 2 do with the factual statements I make. Jews R big fans of 'kill the messenger' via ad-homenym fallacy. 4 instance, they think the answer 2 every factual statement about race is 2 simply call the messenger an 'evil nazi bigot racist ignorant bla bla bla'. It has nothing 2 do with the FACT that blacks invent almost nothing, and have extrordinarily high crime rates, llligitimacy, etc. THen the kikes will say stuff l ike 'it's whitey's fault - or actually more accurately 'victim of (white) society' - 'victim of RACISM'. How does that explain the squalor of the Aussie Abos - alone 4 75,000+ years with no 'whitey' 2 'keep them down'.

Blacks R sh*t. It's nothing 2 do with me. It's merely a statement of fact. Learn 2 accept reality. Come join the real world :)

If U can't handle reality, then go back 2 your rap n' R n' B or whatever & mongrelize yourself into the slave mass. SHove your bone into poison pigs - nobody wants a clown so crazy they have no will to survive.
I find it highly amusing that someone who talks about using improper spellings and grammar for "efficiency" reasons apparently is saying he cannot type very fast or he wouldn't be so concerned about efficiency to attain any amount of speed. Of course, when one slaughters the english language just for speed purposes one is truly butchering it. No self-respecting neo-fascist would butcher their own language and think they are "superior" in any way so I find it all the more hypocritical for someone that thinks they're somehow superior to others based on an abstract generalization of genetics to stoop to such lowly uses of linguistics.

Yet we see by the pages and pages of meandering bullshit that Neptune does indeed type a LOT just the same. The problem is nothing of any value comes out. He clearly must have a lot of time to sit around and push his "groovy art" on a community (namely a pinball community) that generally couldn't give a flying rat's ass about such things. Is this the abstract art community? No, it's about pinball. Yet the mere fact Neptune can't grasp how to use Photoshop indicates he doesn't have very many brain cells. Photoshop is simplistic to operate and works in real-time where other programs do not. Combined with its layering capabilities, it make something like the Gimp look like a child's program.

Basically, what Neptune comes down to is a child in a freak's body that thinks he's special because his skin tone is white. Yet it's hilarious that his interests seem to lie in the more sadomasochistic and fetish areas. Those typically aren't acceptable to his neo-nazi bretheren, but then neither is thinking the Japansee are "cool". So frankly, where he gets his warped ideas about life is quite a bit beyond me.

I mean really, it's hard to take anyone seriously that cannot type a simple sentence correctly. Some of my black friends in the honors program back in college would take strong exception to the shit Neptune has been writing, but then they didn't get into the honors program because they were dumb or incapable of writing basic grammar (unlike Neptune and his groovy warped reality). Truly, I think the guy is about one step above a dung beetle.
Pac & Jack, your issue with me is race. U R a rag head/spic something & talk about everything EXCEPT race in your responses - making up all kinds of lies because U know the facts support everything I say. What racial issue do U claim I am wrong about & Y? Pick one. B speceffic :D I can back up what I say. Let's crush your ass with the observable evidence. This will B fun :twisted: L8R!~

<div align="center">
AAPA Statement on Biological Aspects of Race
Published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. 101, pp 569-570, 1996

As scientists who study human evolution and variation, we believe that we have an obligation to share with other scientists and the general public our current understanding of the structure of human variation from a biological perspective. Popular conceptualizations of race are derived from 19th and early 20th century scientific formulations. These old racial categories were based on externally visible traits, primarily skin color, features of the face, and the shape and size of the head and body, and the underlying skeleton. They were often imbued with nonbiological attributes, based on social constructions of race. These categories of race are rooted in the scientific traditions of the 19th century, and in even earlier philosophical traditions which presumed that immutable visible traits can predict the measure of all other traits in an individual or a population. Such notions have often been used to support racist doctrines. Yet old racial concepts persist as social conventions that foster institutional discrimination. The expression of prejudice may or may not undermine material well-being, but it does involve the mistreatment of people and thus it often is psychologically distressing and socially damaging. Scientists should try to keep the results of their research from being used in a biased way that would serve discriminatory ends.

We offer the following points as revisions of the 1964 UNESCO statement on race:

1. All humans living today belong to a single species, Homo sapiens, and share a common descent. Although there are differences of opinion regarding how and where different human groups diverged or fused to form new ones from a common ancestral group, all living populations in each of the earth's geographic areas have evolved from that ancestral group over the same amount of time. Much of the biological variation among populations involves modest degrees of variation in the frequency of shared traits. Human populations have at times been isolated, but have never genetically diverged enough to produce any biological barriers to mating between members of different populations.

2. Biological differences between human beings reflect both hereditary factors and the influence of natural and social environments. In most cases, these differences are due to the interaction of both. The degree to which environment or heredity affects any particular trait varies greatly.

3. There is great genetic diversity within all human populations. Pure races, in the sense of genetically homogenous populations, do not exist in the human species today, nor is there any evidence that they have ever existed in the past.

4. There are obvious physical differences between populations living in different geographic areas of the world. Some of these differences are strongly inherited and others, such as body size and shape, are strongly influenced by nutrition, way of life, and other aspects of the environment. Genetic differences between populations commonly consist of differences in the frequencies of all inherited traits, including those that are environmentally malleable.

5. For centuries, scholars have sought to comprehend patterns in nature by classifying living things. The only living species in the human family, Homo sapiens, has become a highly diversified global array of populations. The geographic pattern of genetic variation within this array is complex, and presents no major discontinuity. Humanity cannot be classified into discrete geographic categories with absolute boundaries. Furthermore, the complexities of human history make it difficult to determine the position of certain groups in classifications. Multiplying subcategories cannot correct the inadequacies of these classifications.

Generally, the traits used to characterize a population are either independently inherited or show only varying degrees of association with one another within each population. Therefore, the combination of these traits in an individual very commonly deviates from the average combination in the population. This fact renders untenable the idea of discrete races made up chiefly of typical representatives.

6. In humankind as well as in other animals, the genetic composition of each population is subject over time to the modifying influence of diverse factors. These include natural selection, promoting adaptation of the population to the environment; mutations, involving modifications in genetic material; admixture, leading to genetic exchange between local populations, and randomly changing frequencies of genetic characteristics from one generation to another. The human features which have universal biological value for the survival of the species are not known to occur more frequently in one population than in any other. Therefore it is meaningless from the biological point of view to attribute a general inferiority or superiority to this or to that race.

7. The human species has a past rich in migration, in territorial expansions, and in contractions. As a consequence, we are adapted to many of the earth's environments in general, but to none in particular. For many millennia, human progress in any field has been based on culture and not on genetic improvement.

Mating between members of different human groups tends to diminish differences between groups, and has played a very important role in human history. Wherever different human populations have come in contact, such matings have taken place. Obstacles to such interaction have been social and cultural, not biological. The global process of urbanization, coupled with intercontinental migrations, has the potential to reduce the differences among all human populations.

8. Partly as a result of gene flow, the hereditary characteristics of human populations are in a state of perpetual flux. Distinctive local populations are continually coming into and passing out of existence. Such populations do not correspond to breeds of domestic animals, which have been produced by artificial selection over many generations for specific human purposes.

9. The biological consequences of mating depend only on the individual genetic makeup of the couple, and not on their racial classifications. Therefore, no biological justification exists for restricting intermarriage between persons of different racial classifications.

10. There is no necessary concordance between biological characteristics and culturally defined groups. On every continent, there are diverse populations that differ in language, economy, and culture. There is no national, religious, linguistic or cultural group or economic class that constitutes a race. However, human beings who speak the same language and share the same culture frequently select each other as mates, with the result that there is often some degree of correspondence between the distribution of physical traits on the one hand and that of linguistic and cultural traits on the other. But there is no causal linkage between these physical and behavioral traits, and therefore it is not justifiable to attribute cultural characteristics to genetic inheritance.

11. Physical, cultural and social environments influence the behavioral differences among individuals in society. Although heredity influences the behavioral variability of individuals within a given population, it does not affect the ability of any such population to function in a given social setting. The genetic capacity for intellectual development is one of the biological traits of our species essential for its survival. This genetic capacity is known to differ among individuals. The peoples of the world today appear to possess equal biological potential for assimilating any human culture. Racist political doctrines find no foundation in scientific knowledge concerning modern or past human populations.

Comments to Phil Walker
Revised 9 February 2000
LOL @ Mr. Hell - Mr. Copy Paste - getting lessons from Mr. Cat? U R 1 pathetic creature Mr. Hell if U cannot even speak 4 yourself. U R using here what is called 'appeal 2 authority' fallacy. Just because something comes from a big organization does not make it true. U got enough Abos in your own nation 2 know all the equalitarian propaganda is pure B.S.

I am not here 2 do a copy-paste war. If YOU will type FOR YOURSELF what YOU have observed, YOUR thoughts & opinions on a speceffic race issue, feel free :D Otherwise I will not bother reading it. U can read 1,000 books on America's voyage 2 the moon. Fact is we never went there & it's very easy 2 prove. WOuld U rather talk about that instead of race? Clearly nobody here wants 2 debate me on race. All ya' do is chase mostly ad-homenym or non-sequitir tangents or do this copy paste A.T.A. BS. I type everything I say myself. Step up 2 the plate ya' cowards :p

If U wanna play the silly 'word shotgun' game, thinking U can throw me off with 2 many examples, that is called 'biased sample'. It's about overal ratio of contributions. U know - like people will hold up Eddie Murphy or something (as if he is so gr8). I have already typed far more than U deserve Mr. Hell, ya lazy bastard :p Grow some guts & face your self-hatred. Let's hammer it out of you :twisted:
Just because it conflicts with your own beliefs does not mean it is false either. Genetic variation is needed for the continued survival of any spieces, there simply is no such thing as purity in a dynamic biosphere such as this planet. The actual genetic differences are very small at any rate and we are more a product of our enviroment then anything else.

Yes the Australian Aborigine is genetically different and more pure then most due to thousands of years separation from other human populations, it is this very purity that has contibuted to their hardships in this modernised world. Their genetics adapted to complete opposite ways of exsistance to our own current ways, for instance they have a great many problems with alcohol and other substances as over thousands years they were never exposed to such and as a consequece have little or no tolerence or resistance to such toxins and hence also suffer more acute side effects from such.
Rather than lecture U, I will ask U some questions. Perhaps this is a better way 2 wake hyour silly self-hating ass up :)

First, genetic variation is NOT required 4 the survival & advancement of a species. There R many animals that reproduce through cloning (the animal becomes female and simply replicates itself). There R desert lizard species that do this 4 instance - their cloning ability making them able 2 advance into territories where they could not otherwise survive due 2 meeger pickings 4 partner/family structures. That claim that 'downbreeding' is somehow required 2 maintain the 'vitality' of a species is simply false based on physical biology (not even up 4 debate).

1) All wolves & dogs R the same species. Are wolves inferior 2 beagles & varities of 'mutt' style dogs, because wolves R more pure? THe answer of course is no. Purity is not bad. In fact, it can be good. It is not in itself a determinant of quality. It depends on WHAT U R blending with WHAT - smart with another type of smart? Or smart with stupid?

2) What sort of 'intelligence benefit' is there from mixing a smart race with an idiot race???

3) Whites comprise less than 10% of the world's population. Most people are yellow (asian), not brown. Whites R unique (1/12 of the Earth). That is special - unique - pure - different from other races no matter how U slice it. Has this held whites back? How do U explain 1/12 of the Earth running the rest? Magic? LOL It is ingelligence :) OK that 1 is so obvious it's silly 2 ask.

OK well I guess I answered a couple of those myself, but I am sure U agree! (unless U R utterly mad) :twisted:

4) Alcoholism & other addictions demonstrate weakness - don't U agree?

5) The purposeful elimination of resistant 'upidy' slave classes (abos who fought back, same as American indians who fought back) plus the distribution of cheaply available intoxicants & welfare state is used by whites 2 systematically control the remnants of the population of nations we have stolen without the negative PR of outright genocide (makes conquering new lands harder as they will fight more if they know they R gonna' die regardless). Of course, corrupt whites also flood nations with new slave populations for work & also 2 attract foreign investment & spread the concept of 'freedom' (white domination) across the globe. Do U think imperialism is worng, or right?

4) What nation &/or race has NOT attempted 2 create an empire, given the chance? Fact is given the opportunity & means, every animal seeks 2 expand - 2 steal, 2 control, etc. That's just nature bub :) Gimme gimme gimme! OK I guess I'm not that good at asking questions - 'specially 1s that have obvious answers like this :p

Nep, why don't you use that nice little trident of yours and stick it up where it belongs?
Oh, very good the ultimate creature a cloning desert lizard, LMFAO...that species the very product of it's enviroment, when that enviroment changes, then they will be extinct, like the dinosaurs, which I might add had the run of the planet for millions of years, where as we've only been around for several thousand years.

As far as survival goes the mutts have a better chance then wolves as they have adapted to co exsist with the dominant spieces of this planet, so the mutts are perhaps superior or at the very least in a better situation to expand. ;)

Are addictions are sign of weakness?

I would suggest not, near on every great man or woman who has been recognised as creating history has also been recorded to have suffered from some form of addiction or compulsive disorder.

Tibet, did not want empire only peace and harmony this was denied them by China, though perhaps because of this through Buddism that peace and harmony is being spread far further and faster then if Tibet was left to itself.

Oh and this, you can't count, 6) comes after 4) and 5). :mrgreen:

Also this, she aint a real flesh and blood girl though she is a celebrity. ;)


Supergirl by Al Rio.

Ho, ho, ho...... :D
Mr. Hell, U don't believe N E thing U R saying. U bore me. U R like those whites who talk up & down about 'equality' but U will never catch them even remotely considering sex with a non-white. THey may even talk about it, but they will not act on it (I guess now U wanna' prove me wrong & breed with an abo?). I know your kind - U AUssies R very socialist n' all that crap.

The holes in your points R huge. I grow tired of repeating the same truth again, like U R using non-sequitir (I did not claim lizards R the ultimate). False alternatiove (domestic dogs R slaves), false premise (domestic dogs R not suited 4 wild wolf life well N E more). bla bla bla. U reject the principle of charity & simply contradict everything I say thinking it is 'clever' of U 2 just blindly say the opposite. It's simply annoying & flat out lame. The difference between U and when a nig or some monkey does it is U will throw in a joke while you're at it :D

Your 'addiction is a form of weakness'? remark - of course it is. That 1 takes the cake. Like I said - U don't believe a word you're saying. Addiction isn't OCD or N E thing but ADDICTION. You're silly-ass equivocation again - changing terms as U go on, thinking U can turn water into stone, ice into chocolate - such BS. God U R annoying. Hey at least U post cool pix! :D

Yeah U aren't at risk. You're just anothe BS 'lip service' socialist type - talk up & down about equality like Blair or Bush - but busy bombing the browns. Go 4 it! :) I C through your veiled 'PC 4 fun' game.

P.S.: Humans have existed 4 over a million years. There R Dacian artifacts in Europe that old (where Romania is now) - 4 starters. Blacks & humans R actually not off the same branch per-se, but they R still the same species (only because they can have fertile offspring).

Hey U know what would B great - post a coon-ass abo side by side with a white person - and an ape :) U know what they say - blacks R proof mexicans have sex with apes LOL

Yaknow there R some stories about some cross-bred chimps (it is said that chimps and humans can actually interbreed). Chimps R real ugly tho - moreso than even sheep I'd say - but then Kiwis know all about that! - baaaaa

Hey U like conspiracy stuff? There R some cool pix with the 'moon landing' that disprove we were there - I should scare some up! :)

The mere fact Neptune thinks I'm a "spic" proves how utterly stupid he is. I'm probably whiter than he is but I don't make abstract generalizations about genetics. There are black people that are geniuses and white people that are idiots (like Neptune). The whole point of racism is making generalizations about a particular community, nationality or group. I look at individuals, not skin colors. Intelligence is certainly not the only desirable attribute to have to begin with in this world. Intelligence without wisdom is useless anyway.
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