
  1. D

    VP9 Game Plan SS Recreation Family Fun! (Game Plan, 1979) VP9 v2.1 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Destruk, Skalar, JBL_FUN, Inkochnito Version:2.1 Game Plan 1979 IPD No. 817 ROM: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/famlyfun.1798/
  2. D

    VP9 SS Recreation Circa 1933 (Fascination Int, 1979) VP9 v1.0 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    TAB/Destruk/Gaston Version:1 Fascination Int. 1979 IPD No. 514 ROM: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/circa33.1663/
  3. D

    VP9 Game Plan SS Recreation Chuck-A-Luck (Game Plan, 1978) VP9 v1.0 [16-9]

    Destruk, TAB, Skalar Version:1 Game Plan 1978 IPD No. 3020 ROM: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/chucklck.1662/
  4. D

    VP9 Game Plan SS Recreation Camel Lights (Game Plan, 1978) VP9 v2.0 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Destruk/TAB Version:2 Game Plan 1978 IPD No. 3675 Rules: Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/camlight.1645/
  5. D

    VP9 Game Plan SS Recreation Black Velvet (Game Plan, 1978) VP9 v3.0 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Destruk and Skalar Version:3 Game Plan 1978 IPD No. 315 Rules: Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/blvelvet.1591/
  6. L

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation Black Jack (Bally, 1978) VP9 v1.0 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Leon Spalding Version:1 Bally 1978 IPD No. 309 RULES: ROM: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/blackjck.1579/
  7. D

    VP9 Atari SS Recreation Atarians (Atari, 1976) VP9 v1.3 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Ash and Destruk Version:1.3 Atari 1976 IPD No. 102 ROM: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/atarianb.1534/
  8. D

    VP9 Atari SS Recreation Airborne Avenger (Atari, 1977) VP9 v1.5 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    John Shepherd/Destruk, 16:9 Conversion maintainer Destruk Version:1.5 Atari 1977 IPD No. 33 ROM: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/aavenger.1503/
  9. D

    VP9 Atari SS Recreation Middle Earth (Atari, 1978) VP9 v1.2 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Ash, CyberYogi, Destruk, Inkochnito Version:1.2 Atari 1978 IPD No. 1590 RULES: ROM: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/midearth.2082/
  10. D

    VP9 Stern SS Recreation Lectronamo (Stern, 1978) VP9 v2.1 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Destruk,Skalar,Nedo Version:2.1 Stern 1978 IPD No. 1429 RULES: ROM: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/lectrono.2026/
  11. D

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Joker Poker (Gottlieb, 1978) VP9 v1.2 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    TAB,Destruk,Inkochnito Version:1.2 Gottlieb 1978 IPD No. 1306 ROM: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/jokrpokr.1992/
  12. D

    VP9 Atari SS Recreation Hercules (Atari, 1979) VP9 v1.1 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Eala Dubh Sidhe, Gaston, Destruk Version:1.1 Atari 1979 IPD No. 1155 ROM: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/hercules.1929/
  13. H

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation Eight Ball (Bally, 1977) VP9 vRemix (Beta 2) [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Hakyoku Seiken Version:Remix (Beta 2) Bally 1977 IPD No. 760 "Eight Ball Remix" is the same as Bally's "Eight Ball", but with music and new sound effects, as well as being graphically overhauled over previous versions to include new GI effects and an LED driver written by Bendigo...
  14. D

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Cleopatra (Gottlieb, 1977) VP9 v1.1 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Destruk/TAB Version:1.1 Gottlieb 1977 IPD No. 532 Notes: This game was also produced as a 4-player EM version Gottlieb's 1977 'Cleopatra' and a 2-player EM version Gottlieb's 1978 'Pyramid' but with different backglass art. ROM: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/cleoptra.1669/
  15. D

    VP9 Stern SS Recreation Trident (Stern, 1979) VP9 v1.1 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Destruk/Skalar, 16:9 Conversion maintainer Destruk Version:1.1 Stern 1979 IPD No. 2644 Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/trident.2524/
  16. D

    VP9 Atari SS Recreation Time 2000 (Atari, 1977) VP9 v1.2 [16-9]

    Eala Dubh Sidhe/Destruk 16:9 Conversion maintainer Destruk Version:1.2 Atari 1977 IPD No. 2567 Rules: Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/time2000.2487/
  17. D

    VP9 SS Recreation Thunderbolt (Allied Leisure, 1976) VP9 v1.0 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Destruk/TAB/Gaston 16:9 Conversion maintainer Destruk Version:1 Allied Leisure 1976 IPD No. 2556 Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/thndbolt.2484/
  18. D

    VP9 Atari SS Recreation Superman (Atari, 1979) VP9 v1.2 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Eala Dubh Sidhe, Neurokinetik, Destruk, Gaston Version:1.2 Atari 1979 IPD No. 2454 Rules: Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/superman.2425/
  19. D

    VP9 Atari SS Recreation Space Riders (Atari, 1978) VP9 v1.2 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Eala Dubh Sidhe, Destruk Version:1.2 Atari 1978 IPD No. 2258 Rules: Roms: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/spcrider.2345/
  20. D

    VP9 Zaccaria SS Recreation Space City (Zaccaria, 1979) VP9 v1.0 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Luvthatapex, Destruk Version:1 Zaccaria 1979 IPD No. 3267 Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/spacecty.2337/
  21. D

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation Six Million Dollar Man (Bally, 1978) VP9 v1.2 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Robair/Satch/Destruk Version:1.2 Bally 1978 IPD No. 2165 Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/smman.2319/
  22. D

    VP9 SS Recreation Rock On (Allied Leisure, 1975) VP9 v1.0 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    TAB/Destruk/Gaston Version:1.0 Allied Leisure 1975 IPD No. 4862 Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/thndbolt.2484/
  23. D

    VP9 Atari SS Recreation Road Runner (Atari, 1979) VP9 v1.1 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Aussie34, TAB, Destruk Version:1.1 Atari 1979 IPD No. 3517 Rules: Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/roadrunr.2239/
  24. G

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Eight Ball (Bally, 1977) VP8 vAt Night

    Gaston/Guittar, Bally 1977, IPD No. 760
  25. L

    VP8 Bally EM Recreation Sea Ray (Bally, 1971) VP8 vLitUp 2020-01-28

    Bally's Sea Ray 1971 ' Two Player Game. Fore runner to Mariner. ' VP Conversion by Lander. IPD No. 2085
  26. PacDude

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Paragon (Bally, 1979) VP8 v1.0

    PacDude Version1.0 Bally 1979 IPD No. 1755 RULES:
  27. scapino

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation VPM Version of CE3k is now done!

    Get it at... http://www.scapinosvpins.com and eventually at AJs, and at Pinball Nirvana Fifth Release v5.0 2-8-2008 This is a quick update of the 4.0 VP table, to turn it into a VPM table, using the new Sys1 emulation. You need the 1.58 version of VPM and the latest VBS files. Now...
  28. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Big Indian (Gottlieb, 1974)

    is now avalaible at IRPinball. Try it, enjoy it! https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/index.php?resources/big-indian-gottlieb-1974.5775/
  29. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Orbit (Gottlieb, 1971)

    is now avalaible at IRPinball. (or here) Try it, enjoy it! Comments, remarks and advices are wellcome.
  30. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Pro-Football (Gottlieb, 1973)

    Pro Football is now avalaible at IRPinball. (and here) Try it, enjoy it!!!
  31. Popotte

    Bally SS Recreation FP KISS (Bally, 1979)

    You can find KISS here and at IR Pinball too...
  32. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Fast Draw (Gottlieb - 1975)

    ... is released and now avalaible at IRPinball, main section. Try it, enjoy it!
  33. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Spirit of 76 (Gottlieb, 1975)

    Spirit of 76 (Gottlieb - 1975) is now avalaible at IRPinball, main section... So, try it, enjoy it... It's more fun to compete...
  34. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Royal Flush (Gottlieb, 1976)

    Royal Flush (Gottlieb - 1976) is now released at IRPinball main section. (also here) So, play it, enjoy it...
  35. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation BAM FP Abra Ca Dabra (Gottlieb, 1975)

    Abra Ca Dabra (Gottlieb - 1975) is now released at IRPinball main section. (also right here!) Just a problem: I don't know what is the rules to lit (and unlit) these damn#%* bumpers... If you know the rule, tell me, please!!! \:D/ :rtm:
  36. shiva

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation KISS se3 Released

    The first release of KISS, the classic pinball game, is now out, and available at Pinball Nirvana. The development cycle was quite a bit longer, as it seemed to fight me all the way. Because of this, and it's insane bonus system, which has 3 separate systems, plus the 3 ways to score it, I...
  37. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP 2001 (Gottlieb, 1971)

    2001 is now avalaible at IRPinball (and here) , main section. So, try and enjoy 2001....
  38. shiva

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Power Play se3 Build 06.15.06

    My new release, Bally's Power Play, is now available for your playing pleasure. This is my first new release in 6 months, and only took 2 weeks from start to finish. This uses the shivaEngine3 script engine, as well as 4 code snippets files (VBS). Like the Playboy se3 version, this uses the...
  39. U

    Bally SS Recreation FP Silverball Mania (Bally 1979)

    This is the first public release of Silverball Mania (Bally - 1979) for Future Pinball. Graphics and layout were done by myself, and a huge thanks goes to Destruk for his fantastic job with the always great job of scripting. Another release is probable in the future to feature backglass...
  40. shiva

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Playboy se3 Build 6.15.06

    A new version of Playboy se3 is now ready, and available for download. This uses the latest build of the shivaEngine3 script engine, and is for Visual Pinball. This is a full upload, as there are some changes to the table itself, most importantly the sounds used for the new chime scoring...
  41. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Target Alpha (Gottlieb, 1976)

    Is now avalaible at IRPinball, main section... Try it, enjoy it... It's more fun to compete...
  42. Popotte

    Bally SS Recreation FP Strikes and Spares (Bally, 1978)

    I have to deeply thanks: - Bruno: without him, I have just no pics... - Rob046: for his chimes and his advices and his help... I'll have to thanks: - Centinex: he'll find some troubles, as usual... So, as usual, it's my first v1.00 version... Logically, I'll make 2 or 3 updates in the...
  43. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Far Out (Gottlieb, 1974)

    Well........ All is in the title... Back to Gottlieb and drop targets... Far Out - 1974 Thanks to Patrick to let me take pics. Avalaible at IRPinball main section.
  44. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Far Out (Gottlieb, 1974)

    Back to Gottlieb and drop targets... Far Out - 1974 Thanks to Patrick to let me take pics. Now the pics... Big pics avalaible here: http://www.esnips.com/web/Popotte-FP
  45. patrick

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Joker Poker - re-draw version

    Re-draw version of Joker Poker, with high quality GFX redraws by EDM. includes a hud scoring system, matchnum .... By EDM and Patrick DOWNLOAD https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/joker-poker-gottlieb-1978.3450/
  46. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Surf Champ (Gottlieb, 1976) avalaible at IRPinball - main s

    Release time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again and again, many thanks to Francis (Mecaflip) for his kindness. Without him, I would be a poor lonesome recreate man without beautiful pics... Special thank to Leon for pushing me to enhance this table (specialy soundsssssss). So, try...
  47. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP High Hand (Gottlieb, 1973)

    High Hand is now avalaible at IRPinball, main section... Enjoy it!
  48. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Drop A Card (Gottlieb, 1971)

    Released and avalaible at http://irpinball.ztnet.com/ Enjoy it!!! But, remember: "It's more fun to compete" Others tables released: King and Queens and Sweet Hearts. Some pics...
  49. scapino

    Gottlieb SS Recreation FP Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Gottlieb, 1978)

    I've fixed a couple of bugs, and fixed the rototarget images for the new release of FP. CE3k is now FP 1.2 compatable. :) Get it here at Nirvana: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/close-encounters-of-the-third-kind.3415/ Or at www.scapinosvpins.com Kurt
  50. bob

    VP9 Flipperless Recreation Pachinko Birds (Nishijin, 197x) VP9

    I have updated my Pachinko game, it is now more realistic as the balls are faster. When I first made this game, I didn't realise that "table slope" was literally the slope of the playing field, I didn't know that I could set it at "90" which would mean it was at a 90 degree angle. After...
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