
  1. tiltjlp

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Bat Bat Baseball Swings For The Fences

    Patrick and tiltjlp have released Big Bat Baseball, a 1974 Counter Top game by Minty. A 10 ball game, the plunger is replaced with an actual bat, which is for some reason swung by a lefty every time. Your bat speed can be adjusted using the Flipper/Shift keys. As usual, tiltjlp was both the play...
  2. G

    VP8 Bally EM Recreation Aladdin's Castle (Bally 1976)

    This is an update from 1.0 to 1.1 (see Downloads:Unusual Flipper Treatments) I still can't figure out how to do a decent backglass representation, so I'm going with what I know... Changes include: * active targets * remapped bumpers * scoring/credit reels are transparent, with *...
  3. G

    VP8 Bally EM Recreation Aladdin's Castle (Bally 1976) v1.0W

    Woohoo...and in this case, whooops! Aladdin's Castle 1.0W is now released, and I appear to have forgotten to post it here! Caveats: Reels, Decals and Textboxes seem to have this nasty habit of drifting from their locations when this game is played between multiple computers -- not my...
  4. JonPurpleHaze

    VP8 Williams EM Recreation Jubilee (1973 Williams) by anDee

    Recently added to IRPinball is pretty neat!
  5. tiltjlp

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Mickey's House Party Side Shooter updated

    Just in time for your holiday gift giving, Patrick & tiltjlp have released what probably is the first side shooter toy pinball game, Mickey Mouse’s House Party. A simple, fun game, it offers not only standard nudging, but also variable plunger release speed, using the Shift or Flipper keys...
  6. scapino

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Look ma, suns here!! Close Encounters V4.0 is here also!

    You can get it at .... http://www.nwlink.com/~scapino/Index.htm and eventually at IRPinball. ******* Fourth Release v4.0 11-27-2004 Completly re-rendered, from a closer angle so the table fills more of the screen. The entire table is reeled, so on startup, and if you tilt, the...
  7. D

    VP8 Bally EM Bingo Flipperless Recreation Malibu Beach Has Arrived For Visual Pinball!

    Malibu Beach Has Arrived For Visual Pinball! Malibu Beach, a Bally EM Bingo Machine (Sep 80) is now ready for your playing enjoyment in Visual Pinball. This is a REALLY magnificent simulation of a classic OK MAGIC SCREEN Bingo Machine. Malibu Beach itself was actually a re-make of a game...
  8. Furio

    VP8 Gottlieb EM Recreation Dimension (Gottlieb 1971) 1.1

    Now available at IRP "Dimension (Gottlieb 1971) 1.1" greets, Furio
  9. H

    VP8 Bally EM Bingo Flipperless Recreation MALIBU BEACH

    Bingo1(0.9) is finally upgraded to MALIBU BEACH 1.0! Something changed from Bingo1(0.9) 1)certainly,it changes to malibu-beach 2)pick-a-play is removed(G & B keys are canceled) 3)player credits now can up to 9999. 4)blue score is change to "3 in blue as green 5" and "2 in...
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