Sound Stage / IPD No. 2243 / July, 1976 / 2 Players
Average Fun Rating:
5.8/10 (13 ratings/12 comments) [ Add Your Rating! ]
Chicago Coin Machine Manufacturing Company (1932-1977)
Date Of Manufacture:
July, 1976
Model Number:
Winner / IPD No. 2792 / August 09, 1971 / 2 Players
Average Fun Rating:
6.4/10 (14 ratings/14 comments) [ Add Your Rating! ]
Williams Electronics, Incorporated (1967-1985) [Trade Name: Williams]
Date Of Manufacture:
August 09, 1971
Model Number:
Table: Popotte & martinB
IPD No. 1795
Table Info:
Across the Special-2-Key *) you can open the menu for number of balls per game and other stuff.
If you fade-out or fade-in the HUD-Display across the Toggle-Hud-Key, then this setting will get saved for further game sessions.
The standard...
Table: martinB, Mike Mills & Popotte
IPD No. 1823
Table Info:
Across the Special-1-Key *) you can choose and save whether name-entry (initials) on the end of game shall be used.
Across the Special-2-Key *) you can choose and save the number of balls per game. With this option the highscore...
IPD No. 685
Table Info:
Across the Special-1-Key *) you can choose and save whether name-entry (initials) on the end of game shall be used.
Across the Special-2-Key *) you can choose and save the number of balls per game. With this option the highscore will be reseted to the recommended worth...
Table by martinB & Denis
IPD No. 2253
Table Info:
Across the Special-1-Key *) you can choose and save whether name-entry (initials) on the end of game shall be used.
Across the Special-2-Key *) you can choose and save the number of balls per game. With this option the highscore will be reseted...
IPD No. 1933
Table Info:
Across the Special-1-Key *) you can choose and save whether name-entry (initials) on the end of game shall be used.
Across the Special-2-Key *) you can choose and save the number of balls per game. With this option the highscore will be reseted to the recommended...
IPD No. 2803
Table Info:
Across the Special-1-Key *) you can choose and save whether name-entry (initials) on the end of game shall be used.
Across the Special-2-Key *) you can choose and save the number of balls per game. With this option the highscore will be reseted to the recommended...
IPD No. 1767
Table Info:
Across the Special-1-Key *) you can choose and save whether name-entry (initials) on the end of game shall be used.
Across the Special-2-Key *) you can choose and save the number of balls per game. With this option the highscore will be reseted to the recommended...
Table by martinB & GreyWolf
IPD No. 2398
Table Info:
Across the Special-1-Key *) you can choose and save whether name-entry (initials) on the end of game shall be used.
Across the Special-2-Key *) you can choose and save the number of balls per game. With this option the highscore will be...
Table by martinB & Clovis Morato
IPD No. 649
Table Info:
Across the Special-1-Key *) you can choose and save whether name-entry (initials) on the end of game shall be used.
Across the Special-2-Key *) you can choose and save the number of balls per game. With this option the highscore will be...
Cavalier / IPD No. 474 / 1979 / 4 Players
Average Fun Rating:
Needs More Ratings! 8.8 / 10 (1 ratings) [ Add Your Rating! ]
Recel S. A., of Madrid, Spain (1974-1986)
Date Of Manufacture:
Recel System III
Solid State Electronic...
The Internet Pinball Machine Database
Bristol Hills / IPD No. 376 / January, 1971 / 2 Players
Average Fun Rating:
Needs More Ratings! 8.4 / 10 (3 ratings) [ Add Your Rating! ]
D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977) [Trade Name: Gottlieb]...
The Internet Pinball Machine Database
Mini Cycle / IPD No. 1604 / January, 1970 / 2 Players
Average Fun Rating:
Needs More Ratings! 7.7 / 10 (3 ratings) [ Add Your Rating! ]
D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977) [Trade Name: Gottlieb]
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