by dkerin, onlinechaos
at 2018-03-02
Type Original
A MOD of Onlinechaos' fantastic Blackout table. As a fan of the original Battlestar Galactica I wanted to take a pass at re-skinnig the table artwork, and a way to learn a little more about Future Pinball table...
by slun
at 2017-12-02
Type Original
My second table, based on manga initial D
some targets, some spins, 2 multiballs
No missions yet ;)
by Retro Bash
at 2017-12-01
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Williams Electronic Games, Incorporated, a subsidiary of WMS Ind., Incorporated (1985-1999)
Tradename Williams
Date 2017-12-01
by rom, SLAMT1LT, TerryRed
at 2017-10-08
Type Original
CabinetDOFLinxFP Physics 2.7
A video demonstration of this table can be seen here in my cabinet:
Consult the DOFLinx guide included in the download link for more information on setting up DOFLinx.
by francisco666, Lacarill, SLAMT1LT, TerryRed
at 2017-10-03
Type Original
CabinetDOFLinxFP Physics 2.6
A video demonstration can be seen here in my cabinet:
at 2017-06-23
Type Original
Hello everyone, I would like to contribute something finally... I was reading that some People were having problems loading hightextures.. as was I, so I did some tinkering and it works great for me now. Hopefully someone else...
by Hyperion, rom, TerryRed
at 2017-06-16
Type Original
FP Physics 2.5
A video demonstration that shows off all the features of the MASTERED Edition can be seen here:
by Hyperion, rom, TerryRed
at 2017-06-16
Type Original
CabinetDOFLinxFP Physics 2.5
A video demonstration that shows off all the features of the MASTERED Edition as well as the DOFLinx mod can be seen here:
by rom, TerryRed
at 2017-02-01
Type Original
CabinetDOFLinxFP Physics 2.5
A video demonstration of this table in my cabinet can be seen here:
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ie: /ai What is a EM Pinball Machine?