by Daz
at 2014-10-28
Type Original
FP Physics 1.0
I have decided to make one final table designed to resemble an old EM machine from the 70s as they are the kind that I love the most.
If you enjoy playing older tables from this era then you might enjoy this...
by franzleo
at 2014-10-17
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Williams Electronic Games, Incorporated, a subsidiary of WMS Ind., Incorporated (1985-1999)
Tradename Williams
Date 1953-12-01
IPD No. 1679
FP Physics 1.0
In the year 1953 already exist...
by ghostmachine
at 2014-10-11
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983)
Tradename Bally
Date 1974-11-25
IPD No. 362
FP Physics 1.0
Video of real machine
Bow and Arrow. Made in 1974. My first classic...
by misterredfox
at 2014-09-29
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Chicago Coin Machine Manufacturing Company (1932-1977)
Date 1975
IPD No. 327
FP Physics 1.0
by bob78954
at 2014-06-17
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Williams Electronics, Incorporated (1967-1985)
Tradename Williams
Date 1975-09-24
IPD No. 1458
FP Physics 1.0
Williams Little Chief
It is unethical and ILLEGAL to include my Future...
by ghostmachine, RipleYYY
at 2014-06-09
Type Original
FP Physics 1.0
Using the layout from Alien 1.1 from RipleYYY.. I remade a new table with orange textures. Creating the Garfield Pinball. I noticed that there wasnt a Garfield pinball, so i found some music...
by ghostmachine
at 2014-06-08
Type Original
FP Physics 1.0
NEW TABLE is here. After 5 days of , editing, testing, textureing. It turned out very well. plays good.
Created as a hobby. No monitary gains may be made from this. It is freeware. Upgrades are...
by jef09, Popotte
at 2014-03-04
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Proyectos Electromecánicos de Tanteo y Color (1980), Madrid, Spain
Tradename Petaco
Date 1967
IPD No. 4368
FP Physics 1.0
1967 Spnanish version king of diamonds
by jef09, Leon Spalding
at 2014-01-21
Type Original
FP Physics 1.0
Table look 60's conversion du Monte Carlo de Leon Spalding
avec la vieille chanson de Bourvil en fond mais on peut l'enlever
by jef09, Popotte
at 2014-01-21
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1976-12
IPD No. 426
FP Physics 1.0
cc'est une conversion du flipper de popotte el dorado (1 seul compteur marche)...
by Popotte, SLAMT1LT
at 2014-01-08
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1975-03-17
IPD No. 828
FP Physics 2.6
This table is a mod of :
Fast Draw 1.10
by SupaNova
at 2013-12-25
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Williams Electronics, Incorporated (1967-1985)
Tradename Williams
Date 1971
IPD No. 3533
FP Physics 1.0
Yukon Special / IPD No. 3533 / October, 1971 / 1 Player
Williams Electronics...
by SupaNova
at 2013-12-25
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Williams Electronics, Incorporated (1967-1985)
Tradename Williams
Date 1971-8-23
IPD No. 2829
FP Physics 1.0
Yukon / IPD No. 2829 / August 23, 1971 / 1 Player
Williams Electronics...
by SupaNova
at 2013-12-25
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Williams Electronics, Incorporated (1967-1985)
Tradename Williams
Date 1971-4-27
IPD No. 1036
FP Physics 1.0
Gold Rush / IPD No. 1036 / April 27, 1971 / 4 Players
by SupaNova
at 2013-12-25
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Williams Electronics, Incorporated (1967-1985)
Tradename Williams
Date 1971-8-23
IPD No. 1388
FP Physics 1.0
Klondike / IPD No. 1388 / August 23, 1971 / 1 Player
Williams Electronics...
by SupaNova
at 2013-12-25
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Williams Electronics, Incorporated (1967-1985)
Tradename Williams
Date 1971-4-27
IPD No. 1279
FP Physics 1.0
Jackpot / IPD No. 1279 / April 27, 1971 / 4 Players
Williams Electronics...
by Tii
at 2013-12-04
Type Original
FP Physics 1.0
spell T U F F for 500,000 jackpot - (clear puppy drop targets then hit red leaf target behind)
by Popotte, SLAMT1LT
at 2013-11-02
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1976
IPD No. 2500
FP Physics 2.6
by Popotte, SLAMT1LT
at 2013-11-02
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977)
Tradename Gottlieb
Date 1975
IPD No. 2
FP Physics 2.6
The Internet Pinball Machine Database
Miss Annabelle / IPD No. 3406 / August, 1959 / 1 Player
Average Fun Rating:
7.5/10 (6 ratings/5 comments) [ Add Your Rating! ]
D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977) [Trade Name: Gottlieb]
Date Of...
by bob78954
at 2013-10-30
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Stern Electronics, Incorporated (1977-1984), Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tradename Stern
Date 1977-04
IPD No. 3545
1977 Stern's RAWHIDE v2.0 Final version
You can change high score entry in...
by martinB, stavmone
at 2013-10-26
Type Original
Come out to play-ayyy.
Built off of Martin's 'sports' series of tables (celtics/sox and other assorted teams).
All custom (non-linked) graphics are new.
Tweaked some gameplay, added custom soundtrack.
Based off of...
by sillybilly
at 2013-10-21
Type Original
For this i wanted to make a MilkShape Castle but left just a brick layer instead.. Still having a tough time with creating Models. So if anyone wants to improve on this idea.. i know it would be a great Pinball game as...
by sillybilly
at 2013-10-19
Type Original
Took 5 hours to make this, very funny to play. First time i used MilkShape3d to create the goal post. Any improvements on this is welcome.
by SpongeBat1
at 2013-10-18
Type Original
A pinball table based on Invader Zim. Modded from Mark1's first Jupiter table. I have permission this time.
I apologize for the text being black, and therefore, hard to read. That happens every time I edit the table info, and I...
by bob78954
at 2013-10-17
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Chicago Coin Machine Manufacturing Company (1932-1977)
Date 1975
IPD No. 1933
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