The Addams Family (Bally, 1992) ULTIMATE Pro v1.05 (DOFLinx)
IPD No. 20
This is SLAMT1LT's The Addams Family Ultimate Pro version with DOFLinx coded.
- This version has Force Feedback and Addressable LED
- You will need BAM ( ( - BAM - Future Pinball Mod)/)...
AnonTet submitted a new resource:
Bally Spectrum - Guess my secret code
This table requires BAM 330 or above.
V2.1 new features:
Dynamic Flippers v2 by JLou5641
Tweaked physics
New Cameras modes follow table state
DFv2 brings a new level of ball control allowing for live catch (difficulty...
Ghostbusters LE (Stern, 2016) VPX - P.E.C.M. v1.2
Table Created By: ninuzzu,tom tower & djrobx
PINBALL NIRVANA, PINBALL EMPORIUM, NOR I am providing this table directly. This media pack is for graphical use only. If you choose to...
Cirqus Voltaire (Bally, 1997) VPX - P.E.C.M. v1.1
IPD No. 4059
Table Created By: John Popadiuk, Cameron Silver
Download Table: Cirqus Voltaire Table
Download Cirqus Voltaire B2S
What this label means: P.E.C.M. - Pinball Emporium Complete Media
All media is included:
Menu Image
Logo Alpha...
Lizards in the City (Original) v1.0
Light in/out lanes for ballsaver.
left loop channel doubles point each hit while lit.
Light lizards to open right hand flipper lane kicker. Hit kicker to activate Lizard Rampage. Every three seconds the right hand centre kicker will launch...
Pole Position (Sonic, 1987) VPX - P.E.C.M. v1.2
IPD No. 3322
Table Created By: Goldchicco, 32assassin, JP Salas, TAB
Download Table: Pole Position Table
Download Pole Position B2S
What this label means: P.E.C.M. - Pinball Emporium Complete Media
All media is included:
Menu Image
Logo Alpha...
xenonph submitted a new resource:
Black Tiger Pinball (Williams 1981) MOD v1.0 - A mod of 32assassins Pharoah (Williams 1981)
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Black Tiger Pinball (Williams, 1981) VPX v2.1 MOD
IPD No. 1778
VPX table by 32assassin
Graphics and Sound Mod by Xenonph
Original Backglass Art by Ultrace
Version 2.1
Converted images to WebP format which reduces file size.(VPX7.2 Required)
Converted Wav files in sound manager to ogg format...
Michael Jordan Black Cat Edition (Data East, 1992) VPX - P.E.C.M. v1.0
IPD No. 3425
Table Created By: GO-ILL-773
Download Table: Michael Jordan Black Cat Edition Table
Download Michael Jordan Black Cat Edition B2S
You will need VPinMAME 3.3beta or above for ROM to work.
Find newest 3.4 beta...
Gladiators (Premier, 1993) VPX - P.E.C.M v1.10
IPD No. 1011
Table Created By: Kiwi
Download Table: Gladiators Table
Download Gladiators B2S
What this label means: P.E.C.M. - Pinball Emporium Complete Media
All media is included:
Menu Image
Logo Alpha Image
Topper Image
Table Play Video...
xenonph submitted a new resource:
A Real American Hero OPERATION P.I.N.B.A.L.L. (Original 2021) MOD v1.8 - A mod of Lizards Sexy Girl (Arkon 1980)
Read more about this resource...
A Real American Hero OPERATION P.I.N.B.A.L.L. (Original, 2022) VPX v2.1 and v2.1redux MOD
v2.1 and v2.1redux VPX7.2
Converted all pics to WebP format to reduce overall size of table.(VPX7.2 Required)
Converted Wav files in sound manager to ogg format which reduces file size.
Reduced resolution...
Batman: Dark Knight (Stern, 2008) VPX - P.E.C.M v1.2
IPD No. 5307
Table Created By: Tom Tower and ninuzzu
Mod: Bigus 1.2
Download Table: Batman: Dark Knight Table
Download Batman: Dark Knight B2S
What this label means: P.E.C.M. - Pinball Emporium Complete Media
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xenonph submitted a new resource:
Star Wars Empire Strikes Back, The (Hankin 1980) MOD v2.4 - A mod of 32assassins Empire Strikes Back (Hankin 1980)
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Star Wars Empire Strikes Back, The (Hankin 1980) VPX v3.1 MOD
IPD No. 2868
Converted all pics to WebP format to reduce overall size of table.(VPX7.2 Required)
Converted Wav files in sound manager to ogg format which reduces file size.
File size went from 116 MB's to 42.2 MB's!!!
xenonph submitted a new resource:
Greedo's Cantina Pinball (Original 2021) MOD v1.1 - A mod of JP's Skateball (Bally 1980).
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Greedo's Cantina Pinball (Original, 2022) VPX v2.1 VPX7.2
IPD No. 2170
Version 2.1
Converted all pics to WebP format to reduce overall size of table.(VPX7.2 Required)
Converted Wav files in sound manager to ogg format which reduces file size.
File size went from 76.6 MB's to 33.3 MB's!!!
Jungle Girl (Original) v1.1 (DOFLinx)
The big highlight is the debut of my shivaFlippers system that now has a variable coil system, better aiming, and a "fake EOS". This is a pretty noticeable improvement to FP flippers and down the road, I hope they can be improved even more.
The variable...
xenonph submitted a new resource:
Battlestar Galactica (Williams 1980) Mod v1.4 - A mod of Allknowing2012's Scorpion (Williams 1980).
Read more about this resource...
Battlestar Galactica (Williams 1980) VPX v2.1 VPX7.2
IPD No. 2067
Converted all pics to WebP format to reduce overall size of table.(VPX7.2 Required)
Converted Wav files in sound manager to ogg format which reduces file size.
File size went from 135 MB's to 48.8 MB's!!!
TRON Classic (Original, 2022) VPX v2.1 VPX7.2
IPD No. 1745
Version 2.1
Converted all pics to WebP format to reduce overall size of table.(VPX7.2 Required)
Converted Wav files in sound manager to ogg format which reduces file size.
File size went from 77.9 MB's to 27.3 MB's!!!
VAIANA (Original) VPX v1.0 MOD
MOD of Rock (Gottlieb, 1985)
IPD No. 1978
Table Created By: Hardkoralex
This has been uploaded by someone other then the original creator for archive purpose. If this table is available somewhere else by the original creator, please leave a note below with a link...
Mousin' Around (Bally, 1989) VPX v1.1 [DT, FS]
IPD No. 1635
@Herweh has approved the sharing of his tables here, and I thought I'd proceed with this one. Hope you all enjoy it, as it's a superb re-creation IMO. --Ike
Indianapolis 500 (Bally, 1995) VPX - P.E.C.M. v1.0
IPD No. 2853
Table Created By: JPSalas
Download Table: Indianapolis 500 Table
Download B2S: Indianapolis 500 B2S
What this label means: P.E.C.M. - Pinball Emporium Complete Media
All media is included:
Menu Image
Logo Alpha Image...
Fish Tales (Williams, 1992) VPX - P.E.C.M. v1.0
IPD No. 861
Table Created By: PacDude,Melon,Loaded Weapon,ICPjuggla,Zany
Download Table: Fish Tales Table
Download B2S: Fish Tales B2S
What this label means: P.E.C.M. - Pinball Emporium Complete Media
All media is included:
GeorgeH submitted a new resource:
The Hungry Dead - Ruckage's beautiful table from 2005 updated with the latest BAM features.
Read more about this resource...
See the "Update" tab for changes on Version 1.5.
Just in time for Halloween come the ghouls on The Hungry Dead! I have always loved this table even though I have never cared too much for the macabre. This table never carries the macabre too far and it is all in fun. It is kid-friendly and fun...
Incredible Hulk, The (Gottlieb, 1979) v1.0
The Incredible Hulk / IPD No. 1266 / October, 1979 / 4 Players
[ Submit Changes ]
Average Fun Rating:
7.2/10 (36 ratings/32 comments) [ Add Your Rating! ]
D. Gottlieb & Company, a Columbia Pictures Industries...
VAIANA (Original) VPX - P.E.C.M. v1.0
MOD of Rock (Gottlieb, 1985)
IPD No. 1978
Table Created By: Hardkoralex
Download Table from PN: (VAIANA by Hardkoralex)
Weekly Table Showcase:
What this label means: P.E.C.M. - Pinball Emporium Complete...
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