solid state

  1. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Charlie's Angels (Gottlieb, 1978) VP921 by KingZap & Joe Entropy

    Furio submitted a new resource: Charlie's Angels (Gottlieb, 1978) - It's a celebrity themed machine Read more about this resource...
  2. Not Registered

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Charlie's Angels (Gottlieb, 1978) VP921 by KingZap & Joe Entropy 2021-10-03

    Charlie's Angels (Gottlieb, 1978) by KingZap, Joe Entropy IPDB No. 492 MPU: Gottlieb System 1 Production: 7,600 units (confirmed) Theme: Licensed Theme Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (2), Slingshots (2), 5-bank drop targets (1), 3-bank drop targets (1). Standup target (1)...
  3. Furio

    VP9 Zaccaria SS Recreation Farfalla (Zaccaria, 1983) VP921 by Erwin

    Furio submitted a new resource: Farfalla (Zaccaria 1983) VP9.21 - The work of art is to be loved. Read more about this resource...
  4. Not Registered

    VP9 Zaccaria SS Recreation Farfalla (Zaccaria, 1983) VP921 by Erwin 2021-09-26

    Farfalla (Zaccaria 1983) VP9.21 by Erwin IPDB No. 824
  5. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Pinball Pool (Gottlieb, 1979) VP921 by Robair

    Furio submitted a new resource: Pinball Pool (Gottlieb 1979) VP9.21 - Rating on pinball quite positive. Read more about this resource...
  6. Not Registered

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Pinball Pool (Gottlieb, 1979) VP921 by Robair 2021-09-23

    Pinball Pool (Gottlieb 1979) VP9.21 by Robair IPDB No. 1795 MPU: Gottlieb System 1 Production: 7,200 units (confirmed) Theme: Billiards Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (2), Slingshots (2), Kick-out holes (2), 7-bank drop targets (2), Captive ball (1). Hitting a target...
  7. LtJazz

    Bally SS Recreation BAM FP Cirqus Voltaire (Bally, 1997) Modded Edition

    LtJazz submitted a new resource: Cirqus Voltaire (Bally, 1997) - v2 Modded Edition - A mod of the FP table Cirqus Voltaire v1.01 released by VictorKPM in 2010 Read more about this resource...
  8. LtJazz

    Bally SS Recreation BAM FP Cirqus Voltaire (Bally, 1997) Modded Edition v2.0a

    IPD No. 4059 BAM is required This is my first FP table. I therefore count on your indulgence... (including about my english) It's a mod of the FP table Cirqus Voltaire v1.01 (Bally 1997) released by VictorKPM in 2010. I couldn't reach VictorKPM to ask permission to release this mod...
  9. romolo2002

    VP9 Sega SS Recreation Cha-Cha-Cha (Sega Enterprises, Ltd., 1978) VP995

    romolo2002 submitted a new resource: Cha-Cha-Cha (Sega Enterprises, Ltd. 1978) - This is the first widebody pinball by Sega. Read more about this resource...
  10. romolo2002

    VP9 Sega SS Recreation Cha-Cha-Cha (Sega Enterprises, Ltd., 1978) VP995 2021-09-19

    Recreation in Vp 9.9.5 of "Cha-Cha-Cha (Sega Enterprises, Ltd. 1978)". IPD No. 4559
  11. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Jurassic Park (Original)

    Mark1 submitted a new resource: Jurassic Park (Original) - An original future pinball table,based on the Universal studios film. Read more about this resource...
  12. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Jurassic Park (Original) v1.0

    Jurassic Park (Original), An original future pinball table,based on the Universal studios film. Table rules; Spelling, "Jurassic Park" (by hitting targets under the Letter holograms, in the rotospinner and on right side) to light specials in the very top center kickerhole. (Special...
  13. Romicco

    SS Original Table FP Up!10sion (Original)

    Romicco submitted a new resource: Up!10sion (Original) - arisa Read more about this resource...
  14. Romicco

    SS Original Table FP Up!10sion (Original) v1.04

    An original future pinball table, based on the "The Idol Master Million Live!". ** If the ball gets stuck: 1. Press TestKey to enter test mode. 2. Press "K" key to release an another ball. 3. Press TestKey to exit test mode. You can play with replacement ball. How to Multiball 1. Lit "Up...
  15. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Gunslinger Dragonslayer (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Gunslinger Dragonslayer - A steam punk battle royale Read more about this resource...
  16. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Gunslinger Dragonslayer (Original) v1.0

    The industrial revolution is in full swing, and humanity stands on a brink of a brave future. One fearsome thing stands in our way: Dragons. The mighty beasts have chosen our crowded factories to be their favoured food source, demonstratng an insatiable taste for human meat. Our brave new...
  17. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Scheherezade (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Scheherezade - BAM update of this table from 2006 Read more about this resource...
  18. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Scheherezade (Original) v1.1 BAM Edition

    LIGHTS ON RHS OF LAUNCH CHUTE ARE Interest Meter. This tracks your scoring activity. If you do not have enough scoring events (target hit, bumper hit etc) occuring, the interest meter drops. Like the lady the table is named for, if you don't keep the king interested he will have you beheaded. So...
  19. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Monsterland (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Monsterland - Update of the 2005 original table based on the Wonderboy games Read more about this resource...
  20. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Monsterland (Original) v1.2 BAM Edition

    This was my second FP table, way back in 2005. This version has been converted to the native FP DMD, instead of the original's custom overlay DMD system. Also this is now running BAM physics and flippers, and custom flipper textures.
  21. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Bruce And Sheila's Outback Pub (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Bruce And Sheila's Outback Pub (BAM Edition) - BAM Edition of this original table from 2012 Read more about this resource...
  22. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Bruce And Sheila's Outback Pub (Original) v1.0 BAM Edition

    It is friday night, and the working week is done. You are standing in the front bar, leaning against a tired old pinball machine, waiting for the pool table to be free as you idly sip your beer. You listen to the banter of Bruce and his wife, Sheila, as they chatter with the patrons of the pub...
  23. Isaac Sauvage

    VP8 VPX Taito SS Recreation Shark (Taito do Brasil, 1982) VP8, with download link to JPSalas' VPX.6 version [DT][FS]

    Thanks to @hawyer for acquainting me with this table. I love the art and the JPSalas version, so I've added a link, an issue fix, and an alternative backglass to the resource entry (see pic below, also with closer view). I thought the FP version was also pretty good, but could certainly...
  24. Ian (WVP)

    VPX Stern SS Recreation Austin Powers (Stern 2001)_Bigus(MOD) 2.0

    Austin Powers (Stern 2001)_Bigus(MOD) 2.0 New genuine playfield (thanks EBisLIT for the photo), lights, lighting, layout, physics, materials, script, graphics Available @ vpforums = (The Virtual Pinball Forums)
  25. Ian (WVP)

    VPX Williams SS Recreation Medieval Madness (Williams 1997) BW Mod SG1bsoN 1.0.0 Visual Pinball X

    BW Mod of Skitso's Awesome Medieval Madness table (Williams 1997) Matching B2S, Wheel and DMD image included in zip Note: requires VPX.7 to function properly. Original table creators as follows TEAM...
  26. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP The Irresponsible Captain Tylor (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: The Irresponsible Captain Tylor - Anthias, 2009, table dedicated to the anime Read more about this resource...
  27. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP The Irresponsible Captain Tylor (Original) v1.1 BAM Edition

    *legacy uploads* - I am uploading my FP back catelog a bit at a time, so it is preserved should pinsimdb go down. RULESET 1: (Basic) Light TYLOR targets to open first lock (back left) lock 1st to open second (back, Right of the twin locks on main playfield) lock 2nd to open t3rd (lower right)...
  28. Anthias

    SS Original Table FP Suspended Earth (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Suspended Earth - This is a concept table based on my novel Suspended Earth. Table released 2011. Read more about this resource...
  29. Anthias

    SS Original Table FP Suspended Earth (Original) 2021-08-07

    *legacy uploads* - I am uploading my FP back catelog a bit at a time, so it is preserved should pinsimdb go down. This is a concept table based on my novel Suspended Earth. Table released 2011. For information about the novel, visit, or find it on amazon. If you enjoy...
  30. Anthias

    SS Original Table FP Starlight (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Starlight - Based on the novel by M R Mortimer. Promotional table. Read more about this resource...
  31. Anthias

    SS Original Table FP Starlight (Original) 2021-08-07

    *legacy uploads* - I am uploading my FP back catelog a bit at a time, so it is preserved should pinsimdb go down. This is a concept table based on my novel Starlight. Table released 2011. For information about the novel, visit, or find it on amazon. If you enjoy the...
  32. Anthias

    SS Original Table FP Dance Of Nevermind (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Dance Of Nevermind - Original SciFi series - (Anthias, 2012) Read more about this resource...
  33. Anthias

    SS Original Table FP Dance Of Nevermind (Original) 2021-08-07

    *legacy uploads* - I am uploading my FP back catelog a bit at a time, so it is preserved should pinsimdb go down. This is a concept table based on my novel Dance of Nevermind. Table released 2012. For information about the novel, visit, or find it on amazon. If you enjoy...
  34. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Armada's Disciple (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Armada's Disciple - Another in my Original SciFi series of tables based on books by M R Mortimer Read more about this resource...
  35. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Armada's Disciple (Original) v1.0

    Based on the M R Mortimer Novel - Why not buy it and have a read? it is available in paperback and through Kindle and Kobo. Rules: light FIU for INVESTIGATION mode. shoot all three kickers in the time limit to complete the mode. light YIRST for bumper times 3 for 30 seconds. light AD for Launch...
  36. Tii

    SS Original Table BAM FP Commander Cody - Lost in Space (Original) v1.2 + DF

    Timothy Moffett and Commander Cody & His Lost Planet Airmen have come together to bring you one of the finest @Tii tables I've ever seen! As usual, this is a target-oriented table set in space. What brings this one to the next dimension are features such as the revolving 'Buck Rogers' ship, a...
  37. sphere

    VP8 SS Original Table Citadel (Original) VP8 v1.2 (post-2001)

    This is certainly one of Georg's more traditional, wide-open layouts, and probably one of his earliest tables. In any case, it's good fun, and the music is a perfect, relaxing accompaniment. One of the unique features on this one is the ball (manually) plunging from a hidden spot in the upper...
  38. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Angels and Demons (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Angels and Demons - Battle for the souls of humanity Read more about this resource...
  39. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Angels and Demons (Original) v1.0

    Angels and Demons, by Anthias drop four "good" targets to light the angel drain for fifteen seconds. drop the four "evil" targets to light the demon drain for fifteen seconds. drain while lit to recruit a soul for that side. (ball is lost while drain not lit. Fast balls may fly through to the...
  40. sphere

    VP8 SS Original Table Encore (Original) VP8 v2.0 (May, 2005)

    This is a striking table both art-wise and layout-wise. I want to say the YES tuneage is mostly a good fit. At the same time, it's a tricky, challenging table with plenty of traps, but also a few unusual ways to make heroic shots. While the layout sort of hearkens back to 80's Bally tables...
  41. sphere

    VP8 SS Original Table Emerald Altar (Original) VP8 v1.27 (May, 2005)

    The high priestess approaches the Emerald Altar, hoping to perform the annual rituals successfully in order to bring good fortune to her people in the coming year. Will she succeed...? I found this an engaging layout, with a rather beautiful dark-wood theme. The music really helps lend a...
  42. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Mona Lisa (Original)

    Mark1 submitted a new resource: Mona Lisa - Inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" this table is a tribute to fine art and classical music. Read more about this resource...
  43. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Mona Lisa (Original) v1.0

    Mona Lisa, An original future pinball table, inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" this table is a tribute to fine art and classical music. Table rules; Light "Mona Lisa" by hitting the targets at the center right side, for special at the top kicker, (Special only lasts 90...
  44. Isaac Sauvage

    VP8 SS Original Table Doom II (Original) VP8 by Larsboy

    Isaac Sauvage submitted a new resource: Doom II - P.S. Cyberdemons are lousy guests. Pass it on! Read more about this resource...
  45. Isaac Sauvage

    VP8 SS Original Table Doom II (Original) VP8 by Larsboy v.211 classic + tweaked vers.

    Here comes a good ol' classic from the good ol' days, plus an updated version with some tweaks & upgrades. Notably, this table has an unusually deep ruleset for a classic original. I find the ball-flow and layout excellent, hearkening back to the Black Knight series in particular. The sounds...
  46. W

    VPX SS Original Table Cheech & Chong: Road-Trip'pin (Bally 2021) VPX

    watacaractr submitted a new resource: Cheech & Chong: Road-Trip'pin (Bally 2021) - Cheech & Chong: Road-Trip'pin (Bally 2021) Read more about this resource...
  47. W

    VPX SS Original Table Cheech & Chong: Road-Trip'pin (Bally 2021) VPX v1.0

    ================================================= WARNING: This table contains mature content. Parental discretion is advised. ================================================= Far out, man! Dave IS here! ...finally! That's right, Cheech & Chong are here! It's been a long time coming, but...
  48. P

    SS Original Table FP World Tour (Original) v1.0.1

    Authors: (CCL) Destruk, Nash, polygame, Popotte, ruckage. RULE SET:
  49. sphere

    VP8 SS Original Table Brain Salad Surgery (Original) VP8 v2.0 (SEP, 2005)

    Probably not the most intriguing layout there is, but the graphics are rather striking, and this one's a reasonably fun, unique, 'floaty-ball' table experience, especially if you like ELP (Emerson, Lake & Palmer). --Ike
  50. sphere

    VP8 SS Original Table Black Widow (Original) VP8 v2.0 (May, 2005)

    Honestly, I'm probably not the best one to review this table. As in-- I've never been an Alice Cooper fan, have never been a huge fan of Heavy Metal (with a few exceptions), and don't like operating almost completely in the dark, as with this table. Still, there's a lot of game here. The...
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