solid state

  1. GeorgeH

    Williams SS Recreation BAM FP Space Shuttle (Williams, 1984) 2022-01-17

    Note: Click on the "Updates" tab to read the descriptions for versions 1.3 and 1.4 Note that the Special 2 key opens the menu. Space Shuttle (Williams, 1984) v1.2 Table Developers: Sepeteus, Tomasaco, Popotte, GeorgeH IPD No. 2260 "Space Shuttle" from Williams is the first solid state...
  2. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Silver Surfer (Original) v1.1

    Silver Surfer (Original) v1.1
  3. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Supercar (Original) v1.0

    Supercar (Original) v1.0
  4. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Machine (Original) v1.0

    Machine (Original) v1.0 Play it in the dark!
  5. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP MADLAX (Original) v1.4 BAM Edition

    MADLAX (Original) v1.3 Fanwork dedicated to the anime series "MADLAX." THIS TABLE HAS TWIN DMD SYSTEMS! it contains the original Overlay 'fake' DMD the table was created with and also has been adapted to use the FP dmd that has since been created. By default the Overlay DMD is turned OFF...
  6. Tii

    SS Original Table FP SAUCER (Original) v1.1

    SAUCER (Original) v1.1 complete lower target banks and spell S A U C E R on the backglass for 1,000,000,000 points - not easy! complete center target bank to light blue multiball kickers and ramp light - hit ramp to reset center targets complete upper lanes or upper right triggers to increase...
  7. romolo2002

    VP9 Sega SS Recreation Big Together (Sega Enterprises Ltd., 1976) VP995

    romolo2002 submitted a new resource: Big Together (Sega Enterprises, Ltd 1976) - Big Together Read more about this resource...
  8. romolo2002

    VP9 Sega SS Recreation Big Together (Sega Enterprises Ltd., 1976) VP995 v1.0 2020-12-27

    Big Together (Sega Enterprises Ltd., 1976) v1.0 Recreation in Vp 9.9.5 of "Big Together (Sega Enterprises, Ltd 1976)". Big Together / IPD No. 4557 / 1976 / 1 Player
  9. romolo2002

    VP9 SS Recreation Gun Men (Staal Society, 1979) VP995

    romolo2002 submitted a new resource: Gun Men (Staal Society, of Saint-Ouen, France 1979) - Gun Men Read more about this resource...
  10. romolo2002

    VP9 SS Recreation Gun Men (Staal Society, 1979) VP995 v1.0 2020-12-15

    Gun Men (Staal Society, 1979) VP9.95 v1.0 Recreation in Vp 9.9.5 of "Gun Men (Staal Society, of Saint-Ouen, France 1979)" Gun Men / IPD No. 3131 / 1979 / 4 Players
  11. Paolo

    Williams SS Recreation BAM FP World Cup (Williams, 1978)

  12. StevOz

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway, 1989) VP9 v1.01 [NM][WS]

    Elvira and the Party Monsters (Midway, 1989) VP9 v1.01 [NM][WS] IPD No. 782 This is the WS desktop mod of Elvira and the Party Monsters night mod by LoadedWeapon. Many thanks to jpsalas for his original recreation and LoadedWeapon for his Night Mod. Addition Credits go to. jpsalas: Original...
  13. romolo2002

    VP9 SS Recreation Ben Hur (Staal Society, of Saint-Ouen, France, 1977) VP995

    romolo2002 submitted a new resource: Ben Hur (Staal Society, of Saint-Ouen, France 1977) - Ben Hur Read more about this resource...
  14. romolo2002

    VP9 SS Recreation Ben Hur (Staal Society, of Saint-Ouen, France, 1977) VP995 v1.1

    Recreation in Vp 9.9.5 of "Ben Hur (Staal Society, of Saint-Ouen, France 1977)" Ben Hur / IPD No. 2855 / 1977 / 4 Players
  15. shiva

    Bally SS Recreation FP Playboy xse (Bally, 1978)

    shiva submitted a new resource: Playboy xse (Bally, 1979) - The Bally classic, shiva style Read more about this resource...
  16. shiva

    Bally SS Recreation FP Playboy xse (Bally, 1978) v1.3

    Playboy xse (Bally, 1978) v1.3 IPD No. 1823 NOTE: This is a re-release of version 1.3 of Playboy xse. This table was released on Feb 2015, and does not require BAM. Still, this is one of the nicest playing tables even now. This version instead used Slamtilts version 2.5 of the FP exe, but BAM...
  17. jpsalas

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Cue Ball Wizard (Gottlieb-Premier, 1992) VP9 v1.3 FS & DT versions

    Cue Ball Wizard (Gottlieb-Premier, 1992) VP9 v1.3 FS & DT versions IPD No. 610 Note from Xenonph: This table needs a Pre-Initialized nvram file to accept coins. Download Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack and place contents of zip file in nvram folder, located in VPinMAME folder. Find Bally...
  18. Popotte

    Bally SS Recreation FP KISS (Bally, 1979) v1.10d

    KISS (1979 Bally) by Popotte, v1.10d IPDB No. 1386
  19. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Moon Patrol (Original) v1.0

    Moon Patrol (Original) v1.0 See thread
  20. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Original Table Hotel St Raphael (Original) VP8 by Patatrox v1.0 (with music pack) 2020-11-22

    Hotel St Raphael (Original) VP8 v1.0 (with music pack) by Patatrox This is an early, not-quite-finished VP classic, from an era when authors let their imaginations loose, yet still aimed for meticulous design. The author "Patatrox" also made a bunch of great conversions of unusual Gottlieb...
  21. M

    VP8 SS Original Table Rocketman 1952 (Original) VP8 v1.1

    Rocketman 1952 (Original) VP8 v1.1 This is one of those rare tables that should barely be worth a play, yet somehow you might just find yourself absorbed in it for hours. "Rocketman" is a fun little love letter to all those silly 1950's movies with the robots, the girls, the terrible acting...
  22. R

    VP8 SS Original Table Inner City Life (Original) VP8 (with both music packs) v2.51

    Inner City Life (Original) VP8 (with both music packs) v2.51 This is easily one of the most amazing VP originals I've ever played, featuring enhanced graphics by @starman7007. My first, obvious thought upon seeing it is that the two ramps are ridiculously, amateurishly-placed, and will forever...
  23. jpsalas

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation Scared Stiff (Midway, 1996) VP9 v1.1

    Scared Stiff (Midway, 1996) VP9 v1.1 IPD No. 3915 Based on the Scared Stiff table from Bally made in 1996, with some additions like the skull pile lights and the boogie dancers. This is the normal 4:3 version, with @highrise's pictures for the spider wheel and the backdrop lights. They are...
  24. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Duck Tales (Original) (Special Edition 2)

    Mark1 submitted a new resource: Duck Tales, (Special Edition 2) - an original future pinball table.Based on Walt Disneys classic, "Duck Tales" cartoons. Read more about this resource...
  25. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Duck Tales (Original) (Special Edition 2) v2.0SE

    Duck Tales (Original) (Special Edition 2) v2.0SE Duck Tales, (Special Edition 2) an original future pinball table, based on Walt Disneys classic, "Duck Tales" cartoons. (Special Edition 2 has many improvements,including a few new sounds and New holograms).
  26. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Uncle Scrooge (Original)

    Mark1 submitted a new resource: Uncle Scrooge - An original future pinball table, based on Walt Disneys, "Uncle Scrooge" cartoons. Read more about this resource...
  27. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Uncle Scrooge (Original) v1.0

    Uncle Scrooge (Original) v1.0 Uncle Scrooge, An original future pinball table,based on Walt Disneys, "Uncle Scrooge" cartoons. It,s a fun table with new holograms,
  28. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP PJ Masks (Original)

    Mark1 submitted a new resource: PJ Masks - An original future pinball table, based on Disneys animated television program "PJ Masks". Read more about this resource...
  29. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP PJ Masks (Original) v1.0

    PJ Masks (Original) v1.0 PJ Masks, An original table, based on "PJ Masks" from Disney Junior Television. It's a fun table with lots of holograms and sounds from the show. ( Some very well made Midi renditions of Rock music were used for background music.)
  30. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP TomorrowLand (Original)

    Mark1 submitted a new resource: TomorrowLand - An original table, based on "Miles from Tomorrowland" from Disney Junior Television. Read more about this resource...
  31. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP TomorrowLand (Original) v2.0

    TomorrowLand (Original) v2.0 Tomorrow Land, An original table, based on "Miles from Tomorrowland" from Disney Junior Television. It's a fun table with lots of holograms and sounds from the show. ( Some very well made Midi renditions of Rock music were used for background music.)...
  32. GeorgeH

    Bally SS Recreation BAM FP Attack From Mars (Bally-Midway, 1995) (FizX 3.3)

    GeorgeH submitted a new resource: Slamt1lt's Attack From Mars - This table updates Slamt1lt's version of Attack From Mars released in 2014 with new BAM features. Read more about this resource...
  33. GeorgeH

    Bally SS Recreation BAM FizX FP Attack From Mars (Bally-Midway, 1995) (FizX 3.3) 1.03

    Attack From Mars (Bally-Midway, 1995) (FizX 3.3) 1.03 Click on the "Updates" tab for more on Version 1.03. IPD No. 3781 Table Developers: Francisco666, Moogster66, PinBalt, Polygame, Drakko, Slamt1lt, Tomasaco, Gimli, SpacePirateScott, Enthusiast, GeorgeH Attack From Mars has always been my...
  34. TerryRed

    SS Original Table BAM FP Halloween - Big Bloody Mike (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3)

    TerryRed submitted a new resource: Halloween (Ultimate Pro) - "Big Bloody Mike" - PinEvent - No matter where you hide... on the playfield...or the game room... Michael Myers WILL find you! Read more about this resource...
  35. TerryRed

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Halloween - Big Bloody Mike (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3) 2.0

    Halloween - Big Bloody Mike (PinEvent V2, FizX) Version: 2.0 (Feb 2024) This is SLAMT1LT’s Halloween (Ultimate Pro) table which has been updated to my Big Bloody Mike mod. It has been completely updated to use the newest BAM features to create an amazing real-time visual treat with many cool...
  36. TerryRed

    SS Original Table BAM FP Star Wars: Death Star Assault (Original) (Ultimate Pro) Epic Space Battles – PinEvent

    TerryRed submitted a new resource: Star Wars: Death Star Assault (Ultimate Pro) – Epic Space Battles – PinEvent - Epic Pinball - Epic Pup-Pack - Epic PinEvent Read more about this resource...
  37. Paolo

    Zaccaria SS Recreation BAM FP Farfalla (Zaccaria, 1983)

  38. franzleo

    SS Recreation Video Games FP Super Android (Epic MegaGames, 1993) v2.0

    Super Android (Epic MegaGames, 1993) v2.0 Notably, Franzleo made a bunch of custom models for this re-creation, described in the discussion thread.
  39. starman7007

    VP8 VP9 SS Original Table Rapid Vienna - Kick'n Roll (Original) (VP8 & VP9 versions) DVO3.1 & DVO4

    Rapid Vienna - Kick'n Roll (Original) (VP8 & VP9 versions) DVO3.1 & DVO4 Here's a stone-cold classic original from VP's early days! Note: For the 3.1 version meant for VP8, press the History button above.
  40. R

    VP8 SS Original Table Pass It On (Original) VP8 v1.1

    Pass It On (Original) v1.1 This was a unique project in which 13 members of the original VPF site ( passed a project between themselves until this final table was eventually produced. Amazingly, it turned out to be a fairly good game(!), a bit reminiscent of Williams' Black...
  41. H

    VP8 VP9 SS Flipperless Original Table Roulette (Original) VP8-VP9 v1.0 2020-09-23

    Roulette (Original) VP8-VP9 v1.0 A hybrid game inspired by roulette, but with the added concept of nudging, sans spinning wheel. According to the author, this seems to work in VP9 as well as VP8. I've added a second version with two small tweaks: 1) replaced the original chip-clearing sound...
  42. Isaac Sauvage

    VP8 SS Original Table Bomb Squad (Original) VP8 by Gerson Agena

    Ike Savage submitted a new resource: Bomb Squad by Gerson Agena - bombsquad Read more about this resource...
  43. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Original Table Bomb Squad (Original) VP8 by Gerson Agena vBeta 01

    Bomb Squad (Original) VP8 by Gerson Agena vBeta 01 This is a clever little game in which you're racing against a countdown timer in order to make shots and complete tasks. It's a fully playable table, but since it's only a beta version, not completely polished. I've taken the liberty of...
  44. Freezezzy

    VP8 SS Original Table Inferno (Original) VP8 v1.1p

    Inferno (Original) VP8 v1.1p A nifty throwback / tribute to early, inverted-flipper pinballs circa the 1940's and 50's, but with modern features added, such as the "burn-o-meter" you can see on the left. This is a pretty tough table out of the box, so I was naughty and circumvented the lock...
  45. Freezezzy

    VP8 SS Original Table Double Negative (Original) VP8 v1.02p

    Double Negative (Original) VP8 v1.02p A double-sided, single player table which throws in some interesting twists, such as the two sides (including flippers) being reflections of each other. --Ike
  46. Freezezzy

    VP8 SS Original Table Colossal Power 2 (Original) VP8 v1.0p

    Colossal Power 2 (Original) VP8 v1.0p Another ingenious Jeff Block creation. In this one, you must collect electricity in order to power up the table's various systems. This 'leveling-up' kind of approach is common in today's video games, but I'm not sure I've ever seen it in a pinball...
  47. GeorgeH

    SS Original Table BAM FP Road Girls (Original) - Desktop and DOFLinx MX

    GeorgeH submitted a new resource: Road Girls - Desktop and DOFLinx MX - This table updates Road Girls Revisited released in 2007. It adds many new features from BAM. Read more about this resource...
  48. GeorgeH

    SS Original Table BAM FP Road Girls (Original) - Desktop and DOFLinx MX Version 1.2

    Road Girls (Original) - Desktop and DOFLinx MX Version 1.2 See the "Updates" tab for notes on Version 1.2. Blindmankind was probably the first table developer to provide some really sophisticated tables like this one. Although this is an original table, it has game play like a commercially...
  49. TerryRed

    SS Original Table BAM FP Star Wars: Death Star Assault (Ultimate Pro) - Epic Space Battles!

    TerryRed submitted a new resource: Star Wars: Death Star Assault (Ultimate Pro) - Epic Space Battles! - EPIC! Read more about this resource...
  50. TerryRed

    SS Original Table BAM FP Star Wars: Death Star Assault (Ultimate Pro) - Epic Space Battles

    Star Wars: Death Star Assault (Ultimate Pro 1.06) - Epic Space Battles! The wait is over! The most EPIC Star Wars table you have ever seen is here! SLAMT1LT's classic table has not only been given an excellent Ultimate Pro update... but now it has been given an EPIC update with...
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