solid state

  1. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP 21st Century Rock (Original)

    Mark1 submitted a new resource: 21st Century Rock - A tribute to rock bands of the 21st Century. Read more about this resource...
  2. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP 21st Century Rock (Original) v2.0

    21st Century Rock (Original) v2.0 21st Century Rock, An original table, a tribute to rock bands of the 21st Century. Version (2.0) has many improvements. ( Some very well made Midi renditions of Rock music were used for background music ).
  3. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Frozen (Original)

    Mark1 submitted a new resource: Frozen - An original future pinball table,based on Disney's film "Frozen". Read more about this resource...
  4. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Frozen (Original) v2.0

    Frozen (Original) v2.0 Frozen An original future pinball table,based on Disney's film "Frozen". ( Some well made midi versions of rock music were used for background music, Version (2.0) has many improvements).
  5. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Jedi (Star Wars) (Original)

    Mark1 submitted a new resource: Jedi (Star Wars) - Based on Star Wars by George Lucas and 20th Century fox' films. Read more about this resource...
  6. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Jedi (Star Wars) (Original) v2.0

    Jedi (Star Wars) (Original) v2.0 Jedi, an original future pinball table,based on Star Wars by George Lucas and 20th Century fox' films. (background music includes some great midi renditions of John Williams Star Wars classics). (Version (2.0) has many improvements ).
  7. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Commander Keen (Original)

    Mark1 submitted a new resource: Commander Keen (1.5) - Based on Id Software's classic pc game "Commander Keen". Version (1.5) has many improvements. Read more about this resource...
  8. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Commander Keen (Original) v1.5

    Commander Keen (Original) v1.5 Commander Keen, An original future pinball table, based on Id Software's classic pc game "Commander Keen". Version (1.5) has many improvements.
  9. Paolo

    Gottlieb SS Recreation BAM FP Charlie's Angels (Gottlieb, 1978)

  10. M

    SS Original Table BAM FP The Blues Brothers (Original)

    marty02 submitted a new resource: The Blues Brothers - The Blues Brothers Read more about this resource...
  11. M

    SS Original Table BAM FP The Blues Brothers (Original) v1.0 BAM

    The Blues Brothers (Original) v1.0 Here is the blues brothers table that I had made on vpx I tried to make the same table for future pinball from the seawitch version thanks to slamt1lt and martinB. Bam and physic 2.6 compatible version. Have fun" "Voila la table blues brothers que j'avais...
  12. M

    SS Original Table FP Disco Fever (Original)

    marty02 submitted a new resource: Disco Fever - Table Disco Fever Future pinball Read more about this resource...
  13. M

    SS Original Table FP Disco Fever (Original) v1.0

    Disco Fever (Original) v1.0 Hello everyone, I offer you the Disco Fever Table based on Tio's cavalero table that I thank. the Table has been completely redone at the graphic level and as well as all the soundtrack it is my first table on future pinball usually I make tables on Vpx but I also...
  14. Isaac Sauvage

    SS Original Table BAM FP Star Wars: Death Star Assault

    SLAMT1LT submitted a new resource: Star Wars: Death Star Assault (Original) - SW DSA UP 1.06 Read more about this resource...
  15. GeorgeH

    Data East SS Recreation BAM FP Phantom of the Opera (Data East, 1990) Slamt1lt's Collection

    GeorgeH submitted a new resource: Slamt1lt's Phantom of the Opera - Slamt1lt's Phantom of the Opera ULTIMATE 1.04-4 Read more about this resource...
  16. GeorgeH

    Data East SS Recreation BAM FP Phantom of the Opera (Data East, 1990) Slamt1lt's Collection ULTIMATE v1.04-4

    A Pinball Nirvana Exclusive! Phantom of the Opera (Data East, 1990) Slamt1lt's Collection ULTIMATE v1.04-4 IPD No. 1777 This version of Phantom of the Opera is only available for download on Pinball Nirvana. This table has two sound tracks, one of which is the original and the other is voiced...
  17. Isaac Sauvage

    Data East SS Recreation BAM FP Back To The Future (Data East, 1990)

    Ike Savage submitted a new resource: Back To The Future (Data East, 1990) - BTTF UP 1.02 Read more about this resource...
  18. S

    Data East SS Recreation BAM FP Back To The Future (Data East, 1990) ULTIMATE Pro v1.02

    Back To The Future (Data East, 1990) ULTIMATE Pro v1.02 IPD No. 126 Notes: The screenshots actually correspond to an older version. This "Ultimate Pro" version has expanded video built in, which will appear near the DMD. The table doesn't require a ROM, but does require the latest version of...
  19. Paolo

    Gottlieb SS Recreation BAM FP Krull (Gottlieb, 1983)

  20. GeorgeH

    SS Original Table BAM FP DarkQuest (Original)

    GeorgeH submitted a new resource: DarkQuest - DarkQuest 1.1 By Polygame and GeorgeH Read more about this resource...
  21. P

    SS Original Table BAM FP DarkQuest (Original) v1.1 BAM

    DarkQuest (Original) v1.1 BAM By Polygame and GeorgeH NOTE: This table uses Dynamic Flippers and Lighting that require use of BAM v1.4-267 (or later) to be installed which was released on November 9, 2019. Part of the script requires version 290 although I have added some coding that will...
  22. GeorgeH

    SS Original Table BAM FP Robots Invasion (Original)

    GeorgeH submitted a new resource: Robots Invasion - Robots Invasion 1.7 by Polygame and GeorgeH Read more about this resource...
  23. GeorgeH

    Williams SS Recreation BAM FP Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams, 1996)

    GeorgeH submitted a new resource: Tales of the Arabian Nights - Internet Pinball Database No. 3824 Read more about this resource...
  24. GeorgeH

    Williams SS Recreation BAM FP Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams, 1996) v1.9 BAM

    Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams, 1996) v1.9 BAM IPD No. 3824 See the "Updates" tab for notes on versions 1_8 and 1.9. Notes: Although I did not change the version number, this download includes the fix for the issue where the ball sinks through the flippers discussed here. I posted...
  25. TerryRed

    SS Original Table BAM FP RetroFlair - BAM Edition (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3)

    TerryRed submitted a new resource: RetroFlair BAM Edition – PinEvent - Rom's classic FP table... now updated to the modern BAM Edition and now with PinEvent! Read more about this resource...
  26. TerryRed

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP RetroFlair - BAM Edition (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3) 2.2

    RetroFlair - Bam Edition (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3) Version: 2.2 (Feb 2024) This is Rom's classic Future Pinball table the lets us jam to classic Arcade and Amiga tunes. I have updated it to my BAM Edition and PinEvent V2 mod to use the newest BAM features to create an amazing real-time visual...
  27. krusso222

    Data East SS Recreation maverick

    krusso222 submitted a new resource: maverick - full screen to desktop mod pm5 only Read more about this resource...
  28. S

    VP8 SS Original Table Pinbot 2002 (Original) VP8 v0.97a

    Pinbot 2002 (Original) VP8 v0.97a Another gorgeous, borderline-unfinished gem from SER. The game is tricky, but fair. You'll need to get a feel for the layout, how to make shots, and which ones to be wary of. Patient ball-control and flipper-play is needed at all times, yet sometimes it's...
  29. S

    VP8 SS Original Table Pinbot 200X (Original) VP8 WIP

    Pinbot 200X (Original) VP8 WIP This is some beautiful agony in a high-tech, snow-blind dimension. Hah! In other words, it's quite a cool table with some interesting visual and design ideas. Technically this table may only be a "WIP," but there's some good challenges and fun to be had, here...
  30. S

    VP8 SS Original Table MixPin (Original) VP8 v1.0

    MixPin (Original) VP8 v1.0 Somehow I'm both impressed and disappointed by this table at the same time. MixPin certainly has a beautiful layout and some sweet, rendered lighting going on. It's a fast, challenging table with a variety of things to do, heavy on the chained-shots. Where it...
  31. Isaac Sauvage

    Stern SS Recreation BAM FP Indiana Jones (Stern, 2008) ULTIMATE Pro

    SLAMT1LT submitted a new resource: Indiana Jones ULTIMATE Pro (Stern, 2008) EDIT: See resource entry for full game notes. The original notes from the author's site corresponded to a different table. Read more about this resource...
  32. S

    Stern SS Recreation BAM FP Indiana Jones (Stern, 2008) ULTIMATE Pro v1.06 BAM

    Indiana Jones (Stern, 2008) ULTIMATE Pro v1.06 BAM IPD No. 5306 Notes: Requires the latest version of @ravarcade's BAM ("Better Arcade Mode"). No ROM file required. Based on Stern's Indiana Jones game, but with a modified and improved rule set, including new video segments. Here's...
  33. GeorgeH

    SS Original Table BAM FP Masters of the Universe (Original) Desktop and DOFLinx Version

    GeorgeH submitted a new resource: Masters of the Universe - Desktop and DOFLinx Version - Requires BAM v1.4-267 or later Read more about this resource...
  34. GeorgeH

    SS Original Table BAM FP Masters of the Universe (Original) Desktop and DOFLinx Version 3.2

    NOTE: This table uses Dynamic Flippers and Lighting that require use of BAM v1.4-267 (or later) to be installed which was released on November 9, 2019. Part of the script requires version 275 although I have added some coding that will ignore this script if you don't have version 275 installed...
  35. Isaac Sauvage

    VP8 EM SS Recreation The rare, superb re-creations of Emkaah and Ale

    Here's another roundup. It's a small, but potent collection of classics from the Emkaah - Ale team. What I really like about these guys' works is their strong design and art sensibilities. The playfield elements are (dare I say it) lovingly assembled, with matching lighting effects and high...
  36. Isaac Sauvage

    VP8 EM SS Recreation A roundup of PN's head-to-head game collections

    The IPDB lists 31 historical games designed for head-to-head play: At least seven of those have been re-created, and are hosted here: Tabletop Hockey (Munro, 1932-'33) Soccer table (foosball) (1952 Bonzini) Calcio...
  37. Isaac Sauvage

    SS Flipperless Recreation A flipperless pinMAME collection for your consideration

    The VPM flippered tables section was feeling a little neglected, so I gave it some TLC. All screenshots, icons and ROM entries have been updated. I also included more information on the various games and helpful tips to get them running, where possible. The 28 different games break down in to...
  38. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Original Table Arkanoid (Original) VP8 by Ken Atherton v.7

    Arkanoid (Original) VP8 by Ken Atherton v0.7 From what I've seen, this early-VP gem is the best of all the Breakout-themed VP originals. It's also directly inspired by Breakout's spiritual successor, Arkanoid (Taito, 1986). After you open the portal and travel to the video game mode on the...
  39. Mitchell

    VP8 SS Original Table BabyPinBot (Original) VP8 v1.0 2004-07-19

    BabyPinBot (Original) VP8 v1.0 I'm not quite sure what to make of this game, but WOW... talk about some eye-candy. Mitchell is/was one of those rare VP designers who threw caution to the wind and kind of just went for it, both creatively and in terms of playfield design. He often came up with...
  40. P

    VP8 SS Original Table Grandmaster (Original) VP8 by Per Thulin & Misaligned Cow Ventures v2.00

    This exquisitely-designed table is a serious challenge, with an interesting ruleset that rewards exacting play. You really need to know what you're doing and where you're aiming in this classic, early-VP original. I recommend changing to five-ball mode from the nifty, built-in operator's menu...
  41. Isaac Sauvage

    VP8 SS Original Table Uranium-235 (Original) VP8

    Ike Savage submitted a new resource: Uranium-235 - There's Uranium-235. What more do you want? Read more about this resource...
  42. BJ

    VP8 SS Original Table Uranium-235 (Original) VP8 v1.0

  43. JonPurpleHaze

    SS Original Table FP Blue Oyster Cult - Behind The Music (Original) by Cujopb

    JonPurpleHaze submitted a new resource: Blue Oyster Cult - Behind The Music - Blue Oyster Cult - Behind The Music Read more about this resource...
  44. Not Registered

    SS Original Table FP Blue Oyster Cult - Behind The Music (Original) by Cujopb v1.0

    Author: Cujopb (special thanx to Onurb) Release Date: 10/30/2010 Dont Fear the Reaper! There are three successive modes. All three modes begin when all Upper Stage targets are downed. Score at least 10 cowbell strikes before moving on to the next mode (otherwise you will repeat PRACTICE mode)...
  45. Isaac Sauvage

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Recreation Rat Race (Williams, 1983) VP8

    I'd say this is worthy of a release thread, since I don't believe it ever got posted to PN before. Originally this was released on the late, great VPForums.Com in 2005 by the team of TomB, Gaston, and Destruk. Rat Race 1.0 (Williams, 1983) - Rat Race Williams Read more about this resource...
  46. D

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Recreation Rat Race (Williams, 1983) VP8 v1.0

    Rat Race (Williams, 1983) VP8 v1.0 IPD No. 3718 Pretty amazing table, heavily inspired by the classic wooden tilting maze games. Also one of those fairly rare, solid state, non-redemption flipperless games. Unfortunately it never went in to production, but thankfully, we have VP. This...
  47. Isaac Sauvage

    VP8 Taito SS Recreation Rally (Taito do Brasil, 1980) VP8 Q&D Savage Mod

    Ike Savage submitted a new resource: Rally (1980, Taito do Brasil) Quick & Dirty Savage Mod 1.5.4 - Rally Savage Mod Read more about this resource...
  48. Isaac Sauvage

    VP8 Taito SS Recreation Rally (Taito do Brasil, 1980) VP8 Q&D Savage Mod v1.5.4 2020-04-20

    Rally (1980, Taito do Brasil) Quick & Dirty Savage Mod 1.5.4 with PeBo, Apoc, Destruk and Bezeen. IPD No. 4581 I found this to be a cute game with a nifty layout, compelling shots, and a lot of character. Rustic character, even! It was also obvious that there was a significant play flaw and...
  49. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Dark Side of the Moon (Original)

    Mark1 submitted a new resource: Dark Side of the Moon - an original table, Based on Pink Floyd's album "Dark Side of the Moon". Read more about this resource...
  50. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Dark Side of the Moon (Original) v2.0

    Dark Side of the Moon, an original table, Based on Pink Floyd's album "Dark Side of the Moon". (Some very well made Midi renditions of Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" music, were used for background music, updated version 2.0 has many improvements).
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