
  1. jpsalas

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Lord of the Rings 2.0

    As groni wrote in our web site (JPSalas & Groni = JPG-PINS): "Ok, some facts about the new Release, and things you should know about LOTR 2.0 The complete Table is redone from Scratch. I builded almost every Graphic, and took shots for the Table from the real one. JP builded the Table and...
  2. gordon

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation The Sopranos Mod

    The Sopranos Mod 1.1 english and german New: back to color (playfield) Dancefloor girls schip bad Sounds change Flasher ...
  3. D

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Meteor Ver 1.00.131

    Firstly, Thanks For This Table Go To Plumb,Whose Inspiration,Graphics Work, And Playtesting, Without Whom , I Could Not Have Made This Table. Secondly, Thanks To Jon Purplehaze For Hosting My Tables For Me Again. Thanks Man, I Appreciate It More Than You Know. Also I'd Like To Welcome Eala...
  4. D

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation SeaWitch Ver 1.10.179

    Firstly, Thanks For This Table Go To Plumb,Whose Inspiration,Graphics Work, And Playtesting, Without Whom , I Could Not Have Made This Table. Secondly, Thanks To Jon Purplehaze For Hosting My Tables For Me Again. Thanks Man, I Appreciate It More Than You Know. Screenshot Is Here...
  5. T

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Lord of the Rings - JP (jpsalas)

    Originally posted by jpsalas on Nov 10, 2007 - 07:43 AM <TR><TD class=postbody valign="top">Hey! I have just uploaded my version of Lord of the Rings. The Rom sounds are disabled and the table uses Destruk's samples. This is the English version, and the Spanish version will follow when...
  6. jpsalas

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Elvis and Ripley's german edition

    Hey! Gordon has made a german version of these two tables based on my latest tables. Elvis is now fully playable using the full sound of the table with Elvis moving and singing! Just remember when you start the table to turn off the ROM sound by pressing the 9 until the rom sound is off...
  7. jpsalas

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Elvis - Gold

    Hey: Just a quick note to inform you that I have released Elvis, as you may already know by now :) I'm kind of slow writing posts :) The update 1.01 just have the check for the vpm 1.56, so if you have the 1.0 you don't need to download 1.01 since it is the same table, just one small...
  8. jpsalas

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Big Game update 2.0

    Updated the table from version 1.0 to 2.0. New in this table: just about everything, vp objects, lights, graphics, etc. It uses only the wide wiew, so no other backdrops. The main reason is that the table is wider than normal. The table is angle independent if you don't care about the...
  9. mrschultz

    VP9 Stern SS Recreation Ripley's Believe It or Not! (Stern, 2004) VP9

    I've uploaded my version of Ripley's Edit: version 2.1 for VP9 has been uploaded see post #12 below.
  10. jpsalas

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Ripley's Golden - JPSalas

    Here it is Ripley's Believe It or Not - Golden Edition About this table: - It uses all the sounds from the rom sampled by Destruk and played by Steve's code. Since the rom doesn't emulate the sounds it plays very well on older computers. - I have included 4 bacdrops, one of them made by...
  11. S

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Lightning (Stern, 1981) VP8

    Lightning 1.0 released Friends of the silver ball, Lightning has struck one more time! VPM release of the Stern's classic from 1981 is ready for your pleasure. Release 1.0 is based on RC1 created by Destruk, Skalar, Aussie34 and me back in 2002. I managed to get enough of material to make a...
  12. J

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Terminator 3 (Jamin 1.0)

    Added to Pinball Nirvana's Downloads section. As I've never played the actual table some feedback from people that have played the actual table will be helpful for a future update. The only two issues that I'm not sure are playing right are the kickback and the speed of the backbox...
  13. jpsalas

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Big Game (Stern 1980)

    Hello! Just a little note: I have uploaded Big Game. I did this table by request of Fawdown, and it took me 5 days. It was good the have the old script by destruk, since the manual was missing the lights and all the solenoids were wrong (I wonder who scanned that manual :)) It is an...
  14. D

    VP8 Stern SS Bowler Recreation Stern's Black Beauty

    Uploaded here. Thought it is a good day to upload something. TAB and I don't have a manual for it, so some switches may be placed incorrectly. Still playable though.
  15. PacDude

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Monopoly (PD) V1.2 & V1.2F Released

    This minor update attempts to solve the problem of the ball getting stuck in the upper pop bumper area near the part where it goes under the ramp some people have reported. I've blocked off the entire area with a guide wall so it shouldn't be able to get stuck there now, but seeing as I...
  16. PacDude

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Monopoly V1.1 and V1.1F Released

    As mentioned in the V1.0 thread, a quick V1.1 update has replaced the main V1.0 file and has a fix for the right outlane ball getting stuck on some systems (mostly VP6.1, though I think) and BMPs for the flasher effects (to avoid jaggies on some systems). V1.1F (Fast Edition) is also now...
  17. PacDude

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Monopoly (PD) V1.0 Released

    I've uploaded Monopoly V1.0 to the downloads section under Pacdude tables. You can get it immediately. If you enjoy this table, please consider making a donation to a reputable charity in light of all the worldwide disasters that have been occuring lately. Thanks. Table Notes (Taken From...
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