
  1. Not Registered

    VP8 Flipperless Original Table Shenmue II (Sega Dreamcast, 2001) VP8 by Bela 2020-01-28

    By Bela This is a bagatelle-style original. Use flipper keys to move the ball's starting position, then the plunger key to drop the ball for monetary rewards or penalties, depending on landing point. The Shenmue II story appears on the side panel in flash-card style. --&Ike Savage
  2. S

    VP8 Flipperless Original Table Pachislot (Original) VP8 vWIP1 2020-01-28

    By Simeon Bradshaw 'Just to give you some Idea of what's going on... 'You have 100 balls, game is over when you get to 0 balls left 'You win when you score 3000 or 6 trays full (actually you can keep playing, it's a WIP OK?) 'Return fires balls, left shift controls strength of shot. 'When a...
  3. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Outlaw Pachislot (Eleco, 2003) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    OUTLAW 2003 Eleco pachislot by Patrick
  4. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Nango Pachislot (Olympia, 2004) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    2004 Olympia Nango Pachislot By Patrick
  5. patrick

    VP8 Rock-ola Flipperless Recreation War Eagle (Mills / Rock-ola, 1931) VP8 v2.0 2020-01-28

    MillsrockolawareagleV2 1931 Mills Novelty Co./Rock-ola Mfg. By Patrick (Liberty)
  6. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Golden Nugget (Mills, 1940) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    1940 Mills Novelty Co. Slot Machine By Patrick (Liberty)
  7. K

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Magic 7 (Electrocoin) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Magic7 One Armed Bandit with hold function.
  8. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Lighter mini slot machine (Zippo?) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Lighter by Patrick
  9. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation King Star (Sankyo, 2003) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Kingstar 2003 Sankyo Pachinko By Patrick (Liberty)
  10. Not Registered

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Magic Fruit (Slots) VP8 by Aussie34 vFinal 2020-01-28

    Fruit_Slots-Final By Aussie34
  11. BJ

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Finagle 5000 ("Finarkle" dice game) VP8 vBy BJ 2020-01-28

    By BJ Points scored: 1's = 100 5's = 50 3 of a kind = face value x 100 Having all 6 dice showing as points = 500 bonus On a "regular turn", a player can roll dice as long as points are scored. Those dice that are shown as points are "frozen" while the player has the option of rolling the...
  12. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Fever Queen (Sankyo, early 2000's) VP8 v2.0 2020-01-28

    Fever Queen - 2004 Sankyo pachinko By Patrick Updated to V2. Screenshot modified. Simple system payment replaced by current casino system payment: - Emaxj 8-LINE - Dealer double down - Real musics - Can adjust wager
  13. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Dynamite Girl (Daiichi) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Dynamite girl - Pachinko By Daiichi by Patrick Seven payout pockets. Multiball pocket.
  14. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Draw Poker (Arcade) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Drawpoker By Patrick Draw poker. Classic casino video slot machine by Sigma. Play hi lo double and jacks or better.
  15. Not Registered

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Deep Sea Treasures (Slots) VP8 by Aussie34 vFinal 2020-01-28

    DeepSea_Slots-Final By Aussie34
  16. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Daikiti (Olympia, 2002) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    DAIKITI 2002 Olympia Pachislot By Patrick
  17. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Back to the Future (Sankyo, 2004) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Backtothefuture 2004 Sankyo pachinko by Patrick Back To The Future LCD Pachinko Pinball Machine. This is an official pachinko machine used in an international casino.
  18. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Babel (Eleco, 2002) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    2002 Universal/Eleco Pachislo By Patrick (Liberty)
  19. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Azteca Legend (Eleco, 2004) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Azteca Legend 2004 Eleco Pachislot By Patrick
  20. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Aquanine (Sankyo, 2004) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Aquanine2 2004 Aquanine Pachinko by Sankyo. Use the pins and the enhanced nudge system of Tiltjlp. By Patrick and Tiltjlp.
  21. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation La Caille slot (Caille Brothers, 1910) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    1910Caille by Patrick 1910 'La Caille" With the effigy of the famous American firm. Rare. USA, CAILLE BROTHERS, 1910
  22. Not Registered

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Pachinko (Sankyo-style, 50's to 70's) VP8 by Nissananimal v3.0 2020-01-28

    pachinko3 By Nissananimal
  23. wrenchien

    VP8 Flipperless Original Table Three Butterflies (Original) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    three_butterflies By wrenchien
  24. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Sizzling 7's (IGT, 2000) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    sizzling7s IGT Slot Machine By Patrick (Liberty)
  25. druadic

    VP8 Gottlieb Flipperless Recreation Speedway (Gottlieb, 1933) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    1933 D. Gottlieb & Co. By druadic IPD No. 4932 Speedway, original version VP6LF, but should work in VP8, possibly VP9.
  26. patrick

    VP8 Gottlieb Flipperless Recreation Speedway Too (Gottlieb, 1933) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Speedway Too Gottlieb 1933 by Patrick & tiltjlp IPD No. 4932 10 Ball version with pinball sounds.
  27. tiltjlp

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Skee-Ball (Fisher Price) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    SkeeBallOB by tiltjlp Part of Fisher Prices Triple Arcade, Besides the skee ball were pinball and shoot-a-basket. I wish they'd made it back in the late 1940s. A visit to Cincinnati's Coney Island or Middletown's beloved but closed LaSourdesville Lake wasn't complete without a visit to the...
  28. Not Registered

    VP8 Original Table Skee-Ball (w/ flippers) (Original) VP8 by Douglas Roberts v1.0

    Skee-Ball_V.1.0 by Douglas Roberts
  29. obx001

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Pitch Ball (Satomi, 1972) VP8 v1.3

    A copy/remake of Chicago Coin's 1949 classic, Midget Skee Ball Super-cute remake of a classic, featuring fun voices, and even a bonus gypsy fortune teller. Game could probably use a better system for squeezing the trigger, for example an audible tone to let you know when that's commenced, but...
  30. patrick

    VP8 Original Table Pinball Soccer 2005 (Original) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    PinballSoccer2005 The new version of Soccer 2004. By Patrick Stopsound instructions added. Updated with the 2004/2005 french and italian teams. Allows you to play a championship. the interrest is to use the real average ranking system of the real championship (french ligue 1). For example, if...
  31. druadic

    VP8 Original Table Pin-Air-Hockey (Original) VP8 vGamma 2020-01-28

    By druadic This is a pretty darn effective version of flippered air hockey you can play against the computer! The author (druadic) suggests himself that this table would make the basis of a more articulated version, and he kindly grants those rights in the table info. Enjoy. [notes by Ike...
  32. patrick

    VP8 Original Table Paris 2005 (Original) VP8 v2.0 2020-01-28

    By Patrick - Updated to V2 from Paris2004 to Paris2005. Players are visible and unvisible flippers, with songs from the "Parc des Princes of Paris". Quite a clever, two-player soccer game! What makes this really interesting is that a player's flippers will jump around the screen, tracking the...
  33. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Original Table NFL pinball (Original) VP8 v6.0 2020-01-28

    By Patrick Updated to V6 with the 2005/2006 schedule. New update. Can replace the default musics by the songs of your preferred teams. Explains how to do. 2 levels, can choose your team, 4 quart times of 15 seconds (1 second=1 minute), 16 matches by season. Calculate your rank, using the...
  34. Freezezzy

    VP8 Flipperless Original Table NASBAL Slot Car Racing (Original) VP8 v1.01p

    by Jeff Block One to four players may participate in a slot car race. Choose your number of laps, your "car", and away you go. A fun little multiplayer game that will test your reactions and endurance! When a player's ball reaches the end of a segment, they must hit their "continue button"...
  35. obx001

    VP8 Chicago Coin Flipperless Recreation Midget Skee Ball (Chicago Coin, 1949) VP8 v1.2.1

    Midget_Skee_Ball(Chicago_Coin_1949)V1.2.1 by obx001
  36. Not Registered

    VP8 Original Table Kickoff 2 (Original) VP8 by Erik Boman v1.0 2020-01-28

    Kickoff2_1.0 by Erik Boman
  37. druadic

    VP8 Bally EM Flipperless Pitch and Bat Recreation Heavy Hitter (Bally, 1947) VP8 vVP6 Update2 2020-01-28

    Heavy Hitter 1947 Bally By druadic IPD No. 1149 This version NOW plays 50% better. Had to do a bit of tweaking but I think now it's much better PLEASE DO NOT MOD MY TABLES WITHOUT MY PERSONAL PERMISSION! Thank you! Note from Xenonph: This table needs to be played using VP6. The display is...
  38. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Hasbro Basketball (Hasbro, 1950) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Hasbrobasket Want to play basketball at work? Dont be afraid by your manager. Just press 9 and the game launches Excel before he comes. Then quit excel and continue to play. Have fun. The first pinball that hides himself and launches Excel! By Patrick
  39. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Fun Fair (Gun Shoot) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Fun Fair Gun Shoot, gun game. by Patrick and Tiltjlp Coming directly from a true fair park, this game includes a gun and rotating pipes with adjustable speed.
  40. A

    VP8 Flipperless Original Table Pro Golf (Original) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Flipperless_Pro_Golf by Andy
  41. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Buddy Bowling (EA Nagey, 1930's) v3.0 2020-01-28

    EA Nagy 1930s by Nissananimal, Destruk, Patrick, & tiltjlp Thanks to the coding magic of Destruk, Buddy Bowling now plays great and scores correctly. A bowling influenced bagatelle,with what is most probably the largest number of balls per game and the lowest possible high score, since 300 is...
  42. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Buddy Bowling Deluxe (EA Nagey, 1930's) VP8 v2.0 2020-01-28

    EA Nagy 1930s by Nissananimal, Patrick, tiltjlp, Destruk, and tamiya9202 Deluxe mod has three scoring modes, Recreational, League, and Professional. tiltjlp Buddy A Bowling was made by EA Nagey of Niagra Falls NY for export to Canada in the early to mid 1930s. If you have ever bowled, you...
  43. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Favorite (Buckley, 1932) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Buckley 1932 by Patrick & tiltjlp IPD No. 3089 Favorite was one of ten games made by Buckley over a four year period. There were at least two production runs of this game, with two sets of playfield graphics. The graphics used in our version I think are the best ones, but we have included the...
  44. patrick

    VP8 Gottlieb EM Bowler Flipperless Recreation Bowlette (Gottlieb, 1950) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Bowlette 1950 D. Gottlieb & Co. By Patrick (Liberty) IPD No. 3661
  45. Not Registered

    VP8 Flipperless Original Table Bottom of the Ninth (Original) VP8 by Richard Ginn vBeta2 2020-01-28

    Bottom_Of_The_Ninth_Beta_2 By Richard Ginn Improvements made over beta 1: One flipper action Ramp that send the ball to playing field Now each kicker hole has a choice of three diffrent kicker.kick actions Added a wall to stop some bad ramp shots. Baseball Beta 1 This pinball board has 8...
  46. A

    VP8 Flipperless Original Table Bottom of the Ninth (Original) VP8 v2.0 2020-01-28

    Bottom_Of_The_Nineth_Andy By Andy H Rules:
  47. Freezezzy

    VP8 SS Original Table Block's Basketball (Original) VP8 v1.2p

    BlocksBasketballv12p By Jeff Block Interesting game inspired by a boyhood game.
  48. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Big Bat Baseball (Minty, 1974) VP8 v2.0 2020-01-28

    BigBatBB2 1974 Minty by Patrick & tiltjlp A counter top baseball game from 1974. BBNut mp3 file in zip made by Starman, and was inspired by Leroy Pullins "I'm A Nut". Updated to improve game play. There are 9 scoring lanes, with the middle lane worth 50 points, and working out from there, the...
  49. druadic

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Baseball (Mills, 1929) VP8 v4.4 2020-01-28

    BaseballVP8v4.4 1920's Mills Novelty Company By druadic See the MAIN SCREEN and press the R key for the rules. PLEASE READ THE RULES. EVERYTHING for this game has been redone. The playfield, the scripting - everything. I hope everyone will enjoy this MUCH BETTER playing version! Enjoy!
  50. A

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Air Hockey (Toy) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    2-player air hockey. Unknown author.
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