1. jpsalas

    VP9 Williams SS Recreation Blackout (Williams, 1980) VP9 v1.0

    Blackout (Williams, 1980) VP9 v1.0 IPD No. 317
  2. K

    VP8 SS Recreation Empire Strikes Back, The (Hankin, 1980) VP8 v1a MOD 2020-01-28

    The Empire Strikes Back (Hankins 1980) a modification of Eala Dubh's VP8 table. IPD No. 2868
  3. E

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Asteroid Annie (Gottlieb 1980) VP8 v2.0 (non-VPM) 2020-01-28

    Gottlieb 1980 by Eala Dubh Sidhe IPD No. 98 Romless VP-only version. Different card-spotting, bonus and multiplier rules.
  4. H

    VP8 Bally EM Bingo Flipperless Recreation Bingo2 / Continental, based on Continental (Bally, 1980) & Star Continental 2000 (Sirmo, 1997) VP8 2020-01-28

    https://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=4028 https://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=5851 (06/26/04 Added Doc Flipr's Instructions ver. 0.7.03, renamed zip file from Bingo2 to Continental.zip)
  5. U

    Bally SS Recreation FP Silverball Mania (Bally, 1980) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Silverball Mania / IPD No. 2156 / February, 1980 / 4 Players Average Fun Rating: 7.4/10 (41 ratings/33 comments) [ Add Your Rating! ] Manufacturer: Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983) [Trade Name: Bally] Project Date: June 29, 1978 Date Of Manufacture: February, 1980 Model...
  6. C

    Williams SS Recreation FP Alien Poker (Williams, 1980) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Williams 1980 by cold1 Alien Poker / IPD No. 48 / October, 1980 / 4 Players Average Fun Rating: 7.6/10 (46 ratings/39 comments) [ Add Your Rating! ] Manufacturer: Williams Electronics, Incorporated (1967-1985) [Trade Name: Williams] Date Of Manufacture: October, 1980 Model Number...
  7. E

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Nitro Ground Shaker (Eala mod)

    Is there really so little of mine up for download on this site? Better fix that. Let's start with VPM Nitro Ground Shaker, revised with the playfield and plastics redraws from a while back. There's a complete new rebuild on its way, but this semi-finished one using Phoenixx and TAB's earlier...
  8. bob

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Amazing Spider-Man, The (Gottlieb, 1980) VPM VP9

    This is the VP9 ONLY version.... I did just upload this to VPF, but I thought maybe Phoenixx or someone not registered there might want to check it out. I only uploaded it to this thread, rather than the download section, as it is only for VP9. I love the flippers in vp9. I also disabled the...
  9. jpsalas

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Big Game (Stern, 1980) VP8 v5.0 JP 2020-01-28

    jpsalas, Version:5.0, Stern 1980, IPD No. 249
  10. D

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Big Game (Stern, 1980) VP8 v1.0

    Destruk and Skalar, Version:1.0, Stern 1980, IPD No. 249
  11. E

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Asteroid Annie and the Aliens (Gottlieb, 1980) VP8 v2.0 2020-01-28

    Eala Dubh Sidhe/Luvthatapex, Version:2.0, Gottlieb 1980, IPD No. 98
  12. bob

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Amazing Spider-Man The (Gottlieb, 1980) VP8 v2009 2020-01-28

    Bob5453, Version:2009VP8, Gottlieb 1980, IPD No. 2285 Rules:
  13. kristian

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Alien Poker (Williams, 1980) VP8 v2.2 Multiball 2020-01-28

    Kristian/Gaston/Tom Scutt, Version:2.2 Multiball, Williams 1980, IPD No. 48 Rules:
  14. kristian

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Alien Poker (Williams, 1980) VP8 v2.2

    Kristian/Gaston/Tom Scutt, Version:2.2, Williams 1980, IPD No. 48 Rules:
  15. L

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Ali (Stern, 1980) VP8 v1.3 2020-01-28

    Luvthatapex/Joe Entropy, Version:1.3, Stern 1980, IPD No. 43
  16. kristian

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Algar (Williams, 1980) VP8 v1.1

    Kristian/Gerhard S, Version:1.1, Williams 1980, IPD No. 42
  17. L

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Buck Rogers (Gottlieb, 1980) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Luvthatapex, Version:1.0, Gottlieb 1980, IPD No. 392 Rules:
  18. D

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Black Knight (Williams, 1980) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    TAB / Destruk, Version:1, Williams 1980, IPD No. 310 Rules:
  19. L

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Circus (Gottlieb, 1980) VP8 v1.2

    Luvthatapex/Destruk, Version:1.2, Gottlieb 1980, IPD No. 515 Rules:
  20. D

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Cheetah (Stern, 1980) VP8 v2.0 2020-01-28

    Satch, Destruk, Lander, Inkochnito, Version:2, Stern 1980, IPD No. 500
  21. D

    VP8 SS Recreation Empire Strikes Back, The (Hankin, 1980) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Eala Dubh Sidhe/Aussie34/Destruk, Version:1, Hankin 1980, IPD No. 2868 Rules:
  22. L

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Counterforce (Gottlieb, 1980) VP8 v1.43 2020-01-28

    Luvthatapex/MoonchilD, Version:1.43, Gottlieb 1980, IPD No. 575 Rules:
  23. D

    VP8 Taito SS Recreation Cosmic (Taito, 1980) VP8 v1.1 2020-01-28

    Dox/Maloti/Destruk, Version:1.1, Taito 1980, IPD No. 4567 Thanks to Dox and Maloti for the VP table layout. Thanks to Tom and Gaston for troubleshooting emulation, and the entire vpm dev team for emulating the romset! :) Special Thanks to KABUKI_JO for helping translate the...
  24. R

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Frontier (Bally, 1980) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Ripleyyy, Joe Entropy Version:1.0, Bally 1980, IPD No. 959
  25. jpsalas

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Flight 2000 (Stern, 1980) VP8 v5.0 JP 2020-01-28

    jpsalas, Version:5.0, Stern 1980, IPD No. 887
  26. L

    VP8 Zaccaria SS Recreation Fire Mountain (Zaccaria, 1980) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Luvthatapex/Destruk, Version:RC1, Zaccaria 1980, IPD No. 3097 Rules:
  27. D

    VP8 Taito SS Recreation Fire Action (Taito do Brasil, 1980) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Dox/Maloti/Destruk, Version:1, Taito 1980, IPD No. 4570
  28. L

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation James Bond 007 (Gottlieb, 1980) VP8 v1.2

    by LuvThatApex, Destruk IPD No. 1286 Notes: Originally released as a time-based game, it proved to be so unpopular with players that new software was released allowing it to be set for 3/5 ball play.
  29. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Recreation Dennis Lillee's Howzat! (Hankin, 1980) VP8 by Aussie34 vb1

    Dennis Lillee's Howzat! (Hankin, 1980) VP8 by Aussie34 IPD No. 3909
  30. D

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Hotdoggin' (Bally, 1980) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Joe Entropy, Coroner, Destruk IPD No. 1243 Rules: FLYER & BACKGLASS: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/media/hotdoggin-bally-1980-back.8495/ https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/media/hotdoggin-bally-1980-wildman.8497/
  31. S

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Mystic (Bally, 1980) VP8 v1.0

    Mystic by Satch, WhenLit IPD No. 1650
  32. D

    VP8 SS Recreation Cosmic (Taito do Brasil, 1980) VP8 v1.1 2020-01-28

    Lunelle___Cosmic_Clone by Dox, Maloti, Destruk IPD No. 4567 Thanks to Dox and Maloti for the VP table layout. Thanks to Tom and Gaston for troubleshooting emulation, and the entire vpm dev team for emulating the romset! :) Special Thanks to KABUKI_JO for helping translate the...
  33. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Omni (Williams, 1980) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Omni by Destruk, TAB Rules:
  34. T

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Nitro Ground Shaker (Bally, 1980) VP8 v2.0 2020-01-28

    Nitro_Ground_Shaker by TAB & Inkochnito IPD No. 1682
  35. L

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Nine Ball (Stern, 1980) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Nine_Ball by Luvthatapex & Destruk IPD No. 1678
  36. D

    VP8 SS Recreation Rally (Taito of Brazil, 1980) VP8 v1.3 2020-01-28

    Rally by PeBo, Apocalypse, Destruk, Bezeen IPD No. 4581
  37. L

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Quicksilver (Stern, 1980) VP8 2020-01-28

    Quicksilver by Joe Entropy, LuvThatApex IPD No. 1895
  38. D

    VP8 Game Plan SS Recreation Pinball Lizard (Game Plan, 1980) VP8 v1.0f 2020-01-28

    Pinball Lizard (Game Plan, 1980) v1.0f by LuvThatApex and Destruk IPD No. 1464
  39. T

    VP8 SS Recreation Shark (Hankin, 1980) VP8 v1.1 2020-01-28

    Shark___Hankin by Eala Dubh / TAB/Tinyrodent IPD No. 3339
  40. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Recreation Sexy Girl (Arkon, 1980) VP8 by Mickey v1.0

    Arkon Automaten GmbH (Germany) December, 1980 / 4 Players Bally MPU AS-2518-35 Mod of Bally's Playboy IPD No. 2106
  41. T

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Seawitch (Stern, 1980) VP8 v1.2 2020-01-28

    Seawitch by Destruk, TAB, Skalar IPD No. 2089 Rules:
  42. D

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Seawitch (Stern, 1980) VP8 v1.1.1 2020-01-28

    SeaWitch_1.1.137 by DesAngel, Plumb, Gottlieb, Mr.Fixx IPD No. 2089 Rules:
  43. kristian

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Scorpion (Williams, 1980) VP8 v1.7

    Authors - Kristian, Andre Needham IPD No. 2067 Note: this also contains the earlier v1.4, should anyone want that one.
  44. jpsalas

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Rolling Stones (Bally, 1980) VP8 v1.1 JP 2020-01-28

    Rolling_Stones___JP by JPSalas IPD No. 2010 Rolling Stones (Bally 1980). VPM table. Uses 7 digits bootleg ROM. Thanks inkochnito for the prize cards and the dip switch routine. Thanks to batansa for testing and suggesting the table. Rules:
  45. D

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Rolling Stones (Bally, 1980) VP8 v1.2

    Rolling_Stones by Anonymous, Destruk IPD No. 2010 Rules:
  46. Not Registered

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Star Race (Gottlieb, 1980) VP8 by John Shepherd v1.4

    Star Race (Gottlieb, 1980) VP8 v1.4 by John Shepherd IPD No. 2353 Revision History: (flyers & backglass:) https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/media/star-race-gottlieb-1980-front.8489/ https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/media/star-race-gottlieb-1980-back.8488/...
  47. L

    VP8 Zaccaria SS Recreation Star God (Zaccaria, 1980) VP8 vRC1

    Star God (Zaccaria, 1980) VP8 v1.0 by Luvthatapex IPD No. 3458
  48. T

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Star Gazer (Stern, 1980) VP8 v2.0 2020-01-28

    Star_Gazer by TAB, Destruk, Plumb IPD No. 2346 Thanks to Inkochnito for the Dipswitch menu and Instruction Cards Rules:
  49. L

    VP8 Zaccaria SS Recreation Space Shuttle (Zaccaria, 1980) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Space_Shuttle_Zaccaria by LuvThatApex And Destruk IPD No. 3263
  50. Not Registered

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Skateball (Bally, 1980) VP8 by PeBo v4.0 2020-01-28

    Skateball by PeBo IPD No. 2170 Rules:
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