Teed-Off (Premier, 1993) VP9 v1.01
by jpsalas
IPD No. 2508
VPM table, it needs the originals ROMs.
Based on the table by Gottlieb Premier from 1993.
This is a conversion to VP9 of my VP8 table. It has all you expect from a VP9 table, with new ramps, physics, scripts, etc.
Note from Xenonph...
Teed-Off (Premier 1993) VP8 v1.01
by jpsalas
IPD No. 2508
VPM table, it needs the originals ROMs.
Based on the table by Gottlieb Premier from 1993.
Thanks to:
- Fatdog for the backdrop
- Clyde for the manual.
- wtiger for the pictures of the original table.
Note from Xenonph:
This table needs...
Super Orbit (Gottlieb, 1983) VP8 v2.1
Destruk, TAB, Kristian
IPD No. 2437
Notes: This game has the same playfield layout as the EM games Gottlieb's 1971 'Orbit' and Gottlieb's 1972 'Outer Space' and is possibly the first Gottlieb game to produce a sound effect by pressing the flipper buttons...
Royal Flush (Gottlieb, 1976) VP8 v1.0 EM-SS JP
IPD No. 2035
Uses the ROM from Royal Flush Deluxe
Note - the real machine doesn't use roms, so it wouldn't necessarily sound like this and the scoring would be with scoring reels.
Krull (Gottlieb,1983) VP8 v1.2a
by LuvThatApex, Eala Dubh Sidhe, Destruk, Inkochnito
IPD No. 1397
Note from Xenonph:
This table needs to be played using VP6. The display is messed up when using VP8.
Find VP6.exe here...
Lights...Camera...Action! (Premier, 1989) VP9 v1.2 VP9 Fix
by Kristian, Mnpg, Destruk
IPD No. 1445
Note: See table info & top of script for instructions on creating the nvram file necessary to play the game.
Note from Xenonph: This table needs a pre-initialized nvram to accept quarters. You...
Haunted House (Gottlieb, 1982) VP8 by PataTroX v0.51a2
by PataTroX
IPD No. 1133
Note: This was originally made for VP5 or VP6, and may require some small fixes to work with VP8 - VPX.
Note from Xenonph:
This table needs to be played using VP6. The display is messed up when using VP8.
Ice Fever (Premier, 1985) VP9 v1.0
by Itchigo
IPD No. 1260
Ice Fever for VP9. This is my first recreation. Anyone interested in doing a FS version go ahead as I don't know how.
Wildman owns the real game and was able to give me some great pictures of this one. Thanks go out to: Destruk, for...
Force II (Gottlieb, 1981) VP9 v2.2
by Destruk, TAB, Kristian
IPD No. 916
VERY quick layout & gfx rebuild v2.2 (Kristian). Finally found (probably) the only available picture for this table on the Net.
VP9 tested
No changes, should work 100% with VP9
Press F6 for dip switch settings. Thanks...
Fast Draw (Gottlieb, 1975) VP9 v1.2 JPG-PINS
by JPSalas, Groni
IPD No. 828
It is a vpm table, but it simulates the EM version, but uses the Amazon Hunt ROM.
Thanks to popotte for the original playfield graphics and the plastics found on his FP table.
Thanks to Destruk for his Amazon Hunt...
Fast Draw (Gottlieb, 1975) VP9 v1.01
by JPSalas
IPD No. 828
It is a vpm table, but it simulates the EM version, but uses the Amazon Hunt ROM.
Thanks to popotte for the original playfield graphics and the plastics found on his FP table.
Thanks to Destruk for his Amazon Hunt script, without it I...
El Dorado (Gottlieb, 1975) VP8 v1.1 JPG-PINS
By JPSalas
EM IPD No. 766
SS IPD No. 767
It is a vpm table, but it simulates the EM version, using the ROM from El Dorado City of Gold.
Thanks to Destruk for his script from the old table, without it I could have never figured out the light numbers...
El Dorado (Gottlieb, 1975) VP9 v1.01
By JPSalas
EM IPD No. 766
SS IPD No. 767
It is a vpm table, but it simulates the EM version, using the ROM from El Dorado City of Gold.
Thanks to Destruk for his script from the old table, without it I could have never figured out the light numbers...
Black Hole (Gottlieb, 1981) VP8 by PataTroX v0.30 NE
by PataTroX
IPD No. 307
Released: 18/10/2003
Note from Xenonph:
This table needs to be played using VP6. The display is messed up when using VP8.
Find VP6.exe here...
Amazon Hunt (Gottlieb, 1983) VP8 v1.0 (R) (rob046_Mod)
by rob046 Mod (Desktruk & Luvthatapex)
IPD No. 66
This version of Amazon Hunt is made possible by Destruk & LTA's permission to mod. I had actually pretty much finished this table back in '06, but am just releasing it now with a few '08...
Amazing Spider-Man, The (Gottlieb, 1980) VP9 v2010 WS VPM
by Bob5453
IPD No. 2285
Table by Bob5453
Script by Gaston
VPM script Fixes by Inkochnito, Destruk, Phoenixx
Table pictures taken by Blownfuse
More credits in the script - Thanks to everyone who helped or gave comments or even gave the...
Alien Star (Gottlieb, 1984) VP8 v2.0
by Destruk, Kristian, Luvthatapex
IPD No. 49
Thanks to Inkochnito for the dip switch menu (press F6 during the play)
Note from Xenonph:
This table needs to be played using VP6. The display is messed up when using VP8.
Find VP6.exe here...
Dragonette (Gottlieb, 1954) VP8 vRC1
by Leon Spalding
IPD No. 730
I'd like to thank:
Note from Xenonph:
This table needs to be played using VP6. The display is messed up when using VP8.
Find VP6.exe here...
Silver Gottlieb 1957
by jpsalas
IPD No. 2144
(updated to v1.1)
VP table based on the EM pinball machine by Gottlieb from 1957
Thanks to Scorpion (Adolfo) for suggesting me this table and for all his help with the rules.
Queen of Hearts (Gottlieb, 1952) VP8 v1.0 (PLB)
IPD No. 1891
New VP8 Build of 1952 Gottlieb game Queen of Hearts with a focus on game play. The game that launched the gobble hole era.
Queen of Hearts (Gottlieb, 1952) VP9.2 v1.0 (PLB)
IPD No. 1891
New VP9.2 Build of 1952 Gottlieb game Queen of Hearts with a focus on game play. The game that launched the gobble hole era.
Tropic Isle-Moonshot (Gottlieb62-Bally63)
by Jay Phillips
Tropic Isle
IPD No. 2661
Moon Shot
IPD No. 1627
Unique double table, both using the same layout.
Gottlieb 1962 & Bally 1963
Lightning Ball (Gottlieb, 1959) VP8 v1.0
IPD No. 1442
New VP8 Build of the 1959 Gottlieb WoodRail game Lightning Ball which designer Wayne Neyens said was one of his favorite designs. Focus on game play. Because of the 1958 recession, only 950 were made, so you may not know this one. But if you...
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