
  1. J

    SS Flipperless Original Table FP Street Racing (Original) v1.0

    by jukecade
  2. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Space Lounge (Original) v1.0

  3. Tii

    EM Original Table FP Sidewinder Pete (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Sidewinder Pete Craziest Sheriff this side of the Pecos!
  4. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Retro Rocket (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Retro Rocket requires fp 1.9 multiplier goes to x9 featuring floating astronauts and rock n roll slinger
  5. Tii

    EM Original Table FP The Dark (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    The Dark by Tii
  6. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Starlord (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Starlord by Tii
  7. Not Registered

    SS Original Table FP Sponge Bob (Original) by Joe99 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Sponge Bob by Joe99
  8. Tii

    EM Original Table FP Space Outlaw (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Space Outlaw by Tii your in space, your an outlaw, what the hell...
  9. J

    SS Original Table FP StepMania (Original) v1.03

  10. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Space Hawk (Original) v1.0 2013-02-20

    Space Hawk (Original) v1.0 Based on a character by that delightfully mad genius, Basil Wolverton.
  11. Tii

    SS Original Table FP PumpkinHead! (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    PumpkinHead *WARNING* This very scary & not for young folks like you - PumpkinHead! *do not allow anyone under the age of 35 to play, as I can't be responsible! "P U M P K I N" = 10 million jackpot "H E A D" = 5 million + tripumpkin multiball
  12. Tii

    EM Original Table FP Popeye (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Popeye Added on:2012-11-05 i thought someone had done a Popeye table, but apparently not, so here's my classic version with some sounds and music from the cartoon... go for the spinach cans, then hit Popeye and watch him shake as he says the famous line "that's all i can stands, i can't stands...
  13. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Neon Spinner (Original) 2020-01-28

    NeonSpinner contains sounds and voices from deeeeeeeeep spaaaaaaaace...
  14. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Mickey Mouse (Original) v2.0SE

    Mickey Mouse, (2.0 SE) an original future pinball table.Based on Walt Disneys classic, "Micky Mouse" cartoons. (Special Edition has many improvements and New holograms).
  15. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Man O Mars (Original) v1.2 2020-01-28

    Man O Mars Retro back with me now to the days of yesteryear with "Man O'' Mars" EDIT by sleepy: Great Theme Music and integration!
  16. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Machine (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Machine by Tii Play it in the dark!
  17. GaBRi

    SS Original Table FP Little Shop of Horrors. Audrey II (Original) Final

    "Little Shop of Horrors. Audrey II", is an original pinball table based on the film" Little Shop of Horrors" in 1986, directed by Frank Oz and starring Rick Moranis and Ellen Greene. Objective: Light the indicated lamps, and hit the center house shot for Audrey II award.
  18. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Laser Shark 3000 (Original) vX 2020-01-28

    Added on: 11-Dec-2012 With Incredible Laser Shark Action at Your Fingertips!
  19. GaBRi

    SS Original Table FP Pirates (Original) v1.0.0 2020-01-28

    Pirates is an original Future Pinball Table. Pirates es una mesa de Future Pinball original.
  20. Tii

    SS Original Table FP PinMan (Original) v1.2 2020-01-28

    Now 51% more fun than regular gum! added multiball - upper kicker when lit added autoplunger added bumper lights raised spinner changed decals to lights changed misc lights & colors increased flipper strength ball # lights + mucho other stuff
  21. Popotte

    SS Original Table FP Penthouse Pinball (Original) v0.1 2020-01-28

    Penthouse Pinball by Popotte, rob046, & TAltmeyer Original based on IPDB #1125, released 2008-10-28
  22. GaBRi

    SS Original Table FP Oceano (Original) v1.0.0 2020-01-28

    Author:GaBRi Version:- Oceano is an original Future Pinball table.
  23. J

    SS Original Table FP Mr Bean (Original) v1.02 2020-01-28

    Mr. Bean By Jukecade Pinball
  24. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Moon Patrol (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Moon Patrol Added on: 14-Jan-2013 based on the Moon Patrol arcade game, an original creation by Tii special thanx to STevOz for the sound samples special thanx to faralos for videos of the game
  25. GaBRi

    SS Original Table FP King Arthur (Original) v1.1

    King Arthur (Original) v1.1 Instructions: - The shields are completed with multicolored balls that correspond to each. - The balls are achieved for entering the towers and corridors upper right. - At the back of the lock rod opens a minute multiball lock. - Extra ball: By breaking down the...
  26. GaBRi

    SS Original Table FP Formula 1 Team (Original) v1.0.0

    RACE BEGINS! You get to complete the 12 laps to finish a race and to finish first on the podium. To finish in first position must: - Complete the 12 laps. - Carry at that time at least 1,400,000 points, and - Having lit the 16 central circle colored lights. Failure to...
  27. M

    SS Original Table FP Firefly (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Firefly - by Thunderstorm PinballTP's first digital release. Based on the highly underrated but most excelent tv show, Firefly. Firefly - by Thunderstorm Pinball TP's first digital release. Based on the highly underrated but most excelent tv show, Firefly. Gameplay: There are four story lines...
  28. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Jedi (Star Wars) (Original) 2020-01-28

    Jedi, an original future pinball table,based on Star Wars by George Lucas and 20th Century fox' films. Table rules: Lighting, "S.T.A.R." then "W.A.R.S.", (by hitting targets on the left side), will light "JEDI" for specials in the very top kickerhole. (Note: Special lasts 75 seconds, (also...
  29. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Inhumanoids (Original) v1.1 2020-01-28

    spell I N H U M A N for 10,000,000 jackpot multiplier goes to 9x
  30. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Flash Gordon (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Flash Gordon From the distant past...It's Flash Gordon! An original Future Pinball table by Tii.
  31. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Earth vs. the Flying Saucers a requested table. Editor's Note: Chock full of UFOs and Sci-Fi sensibilities!
  32. Tii

    SS Original Table FP It Came From Outer Space (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    It Came From Outer Space 1.0
  33. GaBRi

    SS Original Table FP HOME ALONE 2 - Lost in New York (Original) v1.0

    HOME ALONE 2 - Lost in New York (Original) v1.0 Thanks to @NateMac00, there's also a lovely media pack for frontends: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/home-alone-2-lost-in-new-york-fp-p-e-c-m.5947/ .
  34. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Captain Victory and The Galactic Rangers (Original) v1.0

    Captain Victory and The Galactic Rangers In defense of our galaxy.... I know a scifi guy from Australia that might like this -
  35. GaBRi

    EM Original Table FP Dreams (Original) v2.0

    Author:GaBRi Version:2.0 Dreams is an original Future pinball table.
  36. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Dino (Original) v1.1 2020-01-28

    by Tii stomp!
  37. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Captain Future (Original) v2.0 2020-01-28

    Cocktail version of CF 1.0
  38. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Black and White (Original) v2.0 2020-01-28

    Black and White (2.0) An original future pinball table. ( Updated 2.0 version has improvements and small fixes). ( Some well made midi versions of rock music were used for background music).
  39. Rockinghorse

    SS Original Table FP Bird of Prey (Original) v2.0

    Bird of Prey - Star Trek III - The Search For Spock By - Rockinghorse
  40. P

    SS Original Table FP Big Spender (Original) v.02

    Polygame & Popotte
  41. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Asteroid (Original) v1.1 2020-01-28

  42. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Aliens In The Backyard (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Aliens In The Backyard a table to start your summer with...
  43. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Alien Dude (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Alien Dude Added on: 01-Jan-2013 he's loads of fun!
  44. Ayelis

    SS Original Table FP Aperture Science (Original) v1.01

    Author: Ayelis "Aperture Science v1.01 aka Portal Pinball" is based off of the game Portal, by Valve Corporation, 2007. Original release thread here. [NOTE: Please download the Music File (30 MB) as well, to get the full experience of this table. GLaDOS, turrets, and High Energy Pellets will...
  45. P

    SS Original Table FP Blue vs Pink (Original) v1.0

    Blue vs Pink (Original) v1.0
  46. patrick

    EM Flipperless Original Table FP Table Hockey (Original) v1.6

    New version. Now Ballyhoo style. Thanks to Patrick for fixing the scoring. :) Beat the computer by scoring 11 goals before he does. The reaction time of the computer (flippers) can be adjusted by changing the Timer Interval on the "LeftFlipperTimer" and "RightFlipperTimer" Version 1.6
  47. zerhino

    EM Flipperless Original Table FP Bagatallion (Original) v1.0

    Modern flipperless game which involves seiging castles and such. Have fun. An outstanding feature packed bagatelle by 11 year old Ryan. You are a knight in the service of King Authur, and while the forces are away, Camelot is stormed and captured by the Dark Knight. Upon your return, it is...
  48. patrick

    EM Flipperless Original Table FP Gruesome Mansion (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Original table inspired by the 1965 Gruesome Mansion mini toy pinball. By Patrick
  49. Tii

    Flipperless Original Table FP Stadium Soccer (Original) v1.1 2020-01-28

    score is in the lights if you win you get cheers, if you lose you get boos... watch out, the red team is pretty good, they will stuff you, you will curse... it'll take you a few before you can beat 'em, maybe even a couple of dozen, just like the real thing.......... tilting is disabled so you...
  50. L

    Flipperless Original Table FP Pegs-A-Plenty (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    by Luigi30 An original bagatelle heavily influenced by Kinsey's Knick Knack. Hosted with Luigi30s kind permission. Rules: Gobble holes in pegs score 25 points each. Gobble holes in lower playfield score 100 points each. Bumpers no score. Row 1 of triggers are double playfield scoring. Row 2...
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