
  1. pbecker1946

    VP8 Williams EM Recreation Casino (Williams, 1958) VP8 v1.0

    Casino (Williams 1958) VP8 v1 IPD No. 463 New VP8 Build of 1958 Williams game Casino with a focus on game play.
  2. romolo2002

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Parlor Bagatelle One Star-Two Bell (M. Redgrave, 1898) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    1898 One Star-Two Bell M. Redgrave Bagatelle Compa IPD No. 1761
  3. E

    VP8 Gottlieb EM Recreation Lancers (Gottlieb, 1961) VP8

    Hi, well... I've uploaded a pinball (Gottlieb 1962 Lancers in VP about a week ago and I had no answer, then I asked the webmaster and I had no answer so... Any help? Fernando. EDIT: Fixed! Table is here: :) https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/lancers-gottlieb-1961.4986/
  4. Neo

    VP8 Support File Tokimeki Forever With You Music Pack 2020-01-28

    Tokimeki Forever With You Music Pack Find Table here.. https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/tokimeki-forever-with-you-original-vp8.4414/
  5. A

    VP8 Rocky & Bullwinkle Plain Backdrop 2020-01-28

    For the table by PacDude.
  6. A

    VP8 Rocky & Bullwinkle Backglass Backdrop 2020-01-28

    For the Table by PacDude. I actually prefer my "plain" version, but thought some might want this one instead.
  7. A

    VP8 Lost World - Jurassic Park 2 Backdrop 2020-01-28

    For the table by Kid Charlemagne and Pingod.
  8. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Triple Strike (Williams, 1983) VP8 v1.0

    Triple Strike (Williams, 1983) VP8 v1.0 By TAB, Destruk ROM: tstrk_l1 This machine was the last United branded shuffle alley. Flyer:
  9. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Topaz (Williams, 1978) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Topaz (Williams, 1978) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk ROM: topaz_l1 This machine was the first solid state United bowler. Flyer:
  10. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Top Dawg (Williams, 1988) VP8 v1.1

    Top Dawg (Williams, 1988) VP8 v1.1 by TAB, Destruk ROM: tdawg_l1 Notes: Hit F3 once or twice after first starting the game. This shuffle-bowler has some of the better graphics and sounds out of the small collection here. --@Ike Savage Flyer:
  11. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Taurus Shuffle Alley (Williams, 1979) VP8 v1.0

    Taurus Shuffle Alley (Williams, 1979) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk ROM: taurs_l1 Flyer:
  12. D

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Strikes N' Spares (Gottlieb, 1995) VP8 v1.1

    Strikes N' Spares (Gottlieb, 1995) VP8 v1.1 by TAB, Destruk ROM: snspares Bowling pinball game. Use the flippers to flip an oversized pinball at the pins. Play regulation, Flash, or Strike 90. Can be set up as a redemption game, or as tournament play...
  13. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Strike Zone (Williams, 1984) VP8 v1.1

    Strike Zone (Williams, 1984) VP8 v1.1 by TAB, Destruk ROM: szone_l5 Flyer:
  14. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Strike Master (Williams, 1992) VP8 v1.0

    Strike Master (Williams, 1992) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk ROM: strik_l4 Flyer:
  15. D

    VP8 Stern SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Stars and Strikes (Stern, 1984) VP8 vbeta1

    Stars and Strikes (Stern, 1984) VP8 vbeta1 by Destruk, TAB ROM: monrobwl
  16. D

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Pitch and Bat Recreation SlugFest (Williams, 1991) VP8 v1.1

    SlugFest (Williams, 1991) VP8 v1.1 by TAB, Destruk IPD No. 3281 ROM: sf_l1 A modern version of the classic "Pitch and Bat" baseball game. Player one chooses the type of pitch and player two bats; players then switch roles. Includes a pop-up ramp and a "Hit the Heckler" bonus. The cabinet is...
  17. Not Registered

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Pitch and Bat Recreation SlugFest: Giants (Williams, 1991) VP8 by Kid Charlemagne v1.0

    SlugFest: Giants (Williams, 1991) VP8 v1.0 by Kid Charlemagne IPD No. 3281 A modern version of the classic "Pitch and Bat" baseball game. Player one chooses the type of pitch and player two bats; players then switch roles. Includes a pop-up ramp and a "Hit the Heckler" bonus. The cabinet is...
  18. D

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Pitch and Bat Recreation Pennant Fever (Williams, 1984) VP8 v1.1

    Pennant Fever (Williams, 1984) VP8 v1.1 by TAB, Destruk IPD No. 3335 ROM: get "pfevr_p3" here or at the IPDB. Notes: I'm not quite sure what's up with the ROM error messages, but the game plays fine after a reset (F3 key) or two. I also switched over to the IPDB ROM and got full sound (crowd...
  19. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Omni (Williams, 1980) VP8 v1.0

    Omni (Williams, 1980) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk Flyer:
  20. D

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Flipperless Recreation Nudge It (Gottlieb, 1990) VP8 v1.1

    Nudge It (Gottlieb, 1990) VP8 v1.1 by Destruk IPD No. 3454 ROM: nudgeit Note from Xenonph: This table needs a Pre-Initialized nvram file to accept coins. Download Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack and place contents of zip file in nvram folder, located in VPinMAME folder. Find Bally 6803 &...
  21. D

    VP8 Bally SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation League Champ (Bally, 1996) VP8 v1.1

    League Champ (Bally, 1996) VP8 v1.1 by TAB, Destruk ROM: lc_11 Flyer:
  22. D

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Recreation Hot Shot (Williams, 1994) VP8 v1.0

    Hot Shot (Williams, 1994) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk IPD No. 3160 ROM: hshot_p8 Flyer:
  23. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Gold Mine (Williams, 1988) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Gold Mine (Williams, 1988) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk ROM: gmine_l2 Note: Unlike older shuffle bowlers, this one has some fun sounds built in. Flyer:
  24. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Big Strike (Williams, 1983) VP8 v1.0

    Big Strike (Williams, 1983) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk Flyer:
  25. D

    VP8 SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Big Ball Bowling (United, 1984) VP8 vbeta1

    Big Ball Bowling (United, 1984) VP8 vbeta1 by TAB, Destruk ROM: bbbowlin
  26. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Alley Cats (Williams, 1986) VP8 v1.0

    Alley Cats (Williams, 1986) VP8 v1.0 by Destruk, TAB There are three steps to launching a puck down the alley - 1 - X Placement 2 - Direction Indicator 3 - Release/Throw Plunger Key cycles, Left/Right flipper keys move left and right. KeyUpperLeft ( "A" by default) selects game type. Too...
  27. D

    VP8 Sega SS Flipperless Recreation Titanic (Sega, 1998) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Titanic (Sega, 1998) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk ROM: titanic Ticket redemption game with a model of the Titanic sinking in the center. Electronic message board in back showing the ship sinking when a win occurs. KEYS: Flyer:
  28. Duglis

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Pitch and Bat Recreation SlugFest: Yankees (Williams, 1991) VP8 v1.0 MOD

    SlugFest: Yankees (Williams, 1991) VP8 v1.0 MOD Table by Kid Charlemagne Yankee MOD by Duglis IPD No. 3281 A modern version of the classic "Pitch and Bat" baseball game. Player one chooses the type of pitch and player two bats; players then switch roles. Includes a pop-up ramp and a "Hit the...
  29. Not Registered

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Pitch and Bat Recreation SlugFest: Rockies (Williams, 1991) VP8 by Kid Charlemagne v1.0

    SlugFest: Rockies (Williams, 1991) VP8 v1.0 IPD No. 3281 ROM: sf_l1 A modern version of the classic "Pitch and Bat" baseball game. Player one chooses the type of pitch and player two bats; players then switch roles. Includes a pop-up ramp and a "Hit the Heckler" bonus. The cabinet is roughly...
  30. Not Registered

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Pitch and Bat Recreation SlugFest: Angels (Williams, 1991) VP8 by Kid Charlemagne v1.0

    SlugFest: Angels (Williams, 1991) VP8 v1.0 IPD No. 3281 ROM: sf_l1 A modern version of the classic "Pitch and Bat" baseball game. Player one chooses the type of pitch and player two bats; players then switch roles. Includes a pop-up ramp and a "Hit the Heckler" bonus. The cabinet is roughly...
  31. D

    VP8 Williams SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Shuffle Inn (Willams, 1988) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Shuffle Inn (Willams, 1988) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk Note: VPM will display a message about one of the sound ROMs being missing, but the game still plays. Flyer:
  32. D

    VP8 Stern SS Flipperless Recreation Monopoly Redemption (Stern, 2002) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Monopoly Redemption (Stern, 2002) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, destruk
  33. D

    VP8 Stern SS Bowler Flipperless Recreation Black Beauty (Stern, 1984) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Black Beauty (Stern, 1984) VP8 v1.0 by destruk, TAB ROM: blbeauty
  34. D

    VP8 Bally SS Flipperless Recreation Addams Family Values (Bally-Midway, 1993) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Since this is primarily a ticket-dispensing game, much of the thrill of this one isn't going to come across in VP. Still, it can be a good little challenge trying to spell out "THING-A-MA-JIG" via the target holes across the bottom. How it works: when you add a coin, it will start rolling...
  35. Not Registered

    VP8 Sega SS Recreation X Files, The (Sega, 1997) VP8 by Magnox v1.02

    X Files, The (Sega, 1997) VP8 v1.02 by Magnox IPD No. 4137 Table & scripting by : Magnox (geardown3greens@aol.com) Graphics Assistance : Kid Charlemaigne, Cyberdman, Chris, Joep, Mr.Hide Magnet Class VBS : Dorsola Play Testing : LH, Kabuki Joe Backdrop Art...
  36. scapino

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Xenon (Bally, 1980) VP8 v2.1

    Xenon (Bally, 1980) VP8 by Kurt Herman aka scapino IPD No. 2821 SCORING:
  37. J

    VP8 Sega SS Recreation X Files, The (Sega, 1997) VP8 v1.01 Jamin

    X Files, The (Sega, 1997) VP8 v1.01 by Jamin IPD No. 4137 RULESHEET:
  38. jpsalas

    VP8 Zaccaria SS Recreation WinterSports (Zaccaria, 1978) VP8 v1.0

    WinterSports (Zaccaria, 1978) VP8 v1.0 by jpsalas, CompuFox IPD No. 3563 ZACCARIA's first Solid State table, manufactured in January 1978 NOTE: There is an nvram file included with table, but it is not essential. Using it enables the following - Standard credit settings - 3 Ball game - Match...
  39. LHH Bomb Jack

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Whirlwind (Williams, 1990) VP8 v1.2 MOD

    Whirlwind_1.2_(BJ)_mod by LHH Bomb Jack IPD No. 2765 Feel The Power of the Wind!
  40. E

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Viper (Stern, 1981) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Viper (Stern, 1981) VP8 v1.0 Authors: Eala Dubh Sidhe, TinyRodent, Destruk and Compufox IPD No. 2739 NOTE: Left Magna-Save changes direction, and Right Magna-Save launches ball.
  41. E

    VP8 Atari SS Recreation Superman (Atari, 1979) VP8 v2.0 2020-01-28

    Superman (Atari, 1979) VP8 v2.0 by Eala Dubh Sidhe IPD No. 2454 Original 1.0 build by Eala Dubh Sidhe Version 1.2 script by Neurokinetic, with Inkochnito / Gaston / Destruk Version 2.0 rebuild and script modification by Eala Dubh Sidhe RULES: Drop targets advance kick out hole to 10,000, then...
  42. jpsalas

    VP8 Data East SS Recreation Robocop (Data East, 1989) VP8 v5.0 JP 2020-01-28

    Robocop (Data East, 1989) VP8 v5.0 JP by JPSalas IPD No. 1976 VPM table. Need original roms. Script and graphics by jpsalas. Revision History: Rules:
  43. D

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Road Kings (Williams, 1986) VP8 v2.1 2020-01-28

    Road Kings (Williams, 1986) VP8 v2.1 by TAB, Destruk IPD No. 1970 For best results, use VP8 with "PhysicsVP" Instruction Card:
  44. kristian

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Road Kings (Williams, 1986) VP8 v1.1 2020-01-28

    Road Kings (Williams, 1986) VP8 v1.1 by Kristian, Destruk, Others IPD No. 1970 Revision History and Credits: Instruction Card:
  45. jpsalas

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Riverboat Gambler (Williams, 1990) VP8 v5.0 JP 2020-01-28

    Riverboat Gambler (Williams, 1990) VP8 v5.0 JP by JPSalas IPD No. 1966 VPM Table. Needs the original ROM. Revision History: Rules: Instructions:
  46. mrschultz

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Ripley's Believe It or Not! (Stern, 2004) VP8 v1.0 MRS 2020-01-28

    Ripley's Believe It or Not! (Stern, 2004) VP8 v1.0 MRS by mrschultz, Destruk IPD No. 4917 Tested with VP8b5 UltraCade physics, everything works, vari-target and center ramp are more difficult than with VP physics but they should be hard shots to make. Script based on one by Destruk Sound...
  47. jpsalas

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Ripley's Believe It or Not! (Stern, 2004) VP8 v5.3 JP 2020-01-28

    Ripley's Believe It or Not! (Stern, 2004) VP8 v5.3 JP by jpsalas IPD No. 4917 Based on the pinball by Stern from 2004. VPM Rom sounds by Destruk and sound script by Steve. Parts of the script also by Destruk. Version History: Rules:
  48. jpsalas

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Ripley's Believe It or Not! (Stern, 2004) VP8 v5.0g JP 2020-01-28

    Ripley's Believe It or Not! (Stern, 2004) VP8 v5.0g JP by jpsalas IPD No. 4917 Based on the pinball by Stern from 2004. VPM Rom sounds by Destruk and sound script by Steve. Parts of the script also by Destruk. Revision History: Rules:
  49. kristian

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Ready...Aim...Fire! (Gottlieb, 1983) VP8 v2.2

    Ready...Aim...Fire! (Gottlieb, 1983) VP8 v2.2 Kristian, TAB, Destruk IPD No. 1924
  50. D

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Time Fantasy (Williams, 1983) VP8 v1.2 Update 2020-01-28

    Time Fantasy (Williams, 1983) VP8 v1.2 Update by DesAngel, Apocalypse, Gottlieb IPD No. 2563 Revision History: Instruction Card:
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