VP8 Tutorial Analogue Nudging Demo


Pinball Wizard
Mar 6, 2006
Reaction score
Hi guys

I've just written a simple bit of code for analogue nudging, and I've uploaded it as a demo. Here's my readme on it:

I've always found that the nudging in VP lacks a certain amount of subtlety, so I've written some code that hopefully improves this a bit, by making the nudging a little more analogue.

Using a timer, the script measures the fraction of a second between the key up and key down of a nudge press, and uses this to determine how hard to nudge the ball. Now, if you tap the key very lightly, it will nudge the table slightly, whereas if you bang the key down, the extra few tenths of a second this takes up will mean you bang the table slightly harder.

I've also set up a system that means that if you press combine left nudge or right nudge with the central nudge, you will get a diagonal nudge.

Feel free to use it wherever you wish, just give me a credit, thanks


You may find you want to play about with the timer settings, and also the power limit, to get it right. Just leave a post here or PM me if you arent sure how to do this.
Approved, and thanks Highrise. I'll give it a look see. I really like my enhanced nudging system, so it'll have to be nifty indeed for me to switch. Sometimes the best you can ask for is a maybe.
This is good for those without a uShock controller. I prefer the controller if I had to nudge though - you hit the side of it and vp reacts with the same force you imparted to it.
Good for those without a uShock controller? This is very very good indeed.
I tried to google the Ushock and I couldn't find anything about it - any pointers? One thing about this way of nudging is that there is a tiny, but noticeable delay when you hit the table hard. However, you can adjust the timing so it reacts a bit quicker, but obviously that reduces the variation in power - it currently has 60 different settings.
Ultracade is going to be selling it. Not sure how much.
Have you tried reversing it to where a fast hit was a hard hit and a slow hit was a soft hit? That would be more like real life.
You're welcome to change to code to try this out yourself, though I'm not sure if this really would be like real life. In this demo, it's a really short flick that produces a soft touch, and bang the key down that makes a big one.

Incidentally, the time limit controls the maximum bump power. One thing that can be done with this then is to allow you to set reaching maximum bump power to trigger a tilt. So you can have as many small or medium bumps as you like, but just one big bash will tilt the machine - much more like a real table.
That really does sound cool. Have to find some time to check it out and se how it'd work wit my tables. You sure are the Gadget Man Highrise.

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