are ther any demo tables for VP9 yet?


Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
Favorite Pinball Machine
there is the 'chris skeleton' table for vp8 that has basic scoring and bonus scoring lights built into it. I was wondering if anyone has made one for vp9 yet? I can 't seem to find any. It would be a help as I want to start to build pins in VP9 but without this pin he built I can never figure out the scoring on my own. so I am stuck with building in VP8 as his skeleton is the one I use for all my wips'. can I just copy the script and paste it into a vp9 pin table? would that work?
Load VP9.... Load Chris's skeleton table..... Save.... You now have a VP9 table....
nah that didn't work I tried it before I asked here. the lights don 't operate and are all screwed up! the decals don't show up the attract mode does not work. I dont know enough about the coding to know why it doesn't work but it just doesn't
I don't know why you want to use VP9 anyway.... You have to adjust stuff. No offense to Chris's skeleton table, but it's NOT the table for you to use, it's too complex and so is the shivaEngine. Get something more simple and stick to VP8 for now.
it's the only one I can find that has built-in scoring! i know it's a difficult tableto use, but it's the only one I can find. .com had many but the org has none,that's the only one I'd saved that has the built-in lightson the table and bonus scoring already in place. If you can point me to another one that I should use then please do!
it's the only one I can find. .com had many but the org has none....

First of all..... Saying .COM is really, really stupid. It's name was VPForums, you can call it the old VPF or anything with VPF in it, but not .COM, calling the new VPForums the .ORG is even dumber.

Now, the old VPF had NO templates or demos or whatever, they only had VPM tables and a few essential files to run VPM tables.

I have already told you about Bendigo's templates, then there's one by Anthias, one by Rockinghorse and so on......

Look here and at Pinball Originals to start with......

You just need to use a bonus countdown demo and then you can add it to any table.

I know you have problems doing this stuff, but the only way to learn it is to keep trying to do it.

On the other hand..... You could just use the skeleton table forever.
well it's easier for my brain to call it the org (like the Borg) but fine, on here I'll name it ok? it's just cause I have both saved to favorites and to avoid confusion one is vpf and the other is org but to avoid any retaliation here from now on it's old vpf and ok I had bendigos somewhere but will re-d/load those again. and I'll look for those others, too. Thanks btw for your patience...

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